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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.95 MB, 1368x917, Dandy_Girl_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10149431 No.10149431 [Reply] [Original]


I never saw a thread about this.

Does this mean we have international acclaim as artists?

>> No.10149432


*misunderstood genuises

>> No.10149438

I wish someone had the balls to tell the artist his art wasn't very good. Settling ruins a project.

>> No.10149459

See it as an opportunity to make a nice HD remake

>> No.10149468

rather ramake rita please respond or finish anon's nice day 36 ends

>> No.10149470

Your name is mark. You are an advocate, in emptiness, but alone, your wife Ayant who left you for a trip of affairs. You sometimes feel like you're death and say what, after all, going to see the bad idiot and well what you entered with your flowers, you fell for a young girl in a yellow blouse and a chivalrous first name: Julie of who sees her? 240 years in the future... 240 ears in the future?!!?

The Dandy Girl is an adaptation in visual novel (roman multimedia) of a young english girl named "the dandelion girl" by robert f. young. this novel is well-known for its unique character in its genre, and this adaptation is a pure re-imagining.

with excellent-quality music, engaging graphics, a story humorous and touching: The Dandy Girl is a great "coup de cour" in visual medium!

>> No.10149471 [DELETED] 

I read this and pooped on it

>> No.10149477

"This is very touching egg, I really like summer emu" -Rylefury

"You will not regret it at all :)"

"A chief egg!"

Original AUthor: Robert F. Young - The Dandelion GIrl

Original Adaptation: /jp/ project

french translation:
initial project and translation: leviathan
quality control: chrono, tlcd, kilarn
special thanks: nady, rylefury, xerxebreak

>> No.10149482

>240 ears in the future

>> No.10149494

But AND was such a lame concept, every time I look over the drafts I end up feeling disgusted at how stupid and overly pandering it was.

>> No.10149509


considering the compensation he was given, I'd say he did quite a good job.

the writing could've used a bit of a touch-up though.

>> No.10149510

that was the point

>> No.10149575

This was a /jp/ project? Suck it cripple girl waifuf/a/gs.

>> No.10149585

Katawa Shoujo stopped being a 4chan project years before it was even released, dude.

>> No.10150532

Yes. VNs are easy to make. Ren'Ai sometimes has competitions where people make a visual novel in a short period of time (e.g. a month) and VNs have been submitted to similar competitions like NaNoWriMo.

I would like it if /jp/ made another one. We have good artists and some creative writers. Something polished, but short and sweet.

>> No.10150584
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>> No.10150588

The real problem is how to make them cooperate.

>> No.10150598

It's also important to make sure nobody quits halfway through!

>> No.10150603

Cocaine solves both problems!

>> No.10150633

Seriously, why "Ubuntu"? As if it didn't work on other Linux distro...

>> No.10150638

I'd love it too, but I'm not willing to take the responsibility to coordinate the work, and probably nobody does...

>> No.10150639

They probably have pre-built packages only for Ubanto, and assume everyone else is too stupid to work from there. Or maybe they do not distribute the source code, so it doesn't work in other systems where recompilation would be necessary.

>> No.10150662

Ren'Py actually has a nice feature where you can export the game script in an obfuscated format so nobody can fuck with it.

Still, the vanilla packages it outputs are regular .tar.gz files with a binary inside. I don't see why they would bother to repackage that as a .deb themselves. Perhaps they just decided to say it works on Ubuntu because that's the only one they tested, and what they assume most people will use. People using Debian, Slackware etc. are more likely to know what they're doing, and it stops complaints of "you said this works in linux but it doesn't work on my 286 gateway running linux 1.2"

>> No.10150756

Okay, this is kinda off-topic but I really don't understand why people use Linux for anything other than programming. Its only advantages over Windows are it's free and you look like a l33th4x0r for using them.
They overcomplicate tasks that are considered mundane in Windows. Take the one you're talking about here for example, it takes only a couple of mouse clicks to install it on Windows.

>> No.10150762

Actually, that's one of the good things about most Linux distributions for a typical user. Most popular software is packaged up in an online repository, and if you know its name you can download and install it with one command. To install Ren'Py in Windows, you would have to go to the website, download the ZIP and extract it (or an EXE/MSI and install it), To install Ren'Py in Debian, you run "apt-get install renpy" and it'll download and install it for you in a matter of seconds. There are easy GUIs available if you don't like typing on a command line, but I think this is one of the cases where typing three words is easier than clicking buttons.

>> No.10150773

>it takes only a couple of mouse clicks to install it on Windows.
That's the main problem, but I have experienced many others too. I've tried installing Linux on my PC several times but I was always dissatisfied. Starting up the OS has always been longer for Linux than for anything else from XP onward.
Anytime I needed to do something, I had to open the console. It looks like you can't do shit on Linux without opening that damn console, the graphic interface is almost pointless.
And naturally you need to type SUDO every freaking time.
Last time I installed Linux then it was very funny. It didn't even recognize my keyboard properly... a fucking keyboard. It kept giving me random error like skipping character or inputing them twice. It was really great.

TL;DR: Fuck Linux

>> No.10150780


Linux is fun, it's free, it's easy to do what I want with it compared to locked down windows, the terminal is basically a monster, it can run incredibly well on old hardware, and it's easier to install software in most cases.

Windows and linux both have their advantages. You've probably never even used linux, except for that one time you installed ubuntu for a day or something.

>> No.10150793


I don't understand how anyone could call those horrilbe piece of shit messes they call package managers "easier" to install software on.

I'm not even trying to act like l337 hackor, but telling someone to find the package manager, instead of just telling them to remember that one little command to install software, is way harder on the user, atleast it was for me.

>> No.10150800

It didn't ruin Higurashi or Umineko

>> No.10150802
File: 55 KB, 856x526, 20090928183929Ubuntu_Software_Center.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Synaptic is fairly powerful but easy to use.

The new software center in Ubuntu/Debian is crazy easy. They've basically blended the repository model and App Store model into one shiny, happy program.

>> No.10150812

>one line
Just take this as an example.
It's just a damn emulator. In windows all you need to do is to unzip it into a directory, and that's it for the installation. You don't need to type shit.

Just look at all that shit you need to do for the Linux version! Why do I even need to set manually every single permission?

>> No.10150819

Another thread derailment brought to us by Linux and /g/

>> No.10150821

Isn't this game an OELVN?

>> No.10150826

I have Ubuntu installed on a virtual machine within my Windows 7. It doesn't really impress me whenever I try to use it.

>> No.10150829

/jp/ related because made by /jp/

>> No.10150831

Comedy gold

>> No.10150845


Yeah, with stuff that isn't in repositories, it's going to be a pain the ass.

>> No.10150861

Because it was distributed as ZIP archive, which doesn't store individual file permissions. And why is it distributed as ZIP, and not TAR.GZ? Because the devs ponder to Windows users, who'd probably think: WUDS DIS GZ FILE, FUCKING VIRUS?1?1. Windows users only have it easier because everything is tuned towards them.

>> No.10150879

Which is ironic, because "Linux is good for programmers", but your indie programs are going to be a pain in the ass for others to install.
All those "repositories" are only going to make more mainstream what is already mainstream, because people are lazy, fact. Ironically an indie programmer has more chances to spread his program for window than for Linux, and not just because the former is a lot more widespread.

>> No.10150929

>it doesn't work in other systems where recompilation would be necessary.

What, is statically linking libraries some kind of black magic now?

Only no one is going to care about your indie program just because it's indie anyway. Either make something unique and useful, and people will waste no time adding it to repositories, or join an existing project.

>> No.10150931

I think you might be frustrated because of the differences between Windows and most Linux distros. While I agree that installing Windows software packaged in executable installers is easier than installing a program from the source -- especially if some development library is missing -- this only really applies when the developers have not done a "proper" job packaging it. Installing software from souce on Windows is complicated too. If a developer simply tarballed his software with statically linked libraries, untarring it would yield the same result as unzipping it on windows, with no more complexity. Similarily, if someone made a .deb package, installing it would be analogous to double clicking a .MSI file in Windows.

Also, as a hobby developer, I find it more straightforward to package and distribute Linux software in a nicely distributable form. Though this is probably a function of me being used to doing it that way.

tl;dr: things you haven't done before look more complicated than they might be.

>> No.10150944

All I see is Saya's silhouette in your picture.

>> No.10150969

Oh please. If you want to cater to retards, you can make an installer with minimal dependencies just as easily (which is what many games do). It's just that most users expect something better integrated than that.

The fact that these "indie" developers often can't be assed to learn a bit about the platform they're writing for is hardly the platform's fault.

>> No.10150981

Of course you never saw a thread about it, you're le new here.

>> No.10150984

Fuck off, ironic hipster dickshit. You're what's wrong with this board.

>> No.10151002

He's right though, you're incredibly new because you could have just checked up on an archive instead of asking a banal question here.

>> No.10151017

>Implying I am OP

Also, whether OP is "le new", and the pointing out of such, has nothing to do with the thread at hand.

>> No.10151027

Which is shitposting that has nothing to do with the original thread?

>> No.10151037


>> No.10151052

Is there even a good, or at least not-horrible OELVN that the focus isn't romance? Like Umineko or Muv Luv Alternative?

I mean, I'd love to see something from /jaypee/ that isn't "this girl is cute. Look at how cute she is. And the story is sad/cute".

>> No.10151062

rita please respond

>> No.10151064

>focus isn't romance
>Muv Luv Alternative

>> No.10151071

Well, the BETA was kinda the main plot point of it, y'know.

>> No.10151073

Make one yourself. I'll help. It'll be one hell of a product and we'll wow the world with our brilliance.

If only...

>> No.10151075

The main plot was romance with sumika

>> No.10151077

Sumika a shit

>> No.10151102

/a/ here.

At least you guys can finish things. The only OC we have are some drawings at the drawfag thread.

>> No.10151110

No, we can't finish shit either.

>> No.10151119

>Like Umineko
Witches & Woodlands

>> No.10151160

But it's not from /jp/. Rather from animesuki?

>> No.10151179

>At least you guys can finish things.

>> No.10151186

I've finished inside your mom last night.
get rekd nerd

>> No.10151201

But the author's initials are JP.

Jokes apart, if the question is limited to VN that /jp/ did or that were born in /jp/ there's really only two in existence, right? Unless you count that "anon day" thing that doesn't have any graphic.

>> No.10151312

Two? I count Dandygirl, that's one. What's the other?

>> No.10151327

I want to make sci-fi/futuristic based adventure game with VN elements.
It would spawn sequels, spinoffs, an anime series, and an RTS or MMO that would save the entire genre.

I don't have the will power or skills needed though.

>> No.10151336

I searched the archive for the URL and "Visual Test". Nobody has posted about it before.

Note that I meant the French translation (hence "international acclaim"), not the VN itself.

rita please respond, I guess.

>> No.10151343


Download the SDK, run the demo/tutorial. You don't need to know any Python to create a Ren'Py visual novel, you just need to know how to follow instructions and copy-paste. Of course, if you want to do more advanced things like a battle engine or a snazzy Corean spaceship interface, learning Python is worthwhile and not too difficult.

Realize your dreams, Anon.

>> No.10151351

Nah, I'll just go to sleep

>> No.10151357

Don't worry about it, you can do it tomorrow.

>> No.10151359

Not him but thank you for believing in us and helping us find the tools to make our dreams come true.

One day I will make something great....
One day /jp/.....

>> No.10151365

I made a sci-fi (text) adventure game with VN elements.

Nobody played it.

>> No.10151373

Don't forget us when you're a big star, Anon. While you're at Le Web 3.0 Indie Games Summit receiving your awards, all sharply dressed and cured of autism, don't forget that it was /jp/ who gave you that first little push to get you going.

>> No.10151382

I've never played such a game with VN elements (what do you mean?) but I have played a ton of sci-fi text adventures from IF Archive and IFWiki. If you listed it on either, there's a possibility I've played it!

>> No.10151385

do you have a link?
I'll play it.

Main reason I'm not gonna do it is because a friend of mine asked if I could help him with his VN Idea

>> No.10151387

Hopefully the experience doesn't tear your friendship apart.

>> No.10151388
File: 551 KB, 800x600, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not listed on either. VN elements as in backgrounds, BGM, sound, and VN-style text (printed letter by letter, wait for keypress, etc).

>> No.10151391


>> No.10151397

I think I would rather just release works in the /jp/ OC threads and see how things go from there.

Years down the line, I will most likely still be here among you all.
But maybe we could all create something great and live the dream....

>> No.10151403

Super readable text, bro.

You might like Radical Dreamers, it was a little similar to what you were going for (though it was just multiple choice routes rather than a traditional text adventure).

>> No.10151406

/x/ was working on a visual novel/dating sim with /x/-related characters.

Let's do that for /jp/ and upset everyone. I call the meido NTR route.

>> No.10151419

You see you shouldn't be discuraged if no one reads your stuff, it's pretty normal.

I'm still working on an epic Final Fantasy crossover fanfic that nobody will ever read, but that's how it goes.

It's pretty sad and I'd be lying if I said that it disappoints me greatly when nobody cares about the stuff that I did, it actually depresses me. But in the end I know that I should really write because I like it and not because I want attention and praise (even if I'm craving for praises).
So I'm determined to keep writing, and I also know that in this kind of stuff you need perseverance. There's a shitton of widely acclaimed authors in various fields that nobody gave a fuck about for years. What if they gave up back then?

That being said, perseverance isn't a guarantee of anything, you might spend your life writing stuff that nobody will ever read anyway. But in the end, it will only be a waste of time if you don't like writing, if you like it, then at least you did something that you enjoyed.

>> No.10151413

I call the unlockable White Ren communal gangrape miniscene.

>> No.10151414

I doubt it will we've been friends for years.

though he's clearly more passionate then me about it

>> No.10151423
File: 769 KB, 1280x722, screenshot0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should make a game based on Uncle Mugen's Ren'Py Date Simulation Engine.

>> No.10151426

Perhaps you should allocate your efforts to a medium more conducive to popularity.

In other words fanfics are fucking stupid. No offense.

>> No.10151440

If you want reassurance, pick up the latest New York Times bestseller and read it. Dan Brown and Stephen King may write good stories, but they're not particularly good writers. They're not bad writers, it just shocks me whenever I read a recent book and it's not the sort of purple prose you would get with, say, some classic book from the 1800s.
There are even mediocre writers who make mediocre novels, but they still get popular or critical acclaim. Read a passage from Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey. I admire the authors of these books for their confidence.

>> No.10151442
File: 443 KB, 800x600, gallery_2_126_55373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now fan visual novels, there's an untapped well of profit and internet fame.

>> No.10151446

That really depends. A fanfic has the benefit of leaching off the popularity of an already established title.

Besides, most doujinshi are fanfic too, they are hardly considered stupid here.

>> No.10151451

If a doujinshi isn't straight-up porn, then I have very high standards for the story, just as I would with fan fiction.

>> No.10151452

that ART

>> No.10151461

You mean shame

>> No.10151463

Yes, but said popularity is hardly utilized in the long run, leading perhaps to a Naruto fanfic getting 10k reads as opposed to a Tsukihime one getting 4k reads. Fanfics appear to me to be inherently less prone to becoming popular, as they are like books without the mainstream tag and also generally requiring prior knowledge of what the fanfic is based on. Of course you have rare exceptions like Fate/Zero, but that hardly qualifies.

VNs aren't very popular either, but at least they are more reader-friendly, and the whole "visual" part goes a long way.

>> No.10151473

His characters are too stiff.

>> No.10151474
File: 19 KB, 324x216, 1342094778121.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to write a fan fiction of a popular series, then spin off your fan fiction into an ``original'' work. You're basically siphoning an existing fandom into fans of your new work.

>> No.10151476

Well the problem is that fanfics are mainly written by inexperienced people which means 99% of them are garbage. 0.9% are enjoyable and only 0.1% are really good.

But that doesn't mean that a fanfic is inherently bad as an idea.
For example, take Batman done by Miller or Alan Moore. The only reason you don't call those "fanfic" is because they are official publications, but it doesn't change the fact that they were done by authors completely different from those of the original story, giving their contributions and interpretations to a setting and characters that someone else made.

>> No.10151490

That depends on what kind of popularity we are talking about.

Are you aiming for a bestseller? Good luck with that, but sure, you need an "original" work.

Are you a random guy posting his shit on the internet? Your best shot is a fanfic if you want to be read. You won't become popular, but at least someone will read what you wrote.

>> No.10151503

Comics are a special case because they have a lot of writers by nature. There is no one person who says, "This is what Batman is," and if there was such a person he is dead. Same with serial shows like Doctor Who or a shared universe like the Cthulhu Mythos.

>> No.10151510

So what if I write a fanfic about Batman or another comic hero?

Is that really different from writing a fanfic about a game or an anime?
They have multiple authors too, especially when they have many sequels.

>> No.10151519

That's what I mean, obviously it's still fan fiction, but there's no master plan decided by one person (or team of people). You could even get hired as an official writer, or have your story made canon. It happens.

>> No.10151570

I have this problem with the core of my motivation: I want to write stories for people to enjoy reading, not to please myself or get e-fame. So when I write something and nobody reads it, it really discourages me. You can always attention-whore and get people to read it by half-forcing them, but for me, that misses the point of writing in the first place. Which is an especially frustrating contradiction if you notice that people will only read stuff if it's more or less shoved in their face; just posting it somewhere and hoping people will find it gets you 0 reads.

My experience is that writing fanfics is the easiest way to get people to read your stuff; I've barely written any, but what little fanfiction I did write has been far more popular than any non-fanfiction I've written. You're throwing numbers like '4k' around, but for an amateur writer 4000 people is a LOT. That's 4000 individuals who were interested enough to read your story, and many of them likely enjoyed it. To make that many people enjoy my work would be amazing, in my opinion.

>> No.10151835

I use gnulinux because it's a much more comfortable experience than Windows.

The whole system runs on a tiny 80MB and everything I do that doesn't require Windows (like collecting/organizing images and videos, watching anime, reading, browsing internet) is much faster and more efficient than in Windows.

I run Windows 7 in VirtualBox to play my Doujin games and galge. I'm not joking when I say that running windows under virtualbox is much more flexible than using Windows as the operating system. I can actually scale galge to whatever resolution I want and it's a simple matter to make a galge look integrated into the rest of the gnulinux gui environment even though it's running in Windows.

Which distro did you try?

I've tried a good deals of distros but always ended up switching back to Windows. I only begun loving gnulinux after I tried Debian.

Sure, I regularly went through entire weeks of frustration, but I felt I got more familiar with it and gradually learned how I could acquire that feeling of a secure, stable operating system that works just how you want it to.

>> No.10151903

It seems like you have little experience with gnulinux and are frustrated with your failed attempts. I can understand that as practically everyone starts at that point.

>Starting up the OS has always been longer for Linux than for anything else from XP onward.
I've had the direct opposite experience. The boot process can be set to configure your wireless connection among other things, it's all written on the screen.

>And naturally you need to type SUDO every freaking time.
Use "su" to switch to the root account inside the terminal session. You could also simply log in as root, which is especially useful if you're configuring with GUI setting managers.

>Last time I installed Linux then it was very funny. It didn't even recognize my keyboard properly... a fucking keyboard. It kept giving me random error like skipping character or inputing them twice. It was really great.
Only thing I can think of is that you accidentally enabled gdm3's slow key function. (you know how in windows holding in shift for too long, or tapping it will automatically enable accessability features and bring up a dialog? gdm3 thought it was a good idea to replicate that feature) Although there would pop up a notification to remind you of that.

>> No.10152055

That actually discourages me more than anything. Works with actual quality can go undiscovered forever, while complete crap can become a best-seller. 'Success' is mostly a matter of catering to the audience, knowing the right people, marketing, and luck. Quality is mostly unrelated to success/popularity of any work of art. No matter how hard you try or how great your work is, chances are still nobody will read what you write.

>> No.10152083

Stephen King actually has a peculiar talent, not in the sense of being able to create particularly beautiful literary compositions, but he has a knack for sucking you in the story... whenever he isn't in his "boring pontless description mode".
Anyway that's still a talent that I can respect.

Dan Brown on the other hand... he just sucks. His writing style his mediocre at best, his storytelling is lame. If it wasn't for the conspiracy theory bullshit he uses to get people's attention and his awesome agent, nobody would give a damn about his "works".

>> No.10152349

What is /jp/'s stance of fan fiction anyways? The traditional internet opinion on it is that it's horrible and anybody who writes it is horrible, but /jp/ seems to be all over Touhou fanon and Dandygirl is hardly original as well. Besides, there exists actually good fan fiction out there.

>> No.10152393

Isn't dandygirl an "adaption"?
That's not the same thing as "fanfiction".

Anyway I stated my opinion before, the vast mahority of fanfics are shit, but there are some diamonds in the rough.

I know that /jp/ praised some fan fictional works before, when they deserved it.

>> No.10152659

That's like being proud of a YouTube video for having 4k views. Well, not exactly, but you get the point.

>> No.10152737

If the YouTube video was a creative work I've made, I would be proud. In practice, though, the only YouTube videos I've uploaded with that many views were gameplay videos and the like.

>> No.10152798

youtube views do not equal to persons that have seen it.

4k people reading your fanfic is a lot, if it's really persons and not simply "clicks".
There aren't really many VNs that have that many readers in the west.

>> No.10152979

1. Make VN
2. Sell it on Steam
3. Make killer dosh

I'd say this plan is pretty good, what do you think, /jp/?

>> No.10152986
File: 208 KB, 1024x640, 10645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single one of Christine Love's works has at least that many readers. Katawa Shoujo as well. And if you're talking about Japanese VNs getting that many readers in the West, Fate/stay night has 3228 votes on VNDB alone, and that's only a fraction of the total amount of readers. MangaGamer managed to SELL 2000 copies of Koihime Musou (and there are a lot more people out there who pirated it), and it's only the 45th most popular game on VNDB (776 votes).

>> No.10152990

There's a problem at #2: to get on Steam nowadays (with Greenlight and all), you need to have the kind of popularity that allows you to make a profit even without Steam.

>> No.10152993


Step 1.5 Get a bunch of fags from 4chan to support my project

>> No.10153004
File: 50 KB, 306x220, 1341531790195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm making a VN about a bird furry named Uuko who steals the power of the moon good from Niro the king of hell. I call it Uouhuot: Sweet Rhythmic Orgasms

Picture related, it's honkhonk the lovable dog girl rogue

>> No.10153020

-Fate stay night is the most popular VN on vndb
-Katawa Shoujo has been advertised to death on 4chan and was downloaded by people that never touched a VN before
-That christine love has that many reader for EACH of her VNs is very doubtful.
-2000 copies is about right as an average VN that's still half than 4k. 45th place is a lot when you consider the total number is 11356. that means 11341 VN are less popular than something that sold 2000 units.

>> No.10153051

who the fuck is christine love?
Every single day I see that stupid shit name posted here. Some dumb nerd like Aeru that thinks Digital picture books are anything revolutionary?

>> No.10153064

There's currently a beta project that creates a universal linux program that does this, so you'll be able to find the same thing on other distros

>> No.10153065

There's a christine love fag on /jp/ that keeps advertising her. I think it's the same person, and I hope I'm not wrong.

>> No.10153090


Christine Love is some misandric hyper feminist who virals on /a/ and /jp/ usually through her puppet pet artist, a boy from the third world who she has on payroll to make her shitty propaganda games preaching about how evil men are, and how they deserve to die.

>> No.10153102

She wrote an OELVN called Analogue: A Hate Story and /jp/ discussed it for about a half hour before everyone stopped giving a shit besides people going out of their way to stir things up.

>> No.10153107

It's definitely the same guy, you can tell from the writing style.

>> No.10153127


His name is Fiohnel or something the artist, he used to draw here but he's not become a viral spammer

>> No.10153195

You guys, please keep the 'he's mentioning something I don't like so he's viraling!!' to /v/ and such boards. I'm not advertising anything, and in fact don't even like her works (Digital had nice style but disappointing story and I dropped Analogue at the demo because it was all infodumps and no reason to be interested), I just mentioned her as she was relevant to the topic at hand.

Christine Love is an OELVN writer whose works (especially Analogue: A Hate Story) have found mainstream appeal (to the point of even getting onto Steam). /jp/ hates her because
1. She makes OELVNs
2. She's popular; and
3. Apparently Analogue has strong feminist undertones
4. Some time after Don't Take It Personally Baby, It Just Ain't Your Story's release, threads kept popping up on /jp/ about the VN. This might be a rare case of actual viraling; at the very least, the posters didn't seem to be regulars and I've never heard about it on /jp/ since then.

Back to topic:
>2000 copies is about right as an average VN that's still half than 4k. 45th place is a lot when you consider the total number is 11356. that means 11341 VN are less popular than something that sold 2000 units.
2000 SOLD copies. Especially in the VN community, there are many more people who play them through piracy rather than through buying the games. The '11356' number is also not really applicable, as 98% of them are untranslated Japanese games which will obviously not be very popular in the Western community.

>> No.10153210
File: 112 KB, 1024x765, A8R40rfCEAAuo7Z.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably me, but I haven't posted about her in this thread.

Nope! That's Raide, he did most of the art for her games (and KS).
I'm just some guy.

>> No.10153229

>I dropped Analogue at the demo because it was all infodumps and no reason to be interested

I wish I could say it gets better, but that's it. That's the game. Read some files to unlock more files! What's the matter, this is a visual novel, don't you know!

Christine Love has no idea how to get an audience hooked. At least Digital and Don't Take It Personally had a semi-decent story or interesting themes. I suspect half-way through drafting Analogue she realized "Oh shit, this is fucking boring. A predictable twist five minutes in! That'll solve everything!"

>> No.10153245


Oh god there's a Korean version?

No-cost link to the full game here, by the way.

>> No.10153283

>2000 SOLD copies
That doesn't say how many have pirated it though. You're pulling purely speculative numbers.

The point is that you aren't really proving that my point was wrong by citing the most popular VNs.
I think other anons have proved that there's viral marketing going on behind Christine Love's success.

If I said that there are NO VNs that pass the 4k threshold, you'd win, but I said that there aren't MANY. At most there is a hundred, and in perspective that's very few.

You think that a random guy writing stories in internet can compare to the top 100 of all the VNs written worldwide? That's plain silly.

Only a very few exceptional cases can do that.

>> No.10153301


It's probably because she focuses on making indoctrination tools.

Christine Love has feminist undertones, in the way that Khmer Rogue had genocide undertones.

She's a radical feminist (read: sexist), that's as far from undertones as you can get.

>> No.10153355
File: 224 KB, 501x708, RYUKISHI HAS BETRAYED THE MALE FANBASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've only heard it from /jp/, and I can't really take strong claims only heard on /jp/ too seriously. After all, it was also /jp/ that claimed Ryukishi07 was going for an all-female audience and ignored male fans when he added a single bishounen character to a huge cast of non-bishounen characters.

>> No.10153397

Ryuukishi started with the female audience pandering since Umineko. He must have learned that Higurashi was pretty popular among females too.

>> No.10153533
File: 56 KB, 960x600, 1351911186162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's a difference between demographics and forcing some sort of message. Christine Love spares no words making the entire male population feel guilty for something that happened in Korea over 500 years ago.
She even does that obnoxious softening-the-blow technique people use when they want to preach but don't want to look like they're preaching. "I was forced to marry someone and had sex with a much older man when I was 13! But it's okay :)))))", "Then I horrifically had my tongue cut out. But don't feel sorry for me :))))".

Fuck you, Christine Love. You have set up a huge straw man to make men feel guilty, even if it was "based on a real part of human history." Perhaps I'll make some story about how all women are cunts because some insignificant Amazonian tribe mistreated men once. I'm sure that would go down well.

>> No.10153555


Oh we should make a VN about the feminist rationalization of male rape and genital mutilation. Let's also ignore 500 years of beneficial sexism that kept women out of wars, the mine, every high risk job. Or how present day Feminism is active, legitimate extinction of 90% of men on earth.

>> No.10153567

>that kept women out of wars
Only when their men win.

>the mine
Not after the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.10153571

>500 years

More like thousands.

>> No.10153641

you'd never do that

it would take effort and nobody would read it

>> No.10153715

>nobody would read it
As with anything any of us would create, ever. ;_;

>> No.10153764

Probably around the half way point I would feel terribly silly and think "Okay, I'm going way too far with this to prove a point. And I'm arguably giving her what she wants."

Still, that would be equivalent to what she did.

Oh! And the patronizing way the characters address the player. Not the player character, but the audience.
Fuck you and your condescending guilt-tripping bullshit, Christine. I hope you choke on a hymen.

...I'll stop now.

>> No.10153809

I-I would draw for you.

>> No.10153842

how well can you draw?

>> No.10153942

Don't just draw for me, I want you to date me.

>> No.10154391

Better than most that frequent this board.
I'd like to think so anyway.

>> No.10154703


>> No.10154843

Being arrogant as an artist is a bad quality to have as an artist....

>> No.10155012
File: 62 KB, 376x400, ChibiMerci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. I'm ww-working on a VN t-to--oo /jp/..

>> No.10155058

Why do you type like that?

>> No.10155061

Hえ accidentally managed to enable gdm3's slow key accesability future.

>> No.10155066

I don't think a new /jp/ VN would be the same as before. "/jp/ artists" these days just crave attention and slap their work onto every site and place they see to receive even more recognition. I just wish that we can have a game where everyone is simply credited as anonymous.

>> No.10155075

Please don't over-generalize. I'm confident that the majority of /jp/ posters wouldn't opt for recognition.

>> No.10155089



I want to put in none of the work and effort but recieve full credit for being "on the project"

>> No.10155095

You know, much as I'd prefer to stay anonymous myself, I really don't think a credit list at the end is even close to attention-whoring.

>> No.10155102


I find it funny that people hunt down the names of meidos, yet complain when artists have their own names.

The funniest part is all the artists on /jp/ post anonymously yet this normalfag tries to call them attention whores.

This is the reason why /jp/ can't complete any project, they lack motivation.

>> No.10155171

I don't understand what you're assuming. I suggested that everyone would be titled under anonymous, thus giving no one including myself any credit. In The Dandelion Girl, only the writer was credited under his name.

Posting anonymously doesn't always make you unidentified. >>10155012.

>> No.10155184

I hate Christine Love and her preaching as much as the next sane person, but this post is just silly.

>> No.10155190


It's funny, because this is what radical feminists are currently preaching. It will be funny when people decide that it's a le super fanny joek as they lobby for more and more rights taken away from men in the guise of "equality" when feminists never wanted equality in the first place.

>> No.10155192


Then who is it?

>> No.10155204


>> No.10155228

There is nothing wrong with wanting recognition for something you have made, in fact if you have produced something that people enjoyed you deserve that recognition.
Your logic seem like that of a person who has never produced anything worth of attention and because of that you think that nobody else should get it; if this is your case anon let me tell you that you are a despicable creature, one that is jealous of everyone else and probably think that the world owns you a damn thing, in other words you are rotten.

>> No.10155236

Ego is good.
Also, it's not like most artists here are top tier anyway, so it's not really all that much to say he's better than most.

>> No.10155239

I'd also rather work with someone who's confident in their talents rather than a wishy washy artist that jumped the gun and vocally questions his abilities the whole time.

>> No.10155293


Moreover, an artist who's actively trying to get better, and has a reputation to protect won't walk out on a project.

>> No.10155354

I know that kind of artist.
They keep retouching works that have already completed because they are never satisfied with them. As a result they never finish a project, in the end they drop it because either they conclude they'll never make it good enough, or because after several months they lose interest.

Overconfident artists however are also a problem. Let's say we make this /jp/ project. As long as the VN is low profile and only requires one artist, it's all right. But let's say you have several characters to be done and you need to split the work among various artists. They'll all want to be those in charge of the main hero or heroine.

>> No.10155358

Who'd want to draw a side character? You're already the side character in life, so you should at least do the main character in fiction!

>> No.10155356

whoever can name the best tsukihime girl titles the name of my upcoming VN

>> No.10155363

And yet someone has to...

>> No.10155373

I'd have thought that in /jp/ of all places you're most likely to find an artist that doesn't mind doing some minor work. Some would probably even prefer that compared to the workload and pressure of doing a main character.

>> No.10155375


You have to assign art correctly. Trying to assign a character to an artist is a terrible way to do it.

If you have to have multiple artists, there should be one character designer, an inker, a color artist and the preferably the color artist should be finishing all sprites and CGs to give a uniform appearance.

>> No.10155379

My experiences with artists is that they shun the idea of their works being colored by others as much as vampires shun sunlight.

>> No.10155388


Then they fall in the category of egotists.

You do have to have a lead artist. Look at JVNs, especially ones that were made to fit a particular artist like Captive Market. Most of these games have multiple artists, but they have to be finished to fit a single vision.

When there is true synergy, everyone's work blends together and makes a new style. I've worked on mangas like this

>> No.10155390
File: 350 KB, 1600x900, mmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't always the case.

>> No.10155395

>Then they fall in the category of egotists.
Most artists do, and not just "artists" in the sense of people that can draw. Writers, composers and anything else to.

>Look at JVNs
Those are paid, that's different. When you are paid you suck it up even things that you don't like.

>> No.10155403


MMQ was more like an OELVN in the JVN scene, it was made by a random group of artists breaking into a genre for the first time, and not by a studio.

And the differences between the artists can be quite distracting.

>> No.10155429

Rose guns days is also like that.
But yeah I agree that is distracting.

By the way Muv Luv also has noticeably different artstyles. Albeit in that case I can see that a certain effort was made to make them similar.

>> No.10155915

I think the point isn't really that it's paid but rather that it's a collaboration. When you're collaborating, you have to compromise, otherwise you'll never reach anything.

>> No.10156329
File: 6 KB, 251x205, thumbnail ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously there's a limit to how picky you can be on a place like /jp/, but I think some sort of style/model guide would be useful in this situation. The writer and artists should collaborate and work out a style they can all do, and define it properly before anyone puts pen to tablet.

Or just copy someone else's style. "It's going to look like Ever17." That works too.

>> No.10156418
File: 234 KB, 800x650, Schoolground_CG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you wanted the larger version.

>> No.10156420

you're so considerate <3

>> No.10156430
File: 60 KB, 478x408, SHINING ARMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept art.

>> No.10156481

I did. Thank you.

>> No.10157056

The point is that you can't compare people that do something under compensation with people that do something as a hobby.

And when you are volunteering you don't really "have to" do anything. It's just your choice, there is nothing that binds you to do what you don't like, not even moral reasons.

>> No.10157402

If a person commits to doing something there's a certain expectation that they'll see it through, paid or not. Volunteering isn't just doing whatever you want, it's a contract that happens to not involve monetary compensation for your time.

>> No.10157564


No such thing. And besides, the problem exists even before anyone commits to anything.
It goes like this:

- someone announces the start of project and asks for people that want to join.
- Several artists say they are interested
- It turns out they all want to do the main characters, nobody wants to do side characters.
- Hilarity ensues.
- Project dies.

>> No.10157592

That's stupid.
You need a lead artist to design all the characters.
The other artists should be able to replicate the style regardless if you want a good team.
And other artists should just be doing other things like GUI, background CGs and what have you.
Unless they're all able to draw the same style, you don't need a big art team.

>> No.10157637

>That's stupid.

That's human.

>> No.10157641

And when you say "you" you mean "you who started the project". But that doesn't mean other will care about it as much as you do.

>> No.10157663

From what I've seen, problems have been less about artists wanting centre stage and more about the person in charge of the project is just an ideas guy with nothing but a vague image of how it's going to go.

>> No.10157691

I think I said this before, but you are not going to get a good "artist" for your non-commercial VN project.

You can get, in order from the most useful to the least:

a) the shitty half-assed beginners who use your project as an opportunity to learn but actually do what they're told as long as it's inside of their capabilities(though they're not capable of much), and sometimes even improve to match the requirements of the project

b) the somewhat decent ones with enormous egos and massively inflated notion of their own worth. Those not only will not listen to any direction and demand control over the art but will also refuse to do anything outside of their comfort zone because if they fail it'll threaten their egos. Used to being praised by their clique of circlejerking followers, so they won't take any criticism.

c) People with the skill level of "a"s who think they're "b"s

The only possible exception is if the artist is either the project lead themselves, or a close personal friend of the project lead.

>> No.10157701

There are decent artists in our OC threads. If I was an artist, I would like the opportunity to do a project instead of something random that nobody but myself cares about.

>> No.10157709

How hard is it to find artists willing to do H scenes? Not just random dickgirl trash like in /jp/ OC threads.

>> No.10157713

That too is often a problem. But it's still related to the innate desire to be the one who gets the best position in a project, in this case the "art director" or whatever you want to call it.

As much as there are "prima donna" among artists like in the "b" case mentioned above, there are also self-centered megalomaniac writers who think artists should infallibly obey to his directions and thank him for giving them the opportunity to work for him.

>> No.10157719

You are not an artist.

You do not understand the time and effort required to participate in a large scale project, nor the necessary investment to get to a decent level in the first place.

(also, there's all of about two artists I'd say are actually decent posting in our OC threads, and I have a sneaking suspicion one of them would fit the "b" description above to a tee)

>> No.10157736

That's another hurdle that any amateur projects have to overcome: many of the people who want to be involved don't really understand how much effort is actually going to be involved. Even with stuff like KS they had a lot of staff turnover (artists, probably other roles too) because people baulked at the realisation that it's actually a major undertaking.

>> No.10157787

You said it.
It happens all the time. A guys like manga and thinks "I love manga su much! They are so much fun! I want to make a living by becoming a mangaka! It'd be the best job ever!"

No it's not. Entertainment is enjoyable, but if "having fun" is your only reason you'll be greatly disappointed. It's still work, and it can get pretty boring easily.

I say the main reason most projects never end is because people realize this sad truth midway. Or even worse, they don't even realize it. They lose interest and move to another project, thinking that it will be better.

>> No.10157832


Which brings up an important point: when setting out to create a new project you need to think long and hard how to make do with the least amount of resources possible. It would be a bit different if you were a professional - you'd know exactly what resources you have available, but for amateur non-profit projects it's really important to keep it as simple as possible while still creating an interesting work.

Coming up with a story is the easiest part. Anyone can do it.

Coming up with a way to tell that story? Now, THAT is important.

Everyone thinks that the writer is the only person that should decide how the story will unfold, while in truth the director is just as important.

>> No.10157840

Every time I consider taking up painting or writing seriously, I take a look at the front page of DA and ask myself: What really sets me apart from all these shameless weeaboos? Isn't it bad enough that I know a little bit of Japanese? Why make it worse? And then I give up, happy because I just saved myself the embarrassment

>> No.10157868

I just took a look at the front page of DA and other than one MLP comic, one hilarious tutorial using shitty as fuck art to circlejerk knowledge that was already repeated ad nauseam back when I had an account there(8+ years ago), and the usually bad portrait photography, it's actually quite decent.

Maybe I should try to remember my account details and check out my old bookmarks.

>> No.10159814


>> No.10159873

There always has to be a leader, the guy who takes control of the team and directs everyone. One problem is when the lead is unfit for the role as a leader, or when the people on the project buckle instantly under the concept of goals and deadlines.

I'd love to create a VN with /jp/ but the reality is, no one is actually fit to dedicate themselves to a project and actually put in a grind to see it through.

>> No.10159988
File: 213 KB, 2420x2640, W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can westerners not do Touhou?
/jp/ should invent our own Touhou universe, with Meido as a character. I'm a practicing artist, everything I've made so far is complete shit. I have a few longterm goals, but very few. One of which is a parody of magical girl genre with Meido as the main character. :( That will never happen because I'm pretty bad, though. I'll probably have a heart attack before I can draw quality works.

>> No.10160095

Touhou universe is 90% fandom. It'd just be an unrelated collection of games with returning MCs if not for them.

>> No.10160182

But there's one already it's called Homestuck

>> No.10164485


>> No.10164731

If it were only useful for programming, there would be noone to program for, anon.

What I love about it is that it's built on the mentality of "we'll give you the language reference, then you can tell us what to do". I like the console, too. It's simple and direct - "run this program, do that thing", each program you install is really a new verb you can use and it's a really thin abstraction over the OS. And you can make new programs by writing short scripts.

Each time I try windows, I get constantly annoyed. The UI doesn't react just like I'm used to, I can't do things by just typing what I want in a plaintext file, the entire system is made with the assumption that I'll do one of a few things and that's it. In short, once I got over the culture shock, Linux turned out to be a much more comfortable experience for me.

>> No.10164741

When will we have this in English? I read "The Dandelion Girl", can't wait to shed tears all over again.

>> No.10165381

Actually, with a title like that I'd imagine it to be some sort of hybrid eroge/rhythm game.

Conversation is handled by you playing a song and the style of the song determines your lines and each girl has a different style she likes, but sometimes you'll want to play the "wrong" style to one girl, so the game will give you more time with another.

Then when you get to making out and then sex, you have to follow her moans and play her erogenous zones.

>> No.10165400

Wait, what?

It's a /jp/ OELVN adaptation of the short story. These Frenchies just translated our adaptation into French.

>> No.10165452
File: 118 KB, 640x357, eeeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I'm sorry, I thought it was only available in french.
I will go lurk more now.
