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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10211495 No.10211495 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ drink?

Which drinks does /jp/ recommend?

>> No.10211500

I'd drink if I could leave the house to buy some alcohol without having crippling panic attacks. I get to drink once per year.

>> No.10211507 [DELETED] 

My drinks of choice, in no particular order:
-Cheap merlot
-gin and tonic
-rye and coke
-rum and coke
-crown royal on ice
-occasionally beer, but I usually just go for cheap mass production stuff

>> No.10211504

Why not just order it delivered to you? I guess it depends on where you live but a lot of liquor stores in the United States deliver.

>> No.10211508

I don't own a phone and I don't think anyone delivers to where I live anyway.

>> No.10211509

If I have the extra money I usually buy one bottle of beer.

>> No.10211512

You can call domestic phone numbers for free from Google Voice I think, if you ever want to investigate the possibility.

>> No.10211513

only craft beer

>> No.10211514

Would they even deliver to someone with no picture ID?

>> No.10211515

Oh. Probably not.
You live by yourself without a phone or a photo ID, and you're unable to leave the house? How do you survive?

>> No.10211519

I live with my mom. Last time I went outside I got mugged so I lost my ID and getting a new one is way too to stressful for me (have to get visit a police station etc)

>> No.10211516

Is sake supposed to be a strong drink?
I honestly can't remember

>> No.10211520

I see, that's tough.

>> No.10211524
File: 74 KB, 800x600, Suntori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am what you may consider somewhat of a whisky otaku. Macallan, Cutty Sark, and Blue Hanger are among some of my favorites. Crown Royal isn't bad, but it's so very rough. Fighting Cock, Jim Beam Black, Jefferson's and Old Forester are all very good American whiskys if you can get your hands on them. I tend to enjoy whisky that's smokier than it is fruity, though exceptions abound

I've heard that Japanese whiskys are much lighter and more fragrant that the traditional American/Scotch counterparts but I've never even seen one for sale and just never had the motivation to actually go through the trouble of importation.

>> No.10211527

You may be in luck. Last I heard Suntory was looking in to acquiring Jim Beam.

>> No.10211543

dark beer in winter, pilsner in summer

>> No.10211549

I've always wanted to try Cutty Sark, how is it ?

>> No.10211551

I stopped drinking mostly. It seemed to be hurting my memory.

Now just a bottle of wine here and there. Maybe some a couple of microbrews if I'm in the mood.

>> No.10211553

Sake is quite good but expensive. The little bottles, I think they're 8oz? Cost around $14, and that's not even the good stuff.

>> No.10211563

To be quite honest, you shouldn't drink anything other than the 12-Years or the 15-years. I tried the Tam o' Shanter once (being very thankful I didn't have to pay for it) and the sourness on the palate coupled with the dry finish made for an unpleasant experience. The 12-years are sweet, the nose rides into the almost peach territory while the palate is more akin to chocolate and honey. It's like drinking liquid heaven. Thing is though I just can't handle the sweets too often, I needs my peat and bogs and smoke.

>> No.10211568

Alcopop sucks!! Arrgh, my head, fuck

>> No.10211569

Oh, thank you, that was eloquently explained. Now I want to try this 12-year stuff.

>> No.10211570

Mostly drink beer (microbrews). Sometimes sake. Occasionally fancy hard liquors from my friend's collection, it's good stuff but I'd never spend that much money on alcohol.

>> No.10211572
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>> No.10211575


>> No.10211581

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10211584

yes because being completely aware 100% of the time is EPIC.

>> No.10211591

Belgian whites, pale ales, and cheap vodka straight. The Belgian whites taste like soda and are absolutely delicious, the pale ales have little sugar in them and are very easy to drink, and cheap vodka (In actuality just grain alcohol) gets you tore up for cheap and someone magically doesn't give you a hangover unless you guzzle two or more liters.

Sadly, I'm forced to drink disgusting, hangover inducing wine because my friends hate beer, think hard liquor is somehow worse for you then other drinks, and I have no money to buy my own booze.

>> No.10211594

Cheap scotch and shitty beer.

>> No.10211598

vodka + beer
Today I'm gonna drink alone while watching the snow fall.

>> No.10211599

Mostly things like vodka. I'm a young unsophisticated man that just wants to get drunk and quickly.

>> No.10211600

Please don't do alcohol, you have no idea how much of a pain in the ass you are when you're drunk. And yes, you've been getting drunk, not "buzzed." Drunk.

>> No.10211607

You don't know me.

>> No.10211617

Wine gets you hungover? How much do your friends drink? Are they French, by any chance?

>> No.10211619

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10211625

Pure little girls also don't do lewd things, but nobody complains in those threads, which you know, comprise 50% of this board's content.

>> No.10211632


Typically, I drink something on the order of 24+oz, but sometimes I up it to 36 or even 48oz. My friends tend to drink about the same. We split a bottle usually.

It's also really cheap wine, generally. The most disgusting thing in the world.

And we're all Americans.

>> No.10211635

pain in the ass to who?

>> No.10211637


Not even to get themselves giddy and loosened up for their one and only husbandos?

>> No.10211640


yes i also drink cheap merlot, doesn't taste bad compared to cheap versions of other wines

>> No.10211644

And then, just to go with the internet "sophisticated drinkers," the "mai wifeuu" stupids show up. This is a grade-A thread, guys, keep it up.

>> No.10211652
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Get out of /jp/ you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.10211668

Is there a good sake brand or do they all taste like sweetened piss?

>> No.10211674

Your mom.

>> No.10211688


>> No.10211707


I'm sorry you're not old enough to drink. Wait a few more years, champ.

>> No.10211720

Actually I stated drinking at 14 and stopped at 17 after the novelty faded. No need to waste money on such toxins unless you're a divorced middle-aged man trying to drown your sorrows.

>> No.10211725

What if you're a young-aged college student undergoing a divorce from the dreams and aspirations you were force-fed as a child by overbearing parents and teachers, materialized by your disinterest in classes and poor performance on examinations? WHAT THEN?

>> No.10211737

Old Crow bourbon

it's cheap and i like the taste

a bottle lasts me about a month so it's win/win

>> No.10211756

Anyone else here drink vodka and plum wine? Right now I'm hooked on Takara Plum and Snow Queen Vodka.

>> No.10211770

Note to novice browsers, just so you can appreciate the nose and, like, texture and shit of this thread a little better:
>>10211674 and >>10211720
are different faggots.

>> No.10211796

>guzzle two or more liters
>of vodka
whee, 'sup, bender from futurama

god this thread rocks

>> No.10211822

Little girls like me are forever underage to drink these stuffs.

>> No.10211848

We need you to expert commentary and analysis of /jp/ threads.

>> No.10215320

The common stuff: beer, cheap spirits, wine... but mostly wine.

And I would recommend going for a cold bottle of Gewürztraminer, accompanied with some blue cheese.

It's a great flavor experience.

>> No.10217247
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i wanna try icewine

>> No.10217288

Sake is pretty cheap where I live.
I can get a huge bottle of decent stuff for like $10

>> No.10217298
File: 159 KB, 640x640, 1282252740774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pain in the ass
What, do you actually go outside?
Only binge college drinkers are annoying. Don't get the incorrect idea that all drinkers are like them or act like they do.
Many adults drink alcohol just fine. My family would always have wine at the table.

>> No.10217309
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>> No.10217315
File: 63 KB, 380x380, 1335263037775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Are you me?
I essentially just failed all of the classes I needed to take to help follow my dreams and aspirations.
It's like college has been one constant struggle, especially between me and the faint grasp I have on my dreams becoming a reality.

>> No.10217321

Just give up and change to something more attainable.

>> No.10217344

I tried and failed that too.
But /jp/ isn't my blog.

Anyway, there have been a lot of great recommendations in the past on /jp/, so a look through the archives can be rather informative.
I especially liked this thread
Someone also recommended Momokawa and Sayuri if you are looking for a sweet sake.

>> No.10217348

You can only go so far, I went from pre med to engineering to art history...now I am considering switching down to communications

...why am I so botched /jp/?

>> No.10217361

Does /jp/ have any tips on quitting drinking? It's turning me into a fatass with back problems.

>> No.10217363 [DELETED] 

I usually just drink wine with my girlfriend. On occasion I like to have a glass of whiskey or something though.

>> No.10217375

None of us know because many of us here are the same way.

>> No.10217377

do construction labour

>> No.10217487

>Only binge college drinkers are annoying.
Congrats man. The fact is that alcohol abuse is extremely common among morons who have a lifelong habit of acting out. The vulnerable ones lose their ability to create, maintain or regulate anything. They become shells who only know how to spread misery.

Those who enjoy alcohol get used to it. If you're asocial, alcohol becomes a permanent element of your social life. You lose the ability to have fun with your peers without drinking. If you're social, drinking will get you tied to a woman in no time and you'll be knee-deep in expectations and responsibilities.

The asocial ones will soon notice that all the social ones are aiming towards family life so they no longer have time to fool around. At this point they usually "grow out of it" and desperately start bettering themselves in an attempt to catch up and woo a lady. Alternatively, they keep drinking with an added hint of bitterness.

Whichever is the case, they have already made a huge contribution to the normalfag culture because they had earlier abandoned the ways and company of their non-drinking peers. Divide and conquer.

This is how young people are conveniently led into mortgage slavery. When you drink, you serve the overlord. Please don't drink, /jp/.

>> No.10218246

I used to drink a lot but I stopped years ago in favor of psychedelics, I'm a piece of shit when I'm drunk but I've been sober for a while and I might go back and see what it feels like being drunk again.

>> No.10218256

D-did ZUN!bar-kun just say he has a girlfriend...? No way...

>> No.10218263

I'm not social anyway nor do I have a "social life", so how does this affect me? Or most on /jp/ for that matter?

>> No.10218265

Unless your girlfriend is a fat fujoshi landwhale or a euphemism for your dakimakura, you need to get the FUCK out of /jp/ and go back to /soc/, nerd.

>> No.10218384

I'm more /jp/ than most of /jp/ and I have a girlfriend.

>> No.10218427

I've had plum wine a few times. It's good but a little too sweet.

Watch out /jp/, we've got a life expert over here.

>> No.10218496

I stopped drinking a little while ago. It was messing with my crazy pills.

>> No.10218511

Stop getting trolled by ZUN!bar please

>> No.10218720

>Watch out /jp/, we've got a life expert over here.
My family tree is full of dead drunks and most of them were typical /jp/ material. It's always worth it to preach about the dangers of boozing, regardless of possible reactions.

>> No.10220996

Don't drink, please...

>> No.10224284 [DELETED] 

My girlfriend bought me more wine. I feel classy as HELL right now just drinking it while eating this Burger King Whopper.

>> No.10224287

Milk stout.

>> No.10224296


I wish your 3DPD would force you to leave /jp/

>> No.10224302 [DELETED] 

Sounds delicious. I am about to drink a stout soon.

>> No.10224305

(She doesn't exist)

>> No.10224315 [DELETED] 

She is sitting on my lap right now and laughing at how pathetic your attempts to troll me are, anon.

>> No.10224337 [DELETED] 

yeah, my hand is sitting on my lap too

>> No.10224336


Regardless, most people here cant stand you and want you to leave.

>> No.10224345

Hey mine too!

>> No.10224377

Can you fight this cock?
*shoves dick down ur troat*

>> No.10224420

i like old style beer

evan williams for bourbon (bottle shape + cheap)

and glenffidich for single malt

>> No.10224429

I have also ate tonight Burger Kin
g Whopper. Is delicious but also 
not good for health of my wallet,
 ha ha ha

>> No.10224436

I like the new angry whopper, I think it's really good

>> No.10224439

Gin and tonic with a slice of squeezed lime.

>> No.10224444

I had a Double Whopper with cheese
. $7.95

>> No.10224448

More like a TRIPLE whopper.

>> No.10224456

Oh wait, those are quads.

>> No.10224472

No, just a Double Whopper

>> No.10224750

vodka, cheapest

>> No.10227373

I don't drink much Japanese stuff since it's so expensive over here, but Asahi beer is particularly nice.

I usually just drink Heineken since it's affordable and actually half decent .
