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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10227973 No.10227973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10227980


>> No.10227981

Since George Lucas took the whole 2012 thing seriously and even sold his company to Disney, what if he knows something we don't?

>> No.10227987

If the reptilians are behind the disaster then it's obvious that he would know

>> No.10228009

how are the treatments coming, AoC? i hope no hurtful cis scum have said anything means. trans pride world wide!

>> No.10228056

I liked it better when you people tried to paint me as a meme spammer.
Oh well, this too will die out.

>> No.10228062

AoC, how come you haven't written anything in years?

Is it because your tumor-induced depression was the source of your creativity? That would be cool.

>> No.10228070
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Missed the image. That's a shame.

>> No.10228071

wait, they tried to paint YOU as a meme spammer?

>> No.10228093

but you are a meme spammer... i'm just asking about the life of my favorite transgender non-binary biqueer entity.

>> No.10228113
File: 206 KB, 800x1131, 887862021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... and here I thought this might have been a Saya thread.

>> No.10228120
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Too easy. Life unfortunately doesn't follow narrative rules and most of the time there are no answers to long conflict arcs. Character development is not rewarded with a climatic scene and twists are never resolved.

I don't think so, but I sure wonder about it. It's probably related to the lack of confidence instead, it will be solved once I work hard and finish something. Anything. Until then, struggling with blank word processors. And wasting time in a long dead imageboard I guess.

>> No.10228133

You've gone insane AoC? It all makes sense now.

>> No.10228149

Typical /jp/ janitor behavior wwwww

>> No.10228157

Why don't you write about that? A story with no answers. The characters would question things, the questions would be discussed, but there would ultimately be no resolution. Nothing definitive. A true slice of life.

>> No.10228168
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Sorry, I do prefer the overgrowth soft collapse angle. Not that there's much left to discuss about Saya no Uta at this point, the board has pretty much pushed it to /vg/ for some reason.

I'd actually love to see more artistic interpretations of that ending, with things slowly being corrupted and the only solace is reading about what brought it forth. Not for a solution, having long abandoned any hope, but just for answers.
I guess that's more than most dying people get, knowing how and why life as you knew it is being extinguished.

I really liked this VN, too bad most of the ero scenes felt out of place, specially at the start.

Too whiny and pointless, couldn't keep reader interest.

>> No.10228170

You won't anywhere in life, even writing, without self-confidence. You should experience the world instead of trying to extract blood from stones
All the staff I've contacted seem a bit off. This is just my opinion and not meant as an insult in any way.

>> No.10228180

>a long dead imageboard

You're such a pessimist. /jp/ has barely changed. If anything, we have less trolls and drama now. I would easily take "le ironic shitposting xDD" over CurryButt, Anonymous Jones, Sion, Suigin, and the various other spammers and trolls who we've had over the years. We no longer have to deal with pages upon pages of spam, that one guy who always called people sub-humans and derailed every thread, shitty trolls everyone fell for like Femanon of /jp/, and SO RONERY ;__; /a/ nonsense. Now we have fewer gimmicky tripfags than ever and active janitors that do their jobs. /jp/ is in its golden age, and you're probably just blinded by the fact that we haven't made any content like in the good old days (a dozen failed translation projects, a VN and some CYOA threads, big whoop).

If you can't ignore trolls, get the fuck out. This applied four years ago and it applies today.

>> No.10228189

>the board has pretty much pushed it to /vg/ for some reason.

You reap what you sow. You can't have commercial video games on /jp/ but not VN's or LN's. The board wanted rules, so now they have to live with them, for better or worse.

>> No.10228206

>that one guy who always called people sub-humans and derailed every thread
you seem pretty insane, subhuman. i was one of the most prolific posters of subhuman and am wondering why you think it's one guy and they derailed every thread?

>> No.10228216

No, I mean, there was an actual tripfag who did the whole over-the-top insulting thing that everyone does now. "You're all sub-human, I am my own master race. You're all peasants," that sort of thing, Sort of like this Trevor guy, except he would actually take part in discussions and do his gimmick at the same time, and everyone took him way too seriously.

Anyone remember who I'm talking about? Maybe I've gone mad and he never existed.

>> No.10228219

You mean like what Ryouko might have written in her manuscripts at the end?

I certainly agree with the ill placement of the ero scenes though. And unfortunately, it seems to be something too common to VNs. Ah well.

As for reader interest, hmm... I don't know. You could go a long way with characters as far as making them relatable. I think subtlety would be rather important in this case. Perhaps giving the impression that something is there that really isn't and never was or will be. Or something like that.

>> No.10228222

You probably mean holic-chama, but almost all tripscums are childish, self-important pieces of shit that need to get wrecked.

>> No.10228227

you are going insane, unless it was someone within the last 8 months or so. i didn't browse that period so it's possible.

>> No.10228235

were u busy suckin dicks?

>> No.10228237

Oh god, Holic was a faggot.

I might be thinking of Scandoon or whatever his name was.

>> No.10228246
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Sorry, my heart is just not in it for a meta discussion. Some other day perhaps.

Things are better now in the sense that we have constant moderation and we're not losing pages every day, but we're still going through some stagnation. It's difficult to start a new thread outside the comfort zone that doesn't derail into meta, discussing if it belongs or not in the board. Not only that, but now the problem posters tend to go as anonymous rather than the shitposter tripcodes of before. The net effect is that at time the board actually feels like it has devolved into "your mom fugg" but it's just a couple very active anonymous shitposters.

So yeah, many things are better now, but just as many are worse. And at least for me, things are not going to a good place at the moment. They could, given a change in content and attitude, but for now it's difficult to envision a future for the board that isn't the same constant war of attrition with the shitposter factions.

But yeah, I'm probably just pessimistic here.

>> No.10228252

The ending in which Saya was chilling was the best end.

>> No.10228257

i was busy not reading what subhumans say.

>> No.10228257,1 [INTERNAL] 

carefully disguised blogshit and meta thread made by an attention starved dog fucker? *nsj abrovel stemp*
"too mcuh text in here no time to read bcos im busy monitoring al my favourite threads on /soc/ oh well it has cute anime girl picture in orignal post so i guess its related il just leave it here`` - nsj

>> No.10228257,2 [INTERNAL] 

Have a nice cup of tea and a sit down.

>> No.10228274
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Yeah, that was my favorite ending. It was sad and the definite end of humanity as well, but the way it described the last days on a shitty cabin with nothing but vodka and piles of books was very well done.

Not saying that slice of life that goes nowhere can't be done in pure text. Just that it requires far more talent and skills to be performed properly. Too subtle and it feels like you're going through page after page of nothing. Too on the nose and it's a race to the finish.
But yeah, it can be done.

>> No.10228274,1 [INTERNAL] 

have a nice cup of my diarrhea you sheepshagging fukwit

>> No.10228305

Doing your project on /jp/?

>> No.10228328

Ah, I enjoyed Kouji's ending a bit more, but that's mostly because I had a distaste for Fuminori.

It'd be an interesting read, for me at least, ahahahaha. But yes, I see how you would have to work up to that level of writing. Well anyway, hop to it then! Time waits for no one.

Yes, I suppose I should go do the same. Though, to be fair, I -am- working on it (in the background).

>> No.10228330

>it's difficult to envision a future for the board that isn't the same constant war of attrition with the shitposter factions.
It's not the same. Autumn 2012 has been historically good because the ones who have no sense of community are finally getting proper amounts of heat. Childish tantrums and ego stroking are at an all-time low.

>> No.10228378

> It's difficult to start a new thread outside the comfort zone
you are quite literally the person and reason why this has happened to /jp/.

>> No.10228393

All I did was execute the board's wishes, which was a mistake in hindsight. The high elitism was there before me, and it was continued as a mockery of itself well after me, so I claim no responsibility for this.

I like your optimism. Let's hope they can be completely stomped out eventually and people can go back to posting normally without getting nothing but shitty replies.

Yeah, practice and reading more is how you earn the tools. Just sitting around is not going to improve anything.

Did anyone actually like Fuminori? I never found him relateable and he went off into dark side way too easy.

>> No.10228431

An Objectively Good™ thread with a hundred shitty replies and fifty thoughtful replies is better than a shit thread with three hundred completely inane replies.

>> No.10228446

you can find people who want to outlaw black socks. does this mean it's a good idea to enforce this rule? no. you need clarify of mind, prudence, and principles to govern. none of those can be found in a /jp/sie. this board is 5 year olds babysitting other 5 year olds.

>> No.10231344 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 850x595, shit taste pls go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is something the matter dear?

show onee-chan on the doll wear the bad tripfriends touched you :(
