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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10099984 No.10099984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a hikikomori already?

I mean being NEET is nice but what's so great about going outside?

>> No.10099990

Am I a hiki if I only go out for essential things like groceries and such?

>> No.10099994

If I ever met Kurokona I would just tell her jokes all the time trying to get her to laugh.

>> No.10100002

If I ever met Kurokona I would just rape her.

>> No.10100004

Don't try to fit in. You're not a truehikky unless you were bullied into it.

>> No.10100015

She'd probably laugh at your penis anyway, so it's all good.

>> No.10100037

Going outside is great as long as you don't run into people

>> No.10100035


Many of /jp/sies were bullied. That's why they dropped out.

>> No.10100041

I'll bully your ass with my dick, faggot.

>> No.10100050

I am a hikki

I haven't left my house in 3 weeks and even then i only left for a day

>> No.10100054

I like being outside, mostly so I can see and hear stuff. Out in the wilderness is nice but even in the city I find it fascinating to just walk around and see everything, or maybe do a little people watching.

>> No.10100059

vitamin d

>> No.10100060

I thought it had to be months for you to technically be a hikki.

I like taking nightly walks. I'm an atmosphere otaku.

>> No.10100077

I don't want to be a burden on my family and to do that I have a job to sustain my shit lifestyle. I don't want to bother anyone, just browse /jp/ and take it easy

>> No.10100152

I didn't go outside for 2 years before I finally had to... working on 2 months now.

>> No.10100158
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I don't live in a place where they have home-delivery
and I have to save money anyways when shopping
That can only be accomplished by going to the cheaper places, farmers markets and thrift stores.

>> No.10100175

5 years. It's not very exciting.

>> No.10100176

I actually like going outside. Sun and fresh air are nice things.

It's just that I like doing stuff on the computer even more, but occasionally going outside can be fun.
If you avoid other people, that is.

>> No.10100177

Get the fuck out. You faggots who make these claims of being hiki or NEET just cause you have infrequent bouts where you don't get out much really piss me off.

You are not a NEET, you are not a Hiki.

>> No.10100205

you truly live up to your name, hobo girl

>> No.10100222

xD so true

Hobo Girl!!! HAHAHA

>> No.10100230

I have to go outside to exercise.

I will never be TruHikki

>> No.10100800

Havent left house in 13 years... its not romantic. Shit sucks.

>> No.10102379

I like to walk sometimes.

>> No.10102402
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Because there's no guarantee that I'll be left alone. Everybody would want to strike up a conversation with me, yell at me, insult me or pester me. Damn normals.

>> No.10102598

i get headaches if i don't go for a walk to breath some fresh air and exercise my fat body

>> No.10102604


You can order groceries from amazon, you know

>> No.10102614

I am not employed, in school, or in training. That makes me NEET.

>> No.10102624

You're still not a hikki, dickbreath.

>> No.10102627

Trees, flowers, singing birds, picking up cabbage for your ramen

>> No.10102628

Owned hard.

>> No.10102629

Never said I was, cunt-sweat.

>> No.10102639


I like walks, weathers and the views.
I also exercise and go to classes

>> No.10102643

kil urself

>> No.10102641
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>> No.10102649
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>> No.10102659

I'm a friendless hikki and today is my birthday. All I'm doing on my birthday is shitposting on /jp/ and watching chinese cartoons.

>> No.10102669
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inb4 loads of birthday greetings lol my body is ready =D!

>> No.10102675

Cute image dude.

>> No.10102676

Happy Birthday !

>> No.10102734

How do you people financially afford to be hikkis? How is that even possible?

>> No.10102764
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>> No.10102834



>> No.10102839

every thread

>> No.10102843

I didn't leave the house for three years unless it was essential. Then I had to get a job. I hate being forced to interact with people, it gives me anxiety attacks.

>> No.10102841
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How am I supposed to get drugs and booze if I'm a hikki?

420 blaze it faget

>> No.10102865

I am not hikikomori because I am not Japanese. Hikikomori is unique Japanese cultural problem and does not exist in other countries. Being a shut-in and not leaving your house is not the same as hikikomori. Fucking weebs.

>> No.10102920

Silkroad you cunt.

>> No.10102922

Should I be? What is this faggotry? I don't want my parents to be disappointed in me although they probably already are, but still, no more, from this I am only going upwards!

>> No.10102930

People always ask this. Do you not have parents?

>> No.10102934


>> No.10102939

and like strap you into a chair and drill a hole into your brain and start fishing around in there to pull out your memories and shit

>> No.10107417

Nope. You are a fucking moron.

>> No.10107474
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I have a parent. Literally the only person I can rely on due to my extremely bad agoraphobia.

I don't think she has any idea how lonely and helpless I feel when she is upset with me. IF I didn't have her I would be homeless or dead due to the depression that follows the downsides of my mental illness.

the loneliness and utter abandonment that I feel when the only person in the world that can support you, doesn't like you.

>> No.10107483

I like you Anonymous. You might think that I am joking or being ironic or something, but I really am not. It probably doesn't even mean much to you, but as long as you have been part of /jp/ at one point in your life, you are intrinsically connected to the board, and so you will be in my prayers at every moment in time. Please be well.

>> No.10107488

One day your mother is going to come in your room and cut your throat.

>> No.10107493

Please don't listen to >>10107488[spoiler [/spoiler]. He is currently being possessed by evil spirits.

>> No.10107585

it's "refreshing" to step outside sometimes. It helps me to realise that I don't like it at all. This is necessary

>> No.10107595

i know what you mean

i did that yesterday

>> No.10109038

I don't understand the question. We're all truNEET who piss in bottles on /jp/.

>> No.10109073

This kind of behaviour only brings despair, I feel sorry for you...

>> No.10109082

I sit on my toilet all day

>> No.10109112
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>that feel when ur hikki and you are poor and your computer is so dated it cant even play any games that were made in the past five years

>> No.10109120

i know that feel.

built this computer for morrowind in like 2003

>> No.10109129

I'm sorry but you're wrong, you idiot weeb. You experienced none of the cultural factors that cause hikikomori. You are a stupid gaijin who wants to use a Japanese. Get over yourself.

>> No.10109138

use a Japanese word*

>> No.10109154

ITT: Complete genetic failures

Just don't tell yourselves that you are smart. You never did well at school in the first place.

>> No.10109167

that feel when you have the worst life out of anyone you know

being a neet would be a lot more fun if I wasn't reminded all the time that if I don't get a job soon it'll all be over

>> No.10109178

some of us are smart though

we just happen to be highly defective in other areas

>> No.10109185

I remember when I used to buy into the whole "smart but lazy" thing. Now I realize I'm just an idiot.

>> No.10109234

Why? You being kicked out or autismbux revoked?

>> No.10109265

Don't you know how wonderful it is to go outside on an early summer morning and feeling that refreshingly beautiful breeze fill your lungs? And watching the sun rise, or going for walks when the sun begins to set? Though it's a lot easier to run into people during that time. Typically they aren't awake and outside before 6am, and kids are in school between 9am and 3pm usually.

Living near Las Vegas was amazing, the scenery there is absolutely fantastic if you aren't used to deserts.

>> No.10109442
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Don't they have gutterNEETs living in the Vegas storm drains too? Remember watching a doc about it. That's hardcore.

>> No.10109456

They have stormdrains in vegas? Why?

I watched a movie called Dark Days about NYC gutterNEETs. Really cool. I bet they got screwed by the hurricane. That's literally the most vulnerable and helpless place in the city.

>> No.10109466

I have to go outside to get food.
If I got it delivered I would have to walk out to the front of the apartments anyway because you need a key for the front door.

>> No.10109463

smart /jp/ers
in a NEET thread

>> No.10109468

hu qt

>> No.10109480

I hate summer. I hate waking up in the morning. I hate going outside.

>> No.10109484

I hate shopping
I like going to the library though

>> No.10109505

I'll bite. How is your home condition?

>> No.10109516

I have a nice job, a decent girlfriend and a brand spanking new versa. I'm going to go commence some sexy time with my love. Enjoy your true-HAND, I recall it being quite fun.

All joking aside the times are changing. This isn't the year 2008, the reader is genuinely starting to get old now. Even moot has changed. He's making huge bank from this PASS thing. You can bet that he's also getting a lot of ASS.

>> No.10109525

how do i get mad pu$$y like you m8?

>> No.10109532

Stop posting.

>> No.10109698

Never thought I would see someone brag about buying a Versa. Couldn't afford a nice car I see. You probably got the shitty sedan version as the hatch-back is uncool because of its usefulness.

>> No.10109858

Cool. I saw Dark Days too. Not familiar with the weather patterns in Vegas but here's the vid:

>> No.10109863

It's only been four years. That isn't enough time to make a major lifestyle change.
