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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10276179 No.10276179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I learned something today: the foolz servers are named after Touhou characters

>> No.10276201

I always planned on naming my different hard drives and servers after Touhous.

I ended up naming most of them after ancient incan and mayan gods though. Because I wanted a drive called "Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli."
I name my flashdrives after Touhous though. I have an Okuu drive and a Byakuren drive.

>> No.10276227

Do you have a Desire Drive?

>> No.10276246

I'll bet ten autismbux Woxxy has never 1CC'd a Touhou game in his life.

I know he's played them because he posted about playing them in CrossOver once, but I have a hunch that was more just, "Lol let's check out the games this 'Touhou' is based on," rather than actually wanting to play a good STG series.

>> No.10276250

I name my storage devices after astronomical objects, like VV Cephei, or VY Canis Majoris

Obviously, the bigger HDD is called NML Cygni.

>> No.10276307


>> No.10276323

Someone explain me all this archive shit.
All I know is that people hate foolz because it also archive /a/, but isn't foolz and warosu the same shit after all?

>> No.10276332

Foolz is shit because the people running it embrace web 2.0 garbage.

>> No.10276340

I named my homeserver after a Touhou.

>> No.10276345
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EU server is superior.

>> No.10276344

I call my servers and drives Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, &c.
Aren't I original.

>> No.10276351


>> No.10276367

I only have one named HDD. Its name is Akyuu

>> No.10276393

My partitions are named sda1 sda2 and sda3. Names are for people.

>> No.10276392

Speaking of naming servers after weeaboo shit, did you guys know one of the first anonymous BBSes was created by weeaboos?

>03-Mar-96 ANONBBS
> Ted and Stephen got together very late one night and decided to start a
> short lived project they called 'ANONBBS'. ANONBBS was just as it sounds,
> it ran on an i386sx25 toshiba laptop with 60mb of storage and 10mb of RAM
> under Digital Research DOS 5.0 .. The entire BBS was written in TELIX SALT
> with an extremely functional, but minimalistic interface that Ted and
> Stephen literally hashed out over tacos and nachos at 3am in a Taco Cabana.
> The asethetic proved extremely useful and the system became busy. Users
> would type up messages on their machines and then upload them to the
> 'C:\BBOARD>' directory. Files were stored in 'C:\XFER>' .. some users
> signed their handles on messages while others just remained anonymous.
> It was an experiment to see what people would do in an environment where
> they had completely anonyomity and control.

SDF stands for "Super Dimension Fortress" (it was originally an anime Special Interest Group) and it's likely this ran through their "Minmei" server.

So all you faggots saying Ayashii World was the first anonymous Japan-centric board or whatever, you're wrong. Wapanese > Japanese.

>> No.10276393,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh come on.

What the fuck, janitor.

>> No.10276393,2 [INTERNAL] 

Servers are not /jp/ related, even if you named them after Touhous.

I named my car Reimu, can I make a car thread? No.

This is common sense, but I wouldn't expect shitposters to understand.

>> No.10276393,3 [INTERNAL] 

FoOlz going down is a /jp/-related topic, fag.

/tg/ would never delete a sup/tg/ thread if it was about maintenance on the sup/tg/ servers. That would be ridiculous.

>> No.10276393,4 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is the official /jp/ archive. Use of the Foolz archive is heavily discouraged.

>> No.10276393,5 [INTERNAL] 

I would rather the mainstream masses of /jp/ go to FoOlz while Warosu remains a niche for the elite.
Please don't say things like "Warosu is the official /jp/ archive."

>> No.10276393,6 [INTERNAL] 

gobble my elite cock, fagboy

>> No.10276393,7 [INTERNAL] 

There's already a foolz is down shit thread you fucking homo.

And foolz is only /jp/ related because /jp/ likes to take a shit on Woxxy's chest.
