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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10201156 No.10201156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em.

>> No.10201161

There is no way to describe /b/. Or 4chan. Any attempt by an outsider to describe us will completely miss the point. And I get where you're coming from because I was once there myself.

I've been here for years, but when I'm asked to describe /b/ I'm at a loss for words.

To truly understand what it is like here, you must stay for at least a month. It's not about the memes, it's about the apathy, the hatred, and the intentional stupidity.

The Internet (despite what people say) is not taken seriously by a /b/tard. In real life, I smile and wave to people, I say thank you. But on 4chan, I discard my morality. I encourage people to commit suicide. I call respected members of the black community niggers and say that the Jews did the World Trade center.

So, my friend, you would to best simply to say we are being assholes for the hell of it. Because the Internet is not serious business.

Also, I know I'm going to get flamed up the asshole for this, but fuck off.

>> No.10201164


this is my favorite post on 4chan

sticky this shit mootles

>> No.10201165

Fuck this *whips out dick*

>> No.10201170
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>I call respected members of the black community niggers



>> No.10201171

I think you got the wrong board, OP. Maybe even wrong imageboard entirely.

>> No.10201174

Are you new or what? Post em.

>> No.10201175
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Just post 'em, alright?

>> No.10201185
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Am I doing it right?

>> No.10201190



>> No.10201194

Attention 4chan!

I recently came upon 4chan when a friend recommended I visit the sites for a few laughs. I figured "What the hell? I could use some laughs." I must say that when I came on I was disgusted and not amused at all. Why you ask? Because everything on this entire site is literally shit! I mean yes there is funny pictures posted every now and then. But honestly; Do any of you little shits have a life? I mean are you so immature and unintelligent that you find things like cartoon porn and random naked woman shaking their boobs funny?

GROW UP! Grow up 4chan. You all seriously need a reality check, You could be doing so many things in the day, yet you all choose to sit around on your fucking fat ugly asses and post pictures and then make sarcastic or idiotic comments like "tits or gtfo" and "o rly?".

Get off you fat asses and do something better with your life. I mean all of you have no life, no social life either for that matter. The supposed "girls" that come on here and converse with you are just as much losers are you, they are either fatter then fatty-tan or a term you'd better understand "A trap".

Well I've put in my two cents, and on a last note, I will do everything in my power to expose this site to people who will react legally upon this disgusting filthy site. This is not the end. It's just beginning. Grow up!


>> No.10201202
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>> No.10201206

>need to get to come down for dinner 6yo little sister for dinner
>go to her bedroom
>door open just a bit, push it open
>shes lying on the bed naked with her hand beneath her panties
>i just kinda stare
>she sees me and is startled
>i manage to ask if i can watch a little more
>she says no
>i threaten to tell and everyone will think she is dirty
>she says okay
>i pull out my dick and we start fapping
>mother wonders what is taking me so long
>she opens the door and gets scared
>she says "You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in bel-air!"
>i whistle for a cab and when it came near
>the license plate said fresh and their were dice in the mirror
>if anything I could say that this cab was rare, but you man forget it
>go home to bel-air!

>> No.10201209
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>> No.10201211

More than that 1.6% tolerated it, defended it, justified it, or turned a blind eye to it. Far more benefited from it. The vast majority of Rebel soldiers didn't own slaves but their cause certainly defended the institution.

The white race shouldn't be hated but it shouldn't play stupid either.

>> No.10201213
File: 16 KB, 450x391, 1348271819186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you haven't figured it out yet, yukkuri represent neets. many other negative people in society as well, but primarily neets(thus they are useless blobs that are concerned about nothing but living life easily).

this is what most people would like to express towards people like us, if you haven't forgotten, regardless of where you came from or why you may be a neet. these days you can see a lot of the same sentiments coming from even people on /jp/.

i'm just glad we live in a world populated by people with such intelligence.

also some people simply like to torture things. see
i kind of wonder what kind of person you are if you think anything but the absolute worst of actual crimes, rather than sins of immaturity, deserves death by microwave.

also, i'm assuming you realize you're on a board filled with the people you describe.

we're all stuck in the same shitpot universe. you think you're the one who's at fault for you being such a great person? go ahead and keep believing it if it makes you feel better, i guess, but logically the idea is practically impossible.

>> No.10201217
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>> No.10201216
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What the fuck? You didn't even post one.

Do you even know how this works?

>> No.10201219


jew spotted

>> No.10201221

America didn't abolish slavery after the Civil war, it got moved offshore.

>> No.10201222

It's no use, OP, niggers will always find a reason to whine and moan and make excuses for their rampant crime.

>> No.10201226
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>> No.10201230

American blacks also owned slaves. Don't forget the black slave owners in African who enslaved them in the first place and sold them off. Oh, and there's still slavery in parts of Africa and it's mostly an unlivable shithole. American blacks should be thanking their black and white slave owners for bringing them to America where they can enjoy a much higher standard of living.

>> No.10201233

>yfw the major slave traders were jews

>> No.10201239

Are you serious?
Top ten reasons why blacks are the master race:
1: We make better music. I'll take Tupac over your emo bullshit songs anyday.
2: We have more power. Now that Obama's in office, you honkies ain't gonna be hatin' much longer.
3: We're resistant to the sun. Have fun burning up every time you step outside.
4: We have bigger cocks. Face it- this has been proven by science. It's also been proven that women love huge dicks.
5: We get all the women. Like it or not, no bitch can resist a black man.
6: Our women are better. Aside from being smarter, you don't catch black women cheatin' on every goddamn boyfriend they get. Not that anyone would cheat on a black man.
7: We're just plain cooler. You always see the white kids pretending they were black, but you never see our kids trying to be white.
8: We're more physically fit. We can run faster, jump higher, and do shit you fat cracker-ass white boys could never even dream of doing.
9: We have more fun. Me and my brothers are always out partying, having a good time...while you pasty honkies sit inside, jerkin' off and watchin' your shitty Japanese cartoons.
10: Blacks are better fighters. All of the famous UFC champions and boxers have been black. And you ever see a white man that knew how to use a gun? Neither have I.

>> No.10201241
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That's all it takes for a burglar to break into your home with the intent to rob and kill you. Why don't you own a gun /jp/ ?

>> No.10201242

Last I checked that was highly illegal and any company caught doing that is raped in the courts.

They have to pay them SOMETHING, and therefore it's technically not slavery even if that something is like 5 cents an hour.

>> No.10201244


i am black and can confirm that i'm better than any white man has ever been

>> No.10201248
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And at once I knew - I was not magnificent.

And I could see for miles, and miles, and miles.

>> No.10201250

Do you ever stop and wonder, what it is Niggers really are? I know the truth, and to you I will give it.

Thirty-six thousand years ago a race of superior alien beings came to earth. They landed on the gigantic and empty continent known today as Africa, and in their load they carried a big number of dark-skinned individuals - niggers - who they brought along as slave labour from Mercury. The reason they are black is to protect them from the strong UV-lights so close to the sun.

Niggers were harmless beings as long as they remained under strict control of their masters and were not allowed any own thoughts. If left alone in groups they quickly grew greedy and started running rampant and misbehaving. The humanoid aliens who cruised in spaceships of diamond did not like Earth, for it was populated by a race of very similar beings, Neanderthals and whatnot, so they quickly left. Of niggers however, they had a great surplus, wherefore they left them to die on Earth.

The problem is that the niggers didn't die; They instead continued to flourish in their primal ways, seeing as they were unable to evolve any form of culture. They still lived in their tribal villages and townships when the Europeans arrived and brought them along on a journey cross the globe. Only now we are supposed to treat those apparently inferior beings as equals; and if we disagree that those alien scum are equal, we are racists and nazis and must be purged. Time is right for action. We must do something about this threat, for THE BLACK PLAGUE must be defeated! Their beastial manners surely is not the way civilised man lives!

>> No.10201251
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Ok, chimp. Now try speaking human.

>> No.10201255

Because I would go to jail for shooting it at an Al Qaeda terrorist who was about to blow up half of London from a remote control inside my house while holding a knife to my family and throwing my valuables in a bag, all while he was raping my imouto.

>> No.10201260

Amen, brother.

>> No.10201268

I took time off and began studying the prophecies. My wife would spend much time at the library. She obtained documentation for me from reference books, which I would check against the Scriptures to see if the prophecies took place. One week went by and then a month. Every prophecy that we were able to get information on proved to be accurate. I was astonished, but still not convinced. Later, there were people who would show me what appeared to be contradictions in the Bible. These were not contradictions, but only a lack of research on the part of those that said these things. Stubborn, that's me. Even after four months of intensive study, proving prophecy after prophecy was true, I was still skeptical. Four months turned into six. I became more determined. It wasn't possible that the sixty-six books of the Bible, written by many people over hundreds of years, would not have some errors, I thought. Thousands of prophecies and every one perfect? No, impossible! If I would admit that, then I would also have to admit there was a God.

>> No.10201264

To the best of my memory, before I came to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I did not believe the Bible was true. I doubted whether God, Satan, heaven, or hell even existed. I believed that we were born, lived so many years, and then died. I had my own business and thought that I had succeeded by my own wits.
One evening, my wife and I heard some documentation that these were the last days before Jesus Christ would actually return. Not wanting to hear it, I almost walked out. Something kept me there, and I listened but was not convinced; however, I decided to do some research to find out if the Bible was really true. Indeed, if I could find one contradiction or anything that was not true, then I could disregard it. I believed this would not take long. This led me into much research. I learned nearly one-third of the Bible is, directly or indirectly, related to prophecy, which includes about 10,000 prophecies. One thing needed was to determine when the Bible was actually written. Thus, a study of biblical history, various translations, and archaeology was necessary. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which were found in Israel, contained parts of the Old Testament, including prophecies of the coming of Jesus. It has been proven that these were written before Christ came. Thousands of clay tablets and archaeological sites also confirm many accounts in the Bible.

>> No.10201270

I was not prepared to do that—yet, I wanted to know the truth. More months passed. Finally, I had to admit after spending almost countless hours of research—I was wrong. I may have been the biggest skeptic in the world, but now I know—the Bible is true and is the perfect Word of God. Anyone willing to take the time I did and do the same research could only come to the same conclusion, if they are honest with themselves. I became afraid that I would perish. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, as a result of His love, compassion, mercy and grace.
I know that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we MUST be saved (EXCEPT JESUS)-ref Acts 4:12. I REPENTED of my sins and received Jesus Christ as my only hope of salvation by FAITH-ref Eph 2:8-10. It is written, EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN-Mt 18:3. You can also call on Jesus NOW to be YOUR Lord and Savior.

>> No.10201271
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Did you just call that harmless muslim man an Al Qaeda terrorist?
Alright, I've heard enough. You're under arrest for disturbing the public order by inciting racial hatred, section 5. Now shut up and turn around.
