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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10219681 No.10219681 [Reply] [Original]


@MaiDreaminUSA: Hello, everyone! We'll be open in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles in 2013. Please follow us to get more updates

>> No.10219684 [DELETED] 

Didn't those colored ladies already try this?

>> No.10219695

These are experienced maids though.

>> No.10219708
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>Los Angeles
Fuck the West Coast

>> No.10219714

Sounds like this one's actually ran by a Japanese company as opposed to inner-city weeaboos.

>> No.10219718

i wonder if its goign to be ASIAN japanese which are literally trash. maybe the maids in los angeles sign up for school or something while working...i cant imagine a native japanese wanting to move to USA just for a maid job

>> No.10219721

oops American japanese*

>> No.10219731

They will probably hire gooks and chinks, LA is full of them.

LA is a shit hole, I am glad I will never go back. They should have done it in San Diego.

>> No.10219725

All the American Japanese I have met have been cool so far.
Better than the other Asian Americans.

>> No.10219733

Really? They found enough staff that have been employed in a maid cafe in Japan to work in LA? Or are they just grabbing any Japanese girl that applies for the job?

>> No.10219747

They are just going to hire chinks and koreans and teach them like 10 words and let them loose. No one will know better.

>> No.10219765

There are about a million ethnically japanese people in america, most of which are on the west coast. They could find enough.

>> No.10219766

I can't fucking wait I'm gonna go every single day for lunch.

>> No.10219780

>visiting 3dpd maid cafe which sells overpriced things.

Uh, no.

>> No.10219783

>greentexting in /jp/ about how you don't give a shit about something

>> No.10219788

And they are the most pathetic of the pathetic.


>> No.10219784

believe it or not there is a sector of otaku who enjoy 3DPD on occasion

>> No.10219786

Uguuu, come to the east coastka?

>> No.10219792

Absolutely disgusting, I don't think there is a worst board on 4chan.

>> No.10219793

Actually, they probably don't stand out particularly among otaku, and if you're going to talk about "pathetic" from society's perspective, the people who are interested in 3D probably aren't the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.10219796

pot calling the kettle black, etc.

>> No.10219797

Why aren't you applying to work for them, /jp/? If they try to not hire you as a maid because you're male or not Japanese, sue them for discrimination.

>> No.10219807

Has there even been a successful maid cafe in America? It's a niche even among otaku.

>> No.10219815

It is more pathetic to be yearning for 3DPD than it is to ignore it.

>> No.10219816

As if the UK doesn't have one of these yet with cute white british maids.

though /cgl/ is easily the most annoying

>> No.10219821

We have Reni Mimura.

>> No.10219830

lol whatever truNEET

you're not even Japanese whata poser

>> No.10219850

Royal/T and My Cup of Tea are both still open I think.

Only ever been to Royal/T because I was heading to Gilroy for some Garlic, figured why the fuck not.

>> No.10219938
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Is this moe?

>> No.10219945
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You have a problem?

>> No.10219984

It's pretty moe, but only for the size difference

>> No.10221233


They're slouching.

>> No.10221242
File: 42 KB, 176x188, 1355637053385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This motherfucker loves his balls. Two in one hand, wow.

>> No.10221249

It speaks to Nipponese genealogy that those are the most attractive employees they could find and they still look below-average.

>> No.10221250

A group of people indicating that they can each take two cocks in the face is not moe at all.

>> No.10221256



Just go, !bar. You're not wanted here and never will be.

>> No.10221259

Did my post make me sound like him or something?

Is he actually still active on here?

>> No.10221262


What about 'just go' did you not understand, cumstain?

>> No.10221266

Don't even step to me, son, I've killed over 20 /jp/ers with my bare hands this year alone.

>> No.10221303

!DQN you should open a maid café in Scotland.

>> No.10221362 [DELETED] 

but that's racist

>> No.10221370

I hope a group of hoodlums go in and make the maids feel ridiculous about what they are doing and upset all the nerds too

Maid cafes are fucking stupid and should not exist outside of Japan

>> No.10221371

you want something done you gotta do it yourself

>> No.10221374

>Maid cafes are fucking stupid and should not exist outside of Japan

Yeah man only glorious Nipponese understand maid cafes.

Everyone in Japan goes to maid cafes all the time, right? They're not a nerd/otaku thing? We don't have nerds/otaku in the West?

>> No.10221380

I'd ream those maids, if you catch my drift.

>> No.10221383

I hope they'll beat me up too while they're at it, since I should not exist outside of YOURE MOM, faggot.

>> No.10221390


>> No.10221392

>We don't have nerds/otaku in the West?

There are no western otaku :(

>> No.10221395
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>> No.10221423

God, the idea of a maid cafe makes me cringe.

I can just picture how the interaction between socially inept nerds and cute girls forced to grin and bear it would go down.

>> No.10221496

>As if the UK doesn't have one of these yet with cute white british maids.

Is this sarcastic like, "As if that hasn't happened before," or is it an expression of disbelief like, "I can't believe this hasn't happened before!"?

If there's a maid café in the UK, I want to drive there in my car that I own and laugh at all you weeaboo nerds.

>> No.10221499

They should make a nerd cafe and hire /jp/ to work there, he'd fit right in

>> No.10221505

>cute girls forced to grin and bear it would go down.

What does that mean? They choose to do it.

>> No.10221506


I actually am hoping this too, now that I think about it. I want a posse of like 4-5 street-smart people to come in and make fun of all the maids' asses.

>> No.10221509


'choose' is a shaky word where money is involved

when you introduce incentive a choice isn't pure choice any more

>> No.10221513

If I go to a maid cafe, am I going to be bothered by the maids a lot, or will I mostly just get to drink and eat?


White people do this too. Are you slow?

>> No.10221512

I hope the maids are fresh from Japan. I'd like to see the culture shock they face when a gang of blacks walks in and starts sexually harassing them and speaking in ebonics.

>> No.10221514


no dude its just black people

i learned this on seinfeld. all my favorite sitcoms have it where black people do bad stuff anyway

>> No.10221515

And after they get used to it, they let them do what they want to them and even be gang banged after work while the nerds watch/know what's happening and are too afraid to do anything.

>> No.10221516

It's not like they were forced into working in a maid cafe as a lest recourse.

It's like being a model. People are going to see you in few/no clothes. People are going to be invasive and forward and make sexual comments. That's part of the job. You gave up your right to privacy when you signed a contract for a job based around your physical appearance. Models know this, and if they don't like it, they shouldn't have become models.

>> No.10221521

>White people do this too. Are you slow?

But it's funnier if it's black people.

They'll be all "aw sheeiyt check out dem skinny chink bitches i lub me some white ass but dem asian bitches is fine as hell too". Then they'll order grape juice and watermelons, because this is what black people do.

>> No.10221524


ok but you are totally missing the point

do you not understand that people can be coerced by circumstance into doing things they don't want to do because of money?

it's only a 'choice' in the loosest form of the word when your choices are 'let kids starve' or 'work in maid cafe and be harassed by nerds'

>> No.10221523

>make fun of all the maids' asses.

why would you do that? i would kneel down behind them and lick and sniff their buttholes instead.

Also is the maid that are going to be in this cafe the on in op picture or is it just going to be blacks and ugly american bitches

>> No.10221525


it's weird how american nerds make fun of ebonics when they have their own equally pathetic sort of diction

mfw epic feelz ;D right in the fugs ;D

>> No.10221526

>Models know this
You dont know that

>> No.10221529

I would agree if it wasn't such a niche, but it is. You opt into working in a maid cafe. As part of that, you give up certain rights and need to deal with being treated a certain way. It's only a lack of choice in the same way other jobs are a lack of choice. Programmers want to write Lisp, not JavaScript, but they don't get to decide.

There are jobs where your argument makes sense, like prostitution or drug dealing, but the people who work in a maid cafe chose to be there. They want to be there, and if they don't like it, quit. There are easier jobs to obtain, e.g. working in a regular cafe.

>> No.10221527

Except that stupid way of typing came from shitty Finnish spammers not american.

>> No.10221528

It is okay to treat women like objects because of reasons. I have learned this in school and it is true.

>> No.10221533

No I don't.

>> No.10221531


one word of it did

and it doesn't matter where it came from - americans use it.

>> No.10221532

You'd have to be naive to not know it. The whole purpose of your job is to be a desirable object, whether it's modelling clothes for a woman's catalog or stripping bare for a men's magazine.

>> No.10221534


dude you are really not smart, at least at reading stuff

this is very visible in the words you are making with your fingers


it's ok to harrass unwilling people because they're naive. gotcha

>> No.10221535

>The whole purpose of your job is to be a desirable object
Not necessarily. It could have just been another waitress job like any other cafe or restaurant and I can bet you that is how some of them thought it was and they wont read the fine print.

>> No.10221540


i glazed over that turd on accident

models' jobs are not 'to be a desirable object'. models showcase clothes and other fashion articles. they are selected based on their figure and facial attractiveness because those things lend themselves to the clothes.

it kind of amazes me how dumb you would have to be to think the thought: 'models are paid for me to want to have sex with them'

>> No.10221542

Who let the epically liberal goonsquad take over /jp/?

>> No.10221541

No, I'm saying you waive certain rights when you take that sort of job. I'm not saying people should be free to go ahead and molest you, but being treated as an object should be something you understand and can deal with. It's like taking a job working on a patent, signing an NDA, then saying "MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH!" You chose the job.

Talking about models here. Maid cafes are a little more iffy, but the point is still to work in a place where nerds ogle at you.

>> No.10221547

>'models are paid for me to want to have sex with them'
Thats not what I am talking about. I am not talking about models I am talking about the people who work at maid cafes or those that wanted to work in one thinking it was just another regular restaurant with waiters. There is always some who dont know what they are going into.

>> No.10221548

>models' jobs are not 'to be a desirable object'. models showcase clothes and other fashion articles. they are selected based on their figure and facial attractiveness because those things lend themselves to the clothes.

Which is the same thing. Nobody cares how intelligent a model is, or how nice they are, or what their favorite food is. It's purely physical, even for innocent clothes modelling. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with being attractive and using it to your advantage just as there's nothing wrong with being intelligent and using it to your advantage. All the "beauty is on the inside" stuff is unscientific and ultimately destructive. Models know what they are and that's why they model. They also know (or should know) that they're giving up certain freedoms enjoyed by ordinary people.

I've watched every cycle of America's Next Top Model, so I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.10221546


i still think you are maybe not understanding properly what models do for a living

do you think they are paid for you to get epik boners at them? like really this is just - i don't understand the thought process

>> No.10221552


i think you have some extra chromosomes kicking around in you

how is any of that shit relevant to what i just said

>> No.10221556


>Models know what they are and that's why they model. They also know (or should know) that they're giving up certain freedoms enjoyed by ordinary people.

You sure know a lot about what professional models think, for a fat white suburban teenager whose primary profession is chomping cheetos and watching le epic anime.

>> No.10221558

No, I think they're paid to look attractive in the same way an object or animal might be attractive. You don't care about the person, you care about their appearance. You're not Katie Smith, a writer who loves dogs and enjoys walks on the beach, you're curvy model #583 showing off your body so people can see how good you and someone else's clothes look. You're a mannequin, except people like to see clothes on real humans because mannequins are creepy and boring. You are an object.

>> No.10221562


they are paid to model clothes, and the attractiveness helps them do this

construction workers are paid to construct things, and they are selected based on their strength. you do not say that construction workers are 'paid to be strong' despite this

it is blowing my mind how far you are going with this argument which you have to know is dumb and wrong

>> No.10221568


>You're a mannequin, except people like to see clothes on real humans because mannequins are creepy and boring. You are an object.

Great job projecting your sociopathic and inhuman thoughts onto an entire industry. I see girls as sex objects, so everyone else must, too!

>> No.10221572


That is NOT a real model that is a disgusting glamour model and I hate them. Real models work hard for their jobs while keeping their bodies rail thin. These fat bitches think they can just slap on a bikini and call themselves models because people like to stare at their chests and take pictures of them.

>> No.10221575


thanks for telling us all what a 'real model' is, liz2672

can we get your opinions on the newest twilight film too

>> No.10221578

I've known two models. One did lingerie modelling to earn some quick money. She did it for a few years and got a lot of money for it. She understood this. The other was slightly more intelligent, she modelled summer dresses for catalogs when I knew her and according to her Facebook she now models wedding dresses. She was very straightforward and she understood she had an attractive body type and had no problem turning it to her advantage. She wasn't a slut or anything, she just got that she was a good looking human being with a desirably shaped body.

Neither were professionals and I doubt they ever will be, but this shows the mindset it takes to model. If you want to be a creator of something or if you want your opinions and feelings to be valued, don't become a model. It's not that kind of job. If you are good looking and you know it, and you don't mind people caring about your body and even thinking lewd thoughts, great, become a model. Good for you, you're taking a natural advantage and making use of it.

>> No.10221587
File: 18 KB, 400x362, skinny legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew anything about modeling you would know that the girls you were talking about are not models. Victoria Secret (sluts) girls aren't models and neither are "Plus Sized" (Clothes are harder to make for fatasses) models, they are whores who are either too short or too fat to make it as a real model.

>> No.10221589

But imagine if a construction worker said, "I'm sick of heavy lifting. It hurts my feelings ;__;"
That's what being a model and complaining about lewdness is like. Even if you are modelling clothes, you are physically attractive and people are judging your physical attractiveness.

They're still real people, but I'm saying you and I don't care about that. Have you ever stopped to think, "Gee, I wonder who wrote this form code in Firefox. I bet they're a swell person!"
No you haven't, you don't care. They supplied a product and if you're interested you could look them up, but it's using the HTML forms that you care about.
Models don't produce anything. They can pose and have a limited degree of creativity, but their job is to stand there and look pretty or hot. If you're a feminist and hate the objectification of women, this is the last job I would recommend. I have some respect for models because they avoid all that bullshit. They say, "I was born attractive. I have a physically desirable body. I will turn that to my advantages."
Good for them.

Why do they keep their bodies thin? Oh, because that's physically attractive, the point of their job.
I'm not saying it isn't hard work, mind you. Modelling itself doesn't seem too difficult, but the outside stuff must be terrible. Not being able to eat or exercise how you want in your own free time must be awful, and I'm sure a lot of models end up with conditions like body dysmorphia because of all the pressure.

>> No.10221592
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I'm glad real japanese maid cafe coming to america. We won't have to deal with the embarrassing weeaboo nigger nonsense any more.

>> No.10221595

Are the models on Model Mayhem not "real models"? What about the alternative/chubby/anorexic/niche models? What if they do nudes? What if they do "artistic" nudes?

>> No.10221599

hey i've been there before in akihabara....

@home cafe is better if you ask me

>> No.10221601


you are so dumb that this is pointless i think

i end up spendind like five minutes figuring out what retarded line of reasoning your newest post is going for, and it's kinda boring

so i will go play natural selection 2

>> No.10221614

>Why do they keep their bodies thin?
>Oh, because that's physically attractive, the point of their job.


Almost all clothing is made for slim figures because it's harder to design for fatter people because everyone stores fat differently but with thin bodies it's much more uniform.

Many models are also born models because they have a good metabolism while others must work at this but they don't do it because they want to be part of this work (Some because of the fame and some because they love the work) but in the long run as long as they aren't ana or mia it's much healthier for them to be thin.

>Modelling itself doesn't seem too difficult

You need to have a certain type of attitude to be a model it's not just walking around and taking pictures you are judged every day by and have minimal control over how you look.

>> No.10221617

Model Mayhem is a site full of wannabes.

>> No.10221631

>Almost all clothing is made for slim figures because it's harder to design for fatter people

Then we're agreeing, basically. It's a matter of taste, but slim bodies are attractive. If you have a slim body, you're model material.

>You need to have a certain type of attitude to be a model it's not just walking around and taking pictures you are judged every day by and have minimal control over how you look.

This is what I'm saying. People are going to judge you. People are going to treat you the same way they'd treat a 3D model in a piece of software. You can get along with people. You can be funny and charming. If you make it big, you may even make public appearances and do interviews. But as for modelling itself, your point is to be a model, just as gofers on a TV/film crew have to fetch coffee.
If you can't handle that, it's not the job for you. It's a specialized career, so you weren't forced into it by any means. Nobody is ever forced to be a programmer or a lumberjack. If you fall back on a natural talent or attribute (strength, attractiveness, intelligence) then that's your choice.
To go back to the original topic, this also applies to maid cafes. You know what you're signing up for. If there are no other jobs in the world, if the job market is so fucked up that the only opening within fifty miles is "maid cafe waitress" and you're starving, then it's still your own fault. Same if had been "human experiment test subject" or "prostitute" or "murder victim". It's like when people illegally accept below minimum wage. "B-But they had no choice!" is stupid. You chose to let your employer break the law and accept less than you're legally entitled to. If you do something dumb to keep a job, it's your own fault. If you sleep with your boss to get a promotion, two people are to blame, and one of them is you.

>> No.10222023

Any maid cafe chain store is fucking awful.

Come on guys, you should have learned this when @home opened up. Shit like this pretty much destroys the concept of a maid cafe, you're there to be treated like you're special, not like cattle.

>> No.10222192
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>This is what I'm saying. People are going to judge you. People are going to treat you the same way they'd treat a 3D model in a piece of software. You can get along with people. You can be funny and charming. If you make it big, you may even make public appearances and do interviews. But as for idolling itself, your point is to be an idol, just as gofers on a TV/film crew have to fetch coffee.

>> No.10222200

I want to be a butler. I know most of /jp/ is homosex transfolk who wants to be maids, but I would much rather be a butler. Butlers are cool.

>> No.10222230

they're required to abide by the equal opportunity act. if they get nothing but blacks and cripples as applicants, they can't rule them out based on their race or disabilities. they'll be forced to hire them and provide whatever accommodations they need.

i'm sure if they shipped over legit japanese people they'd all get sick of being sexually harassed daily by niggers and quit within a month.

>> No.10222367 [DELETED] 

Strange as it might seem, I modeled in college to help pay bills. I'm a dude, btw. I had been in the industry for 5 years prior to quitting. I have no personality as a result.When I was at my skinniest, 63kg at 6'11'', I fainted frequently and suffered chronic pain.

I was molested as a child on three occasions by women. When I was 19, and 17, I was sexually assaulted by women I trusted.

It was a very tough industry to succeed in - it's essentially a pyramid. The money was bad in my tier. I had a good agent who protected me from the worst of it. But as a result of the pressure to fuck your industry daddies and hunger, I had a bit of a breakdown and tried to kill myself. Didn't make a good job of it.

As a result, I'm now a NEET with no skills, and have been for 2 years. I'm currently pulling home security for generous Yurobux.

>> No.10222388

No one cares.

>> No.10222521

Really? I'm slightly shorter and slightly lighter and I don't have any of those issues. Were they giving you drugs to get thin or something?

>> No.10223234
File: 542 KB, 586x800, Kitsune _Wedding_Force_Akira Kurosawa's Dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it will be easy to marry them? They'll have plenty of rich, well educated, Good looking/chizled men options literally walking through the doors.

I wonder what my chances are...
What are your chances /jp/?

I was just saying the other day here that Japanese corporations needed to invest in precisely this and how the women would end up marrying Americans to escape from Japan/maid job.

>> No.10223246
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>> No.10223257

This thread is cancer in it's worst form.

>> No.10223283
File: 32 KB, 626x353, Scandal_Haruna_DisgustFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How terrible.

>> No.10223296


This thread would be an absolute HIT and maybe a sticky if /w/ had a discussion forum
What a fucking piece of shit is /jp/ today, seriously.

>> No.10223319

Why would /w/ even tolerate this topic?

>> No.10223340

moot pls make a /idol/ board to get rid of these fuggin wota losers

>> No.10223414

There's a catch-all board for Japanese media and pop culture that isn't anime or manga. See if you can guess what it is!

>> No.10223451

/cgl/? This IS a cosplay cafe after all.

>> No.10223469

Touhou is a video game, light novels are literature, figs are toys, etc.

This thread is on-topic. You're just upset because you don't like the topic or the people ITT. That's fine, but don't try to combat that by making the thread worse. Make better threads or bump other threads (preferably with interesting contributions). Then this one will get buried.
Otherwise it starts a meta flame war I've been possibly trolled into fanning right now.

>> No.10223491

>Touhou is a video game
It is. Not only should the split never have happened, Touhou should have never been on /a/. moot should have just forced /v/ to take it. Touhou would be fine as a general thread on /vg/ if worse had come to worst.

>> No.10223500

I agree. Now that /vg/ exists, there is no reason for /jp/ just as there is no reason for /vp/ (seriously why is /vp/ still here?).

Occasionally there are fringe otaku topics that aren't video games, and we should hang onto those because they're the only things we have left. Things like MaiDreaminUSA threads.

>> No.10223501

i get what you're saying but, it's just that idolshit is fuckin crap
anything else can stay on /jp/ cept for 2hu which should go to /vg/

>> No.10223512

Fuck you, dork. Go to /vg/'s VN threads if you want nothing but visual novels.

>> No.10223534

I don't even know. It was created because I HATE GENERAL THREADS attitude of /v/, and because of the upcoming game, but the game and its sequel are out AND there is a board for generals. It's just pointless trash now.
