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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10300566 No.10300566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

JP is changing
JP is getting worse
Is there nothing that can be done about it?

>> No.10300572

I suggest kanji captcha

>> No.10300576

Suicide is your only escape.

>> No.10300581

What/who is JP?

>> No.10300584

Its an image board

>> No.10300589


>> No.10300592

wtf there must be creepy guys eww!

>> No.10300596

I thought the daily metashit had finally stopped.

>> No.10300599

I wonder if that place is haunted?

>> No.10300602
File: 778 KB, 714x1000, 097ae004eebaa1b98fc72c9d4128e026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy dilapidated landscapes.

>> No.10300617

I like the idea, but I think ひらがな and カタカナ would be better suited.

>> No.10300619

It is like the aging vagina of a little girl, slowly being taken over by vines and growth.

>> No.10300652

If you used a kana captcha you would have to make them expire fairly quickly so that people would not have time to look them up.

>> No.10300652,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well I guess I found out why I got hit with a ban.

[18:24] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> http://i49.tinypic.com/iblxu1.jpg My ban expired December 28. I waited out the full duration of my ban before posting. And then, when I did post, I was muted and hit with a ban. My previous ban did not formally expire because my DHCP lease expired beforehand, resulting in a changed IP address, preventing me from viewing the expiry notice page, and subsequently preventing whatever flags from being marked in the database.
[18:24] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> My current IP address is ██.███.███.███
[18:24] <dongfix> you are tokiko bye
[18:24] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> no I am not
[18:24] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> jesus fuck we're different people living in different parts of the US
[18:26] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> is that really what this is all about? you guys think I am Robert "Tokiko" Brown? He lives in Oregon. I live in ████████.
[19:32] <namelessbookreadingyoukai> http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S10267552#p10267670 this little shithead is tokiko. not me.

Mods won't listen to reason.

And as I've stated before, posting on /jp/ was a temporal-perception coping mechanism, but that's being deprived from me and the world around me feels like it's falling apart.

I don't believe in suicide but I'll be damned if it isn't starting to look like a solution.

>> No.10300664

Would 20 seconds be good?

>> No.10300663

What do moon runes have to do with the shit posting culture board?

>> No.10300664,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you just start posting with another tripcode, or is your ego that big of a deal to you.

>> No.10300673

It is the cure from disgusting gaijin normalfag scum.

>> No.10300677

I liked the board better when you could post more or less anything as long as it was weeaboo shit. if no one cared to respond then it would just 404 naturally.

now the mod and the janitors delete everything that doesn't fit their arbitrary definition of "otaku culture" as soon as it's posted. at least they're kind enough to leave my neet threads alone.

>> No.10300677,1 [INTERNAL] 

They'll just track me down and start banning that one too.

>> No.10300677,2 [INTERNAL] 

I was one of the people having a conversation with you in that thread, and with the other guy, at least I think so.

>> No.10300677,3 [INTERNAL] 

Just come up with something completely new, we get new tripfags all the time.

>> No.10300693

>at least they're kind enough to leave my neet threads alone.
You are the proplemo.

>> No.10300702

found a new /jp/

>> No.10300702,1 [INTERNAL] 

You chose to take on a pseudonym, persona and avatar knowing full well they matched those of a persistent troll. You deserve your ban. kthxbai

>> No.10300716

I'd rather not have anymore weeaboos come here, we already have quite a few like Sean and milk, truly terrible people.

>> No.10300720

Trevor is going to safe /jp/ by trying to destroy it: #Trevor2013

>> No.10300724

That was supposed to be save*, fug

>> No.10300725

Cool email me the URL don't say it in the thread.

>> No.10300730

/jp/ turned to shit sometime after the japan earthquake last year where an influx of ultra weeaboos came around and with them a new janitor that allowed shit like roleplaying and discussion of things unrelated to Touhou and Visual Novels (barring the contained idol threads, which are now uncontained).

All the helpful people such as Meiling and RemiJam left too, and I can't blame them.

>> No.10300745

Support Trevor, down with the jewnitor

>> No.10300741



>> No.10300744



>> No.10300750

Why don't you like NEET threads?

Give me an answer. I promise I won't get defensive and start vomiting the usual "we've been having them for 5 years, that makes it okay" responses. I just want to know what's the problem with them

>> No.10300757


>> No.10300763

Probably. I'd go for 15 though just to be safe.

>> No.10300769

Haven't seen him lately

>> No.10300773

Only shit posters complain about the janitor. /jp/ is one of the least fascist boards.

>> No.10300777

This is what pawns of the janitor actually believe.

>> No.10300783

thumps up if ken sama brought me here

>> No.10300783,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's a bit harsh.

>> No.10300795

The current janitor is horrible. He's never around.

>> No.10300806

Judging by s/he throws bitchfits like a teenage girl, I don't doubt it

>> No.10300800

Plus its probably milk, which is even worse

>> No.10300805

I just wouldn't let any posts with a blank email field go through.

>> No.10300809

Were you not up last week when he told everyone in that textless shitpost parsee/youmu thread that he pretended to be some random anon standing up for the janitor until a few people called out and he revealed himself and started deleting all of the replies.

>> No.10300811

Stop posting or make better threads.
/jp/ isn't as good as the good old times because all the people creative enough to make good threads left and only we lazy piece of shits are here

>> No.10300811,1 [INTERNAL] 

God you're such a fucking faggot.

>> No.10300813

post number?

>> No.10300822

We didn't have a janitor the entire time she was streaming during that pre-apocalypse thing on Dec 21. One milk thread was deleted though, and then a massive wave of deletions once that stream ended.

>> No.10300822,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do you want to unload more insults on me? Go on; be part of the multitude who needlessly despises me.

>> No.10300839

People could just put "age" or "noko" or something in email.

>> No.10300842


Just read the whole thread

>> No.10300848

So that's why that thread was deleted.
I remember some talk about the janitor, but I was too busy admiring Parsee.

>> No.10300848,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have been causing trouble here on /ghost/ and it pissed off the janitor. Apparently everyone who pisses off the janitor is Tokiko. So now you are banned from 4chan.

>> No.10300858

It got made again and thats when it started.

>> No.10300858,1 [INTERNAL] 

All you have to do is take on a brand new identity that isn't linked to your old one in anyway. But you're not going to do that because you're a complete fucking faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.10300879

You get your priorities straight, I like that

>> No.10300879,1 [INTERNAL] 

but I just know I'm going to fuck up somewhere in some way. I'll end up posting some high-resolution image from some pixiv artist with some specific filename that I posted some time several months ago and then internet detective who is wanting to start trouble will out me and then I'll get nailed with a ban.
I've been witnessing stuff like this happening for a while, and it's really stepping up as of late.

>> No.10300955
File: 30 KB, 465x245, 1335181426584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my feel when reading the onatech thread

>> No.10300955,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah because no one wants you people around, especially if you're to stupid to just start a new image collection.

>> No.10300998

Don't we have multiple janitors now? The one on last night was a god.

>> No.10300998,1 [INTERNAL] 

that's a tall order though.
a new image collection? my current collection is like 20 GB. I can't just "start over".

>> No.10300998,2 [INTERNAL] 

No it really isn't, just start saving images from now on into a different folder and use those under your new tripcode. I've lost my 4chan folder countless times over the past nine years, I'm sure you'll deal if you still want to flaunt your ego on /jp/.

>> No.10301031

I wish someone would host a /jp/ clone where nothing other than spam gets deleted.

It's a board with like 100 active users. Every one you ban, and every thread you delete, is eliminating a considerable chunk of the userbase. There is no great need for real estate on the front page.

>> No.10301031,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's called bun, you can go there right now elitist scum.

>> No.10301041

/jp/ is completely unbrowsable during the day. I just ignore the computer nowadays, it's pretty sad.

>> No.10301043

Go away Sean

>> No.10301050

Did You Know: Janitor-san, aka 'VNTS-san', has and regularly uses a tumblr account, where she blogs about Doctor Who.

>> No.10301064

What makes you think VNTS is a janitor? Not calling you out, just asking.

>> No.10301063

jp is one of the most popular boards according to a picture i once saw. its right behind all the really big ones

>> No.10301064,1 [INTERNAL] 

all JEW of you?

>> No.10301090

No, stop resisting change and embrace it.

>> No.10301092

Which boards are included in the "really big ones" category? /a/ /b/ /v/ /sp/ are a given, but does it also includes shit like /mu/ , /r9k/ and so on?

>> No.10301101

Who the fuck is Sean? Is this sean/trevor thing some kind of hilarious zany meme?

>> No.10301113


I was friends with VNTS-san. She is the janitor. There's one. The two new ones are being trained.

>> No.10301114

Trevor is that dude who spams those niggy/cockit >feelio when shat mesell threads

Sean is probably some other shitposter but I've never paid enough attention to it

>> No.10301122

No, it's me.
I'm the janitor.
It must be true because I just said so

>> No.10301125


What's this fucking stupid /soc/ level of drama?

You should not be calling each other by names on an anonymous message board. Eat a dick. You are not a real /jp/sie.

>> No.10301128

And what about the mod?

>> No.10301130

Calm down spergmaster, you asked something and I gave you an answer.

>> No.10301141


There's no mod who watches over /jp/, like there is for /tg/.

>> No.10301150


You are either impersonating a 4chan staff member or presenting yourself in an official capacity. Either way, great job, kid.

>> No.10301165

lets just say it was the most popular of all the ones you are doubting
and /vg/ is one of the biggest ones

>> No.10301172

I forgot /vg/ exists

>> No.10301185

Proper netiquette for quality posting will help . At least think before you click the submit button.

>> No.10301202

No you see, for many people a good posts means making a post that is as shitty as possible while also getting replies and "pretending" to be retarded.

The era of good tripfags is over, deal with it

>> No.10301206


There were never any. Put your tripcode back on.

>> No.10301216

Go away tokiko

>> No.10301217

No. I believe at least one regular here is a moderator. From his posts, I can tell he's been involved with /jp/ for at least 3 years, and he values anonymity greatly. Most of the time he deletes posts without banning the user, so people think he's just a janitor. He responds to some posts 1 or 2 minutes before he deletes them using a distinctively patronizing tone, so finding his replies in the archives isn't too difficult. When he deletes a thread that doesn't break the rules (sometimes by accident) he restores it 12 hours later long after the discussion has died down just so the crawlers will mark them as non deleted. I also think he's involved with /jp/ radio, because he likes to babysit those threads. Of course, I have no proof of any of this, but you have to agree that whoever is deleting posts is not some random IRC circlejerker, it's someone who's intimately familiar with the board.

>> No.10301223


You have a mental illness. There is no /jp/ janitor.

>> No.10301225

guzzle my nuts

>> No.10301229

>There were never any. Put your tripcode back on.
People mourn for the good old days because according to them we had lots of good tripfags who made creative, fun and silly threads.
But I wouldn't know, I came here 2009 and the only thing that comes to my mind when reading the word "tripfag" is a frontpage full of pig threads

>> No.10301239

/fit/ used to have brilliant tripfags.

even the horrible ones had their place like that thyme guy, because everything he said was instantly a joke.

>> No.10301252

Holy shit you're delusional, tripcode users have always been terrible.

>> No.10301264

Well then, I assume you've been here since 2008 right?
What about the good old days makes you want them to come back?

>> No.10301265


I've been browsing 4chan on and off since 2005 and tripcode users were always annoying attention whores. That's the whole point of a tripcode.

>> No.10301276

7 years on 4chan and eunni is the only tripper that ive found acceptable

>> No.10301282

The only people with trips worth anything were boof, kordox, mugen, and hong.

Boof shows up sometimes, doll threads continue without kordox, hong probably still posts doujins, and mugen is an autistic shitposter & small time onion smuggler whose OC barely made up for the other shit they spewed.

>> No.10301287

/jp/ is actually getting better if you were here in 2010 you would know what kind of hell it was. None stop brain washing, mass take over from a group of kids from steam. raids that no one noticed because of the mass brain washing. /soc/ gay culture. its was fucking hell.

>> No.10301298

There's been a couple of contributing tripfags. Specially the ones that got a code out of /jp/ projects like virus guy.
The ones that use a tripcode for everything (myself included) were never any good, which is a grand majority of them. Goes double for the ones that get a name just for the sake of recognition, whatever the hell that means.

It's actually one of the things I like about current /jp/. No tripfag circles or culture. Even the shitposters are mostly anonymous now. We could be far worse, like /mu/

>> No.10301303

>None stop brain washing
>the mass brain washing
surprise! you have retardation

>> No.10301305

I've been on 4chan since the very beginning and I've just come to terms with how dynamic the community is. I don't particularly care for any period of time in its history, but tripcode users have always been attention whores shitting on threads to pad their own ego.

>> No.10301313

I've been here since 2006 and I've never seen a tripcode user who wasn't an annoying, attention whoring faggot.

>> No.10301314

Did you mean "there is no /jp/ mod"?
If you did, I have to disagree. I don't know if he's supposed to be taking care of a different board and only comes here on his free time or whatever, but I'm really convinced a mod lurks here regularly. I've gotten banned just for disagreeing with people on meta threads way past page 5, that couldn't have been a janitor (I didn't even get the 15 minute block) or some mod passing by.
You should browse ghost more often. I'm gonna have to put together a pastebin with all his comments and a list of restored threads.

>> No.10301321

the pig threads werent 2009, that was the sudo steam raids in 2010- early 2011. 2010 was the worst /jp/ year ever. I thought all was lost. We had complete control in 2009 and a good user base with rules and a system.. then it went all to shit. Nobody truly knows where and how the new userbase came in so quickly , with such frice numbers. LIke why and how did they all find /jp/ so fast? why did they decide to come here out of nowhere? if you were here in 2009, you would understand that we had a small old age elitist userbase, but when 2010 happened its like we were rushed by a huge number of retarded kids that came out of nowhere.

>> No.10301325

So, let's just agree that OP is full of shit and that /jp/ isn't getting worse,it's just changing and getting new users while old ones go.
It's the job of former newfags like me to go forth and maintain the elitist attitude of the oldfags in order to educate the new people so that they may become respectable posters.

Go forth /jp/, go forth and report posts, call out crossboarders and ask "who are you quoting?"

>> No.10301328

That one faggot making a thread about his dick over and over and spurdo sparda posted everywhere.

>> No.10301331

Are we talking 2010 or 2011? Because '11 was far worse in the same ways you're mentioning.

>> No.10301334

>/fit/ used to have brilliant tripfags.

i'm havin meself a grate laff m8

>> No.10301338

Comparing fuzzy memories to the present is pointless. You'll only get blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.10301339

>the pig threads werent 2009
Did I say that?
I only said that I came here 2009 and that I associate tripfags with the shitposterstorms of 2010 and 2011

>> No.10301349

Of course he is, people freak out all the time and go on and on about how the sky is falling, but nothing really changes ever. Just gotta take it easy and enjoy it for what it is I guess.

>> No.10301362

If the new blood is going to keep anything, please let it be the "take it easy" attitude we had from day 1. The whole cargo cult elitism makes me sick since it's been so corrupted over the years that now every thread outside of touhou gets at least a couple posts questioning if it belongs in the board.

Besides, the whole elitist thing kept nobody away. People just saw it and thought this was how the board was supposed to be, a mass of bile and anger lashing out against everything. And they adapted it as their own and now we have constant shitposting.

>> No.10301366

There were actual real gay hook up threads with actual serious gay posters nonstop, not even 2d. it was like a whole other /jp/ universe. And since every body was brain washed it just kept getting worse. It was just like the mass number of shit posters pretended to fit in, like they where always there. the most creepy part is nobody usually said anything about the huge change in the userbase, until some people exploded from just how terrible things went in such a short time. It was mass confusion for the old timers from 2009 who loved there rules and system so much.

>> No.10301371

but do you guys really have to sage my thread so much?

>> No.10301382

>cargo cult

?? what advanced culture are we worshipping

>> No.10301383

Lucky bastard, you skipped our worst time.

>> No.10301375

Huh, I missed this. I started coming here in 2008 not long after the /a/ split and stopped coming in early 2010. Came back in early 2012 and I can definitely see things are different.

>> No.10301377

The lights in my room just went out.
It felt like I was in a nightmare, until I reached over and turned my desk lamp on.
My laptop stayed on, but it turns out the bulbs burn out. Shouldn't have used two 100 watts in the same ceiling light.

>> No.10301380

Even touhou threads sometimes get questioned if they belong on the board

>> No.10301389

Otaku culture

>> No.10301402

you missed fucking hell.
things are fucking 1000x better though , thankfully we recovered.

>> No.10301403

"Take it easy" is such a weird doctrine
If you'd take it literal we would be pretty much /b/ since we'd just let everyone make shitty posts without fighting back.
Elitism belongs to every good community

>> No.10301407

Today I made a thread about doujin game gameplay. It got 10 replies and after that it got ignored. And then I see that thread made by a random crossboarder talking about shitty 4chan battle teams getting more than 20 replies, before being deleted. I don't know, for me, the board gets what it deserves, and if you guys prefer replying to this kind of thread, 仕方ない.

>> No.10301431


>> No.10301432

Lets see your thread

>> No.10301439

If anyone cares some of the differences that I've seen are:

-misogyny is less tolerated
-3D is more tolerated and even defended
-normals are more tolerated and people will insult people who use "normal" as a putdown
-the "no bullying" meme is continually spouted to enable bad posters

If I think of any more I might post them. One thing that hasn't changed, though, is that people still make threads about Japanese culture. You'd think that changing the board name would fix that, but I guess not.

>> No.10301457

"The quality of doujin games varies based on who makes them" - Anonymous, esteemed philosopher

>> No.10301451

Take it easy in its original "I don't bother, you don't bother me" meaning, not in the zun!bar sense which was just a carte blanche to posting whatever they feel like.

There's need for some standards and moderation should take care of it. But we're long past a line of having healthy doses of elitism and outright questioning every single thread we have, and I blame the cargo cult for that. People repeating the actions of the past without understanding the meaning behind them, the details or the context around them.

What really gets me is that these elitist are nowhere to be seen when we have a spurdo thread or niggy/whatever spam of the week. From here it's almost as if they were systematically trying to overturn /jp/ and convert it into 2D/Random against the will of the silent majority.

>> No.10301460

The board is filled with random crossboarders because of winter break + Comiket. It may get better when it's over. Hopefully.

>> No.10301469

Do you make up a new excuse every week?

>> No.10301474

heres another reply to your post that you can write down in your 4chan stats diary that you use to determine your self worth

>> No.10301478

>the "no bullying" meme is continually spouted to enable bad posters
That's true.

>the "no bullying" meme is continually spouted to enable bad posters
That's just ironic shitposting

>3D is more tolerated and even defended
That's just idolfags hanging around here because they have nowhere else to go so we just leave them alone.
Any respectable /jp/sie still loathes the idea of being with a 3D

>misogyny is less tolerated
Well, misogony is like saying "Waaah why won't women love me"
Any respectable /jp/sie simply disregards women alltogether
But I barely see it discussed here anymore anyways

>> No.10301483

you forgot the /jp/ rules that everyone followed in 2009 and how a /jp/ poster should act, which was more mature elite. you can find most of the older /jp/ users in the japanese vn threads.

>> No.10301488

And this shit as well. As if every single one that came from the split wasn't frequenting another board at the time.
Although I'm told I should be more realistic about this, can't expect every single poster to have been here prior to 2008.

But really, if /jp/ is your only board then you need to rethink things. Some topics go in other boards and nobody is forcing you to stay here. As long as you're able to keep the mannerisms and culture of each board separate there shouldn't be any problem frequenting other boards.

>> No.10301499

I don't like them. They look down on me because I can't learn japanese and by the time I finally finish a VN from the english patch, nobody is interested in it anymore.

>> No.10301517

That how /jp/ use to be, we were mean very serious people who would make every other board in 4chan stay away from us. We use to be hated a lot, times have changed though..

>> No.10301524

testing, is this spam?

>> No.10301540

Yes, because you didn't sage.

>> No.10301548

One of the worst things I've noticed is people who are clearly not from /jp/, but act if they are /jp/ regulars. By that I mean that they will say what /jp/ is like or say, "This shouldn't be on /jp/," etc. when they are clearly wrong. And if you point it out to them they will get very offended about it. Those are some of the worst types of posters we have now.

>> No.10301554

By offended I mean, that if you say something like, "You're wrong, get out," they will respond with something like "I have a right to be here too," or "You can't tell me what to do this is a public website," or some shit like that. It really makes me mad.

>> No.10301555

Am I from /jaypoo/?

>> No.10301565

You completely misunderstood my post, but OK!

>> No.10301571

Does anyone remember why or when all these "Hi I'm Japanese ask me questions" threads began to pop up? I think they became more frequent starting last year or this year, in the earlier days, real Japanese posters usually refrained from attention whoring and just lurked or chimed in once in a while during Japanese language threads. Did somebody link us on VIP or something? I really don't like these new Japanese people and the people that start similar threads pretending to be these people.

>> No.10301588

You sound like the obnoxious one in this scenario.

>> No.10301595

everything went to shit after comiket 78

>> No.10301591

One thing will never change:
/jp/ likes nothing more than talking about /jp/
Metathreads are the threads with the most posts in the lowest amount of time and when /q/ was launched we had like 10 threads for /jp/ while others only had 1 or 2

>> No.10301592

Sometimes it's okay, like the Comiket staff member that answered questions a few weeks ago. But anyway if they're just here to say they're Japanese, that shit should go into /int/.

>> No.10301601

You sound like just the type of person I was referring to. Hit too close to home?

>> No.10301606

I don't mind the comiket staff member, he was on topic and enlightening. I mean to refer to those HEY I'M JAPANESE PAY ATTENTION TO ME retards that come here and the people that give them attention.

>> No.10301619

Thats because /jp/ has a small user base (or use too) with a huge history and culture. even though we aren't as old as the other boards since we were small and were like a family , a lot things of people and things happened. We use to have a whole family of tripusers, who we respected or liked. now though things are becoming more like the other boards, more diluted and less like a small group of people, but like a board where tons of crossboarders come too.

>> No.10301625

I've seen more /pol/ crap I guess, but that's a sitewide phenomenon too.

>> No.10301639

>that's a sitewide phenomenon too.
Of course you'd know, crosboarding JIDF.

>> No.10301655

If only Trevor was here ;_;

>> No.10301645

They weren't respected or liked, they just had a few shitty followers that circlejerked with them.

>> No.10301646

No, I have no problem with it. I think you're the one who should rethink how you act~

>> No.10301657

Breaking news: many people have multiple hobbies.

>> No.10301665


not the point. the quality of posts on the other boards is ridiculously terrible. full of reaction image spam, greentext, etc

>> No.10301671

Why don't we have more meta threads in /q/ by the way? I feel antsy keeping things here since it will all be deleted in a short while.
I like the idea of having a good place to satisfy that itch for introspection, but after those first 10 threads there's been nothing there worthwhile, just shitposter complaining or outright trolling.

>> No.10301676

That would be the minority of posts unless you're browsing some board like /sp/.

>> No.10301683

People are afraid of going to /q/ and many had the feeling that all the decisions made thanks to /q/ were made behind their backs

>> No.10301684


all of the popular boards are like that. generally that is what is referred to by 'crossboarder' i feel.

>> No.10301696

Stop posting

>> No.10301707

Not him, but I honestly don't care if you coss board. My only issue is bringing the other board to /jp/.

If you go on /a/, fine. Just don't bring /a/ memes and behavior into /jp/.

>> No.10301721

they were part of the family though and made /jp/ feel different. White ren,boof,uncle mugen,arc,zunbar,suigin (before war, before he wet nuts) etc,etc really made /jp/ fun and feel like a home. its really different now..

>> No.10301724

I only started lurking /jp/ in mid 2011 so sometimes I feel like I have missed /jp/'s better days.

I do not frequent any other boards so I consider /jp/ my home even if I haven't been here as long as most.

>> No.10301725

I'd say the definition of crossposting isn't actually browsing multiple boards but the behaviour you explained.
"crossboarders leave this board" is kinda just like a meme someone posts when someone posts something they don't like

>> No.10301726


>> No.10301729

Kill yourself out of /jp/ Sean

>> No.10301737

2011 was shit, but not as bad and hellish as 2010.

>> No.10301738

I personally never paid attention to trip and name users to be honest. I just read the post.
I don't know, it seems like some people are taking it literally.
I'm sorry

>> No.10301742

oh i mean zunbar with the war stuff.

>> No.10301756

>I don't know, it seems like some people are taking it literally.
That's something that happens with every meme or phrase.
Eventually people take it serious.
Like that whole waifu movement.
Any community that gets its laughs.....and so on

>> No.10301757

Yeah, that one was bad

>> No.10301748

Who are you quoting.png was pretty terrible. Got around to using filters just because of it.

>> No.10301759

But really i just cant believe at how low of trip users we have now, it just shows how many posters we have now.. /m/ is more like old /jp/ now. thankfully /m/ wont ever change. its the most forgotten board.

>> No.10301775
File: 88 KB, 600x797, whoareyouquoting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10301796

The only I saw really pushing that were the shitposters. It's not like /q/ had a different userbase, it was hours old when the threads started after all.

>> No.10301801
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah guys who saw this coming /jp/ sure went down the shitter. It's not like this isn't one of the oldest super cool memes on the board.

>> No.10301809

Would it really matter if /jp/ went back to how it was before? Do people think that there really was that much of a difference, and can't accept that things are going to change no matter what they do about it?

>> No.10301805

I think it's partially due to how /a/ pretends to hate /jp/, but a considerable number of them tend to actually idolize /jp/ as some kind of more hardcore version of /a/. Our topics overlap too much, whereas boards like /m/ and /tg/ have a narrower range of topics that enable them to keep undesirables away.

>> No.10301806

you told those mean /jp/ers :)

>> No.10301813

I still don't see how 2010 was somehow worse than 2011. We had active moderation then and KoG sent me raids were dealt with quickly.
But I really don't remember much from those times, so I would like a clarification on how gloryhole central was better

>> No.10301819
File: 23 KB, 263x283, horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301820

/jp/ complained about /jp/ back in the really early days too. I think it's true that /jp/ has seen a considerable change in the userbase how lax it is with meme usage that originated from outside of /jp/.

>> No.10301822

>its the most forgotten board.
Not anymore it's not.

Now there will be hundreds of faggot infux thanks to your post.

>> No.10301832

I remember how people tried to exorcise correct spelling and grammar. Now, no one even seems to care about that anymore.

>> No.10301841


they must have exorcised it properly then

>> No.10301843

I can accept change over the years, but all I want is the shitposting to leave. We used to be a board with issues, but at least we didn't have pls respond no bullying fugg you're mother xDD back then. It's honestly the only thing I do want back, being able to have a thread ignored or with low replies, not hijacked by a gaggle of teens.

>> No.10301844

I'm sorry, but I laughed.

But yes, I generally agree.

>> No.10301846

most people wouldn't like /m/, you have to have good taste to like a lot of the anime that we like. And be older then 20 and be able to watch a show without random loli harems.

>> No.10301849

Sorry, im drunk at the moment

>> No.10301855

sick xP

>> No.10301856
File: 36 KB, 225x221, 1295504219195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301857


I'm sorry but there's no such thing as having good taste in anime.

>> No.10301863

Well we just don't live in a society where no one goes unanswered if they have even the most worthless of comments.

>> No.10301871

I haven't seen much please respond lately to be fair. I do agree that the "ironic childish insults" trend is still popular and annoying though.

>> No.10301878

1980s anime was actually good and had japanese scholars for writers and artists.

>> No.10301880

If it's not possible to get rid of the shitposts, my next best wish would be for people to stop misusing the word "ironic." It just bugs the hell out of me.

>> No.10301890


Scholars don't temd tp make good art.

>> No.10301895

Sober up, we'll talk in the morning

>> No.10301899


tend to*

>> No.10301901

most of them where from other degrees, like doctors and teachers. It not like they knew they were gonna do anime like today in japan.

>> No.10301901,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't believe in suicide but I'll be damned if it isn't starting to look like a solution.
Look at this whiny little bitch.

>> No.10301901,2 [INTERNAL] 

now what

>> No.10301901,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm looking at him. Don't understand what this'll do to him though

>> No.10301901,4 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe I missed another opportunity to shit around in a two hundred post metathread.

>> No.10301901,5 [INTERNAL] 

namelessbookreadingyoukai isn't tokiko but he's also a persistent retard so his ban isn't really any sort of loss to us

>> No.10301901,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10301901,7 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how dumb you have to be to believe that. Just look at that thread. The first supposed janitor post was left alone. With the amount of NSJ haters, it'd only take a minute for the guy to be fired and publicly banned, had it been a real janitor. All that ensued was the deletion of an unrelated meta derail, with some anon claiming to be a janitor for laughs.

>> No.10301901,8 [INTERNAL] 

It makes me glad in my heart that tokiko was banned. Dongfix keeping /soc/-esque drama out of jaypee. Truly a saint.

>> No.10301901,9 [INTERNAL] 

That was me. I was muted and banned later that day for a rule twelve violation.

>> No.10301901,10 [INTERNAL] 

Some people here have completely misunderstood what I was trying to say with my post. I don't care about how many replies does my thread have, since that doesn't reflect the quality of the thread, but I'm sure that it had a lot of space for discussion, unlike some other threads such as anal masturbation.

>> No.10301901,11 [INTERNAL] 

You're such a faggot, kill yourself shitlord.

>> No.10301901,12 [INTERNAL] 

Pls.... no.... bully

>> No.10301901,13 [INTERNAL] 

Knock it off with that stupid shit subhuman.

>> No.10301901,14 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10301901,15 [INTERNAL] 

Give me some concrete reasons and I'll think about it.

>> No.10301901,16 [INTERNAL] 

Sup janitor

>> No.10301901,17 [INTERNAL] 

That is good old days-kun aka milf autist

>> No.10301901,18 [INTERNAL] 

You're a mentally challenged subhuman going on about quality on /jp/.

>> No.10301901,19 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't believe in suicide but I'll be damned if it isn't starting to look like a solution.

>> No.10301901,20 [INTERNAL] 

LOL e/b/in spürdo

>> No.10301901,21 [INTERNAL] 

These are direct attacks to my person, no arguments The second part, though, about quality, I'm just saying that if people on /jp/ like these off-topic threads, and they prefer to leave on-topic threads alone, then you guys have the board you deserve.

>> No.10301901,22 [INTERNAL] 

Of course they're attacks on your person, I want you to kill yourself out of /jp/ you dumbass mother fucker.

>> No.10301901,23 [INTERNAL] 

God damn you really are a brain dead piece of shit.

>> No.10301901,24 [INTERNAL] 

But I have no reason to do that. Just by being born I'm already taking more than I'm giving.
If you can't expound further, I fail to see through your reasoning.

>> No.10301901,25 [INTERNAL] 

eagerly awaiting that pastebin detective-san
