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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 206 KB, 838x556, ThGK_Bunbunmaru4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10229048 No.10229048 [Reply] [Original]

On Christmas Eve, Seiga Klaus appears in your room while you are asleep and begins rummaging for valuables. After a brief but disgust-filled search, she realizes you have nothing worth taking, and out of sheer pity, decides to grant you a single wish:

1. A year's worth of your favorite ramen.
2. A figure of your choice. It doesn't have to be on sale anywhere but has to have existed at some point.
3. A meal prepared by your favorite touhou. Unfortunately, you don't get to interact with them in any way.
4. Sex with Amanda Fournier (milk).
5. Your parents die and due to a misprint in their will, you inherit a cabin in the woods of Canada. It has an internet access and enough firewood to last the winter but not much else. If your parents are already dead, you get nothing.
6. Instant death. What comes after (if anything) is a mystery.

You cannot profit from these wishes in any way, they are for your use only.

Choose wisely.

>> No.10229049

4 of course, that's not even a choice

>> No.10229051

Seiga only cares about powerful beings. She has no reasonto be at my home nor to do that.

>> No.10229056


>> No.10229057
File: 113 KB, 669x1000, 1401_920d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring it on

>> No.10229070

Instant death
It's the one that sounds the most undesirable, therefore, it has to be the right choice.

>> No.10229080


why would people pick 4 having sex with another man is gross

>> No.10229081

I don't think Yuuka would be very happy if someone took a plate of her spaghetti while she wasn't looking.

>> No.10229083
File: 132 KB, 850x1200, 1345267708876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10229084

I would make milk a slave to my cock so we could both live off the donations and gifts she's getting from ronery retards.

>> No.10229088
File: 29 KB, 357x480, Nanaya_Shiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6. Instant death. NANAYA

>> No.10229094

It figures a dirty taoist would only offer me shitty wishes.

>> No.10229104 [DELETED] 

#2. This is all I want for Christmas.

>> No.10229107
File: 75 KB, 260x247, 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#2. This is all I want for Christmas.

>> No.10229110


>> No.10229116
File: 26 KB, 443x417, 1352978950552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10229139

6 pls

>> No.10229140

I'm going with 4
I find milk attractive

>> No.10229143

She'll probably dress you up as a pony before letting you fugg her.

>> No.10229144
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 0053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10229145

Either two or four.

>> No.10229158

I choose three, even if I don't get to interact with her, at least she'll be thinking of me.

>> No.10229169

Anyone chosing 4 needs to get out of /jp/

>> No.10229173

I choose 2, get the most expensive fig possible and sell it.

>> No.10229176

>You cannot profit from these wishes in any way, they are for your use only.

>> No.10229183
File: 244 KB, 500x375, Amanda Fournier (milk).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10229185

Subconsciously forgot that part.

>> No.10229188

Why is /jp/ so obsessed with whores like milk?
Why don't you go out and fuck girls which are 10 times more attractive you disgusting wannabenromals?

>> No.10229190

>a cabin in the woods of Canada
but I already have that

>> No.10229194

#4 seems like the only decent option...

>> No.10229195

ctrl-f "3DPD"
No results
Neo-/jp/ truly has arrived.

>> No.10229197

You are on the wrong board

>> No.10229205

lel us br/a/hs rite

>> No.10229208

Kind of sad isn't it?
By this time next year, we'll basically be /r9k/ except with a thin veneer of touhou stretched over it, like the rubber skin on terminators.

>> No.10229225

Where do you think /a/ got it from turbonerds?

>> No.10229226 [DELETED] 

typical /a/tard using overused epic /jp/ meme which is now used by /a/ in full force

>> No.10229229

Gentleman, let's concentrate on the important matter here.

How do we kill people like milk with minimum effort?

>> No.10229231


>> No.10229235

Nice try

>> No.10229257

u go /b/rotha

>> No.10229372

Can I shit post too?

>> No.10230837


Just because I didn't post it, doesn't mean it didn't factor into my choice. I don't hate Milk but I don't have a desire to fuck her.
