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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10256001 No.10256001 [Reply] [Original]

What is your most Otaku moment

>> No.10256026

It isn't a matter of who's normal and who's not, it's a matter of who's a bandwagoner and who's not. The difference between bandwagoner and non-bandwagoner is equivalent to the difference between human and non-human.

>> No.10256030
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buying the 500 dollar Machine Itasha S. H. Figuart

worth it

>> No.10256034

Is this show genuinely funny or is it just a Japanese equivalent to Big Bang Theory with 2ch memes?

>> No.10256047
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eating 5 hamburgers in a row

>> No.10256052 [DELETED] 

posting on /jp/ with my otacool bros :)

>> No.10256053
File: 584 KB, 1280x2152, tumblr_mezla5VEbs1r0qp2ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so... though don't know what 2 chan is

>Three individuals (a Super Sentai otaku, a cosplay otaku, and a closet anime otaku) are chosen by a beautiful scientist to become the "Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger" and "protect Akihabara" from a powerful group villains that exist in their delusions. However, the fight eventually gets literally real when the villains begin to materialize in the real world.

it is filled with Super Sentai references so you may be a little lost if you are new to it... heck it even has a Power Rangers reference (one scene had DekaRed's actor appear and mention Power Rangers SPD, he was voicing SPD red at the time)

tis only 12 episodes (13 including the extra episode)

>> No.10256061

>though don't know what 2 chan is

anon pls

>> No.10256077

shut up weeb, not everyone is a virgin like you

>> No.10256081

all I know is that it is a place where most japanese rumors for tv shows seem to start... though I'm going to go out on an ledge and guess its Japanese 4chan

>> No.10256084

Go fuck yourself, dude.

>> No.10256092

2ch is like 4-ch in that it's text only, and Futaba (2chan) is like 4chan in that it's mostly images. In Japan, 2ch is dominant.

>> No.10256090
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, [Over-Time] Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger - 02 [4B0EC4A2].mkv_snapshot_14.44_[2012.09.10_18.02.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok

>> No.10256123


>> No.10256137

does buying japanese candy count?

>> No.10256232

please, I got the SH Figuart Akibas and the Moe magnum and the Machine Itasha in the same setting

now that's otaku

>> No.10256266

My most otaku moment was when I found out that there was a manga store right by my house
Then i found out that they were closed on Mondays
so i cried
that was yesterday

>> No.10256393
File: 128 KB, 525x386, Typical Nico Th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going on those NicoNico threads.

>> No.10256400

Kill yourself.

>> No.10256407
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Spending $2000 on Asuka figurines which spiraled me into inescapable debt.

>> No.10256419

Being the guy in OP's picture.

>> No.10256424


I have $7,000, I could help you escape your debt.

But you have to become my girlfriend.

>> No.10256439


Sure. I'd better learn to learn how to shave my legs. I'll practice my "kya~" and my "nakadashi~"

>> No.10256460

It's genuinely a good show; not what you're thinking it is

>> No.10256469
File: 70 KB, 600x556, 1356204827114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In real life I once defended my love for a 2D waifu of Yuugi similar to this image

>> No.10256479

When your entire life is one otaku moment after another, its hard to keep track

I think these kind of throwaway threads are the best thing about /jp/

>> No.10256485
File: 76 KB, 917x528, 68936_10152357969125594_1296852872_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending enough time and money to win all of this out of UFO catchers.

>> No.10256529 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 351x311, 1339881776809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stumble into /jp/
>everyone posting lewd 2d pictures
>realize they fap to 2d pictures
>boast about being into 3d
>get ridiculed
>decide to try 2d
>stumble into loli for first time
>le steve carell face
>never look back to 3d since
My most Otaku moment must have been the first day I came from loli. Thank you.

>> No.10256534

Jesus Christ newfag scum get out.

>> No.10256547

fuck off retard

>> No.10256587


Thanks to you this thread is shit now.

>> No.10256593

i think thats sort of understandable
normals do this a lot
like when they like something that theyd go a 1000 miles for it
its almost the exact same thing
we see something we like
we spend every dollar bill on our wallet to get it

>> No.10256613

>boast how /jp/ is superior to /a/.

oh man this place is gay

>what is le 2ch.

>> No.10256631
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>> No.10256710

going to a comicon/otakon

>> No.10256736



>> No.10256747


>> No.10257421
File: 246 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mdngwmULMW1ruzko0o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Japan a couple of months ago...

did image related

manly as fuck

>> No.10259740


Do you happen to have a link to this stream? She's cute and has a nice cleavage.

>> No.10259754

Girlfriend leaving me because I pay more attention to my animus.

>> No.10261138


It's good, better than any anime in a number of years. They tread ground that your average '2ch meme' series fears to tread.

The whole series is them defeating sutema, which is cool because most of the series that try to use 2ch memes are the guilty sutema parties themselves. It's pretty much a message about akihabara's bastardization in the past few years

>> No.10261956
File: 135 KB, 767x512, 1355015965245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I NicoNico? I want to watch young Japanese women doing lewd things live too ya' know.

>> No.10262010


fuck that

if she makes you choose between your hobbies and her then she's not the right person

>> No.10264847

Where is that picture from?

>> No.10264866

i went to a convention at my city xD

>> No.10266571

spent $1000 on onaholes

>> No.10266652

I once lost focus and released 80% of my autism in a city bus.

There were no survivors

>> No.10266668

So you're dead?

>> No.10266675

You think anyone here is truly alive? If you haven't had sex by 18 you're pretty much a goner as far as the world is concerned, much less not having a job or friends.

>> No.10271035

I took a crap quality cell phone picture of a Suiseiseki cosplayer on a shit tier convention at the 3rd world.

Never again, none of it.

>> No.10271684

I once read Gon on the train.

>> No.10275518

I imported a Japanese 3DS for twice the retail price in the U.S and I import all of my 3DS games at 2-4x the retail price.

>> No.10276166

>What is your most Otaku moment
I posted in /jp/ once.

>> No.10276892

Aw man, I read it as Akibabanger at first.

>> No.10277397

I once ran away from a pretty girl that was teasing me with her tits so that I could preserve my wizard status and save myself for misa

>> No.10282027

I once posted my picture on /jp/, like a retard, necause sevral /jp/easies told/asked me to do so.

>> No.10282116
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>> No.10282157

>I imported a Japanese 3DS for twice the retail price in the U.S

So this is why Nintendo likes region locking so much. I hope you don't feel too asspained when the console gets hacked.

>> No.10282167

Not otaku, just stupid.

>> No.10282184

That's why there are region codes period. It's all a big game for splitting up the money to the same people. Do you blame them? I don't honestly. It's capitalism. Its really frustraiting though. So many Japanese dvds. so little money.

>> No.10282197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10282203
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>> No.10282221

This type of shit is why I don't feel bad when companies are bitching about piracy.
