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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 434 KB, 990x560, top02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10146718 No.10146718 [Reply] [Original]

So... this came out yesterday.

>> No.10146729

I thought Naisho no Naisho had came out for longer. I guess it got delayed.

>> No.10146827

that was the trial version

>> No.10146829

Fuck my life, I can't read moon.

>> No.10146836

I'm going to torrent it translated or not.

>> No.10146862
File: 159 KB, 448x640, naishonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.10146868

Where do you get translated VN's/eroge anyway?

>> No.10146874

Share, PD, Animebyt.es, Nyaa

>> No.10146881

this will NEVER be translated so just give up.

>> No.10146884

You gotta wait for someone to pick it up but nobody will because its too niche.
.....unless this thread reaches 100 replies and translators see how popular this game is *ahem ahem*

>> No.10146896

Thanks, care to send an AB invite? If not where can I get one? I'm a good torrenter, I usually just let everything seed 24/7.

>> No.10146897

This is bearing toddlercon.

No thank you.

>> No.10146900

Maybe he is a pedofreak with enough guts to learn Japanese and do it himself.

>> No.10146901

You can't put an age on love.

>> No.10146904

Oh fuck, I read that as untranslated. Sorry about that.

Also, >>10146881

Don't ruin your experience by using shit like machine translators, just learn moon like everyone else.

>> No.10146954

thanks for reminding me.

firing up PD and waiting for it to get uploaded. going to mine the HELL out of it for sentences/vocab but i'm not expecting much since its a shitty nukige and the dialog is probably simple.

>> No.10146983


>> No.10147194


>> No.10147328
File: 58 KB, 500x700, 25be7b54[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to watch the trailers



>> No.10147336

I think that the border between lolicon and toddlercon is the best range.

>> No.10147361

The character designs are damn cute.
Who does them?

>> No.10147417

It's an eroge. You do.

>> No.10147739

Has it been uploaded yet?

>> No.10147814
File: 37 KB, 719x646, 1349385031278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly what most surprises me about these randoms nukiges is that Japanese people pay 8800 yen for it. I know software is expansive there but still, it's such a waste.

>> No.10147875

your mom wasn't worth the price too :(

>> No.10147906

I'd pay that much, if I lived in Japan, could not pirate, and the software and platform both respected my freedoms.

>> No.10147930

That was pretty clever.

>> No.10148613

I want the cg rip

>> No.10148618

My Japanese is too shitty to understand games so I will just say that I don't care even though I do care a little bit but not enough to continue learning.

>> No.10148658

So you get more loli loli eroge.

>> No.10148669

Same. I may not be able to play it, but I can still enjoy it.

>> No.10148677

Yea I would have no problem with buying it.
Lolicon is a very profitable market because us lolicons are willing to shell out hard dough for loli stuff.

>> No.10148678

i almost bought this game, and i don't live in japan. the only reason i didn't was because i don't know japanese, and i already know that i probably wouldn't put in the effort to learn either, even after spending the money. even so, it was really hard for me to walk away from the purchase. it was an emotional want.

>> No.10148685

Get out of /jp/ normalfag

>> No.10148702

how is this experience worth $106?

>> No.10148707

How is it not?!
Look at the pretty girls! and how few of these games are out there.
Watch the trailers and you'll know why.

>> No.10148713

It isn't. The people who are going to buy it will buy it no matter what, so they need to make as much as they can from those purchases.

>> No.10148738
File: 535 KB, 490x640, 1354298927583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10148768

so is this on nyaa already or not? idc about translation obviously

>> No.10148778

Nope just checked.
Not up yet.
Waiting patiently though.

>> No.10148775

Poor Fry, not a single little girl in your entire show. The closest you could get is that Asian woman.

>> No.10148784

Are you too stupid to check yourself?

>> No.10148797

There are lots of little girls in the orphanarium.

>> No.10148814

yes im sorry i apologize

>> No.10149941

Still waiting warmly for girls to prepare

>> No.10149966

Still not up.
Maybe everyone's still playing it because its that good.

>> No.10149977

You could play and upload at the same time.

>> No.10150505

I could not agree more. That age range is perfection.

>> No.10150578

No signs as of yet. Maybe it didn't ship yet? It's saturday, after all.

>> No.10150849
File: 108 KB, 1152x720, 201210222246570bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some screenshots to dump

>> No.10150856
File: 160 KB, 1152x720, 20121022223853e30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150864
File: 103 KB, 1152x720, 2012102222533608d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150876

Lewd as fuck.

>> No.10150928
File: 117 KB, 1152x720, 20121022230722344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that LO?

>> No.10150940

Loli loev LO.

>> No.10151042

So, it's not even attainable yet? Why do you taunt my dick so?

>> No.10151381

Good freaking lord.. One more reason to live in Japan.

Any way I can get this?

>> No.10151395

I'm playing this, moons or not. Time to acquire a english-japanese dictionary I guess

>> No.10151399
File: 100 KB, 1152x720, 20121022230657686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10151401

I've opened a search in PD for this. If anything comes up there I'll grab it and upload it. This will probably take a few months so don't expect anything soon.

>> No.10151410

kinda surprising that it would take that long. unless ye jest.

>> No.10151420

I just can't imagine something like this being uploaded right away. The game was just released a couple of days ago too.

>> No.10151421

What I did for Crayon Tulip was tranlate every single kanji I didn't know using this site:
Only takes an hour to get through a couple screens of dialogue.

>> No.10151433

i wasn't expecting it right away either, but a few months' wait seems excessive.

>> No.10151483

I'm doing this! Thanks anon-chan!

>> No.10151713

Loli eroge always seem to have the best themes. They make me feel all warm inside like I'm sitting next to a warm fireplace during winter. Why is this?


>> No.10151727

Why is everyone so excited over this particular game? I've seen it be mentioned in like every VNTS thread, as well as the general visual novel threads. Is it all the same person saying to translate it, because I think it is??

Aren't there plenty of other loli eroge, or is there something really special about this particular one or the producer that I just don't know about?

>> No.10151746

It takes forever, unfortunately, but for this game I will give forever.
Its a combination of it being a loli eroge, and the characters being insanely adorable/pretty. The artwork in the screenshots is so cute! It's clear they put alot of work into this game.

>> No.10151755

those two girls are just heartwrenchingly adorable, and the artwork is so bright and cheerful. that's mainly what it is for me.

>> No.10151821
File: 87 KB, 320x460, naisho_no_naisho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month ago I copypasted an excerpt regarding the game from Omochikaeri's monthly releases post which I found funny. It grew into a huge thread (after being deleted at first and reposted) which lasted almost a full week, and since then I've seen it being mentioned in various VN-related threads. I'm pretty puzzled as well.

>> No.10151827

I think alot more people are drooling over this game than previously thought.

>> No.10152950

Loli bampu pantsu. Don't want to wake up tomorrow to see that this thread's gone.

>> No.10152976
File: 140 KB, 1152x720, 20121022224236cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10152991

I guess this will do until the next kodomo-h release.

>> No.10153011
File: 249 KB, 1440x810, 1330368451810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THat feel when you don't enjoy loli anymore because you love your little sister too much and don't want to become a pedophile

>> No.10153013

It's too late.

>> No.10153015

Put that down, Hina!

>> No.10153028

Are they doing any new VN this Comiket, or just more character books?

Talking about them, I need to catch up with their Sword of the Sweets thing if they're going to finish that any time soon.

>> No.10153033

Babby's first loli eroge, I guess.

>> No.10153053

You can buy it from http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0093XRJWM/

You'll need a proxy service as the shipping is JAPAN ONLY.
Or you can look for an eroge store that will ship overseas, but I don't know any. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for it to go on Share.

>> No.10153050

>that feel when she finishes middle school, so it's okay to like loli again.

>> No.10153118

amiami also has it for back-order.

>> No.10154365

The girls are half British, like, mate.
Grey hair is named Hazuki, blonde is Ren.

>> No.10154381

This is just some nukige? Sure looks like it. I don't want to read it if it's not heartwarming. Hope there's no bullying lolis!

>> No.10154400

Nukige can be heartwarming.

>> No.10154601

I find that this would be one of the items that I would never, ever order in hard copy form. Just think about tax officer's face when unpacking this. You're basically inviting the party van over for a field day.

Share tiem, when?

>> No.10154656

>The innards of the innards.

>> No.10154676


Where do you live? Some countries, like the US for example, very rarely check packages. I've never had an order from a Japanese source checked.

>> No.10154919

I wouldn't want to take that chance, to be honest.

>> No.10154922


Just send in an application.

>> No.10154942


I'd like to see more eroge under the GPL.

>> No.10154945

Tell me when the CGs are ripped and I'll care.

>> No.10155004

They should be ripped soon, unless it has some special protection. There's competition to be the first group to rip the CG set from new releases.

>> No.10155157

How can you enjoy a game without the voice acting and the scenes around the CGs? Might as well go to *booru and download random loli pictures if that is what you're after.

>> No.10155169


If there are multiple CG scenes I can somewhat understand the context. I don't need to hear "kimochi" 50 times to appreciate a love scene either. I don't masturbate to stories, I masturbate to porn.

>> No.10155185

>I don't masturbate to stories
What are you, gay?

>> No.10155242

Just send an application. Animebytes is by far the friendliest private tracker I've seen. You also get awarded 円 for time seeding torrents so you can easily get by even if nobody's actually downloading from you.

>> No.10155310


Though it is a ratioless tracker so it doesn't matter too much. You don't get booted for having a low ratio as far as I know, which makes sense since it's fairly hard to keep one at 1.0 or higher because there's hardly any leachers.

>> No.10155329

True, although if I remember correctly your downloads will be limited in amount and eventually you won't be able to download any torrents at all if your ratio gets too low.

Has anyone fetched the game yet? I'm still waiting for it on perfect dark.

>> No.10155376

I think those of us watching PD will be the first to see it. Activity has been pretty low the last couple of days - have a couple other 11/30 releases I was watching for, like お嬢様☆嫁入り抗争 2 that haven't come out yet.

>> No.10155512

Waiting is suffering.

>> No.10155518

How do you send an application?

>> No.10155537

Well, first of all, whip out your cock. The rest pretty much develops from there.

>> No.10155538

I might import this, I'll wait for a used one to show up on Amazon since its going to be a bitch to import.
Until then I will patiently wait for the torrent.

>> No.10155590

It's on sale on amazon for $85 idiot

>> No.10155616


Oh that's true. I think it limits you to one at a time, but not lower. I could be wrong.

>> No.10155625

Many years ago I payed 599 of my currency (~$105) for a copy of Gran Turismo 4 for the Playstation 2.

>> No.10155715

Registration is closed. They hit the user cap AGES ago.

>> No.10155735

Sorry, didn't notice that... I guess that means that you can't send invites either?

>> No.10155773

Doesn't it kind of disgust anyone that the JP branch of Amazon sells a game like this? Screenshots of pissing and everything. It's a little stomach-turning.

>> No.10155788

No. They probably took one look at the heart-rapingly cute characters and melted.
They have worse stuff on Amazon anyway.

>> No.10155814


Hardly. It tells you you're clicking on an 18-rated product before it shows you anything. If you have a problem with such things, you shouldn't click through the confirmation.

>> No.10155972


I have... one of my perverted figures showed up with green customs tape all over it. I was pretty embarrassed that they saw what I was getting.

>> No.10155980

>Doesn't it kind of disgust anyone

Nope. It only disgusts me that I cannot order it from the US branch of Amazon.

>> No.10157949

A wild torrent appears on sukebei!

>> No.10157983

ohmygod oh my godohmygod its out.

tid=196285 sukebei

>> No.10157989

>Seeders: 0

>> No.10157991


>> No.10157998

I'm connected to 2, maybe it just hasn't updated?

Also, wasn't there an issue with the game locking out non jp windows? Wonder if the last cracked exe will work or if a new one will need to be made.

>> No.10158345 [DELETED] 

Torrent on nyaa

Comin get it.

>> No.10158354

Wait I did the wrong one

either will be fine

>> No.10158375

how do you know that they will be fine? One or both could be fake.

>> No.10158391

The girlcelly one should be fine.

>> No.10159260

They both seem fine, but it looks like we'll need to wait for a no-dvd.

>> No.10159324

Is this a sort of copy protection, or just the usual region block?

>> No.10159349

I get an original disk error, but I presume the region block is in there too.

>> No.10159360

Maybe one of DaemonTool's copy protection emulation schemes could help in the mean time?

>> No.10159939

Waiting warmly

>> No.10160153

Could someone confirm if the trial and the full version have the same ``SiglusEngine.exe'' file?

>> No.10160264

SiglusEngine needs alpharom signup tool, iirc. We'll most likely run into GAIJIN BLOCK after that.

>> No.10160342

Ha ha... ha.. seriously? It's like we're playing an AAA+ title will all the protection around it.

>> No.10160363

obviously copy protection is a lot more important for niche games than AAA titles with billion dollar publishers behind them. Use your brain dumbo.

There are plenty of niche games (Dominions 3) with uncrackable copy protection.

>> No.10160378

Name one.

>> No.10160443

> uncrackable copy protection
No such thing.

>> No.10160477

Well... what now? I have the game I have installed it, and I can't play it ;_;

>> No.10160514


What happens if you keep the meter perfectly balanced by the end of the game?

Do you get both?

>> No.10160523
File: 383 KB, 680x875, Okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You get neither.

They grow distant from you, grow up and move away. Then they become sluts, get impregnated by mexicans and return to you so you can raise their little half-breeds, only to move away again and get impregnated some more.

>> No.10160557
File: 41 KB, 782x307, nooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10160573

Why the fuck are you using FAT32?

>> No.10160580

kill yourself

>> No.10160589

My hard drive is all filled up

>> No.10160591

Wow, someone like you should be removed from the gene pool as soon as - hahaha, who am I kidding, you'll stay a virgin forever.

>> No.10160601


>> No.10160629 [DELETED] 

no bully

>> No.10160653 [DELETED] 

No forced memes. Delete your post.

>> No.10160658

>format 8gb flash drive as ntfs
>save to that

>> No.10160667

B-but its 16gb

>> No.10160686

no it's 4.13

>> No.10160714

Not that other anon but what torrent client do you use /jp/

>> No.10160727

qBittorent. Free software, botnet-free.

>> No.10160749

If I format it will I lose everything?

>> No.10160753

pls sage your replies that are meaningless for /jp/ as a whole

>> No.10160814

Are you stupid? Of course you will. That's why you backup important stuff first, and move it back after you did the formatting.

>> No.10160825

What's the context of the game? Why the MC raising twin lolis? Where are their parents?

>> No.10160828

Why are you people so harsh

>> No.10160835

You call that harsh? Maybe you need thicker skin.

>> No.10160838

I'm busy fuggin' dem parents, nerd. That's why someone has to watch over the kids. I'm no toddlerfugga.

Did you try to Google 'Will formatting delete all my data?' first? No? So, you essentially waste our time because you're a lazy fuck.

>> No.10160854

You know, if you actually tried formatting, it will warn you that your data will be deleted.

>> No.10160858

Game's out on share:
Enjoy. No need to thank me.

>> No.10160864

You might have noticed that a torrent was posted almost half a day ago. So, unless the Share link includes a crack, that's pretty old news.

>> No.10160868

Share is faster than torrent dumbass.

>> No.10160874

If the torrent has five peers maybe. It doesn't, so it doesn't make a difference.

>> No.10160881

It has orange sources though. Orange=lots of sources.

>> No.10160892

I fucking hate my situation. I can read 一生懸命 right away but still can't understand a lot of these fucking sentences. Gotta grind more vocab.

>> No.10160910

The fuck? Those don't like like toddler at all!
Go back to /a/ seriously.

>> No.10160916

Stop trying so hard to fit in. He's obviously joking.

>> No.10160935

There's too much aggression here today.
Everyone needs to take it easy

>> No.10160940

The vndb article explains the setting for the game.

>> No.10160938

I'm frustrated because I can't play this yet

>> No.10160939

Shut the fuck up with your forced meme platitudes.

>> No.10160947


>> No.10161003


> half-sister
> incest

fuck you

>> No.10161016

I'm not trying to fit in you fucking retard. And I'm sure he wasn't joking, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.10161042

He has a point though. They look to be around 8.

>> No.10161050

And eight-year-olds aren't toddlers, not any more than they are adults. You're retarded.

>> No.10161054

half sister means they share one parent, so it's still incest

>> No.10161076


>> No.10161147

Try 5

>> No.10161167

Those pregnancy tags have me interested.

>> No.10161192

right one canonically smells like crayon.

>> No.10161237

This will be a glorious CG set

>> No.10161240

Actually 5 isn't toddler anymore either.

>> No.10161245

>a young child who is just beginning to walk.

>> No.10161328

The cracked SiglusEninge for the demo didn't work

>> No.10161345

Left one smells like milk

>> No.10161352

Are the CGs out yet? Where da links at?

>> No.10161378

D-don't you want to read through the story and get to know your lolis?

>> No.10161382

>masturbating to words

>> No.10161380

The obvious choice.

>> No.10161383

CG not out yet on Share.

>> No.10161386

Maybe it's because I fapped twice today and am no longer horny, but this disturbs me.

>> No.10161392

womyn do it all the time.

what do you think 50 shades of gay is?

>> No.10161403

I think it's masturbating to words, but I think those womyn are stupid too.

>> No.10161437

If I knew how to rip CGs I would upload them for you guys.

>> No.10161444

Are you actually getting the game to work?

>> No.10161459

Ripping can be easy or tough. It depends on the game and the tools.

>> No.10161470

its on sadpanda already btw

>> No.10161479

That was quick.

>> No.10161494

here http://exhentai.org/g/545788/03789a82c7/
I looked inside and I regret deeply. Not because it's bad but because I spoiled it. Only saw the first 5 pics though so it's not that bad, but still...

>> No.10161499

I masturbate almost exclusively to erotic literature. I feel it's the best form of erotica.

>> No.10161601
File: 41 KB, 1152x720, _warn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah dude they're totally 18. It even says right here.

>> No.10162877

For those looking for a nodvd patch:


>> No.10162889

Yeah! Thank you anon!
It was a bit confusing since it's in chinese but it works fine now. No gaijin block either.

>> No.10162903

Unless you are going to translate it for me, just the CGs are fine.

>> No.10162910

a chinese patch?

should i worry about being silently recruited into a botnet?

>> No.10162944


It has the typical responses that can be found in most cracks/patchers, so I doubt that it poses any serious threat.

>> No.10162955
File: 44 KB, 703x680, 12479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to play this, but I can't. How will I install it?

>> No.10162965

It doesn't work.

>> No.10162977
File: 309 KB, 1168x759, naishos yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked fine for me. I put the cracker in the game directory, ran it, hit the obvious button, selected SiglusEngine.exe, let it do its thing for a sec, and then the game ran for me after that.

>> No.10162979
File: 47 KB, 500x267, itdoesntwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't work

>> No.10162984

You ran the 1.01 update after installing?

>> No.10163289

Finally it works! I did what the >>10162977 said, and used the Daemon Tools.

>> No.10163319

Can someone post the link to the torrent?

>> No.10163359

It's already been posted.

>> No.10164039

which file do I mount? i've tried all three but I always get "Fail to Mount" errors. I use magicdisc by magicISO. should I try something else? or am I doin it wrong?

>> No.10164051

Is your system locale in Japanese and if it's not have you tried opening your file mounting program in a Japanese locale? I sometimes have trouble installing Japanese stuff if I don't open Daemon Tools in a Japanese locale.

>> No.10164064

yeah my system locale is in Japanese, just checked to be sure. maybe I could try opening magicdisc in the locale though, like you say. How do I do that?

>> No.10164080

With Applocale from Microsoft

>> No.10164083

its ok, I just downloaded daemon tools instead and it seems to be working.
thanks a lot for your help though, appreciated

>> No.10164619

Daemon tools is shit. I don't get why you guys use that garbage.

>> No.10164634

I like WinCDemu myself.

>> No.10164648

WinCDemu has problems with mdf/mds. I've wasted entire days trying to mount a 魔女っ娘マリエルン mdf/mds image, even converting it didn't help at all. Had to boot up Windows 7 in VirtualBox and use daemon tools. Oh look! This game is using mdf/mds!

Just download Daemon tools lite, enable file type association and disable the rest of the shit. No tray icon, mount images by simply double-clicking the image. You will never notice that it's there.

>> No.10164767

> file type association
> simply double-clicking [the file]

>> No.10164807

DaemonTools works, and it has been working for many years. So yeah, use DTLight as suggested by >>10164648, then you won't have to deal with most of the bloat that has amassed over the years.

>> No.10164842

I don't mount images, it's a waste of time. I just extract the gamedata from the .mdf/iso/whatever using 7-zip. It works for most games.

>> No.10164856

How do you get this thing to work? I set it up and selected SiglusEngine.exe and it gave me some error.

>> No.10164873


I'm pretty sure I've written far more commands than you have, yet I'm still able to appreciate the usefulness of a simple gui.

>> No.10165101

The CD is so damn good!

>> No.10165300
File: 46 KB, 526x280, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how is the crack supposed to work?

I run it, click the first button, select the SiglusEngine.exe and get this
I tried checking and unchecking some or all of the checkboxes, but no matter what I do, it doesn't actually change the file (KDiff says the the file and a backup copy I made before are identical, and the date didn't change)

Can someone upload their cracked exe?

>> No.10165339

>It has the typical responses that can be found in most cracks/patchers, so I doubt that it poses any serious threat.
Can anyone explain what a nodvd patch is?

>> No.10165343

Now try to open the siglusengine.exe

>> No.10165350

Every box should be unchecked btw

>> No.10165354

It's still looking for the disk and failing.



※このメッセージは Ctrl+C でコピーできます。

>> No.10165428

Has anyone gotten this to work properly with AGTH?

What Key are you using if so?

>> No.10165450

THIS one!

*grabs dick*

>> No.10165457

using ITH 2.3

>> No.10165475

Did you update the game before doing it? If my japanese is enough the error is saying that the disk is not inserted I guess so the crack didn't work for some reason.

>> No.10165480

I'm alt tabbing and writing in down instead

>> No.10165499

I did, but the update only changes some other files, not the SiglusEngine.exe

The chinese message in the crack seems to say that the patch was successful, but the SiglusEngine.exe is unchanged. That's why I was hoping that someone could upload their file

>> No.10165519


I now downloaded the girlcelly release of the game and it works now...so I'm just assuming that the other torrent was bad or something

>> No.10165524

want to cum inside

>> No.10165539


Thank you very much.

>> No.10165551

no lewd pls

>> No.10166295

Every time I attempt to apply the patch I get an error upon selecting SiglusEngine.exe that I want to patch. Anyone else get this?

>> No.10166351

No. Go figure it out yourself.

>> No.10166398

Run it as administrator fagstorm

>> No.10166491

No problems running this on XP. I feel sorry for W7 and Vista users.

>> No.10166511

Pretty sure any issues that anyone has would be a permission issue which is solved in like 2 button clicks

>> No.10166639

My argument isn't that guis are stupid, you niggering johnson, it's that file type associations are shit. File extensions should be considered merely part of the filename, and should not treated specially by any code.

>> No.10167059


Oh hey my favourite file format. I love it when 90mb RARs decompress to over gigabyte of files.

>> No.10167124

> file type associations are shit
Not the guy you're responding to, but you want to manually navigate to notepad.exe everytime you double-click a .txt file?

>> No.10167138

It's easy to detect whether something is a plain text file.

Most special file types include a ``magic number'' at the start, and it's a more accurate way of determining file type than how someone chose to name the file.
Of course, it gets tricky when you consider the fact that most file types are just some form of plain text (HTML, INI, etc.)

>> No.10167689 [DELETED] 
File: 918 KB, 1366x768, iris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine to me

>> No.10167698
File: 918 KB, 1366x768, iris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine to me

>> No.10167703


What the fuck kind of monitor resolution is that?

>> No.10167728

15.6" laptop, 1366x768 16:9

>> No.10167730

The same one I have

>> No.10167735


Ah. I've never owned a laptop. Just figured they would be 1920*1200 or something.

>> No.10167811

Why would you think it would be that big? My desktop monitor is 1600x900.

>> No.10167821
File: 48 KB, 468x365, 15964468xbeakololiconba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10167824


I dunno. Just seems like portable things have large resolutions these days.
I saw an advertisement for a phone with 1280*720 recently.

>> No.10167834

Yeah we've entered an age where it's expected that pixel density should be so high as to be imperceptible. On all devices. At all times. Even if it requires power guzzling graphics chips that make your phone die in 2hours. THANKS FOR THAT APPLE. Please develop that lithium graphite battery first, thank you.

>> No.10167843

go check the resolution of the newest ipad

>> No.10167842


You mean on all devices except monitors which would be the best place for it.

>> No.10167851


2048*1536. Wow, you would think they could improve desktop monitors before improving the displays on what are essentially toys.

>> No.10167854

Sony is already trying to push 4k resolution TVs despite Blurays all being 1080p and most cable, even premium channels, being 720p.

>> No.10167921

So.... how is the game? Is it any good?

>> No.10168031

This is so sad and so true at the same time.

Thanks for making me depressed.

>> No.10168368

And Orbis will only be able to run games at 1080p@60fps without shitting itself on the players' faces, unless they were regurgitating more lies at their recent conferences with third party developers, which will make them look even more stupid.

>> No.10168449

they are at a good age, very young loli but not so young as to be toddler

must be 4-6 hmmmmmm this is tricky

>> No.10168883

18 dude there's even a disclaimer at the beginning, nice try

>> No.10168992

Notepad.exe is a horrible text editor (can't even handle unix-style line endings), but it's easy to do that:

notepad C:\someshit.txt

There done. Of course, I use notepad++, so:

notepad++ C:\someshit.txt

>> No.10169012

notepad "c:\Bittorrent Downloads\[4589434fs] ないしょのないしょ![eroge][moreuselesstags]\[4589434fs] ないしょのないしょ!DVD+CRACK\crack\readme.txt"
In practice it usually isn't very convenient.

>> No.10169060

Do you actually do this in Windows?

>> No.10169061

Get rid of the tags, you fucker. Besides, you can just drag the nigger into notepad++. Plus get rid of the Bittorrent Downloads shit, that's just garbage.

>> No.10169066

All the time. I use win+r 999999999999999999999999999999999999 times per day.

>> No.10169281

How are you going to rename the folder?

mv "c:\Bittorrent Downloads\[4589434fs] ないしょのないしょ![eroge][moreuselesstags]" "c:\Bittorrent Downloads\naないしょのないしょ"

Does the run dialog have autocomplete?

If you like it that way, you should switch to GNU/Linux. There's, in my opinion, no valid reason to use Windows when you have the time and dedication to learn GNU/Linux. You'll still be able to run your Doujin games and galge in Virtualbox.

>> No.10169934

The intro was so cute. I don't even want to fug.

>> No.10171054

> You'll still be able to run your Doujin games and galge in Virtualbox.
I never actually play any of that shit.
