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1004285 No.1004285 [Reply] [Original]

Hey JP.

I am a newfag to VN and would like to know what one would be good for a beginner and where the best place to start is.

Thanks JP

>> No.1004290


>> No.1004288

Bible Black

>> No.1004291


>> No.1004306

Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream

>> No.1004309


>> No.1004310


>> No.1004319


>> No.1004325


Tsukihime because it's tiny as shit or Planetarian because it's short.

>> No.1004327


Take the path we all took and do Tsukihime first.

>> No.1004333

>Tsukihime because it's tiny as shit

lol, what.

Hey guys, what was the last estimate as to the number of unique word instances in the game? Wasn't it on par with War and Peace?

>> No.1004339

There's only about 550k words in the game (Mirrormoon cites 650k, but that's count repeat scenes and such)

>> No.1004343


The size of it, you dumbass. It's not even a gig because the music always gets stripped out.

>> No.1004344

He means tiny in kbite size.

>> No.1004367


>> No.1004369

Ambiguous adjectives are ambiguous.

There are smaller VNs, though, size wise.. Narcissu is smaller than Turkeyhandle, and is pretty good.

>> No.1004376


>> No.1004469


>> No.1004475

Hi there, Newfriend.

>> No.1004484

Afternoon, Oldfriend.

>> No.1004486
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>> No.1004506


>> No.1004508


>> No.1004509


>> No.1004524


Shit sucks.

Play Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.1004550

Not OP here but recenly I played Snow Sakura as my first VN/datingsim/etc

Question is: Do most VN's have oceans of text to wade through like this with little choice?

I didn't not like and rather thought it fun and did cousin end.

>> No.1004564

VN = Visual Novel = Novel with images
Novel = text

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.1004578


>> No.1004581

VN = Visual text = text with images?

>> No.1004970


>> No.1004981

>I didn't not like
So you liked it?

>> No.1005031

I think Snow Sakura has a very low number of choices compared to other VNs, especially since most of them are in the first half of the game.

>> No.1005033


"Visual" just means there's a strong emphasis on visual elements towards the experience.

"Novel" just refers to the level and depth of the language.

Dating sims (as in, STATS UP, TAP THE BUTTON TO SWIM FASTER, ect) =/= VN

People often get that wrong

>> No.1005046

First time VN players should go for something short but memorable

Try Narcissu

>> No.1005314


>> No.1005615

They won't appreciate it if that's their first.

Do Turkeyhandle.

>> No.1005636

I did Tsukihime first, and loved it.

>> No.1005741


>> No.1005753

Snow Drop is pretty short and fappable.

>> No.1005800

not op, but I just currently started Bazooka Cafe as my first galge/VN/dating game. It's pretty cool so far

>> No.1005810

Ever17 should be saved until you're experienced in the VN concept itself, otherwise there will be issues of knowing what the fuck to do.

>> No.1005812

I started off with Tokimeki Check In as my first eroge which a hop/skip/jump away from my favorite eroge series, X-Change series.

>> No.1005968

Season of the Sakura is a true classic. Good character development (featuring palette swapped Evangelion and Rayearth characters!), fappable and non-disgusting sex scenes. I especially like how it handles the part where you have to pick only one girl at the end, as there is a reasonably good end even for the rejected candidates.

Home of the Underdogs has a good review (but no download):

>> No.1005980

>featuring palette swapped Evangelion characters

The same can be said of all Japanese culture.

>> No.1006008

True Remembrance
Red Shift

If you want something straightforward and short to start out with.

>> No.1006464

Hey everyone.

Thanks a ton for the advice. I appreciate it!

>> No.1006570

Quick question about Tsukihime, should I go through that one first and THEN Melty blood?

>> No.1006587


Melty Blood is a fighting game so it doesn't matter.

>> No.1006599

Nocturnal Illusion....lol

>> No.1006619

Play "Fatal Relations". Only VN I cared to play right until the end, and it changed my life.

>> No.1006622

ToHeart2 XRated is the only VN you will never need to play ever again.

>> No.1006623

Yes, this one!


>> No.1006636


Adding it to my list.

>> No.1006682

My first was Planetarian. In terms of "HURR DURR HUMAN CONDITION"-type Visual Novels, it's my favorite.

>> No.1006877

bump for more old games like

>> No.1007482

Just finished Planetarian and really enjoyed it. I am looking into Tsukihime now.

>> No.1008589

i heard you get to fuck everyone in KGNE, so i'm playing that right now.

>> No.1008630

My first was Kana Little Sister. Shit done fucked me up.

>> No.1009364

This thread reminded me that i too, had yet to play a vn.
I downloaded Tsukihime and have been playing it for 9 hours now...
While i do find the story entertaining, i downloaded it for the sake of fapping.
how much sex is there supposed to be? so far, i have only seen a dream sequence.
Am i fucking up, or is that all there is so far? in day 7 now.

also, art sucks...

>> No.1009395

tl;dr where is the sexin?

>> No.1009398


There is one "real" sex scene per route. Most on one of the last days. And you're a retard for playing Tsukihime for the H.

>> No.1009401

If you only want the sex, then you should stop playing now.

The writing is horrible and the art sucks.

Tsukihime is all about the story and brick shitting, not about sex.

>> No.1009406

oh well, story's good

>> No.1009413

forgot to ask...
what had a good story AND good art?

>> No.1009416


Good art + good story = not translated.

Pick two:

- Fappable
- Good Story
- Translated

>> No.1009420

true, it did seem out of place.
it was all like
story story story st- LETS SEX story story

>> No.1009427

good story

wtf, why isn't the good stuff the stuff that gets translated, lol

>> No.1009443


Phantom of Inferno

Do it faggot.

>> No.1009444

>wtf, why isn't the good stuff the stuff that gets translated, lol

If it wasn't for Taka-jun we probably wouldn't have even Tsukihime up to this day. He's just a prolific dude who happens to be a huge nasufag.

Some faggots are translating Saya no Uta and Devil on a G String so maybe someday before I die of old age we will have a translated eroge with good art and compelling story...

>> No.1009462

lookin into it

all we can do is wait...

>> No.1009487

VN's are actually a pretty recent addition towards the western side of things

hell, i have some fuckin jap friends who dont know what a VN is, and those that do are to busy trying to break my legs and marry me to their sisters.

>> No.1009491

>break my legs
>marry me to their sisters
Is this a conflict in their interests or are they trying to make sure you can't run away?

>> No.1009492

>Hey JP.

>I am a newfag to VN

>> No.1009506

found ever17!
can't find clannad english patch
can't find a live torrent for phantom of the inferno
atleast i got one of them...

>> No.1009518


Search /rs/ for Clannad SEEN.txt and paste it in your Clannad folder.

Search for Phantom of Inferno in ..., actually, i dont know where if found it.

>> No.1009521

Go on /rs/ for a CLANNAD patch that includes the After Story translation.

>> No.1009537

thank you kind sir, for the help finding a translation.
I would also appreciate it if you could remember where you got phantom of the inferno :D

>> No.1009542


Google. Go search for it.

>> No.1009550

trust me, i am
shortcuts are good too though

>> No.1009561


Not all dead torrents are dead.

>> No.1009568

lol, second result in google, and i missed it
thanks again

>> No.1009572

Was gonna tell you to search on Hongfire but looks like you found it. Good luck and enjoy the VNs.

>> No.1009590

one more thing.
what's the difference between the SEEN.txt translation, and the patch translation for CLANNAD?

>> No.1009596

sage for viral marketing

>> No.1009601

You should probably download the 0.94 patch off Hongfire for the koeicon and guide to installing the patch.

But there's really no difference, just the one on /rs/ translates After Story.

>> No.1009604

King of slowpokes, do you have enough failure ?

>> No.1010007

Wait, they translated the After Story? I remember downloading a SEEN.txt file from /rs/, but the After Story was all in Japanese...

>> No.1010023

Yeah, they did. Compiled by an Anon I believe. I can search for it on /rs/ if you'd like.

The folder consisted of;

The SEEN.txt - 7,229kb
And the thread "703449.html"

>> No.1010720

Can't find it.

>> No.1010730

Can't be bothered to look through /rs/, so I'll just reupload it for you in a sec.

>> No.1010750



Includes the seen.txt and original thread.

>> No.1010928

