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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 500x333, googletablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10092059 No.10092059 [Reply] [Original]

Touchscreens are disgusting.

What happened to the good old days of keys and buttons?

>> No.10092069

Crossboard normals - most of you - have different tastes and like to have a bunch of useless features instead of just sticking with things that work.

>> No.10092079

Those fukkin crossboarders! Who do they think they are?

>> No.10092081

The only tablet I have is a Kindle, and that has keys and buttons on it. I don't know what you are talking about, keys and buttons are going to last forever.

>> No.10092073

I knew those fukkin crossboarders were behind this!

>> No.10092074

get out

>> No.10092093

hey gramps >>>/g/ is this way

>> No.10092095

I like nintendo ds

>> No.10092097


>> No.10092100

Better yet, >>>/g/29230568

>> No.10092112

But it's dynamic and the store always has a ton of features that you can get for very little money! Besides, you can't get viruses on those. Android and tabs are the best! Go away or get with the times, grandma!!

>> No.10092113

Dude, you won't be saying this when you can interact with you waifu through voice and touch. Screw keyboards.

>> No.10092123

>a ton of features that you can get for very little money
Who would pay for bits of information when you can get them for free as no money?

>> No.10092124

What if the keyboard is your wife. Think about it, you touch your keyboard more than anything else and your keyboard has seen your penis more than anyone.

>> No.10092126

I know
My fat fingers always miss the buttons
So I always miss absolutely everything on a on-screen keyboard

>> No.10092139

My post was mocking that. Most people don't understand that and would rather follow a trend that get informed.

>> No.10092141


I touch my penis and my mouse more than my keyboard.

>> No.10092144

They're okay for some things, but I infinitely prefer a keyboard and mouse (expensive ones) for web-browsing and 2hu.

>> No.10092146

Most people would rather follow a trend than* get informed.

>> No.10092147

You touched your keyboard more than 52 times just to type that sentence. How many times did you need to click? Twice?

>> No.10092150


But I'm always resting my hand on my mouse, except when I'm typing. And the other hand on my cock.

>> No.10092154


>> No.10092159

Oh, I always rest my other hand on the keyboard. I only touch my cock when I'm masturbating.

>> No.10092162

You're not masturbating constantly when browsing the internet?
What are you gay or something?

>> No.10092170


Well, is there anything to do all day long other than post on /jp/, 2hu, VNs and anime? And all of those directly imply masturbation, specially browsing /jp/.

>> No.10092178

Only teenagers could pull that off. I don't have that kind of endurance.

>> No.10092184

Maybe back when we had loli imouto time, but /jp/ has not turned me on recently at all.

>> No.10092189

When I was a teenager, I could only masturbate about once every 36 hours. Now at age 20, I can masturbate at least 3 times a day for a week straight.

>> No.10092205
File: 265 KB, 1024x1016, ZUR2BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully cameras are still made in touchscreen and physical control varieties. Look at the buttons on this thing. It's great.

>> No.10092218


Get on my level dude, I'm 22 and I masturbate about 5 times a day.

>> No.10092219

That's completely backwards. I didn't have any problems masturbating whenever I wanted to until I turned 25.

>> No.10092224

Keyboard and mouse won't be going away for a long time. Touchscreen is horribly inefficient for any type of practical use, and if it comes down to it the business world will keep keyboard and mouse alive.

>> No.10092241

By the time keyboards have gone away, we will have implants and you can just think your way through the programs.

>> No.10092255


The virus from that era will be just glorious.

>> No.10092249

This is also the reason Windows 8 will fail. Companies are just now beginning to switch to Windows 7. Why will they switch to something (Windows 8) that is so disconnected from what their employees are using that they will have to waste money and time on training problems, tons more tech support issues, AND experience a decline in productivity because it's intended for tablet devices? They won't.

>> No.10092251

but that's a long, long, way off. I imagine the early versions of it will be like playing the xbox kinect, i.e. complete shit

>> No.10092257

That is not to mention having to worry about software compatibility and other things. Microsoft fucked up and made something useless. Some retards who like tablets will buy it but it will remained unused at large and probably possess a market share smaller than 7 and XP.

>> No.10092275
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>What happened to the good old days of keys and buttons?

apple happened.

>> No.10092286

Meh, smart phones are for idiots.

>> No.10092287


>> No.10092291

Touch screen actually works well for smaller portable devices, like phones and tablets. It is a problem when it is pushed onto desktops and laptops, where it becomes only a hindrance.

>> No.10092293

As a Tablet-PC convertible owner I laugh at both the touchscreen babies and the boys with yellow-faded Model M's who actually believe their backwardness isn't simply from ignorance.

This is the pathetic console wars mentality. Once you own them all any strong feelings go down the bin along with the packaging.

>> No.10092300

The only time I would use a touch screen is for a kiosk.

>> No.10092304

Shut the fuck up. I can type 200 words per minute on the numpad of my flipphone.

>> No.10092309

Don't care. Productivity at that level is not necessary for a phone.

>> No.10092312

Productivity this!
*whips out dick*

>> No.10092324


>> No.10092329

Then why bother with a touchscreen? That argument can go both ways. A normal screen is much cheaper and less prone to break.

>> No.10092341

that's at least 3 words per second dude. Unless all you write is "suck my cock" or things like that, I doubt you

>> No.10092345

Android devices make decent portable media players, and there are a lot of /jp/-relevant applications available. It's odd that you hate something with such potential use, OP.

>> No.10092346

Because use of a touchscreen on a portable device allows for a larger interface, which in turn increases the capabilities and usefulness of the device. A hit to productivity is irrelevant because it is not a device that requires high productivity.

>> No.10092364

Both the Kindle and the Kindle touch have the same size screen, so they pulled it off at least. A cellphone only needs to tell you the time and what number you dialing, so a tiny screen is fine.

>> No.10092365

Basically, look at the picture here >>10092275

In the 2006 devices half or more of the phone is covered in buttons. Moving those buttons into touchscreen allows a larger screen and more capabilities on the same device.

>> No.10092371

on the same size device, I mean

>A cellphone only needs to tell you the time and what number you dialing, so a tiny screen is fine.

According to you. Most people seem quite happy to abandon bare-bones minimalism to get a device of the same size that will do far more than what you are advocating.

>> No.10092380

>A cellphone only needs to tell you the time and what number you dialing, so a tiny screen is fine.

A computer only needs to show you the commands you are running and text output, so a CLI with no GUI is fine.

>> No.10092381

It's funny, though, since my cellphone actually has more features than I can use. Since I don't have a data plan.

>> No.10092384

are there any convertible tablets that aren't vastly overpriced?

>> No.10092392

Bigger screen and pressure sensitivity plus gestures for general usage, and that is gold worth.

Also normal screens are not reinforced so they're the ones prone breakage and scratches.

And with a touch interface your speed, or productivity if you will, goes up tenfold in pretty much everything but typing, so don't pull that card because you won't be writing code on it.

>A cellphone only needs to tell you the time and what number you dialing, so a tiny screen is fine.
Not anymore, and that phones now are minicomputers is a good thing no matter what nerds with bakelite encased CRT's and clogs think.

>> No.10092391

What? You don't run everything through DOS?

>> No.10092397

A cellphone can't replace a computer, so why have a cellphone that thinks it's a computer?

>> No.10092411

>Not anymore, and that phones now are minicomputers is a good thing no matter what nerds with bakelite encased CRT's and clogs think.

You mean people who don't live beyond their means. You shouldn't have a smartphone if you aren't a CEO or something. Did you see how expensive those data plans are? I can only afford one Internet connection, thank you very much.

>> No.10092421

>Did you see how expensive those data plans are?
this. Even if you can afford this, why do so many people waste money on shit they don't need?

>> No.10092439

Anything used. I've seen X61Ts' with 1400x1050 resolutions and decent dual cores for less than 300 bucks. Or get an X200T for 3-400, buy an x201 motherboard from China for ~100, slap it in and you'll have a nice 2.2Ghz i7. HP has a few decent ones too, I hear.

>You shouldn't have a smartphone if you aren't a CEO or something.
Why? They're better, internet or not. And piss cheap.

Even the latest stuff from Docomo and Softbank, who has kept flips for so long, had no phones with keypads this fall.

Isn't this a sign? Or is it those evil normals at work again?

>> No.10092453

Because it can and its working out fine.

>> No.10092469

>Why? They're better, internet or not. And piss cheap.

Cellphones are like toothbrushes. You just take the free ones they give you.

>> No.10092473

The only argument I've seen in this thread against smartphones is, "I don't need one so no one should buy one."

>> No.10092480

>Why? They're better, internet or not. And piss cheap.

Pretty much everything on a smart phone requires a data plan to work, right? They all use Internet apps.

>> No.10092478

So the one your mom gave you?

>> No.10092486

No, the cellphone your provider gives you when you buy the service. They give you a discount and usually it covers the entire price of the phone.

>> No.10092493

I don't want to be tracked, so I don't own a smartphone, or any type of mobile device, and I will avoid devices that have embedded GPS as a "feature".

>> No.10092500

Touchscreens get infected with finger smudges.

Trying to use a virtual keyboard is vastly inferior to an actual keyboard, even a mini keyboard.

The screen is at risk of damage without a cover, a problem that the clamshell phone easily fixed.

They are all expensive with expensive plans made by Jews.

Anything it can do, my laptop can do better.

A lot of people have them, therefore I should not.

Step up.

>> No.10092502

Just admit that you are a spoiled rich kid.

>> No.10092496

In other words, "I don't want one so no one should buy one."

>> No.10092512

I never said anything about nobody else having them. I just stated my reason why I wouldn't get one.

>> No.10092516
File: 188 KB, 336x396, raybarone1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the one ur mom gave me LOL

No, but seriously, if you leave the house enough to care about your cellphone you don't belong here

>> No.10092519

>Pretty much everything on a smart phone requires a data plan to work, right? They all use Internet apps.

Do you live your home *that* often? Connect to your WiFi otherwise. Download the shit you need. Add music to the SD card. You won't need to spend a single kibibyte afterwards.

>> No.10092524

I don't have one. I don't need one so I haven't buy one. But I'm not going to say that they're bad or that phone shouldn't have features like that.

>> No.10092534

That's the point I've been trying to make. Most smartphone owners don't actually need them, they just got fooled into wasting money to fit in.

>> No.10092530

This kid is edgy. I like him.

>> No.10092535


>connect to your wifi

If you have to do that, why not just use a netbook, laptop or tablet, you fucking retard?

>> No.10092536

But those are all shit.

>> No.10092545

I don't need one because I'm always at home on my computer. If I was leaving my house all of the time I'd probably get one.

>> No.10092549

A tablet is expensive compared to my $100 Android. A netbook is expensive AND useless because I have a good desktop. For the rare times you have to leave the house, a smartphone will require 0 data usage if you don't browse the web.

>> No.10092556
File: 431 KB, 1296x968, 1353454977291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the future, /jp/.

>> No.10092561

I play my visual novels on my touchscreen tablet.

>> No.10092563

Any pointers?

>> No.10092564

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.10092565

>netbook, laptop or tablet
Why are all these devices valid but a smartphone is not?

Just admit to yourself that you don't want them because of facebook and your misanthropy.

>> No.10092568

But your phone needs to be compatible with your cellphone service. If you got a really cheap plan, it's unlikely to cover smartphones.

>> No.10092573

First you have to admit that you're conformist who gives into peer pressure.

>> No.10092576

My Android (both the Samsung stock f/w and CM)didn't have any social networking app preinstalled so even the Facebook point is moot.

I just inserted my 8 year old SIM card into the device and it just werked. GSM unlocked phone on prepaid.

>> No.10092583
File: 1.13 MB, 1272x2516, 1342010936833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092585

Watch out with that edginess, you don't want someone to accidentally get cut.

>> No.10092589

I don't even own a smartphone.

So there, your turn~~~

>> No.10092603
File: 338 KB, 1732x1200, happy cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace cow with ipad and we got the same situation

>> No.10092604
File: 77 KB, 386x460, madovomit 3DPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092609

Lucky you. I don't want to buy an expensive phone just to find out it doesn't work.

>> No.10092617

Phones and SIMs are unlocked by default in the EU. Everything "just works".

>> No.10092625

The men on the right look even more like faggots and the women on the right even more like bitches (frigid ones at that.)

Also that archetypal nazi haircut is so metrosexual it's not even funny.

>> No.10092630

I'm from the US.

>> No.10092636
File: 935 KB, 1419x1064, P2223356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping people from stuff like this, then?

>> No.10092641
File: 28 KB, 575x540, 1353452550013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the iFuture.

>> No.10092642

Getting a smartphone means I had to get a data plan, which doubles my monthly fee, and I don't even use any of the shitty features because I have absolutely no need. It's just an expensive watch.

>> No.10092645

clamshell > only touchscreen > shit > sliding keyboard.

>> No.10092657

There are unlocked plans on GSM carriers in the US too. And GSM phones bought on the internet without a bundled plan are unlocked. Jesus, I'm a Yuropoor and I know such things, much less you.

The keyboard on the Milestone was really mediocre for the bulk, weight and structural compromises it brought. Typing was not that fast on it compared to using the AOSP keyboard.

>Getting a smartphone means I had to get a data plan, which doubles my monthly fee

But you don't. Unless you're a carrier without SIMs. In which case you should had researched better the option that afforded more freedom for you in the future.

>> No.10092670

It was a requirement that you have a data plan. They would not allow me to have a smartphone without a data plan.

>> No.10092675

Switch carriers. You'll probably get a better deal too if you shop around abit.

>> No.10092683

Can you beat $10 per month?

>> No.10092699
File: 2.70 MB, 3504x2336, 1353447219226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do smartphones protect my freedoms?

>> No.10092762


Better than your average windows pc

>> No.10093022

>Android devices make decent portable media players, and there are a lot of /jp/-relevant applications available.

Why would a /jp/er need portability when they don't leave their room? You fool no-one.

>> No.10093065

WRONG DUMBFUCK. My IQ is Genius+ level and I've clearly got a whole lot more collegiate level education than you do. I have a degree in design with a minor in business. Clearly you're bothered by ADULT LANGUAGE, which not only shows your immaturity, but only DUMBFUCKS without a case on their side rather attack language rather than the substance of an argument. SORRY you don't understand Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism. You clearly need an education of a higher grade. Go to college PLEASE!
