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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 385x306, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10117202 No.10117202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10117206
File: 13 KB, 396x267, 1227388683991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10117223
File: 18 KB, 123x463, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to nokosage all my posts

Crossboarders and others don't get offended too much and don't reply out of anger/spite.

>> No.10117233

everyone on /jp/ knows this

>> No.10117248

>"sage" is not a downvote
This is what tryhard newfags believe.

>> No.10117241

Hi Hobo-chan. I missed you.

>> No.10117255

A tripfriend that still uses noko? You mean you don't use a userscript?

>> No.10117257

He uses it to hide the sage, not for the actual noko function.

>> No.10117258

Do you not know what nokosage is?

>> No.10117273

Oh, I read>>10117257


>> No.10117340


>> No.10117347

Noko doesn't even have a function anymore, that's the default.

>> No.10117378

i use sage so i look smart and witty as HECK like all the other sagers :3

>> No.10117384



>> No.10117404

1 reply~

>> No.10117408

Nice meme, /a/migo.

>> No.10117413


ACTUALLY I'm a /co/mrade...

>> No.10117414

/mu/tant here :^)

>> No.10117415

Well, nice meme then. /co/ck sucker.

>> No.10117433

I think the "sage does nothing" line of moot's has confused many an ignorant user into thinking that there is absolutely no reason to use it, so that they can only possibly see it as an insult and remind people that it does nothing when they happen to crossboard /jp/.

Removing the default capability of a post to bump is not doing nothing. Luckily this image does not make the mistake, despite using the "sage does nothing" line which I would argue is contradictory.

>> No.10117434

Sage increases the post count of a thread so that it 404s faster. That's the way it's always been; nobody cares what "new rules" you idiots have made up in the meantime (like you did for greentext).

>> No.10117440

What kind of fucking COWARD sages someone else's post?

>> No.10117442

Uh, so does a regular post.

>> No.10117443

You mean quoting function, imbecile.

Also, sage doesn't work like that.

>> No.10117448

Every post does that, you fucking crossboard retard.

>> No.10117454

"nokosage" is the stealthy way to sage so use it more often especially in threads that are controversial.

I'm using it right now.

>> No.10117462

I always use it in place of sage, even though you don't need to use noko anymore. That way, you won't get those types asking "why the sage bro?" and can pretend they aren't there for longer.

>> No.10117467

It's a Japanese concept, but you're not Japanese, and you never will be.

Fake humility is off-putting, you dirty gaijin.

>> No.10117476



>> No.10117471

"I'm bumping the thread because i suck dicks for money"


>> No.10117475

>those types asking "why the sage bro?"

I hate them more than any other posters on 4chan. People who misunderstand sage are the scum of the earth, especially if it's been explained to them. I'll never accommodate my posts to them.

>> No.10117477

>Fake humility
I bet ``tryhard'' is also a part of your vocabulary.

>> No.10117485
File: 8 KB, 266x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bump, bros

>> No.10117493

>implying sage isn't what autists do because they are embarrassed that their post will be on the front page longer

>> No.10117500

I use sage because I'm ashamed of my posts.

>> No.10117502

I only bump shit threads.

>> No.10117511

A Westerner incorporating Japanese mannerisms because he thinks it's "cool" is very tryhard. Shall we start addressing each other with honorifics as well? It would be more polite.

>> No.10117513

me too

>> No.10117518

You're focusing on the wrong part of the image.

>> No.10117519

I am transracial Japanese, faggot. I may appear different on the outside but my spirit is Japanese. Fuck off, gaijin.

>> No.10117525
File: 481 KB, 730x1095, sageman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also nonoko exists but it bumps sadly. I think we can all agree that sage is a blessing... it world be cooler if the cooldown for sage was lower through.

There is more shit in 4chan that good stuff so sage is a must.

>> No.10117526

Sage is just a function, don't be such a dick.

So are you going to eat just burgers because your shitty american culture does the same?

>> No.10117537

I do that already, “faggoth”-kun.

>> No.10117545

Mr. Anonymous sounds silly.

>> No.10117544

I use sage because it doesn't bump threads with my stupid comments, and it also avoids being accused of bringing it back to the front page.

Anyway, feeling insulted by someone saging a thread is pretty silly.

>> No.10117549



tell those race-normal cis scum

>> No.10117553

This guy is right, from now on we should start using honorifics as well.

>> No.10117558

I'm okay with this, nerdlord-chin.

>> No.10117562

Please anonymous-san don't misuse the honorifics function.

>> No.10117567

lol chin isn't an honorific, it's a BODY PART.
Get a load of this BAKA 9

>> No.10117574

You're mixing imageboard culture with Japanese culture. Sage makes perfect sense. Japanese honorifics don't make sense because they're something you use to fit in to Japanese society. You come off as someone who's inherently opposed to learning new concepts because you aren't comfortable with them. Who benefits from the minimization of effort that comes with not using sage?

>> No.10117655

We should also just start typing in Japanese only. 4chan's quality will shoot up.

>> No.10117666

Moot should just put in ひらがな and カタカナ CAPTCHA.

>> No.10117679


>> No.10117682


>> No.10117696

I am learning.

>> No.10117879

CAPTCHA is a Google service.

>> No.10117950

Sure is, and it comes in multiple languages, idiot.

>> No.10118223

 ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ∧_∧     ∧_∧    sage
   (・∀・ )    ( ・∀・)    sage
   /    \    /   \ sage
  ⊂(  ヽノ つ ⊂ヽ/  ) つ  sage
    し(_)     (_)J
