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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10201422 No.10201422 [Reply] [Original]

Would you, /jp/?

>> No.10201429

Hell yes. Not even in an attempt to woo Mokou, just because I want it for myself.

>> No.10201432

Count me out.

>> No.10201435

translate it weeb

>> No.10201444
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Do oy ureally want to make this poor girl cry?

>> No.10201448

She doesn't get it, man.

>> No.10201455

I don't get it. Is that a coin?

>> No.10201467
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At least spend eternity with her!

>> No.10201495

I would spend an eternity with Mokou. That undying aspect of the Hourai Elixir is desirable. The feeling of loss of loved ones would be but a passing moment in your unlimited lifespan.

>> No.10201496

I'd probably have no choice if I did become immortal. Everyone in the universe will die one day except for Mokou, Kaguya, and me and we will have nothing to do but play board games until the end of time or the universe restarts.

>> No.10201498


Its the Hourai elixir.

>> No.10201504
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Good answer, /jp/

>> No.10201505

Then yes. Take me, Mokou.

>> No.10201507

>implying the universe will restart and not just fizzle out

>> No.10201510

In that case we are going to need a lot of board games.

>> No.10201516

And what about the immortals?

>> No.10201521
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I'd be willing to suffer along with Mokou as long as I can ease her suffering even just a little.

>> No.10201524

I would take the elixir without a second thought.

If I got Moku because of it, then that's fantastic, but just extra. I want immortality.

>> No.10201527
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Why is she such a crybaby?

>> No.10201532
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She's around 600 years old and during those years shes become a hateful person.

Only Keine was able to get her to open up.

>> No.10201534

I consider her more of a hardened heart kind of person. She's experienced the sadness of eternity so she attempts to remain distant with everyone.

That's just my secondary talking though.

>> No.10201535

Kaguya pls

>> No.10201543

Deep down she probably already knows that Keine is going to die one day anyways.

>> No.10201544
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Crying Mokou is poignant, one of the few girls of Gensokyo I'd sacrifice something for.

>> No.10201545
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Mokou really is the most tragic touhou.

Even when you fight her she kills herself after every spellcard.

>> No.10201553


This aint funny, Kaguya

>> No.10201572

>She's around 600 years old

She's much older than that. She lived during the Heian period.

She's like 1200.

>> No.10201579

You have a nice heart.

>> No.10201583

Eirin's got to be able to make an anti-hourai elixir.

I'd help her develop one, for Mokou.

>> No.10201589
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So, she relinquish her immortality while you keep yours?

How tragic

>> No.10201612

Oh well. Maybe I'll keep a self destruct potion in case I feel like offing myself in a few thousand years.

>> No.10201620

No death means no physical needs or pressures; thus freed, I would think there would also be no basis for having 'rational' time/resource based mindsets. After a long while, one's constructed self and perception would fade away into periods of alternating depersonalized observation and catatonic schizophrenia.

Without question would I take that elixir, then find some untouched cave to engage in years-long sensory deprivation to speed the eventual ego-death along.

>> No.10201631

I never said that I'd take an hourai elixir for myself. I'd just help Eirin make an anti-hourai elixir.

>> No.10201646


After this long I'm pretty sure that if Eirin doesn't have one already, then making an antidote is impossible

>> No.10201679
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>> No.10202022

Just to piss her off for the rest of my life when all of her lesbian friends die off she'll only have the choice between me and her worst enemy.

>> No.10202637
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I wonder if my hair would turn white and I could learn some magic.

>> No.10202744

kaguya's didn't, so nope i don't think so.

>> No.10202752
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Here's someone's viewpoint about Eirin and Mokou from Lunatic Lunagate-something


>> No.10202756
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>> No.10202758

but kaguya's a filthy whore

>> No.10202763
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>> No.10202767
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Also 4/4

>> No.10202774

>implying I'm doing this or you and not for myself
What a bitch.

>> No.10202801

Hey, but doesn't the Hourai elixir grant a certain effect depending of how much you drink?

"The Hourai Elixir is permanent. According to Fujiwara no Mokou, the first taste of the medicine makes the drinker incapable of growing up or aging. The second taste makes them incapable of becoming ill. The third taste makes one completely immortal to the truest sense."

I'd drink 2 sips, and Remiry' erryday.

It's not like you could not convince other people to become immortal.

>> No.10202814

What happens when you take four, does your super saiyan mode unlock?

>> No.10202819

I think I'd be just fine with worrying every day about what I'm going to do when the sun burns out and every remnant of the human aspect becomes nullified so long as I had someone else to worry with.

even floating through space for eternity would be bearable with someone to hold onto.

>> No.10202832

What if you lose them?
Space is HUGE

>> No.10202837

What if you fall into a black hole or a star?

>> No.10202838

well, anon, considering that in my arms would be the last aspect of humanity in the universe, I dont think either of us would let go for anything.

>> No.10202841

It'd hurt. a lot. but I couldn't die, so I'd just endure it I guess?

cry a lot?!

indestructible human meets certain destruction. WAT HAPEN

>> No.10202848
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Mokou is a cute girl.

>> No.10202850

Lots and lots of crying.

>> No.10202851

And screaming. Lots and lots of screaming.

>> No.10202864

Needs more meat in her.

>> No.10202865

One of the most terrible things a mortal can do to Mokou is to make her love you. The only way to avoid this is using the Hourai Elixir, but this also means eternal damnation for you.

Remember, at the end, it will be only you, Mokou and Kaguya staring at a cold, dark, dead universe. The only one who could save you from that fate would be a abrahamic monotheistic deityto reset such a mess.

>> No.10202869

Over the centuries of floating in the void we may fuse together and become such a monster.

>> No.10202881

To become "God" implies the ultimate act of selflessness. Remember, a god is an exalted idea, thus, an almighty, all knowing god would be demand so much more.

Think like the God Emperor from Warhammer, but even worse.

>> No.10202882


In space? The air would be sucked out of your lungs, you wouldn't even be able to move your muscles as if you were screaming.

>> No.10202884

Floating in space like that would most likely turn you into a cocoon like state as you wouldn't be able to function without oxygen, so you would float around for a millennial amount of years until you happen to be caught in one of the next planetoids or other object with a large gravity well. If you are beyond lucky it might have a passing resemblance to earth's amount of heat, light and breathable atmosphere. If not then you would just have to wait the same amount of time for the star to once again explode while your body either again shuts down from lack of life sustaining prerequisites, or writhing in pain because it is lacking the them by a small amount. Or you could be sucked into a gas giant or star where you would be sucked into the center and crushed continuously until it dies, unless it is a pulsar, then you would have to sit through a continuous flashing WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP. Or even worse you could be sucked into a black hole which would be like the star experience except for it being on a far higher exponential rate of gravitational forces, but at least you could have the chance of getting shot out in a quasar. You might be fortunate enough to have a non functioning body during these events though since there isn't anything to sustain you consciousness, probably.

>> No.10202888
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o-oh god ;_;

>> No.10202897

I never thought about that. I will start a trek around the world to find the coolest people and offer them immortality.

>> No.10202903

Don't all touhous die just for a limited time? For example Sakuya in EoSD was beaten and appeared again with enough power for two battles. I don't think Reimu/Marisa would've left a powerful opponent to sit down and recharge herself.

>> No.10202908

>then you would have to sit through a continuous flashing WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP

>> No.10202928
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Eirin was pretty messed up.

I'm glad she eased up.

>> No.10202930


Did you watch Madoka?

>> No.10202931


Splendid! I don't feel like drifting around in space for eternity, but avoiding the ailments of age and disease? Now that I can get behind.

>> No.10202936

where is the inverter

>> No.10202955

Last week, I read a hentai description "Keine introduce Mokou to his boyfriend and asked him to take care of her". Genre : virgin
I close that page. Seriously, why would you intoruce your friend to your boyfriend only to get her virginity taken?

>> No.10202967

So that the artist could draw some sex for that retarded plot of his. Hurr hurr 1000+ year old virgin now I don't have to feel bad about myself.

>> No.10202990

I've seen that plot multiple times.
Apparently it's a thing?

>> No.10203054

Because a 1000 year old virgin is unacceptable, nerd.

>> No.10203059

>Apparently it's a thing?
What do you mean?

>> No.10203084

As in actual thing people do.

>> No.10203090

Still far longer than the average human

Hakutaku can live for thousands of years

>> No.10203113
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This is comedic-relevant

>> No.10203916

Where is the Maximum Cunnilingus?

>> No.10203963

translate it, you weeaboo

>> No.10203987
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Look at this dweeb who doesn't know bomber grape

>> No.10205954

There is no cure for the Hourai Elixer. If there was, then it wouldn't be an elixir of immortality; there'd be something that could cancel it and kill you.
