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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10031334 No.10031334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you family know about your obsession with the 2D world? Have they given up on you getting a girlfriend?

>> No.10031346

I have a 5/5 girlfriend who is just as obsessed as I am. Stop projecting your Jens lifestyle upon this board as a whole. You're just an annoying minority here.

>> No.10031349
File: 91 KB, 575x714, 1352444762130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hiding the fact that I'm a giant weeaboo over half of my life now. No one will ever know.

>> No.10031352

Being the youngest son, I don't have to worry about getting a girlfriend until my older sibling does.

>> No.10031353

My Mom only asks me why i don't have a girlfriend once in a blue moon

Thats probably because its the least of our concern

>> No.10031358

My mom asked me if was gay once.

>> No.10031361

My parents have accepted it but my dad has this disgusted look on his face when he sees my cabinets of moe girl figures when he walks into my room.

>> No.10031373

I think my mother knows I will never father a child at this point.Luckily she already has grandchildren from my other siblings, so all is well.

>> No.10031376

My mom jokingly(I hope) says sometimes that she'll hire a prostitute to strip me off my virginity.

>> No.10031382

As he should, he likely paid for all of those and they are bloody expensive.

>> No.10031383
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There are figures around my room and my mom often walks in while I'm playing some cute JRPG, so yeah.

I've never gotten any girlfriend talk at all though. Probably since I've always been a social retard.

>> No.10031384

i live in hong kong

>> No.10031386

My parents have it tough. Not only is their oldest son a /jp/sie but my imoutos are even more NEET and reclusive than me.

>> No.10031388

He didn't pay a cent. I paid for them all myself with my money.

>> No.10031390

They haven't completely given up. And my mom really wants grandchildren, so I have to keep disappointing her.

>> No.10031394

Condense your blog threads, /q/ueers

>> No.10031396


>> No.10031403

They know I like video games a lot but my interests in anime/VNs/cute things has gone completely unnoticed.

For now I'm safe.

>> No.10031408

Then you should ask if your father is gay.
For what reason is he entering your room?
Why does he look at females with digust?

>> No.10031417

I don't have dolls and dresses because I'm not a fucking little bitch. My family knows that I watch anime, but I do it in my room and don't talk about it or try to make it an essential part of my personality like /a/ subhumans.

>> No.10031409


I only jack off to delicious 3D AV.

>> No.10031419

Well they kinda found out about my 2d hobbies over the course of the past year or so, but theres been a lot of other shit going on so no one really minds. I think it just fell under "well at least hes not overdosing on heroin" or something to that effect. Naturally this is the same reason no one cares that I'm not dating anyone.

>> No.10031420

>Why does he look at females with digust?
Because to him his son is playing with dolls.

>> No.10031431

Why are you so aggressive?

>> No.10031428

Most likely this

>> No.10031435

because he's not a weeaboo faggot

>> No.10031432

My dad told me that the only reason a handsome guy like me doesn't have a girlfriend yet is because I don't go outside. I didn't tell him that there are plenty of more reasons, since it's a logical and convenient conclusion for him to make.

I wonder if they'll start bothering me about it more when I move out. I can imagine it already. "Are there any cute girls in your class, anon? No? Well, I'm sure you'll meet someone soon~"

>> No.10031434

you should fug em.

>> No.10031437

Sounds like he'd be happier if he were.

>> No.10031447

He wouldn't have you as a son, to begin with.

>> No.10031443
File: 33 KB, 366x460, 1348024814171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a healthy adult male who has testosterone pumping throughout his body. By the way, I lift. So watch what you say.

>> No.10031451

Whenever I am under the effects of my autism aura things get a little stressful, sorri ^^

>> No.10031452

Why exactly would anyone be happier being a weeaboo, you can enjoy this hobby perfectly fine without pretending Japan is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.10031456

Only someone with shit genetics dies of a heart defect

>> No.10031465

Defect + plus cocaine, ladyboy butts, and steroids. It takes a toll on your heart.

>> No.10031474

you realize testosterone is terrible right?

>> No.10031470

More like: This is why you must do cardio.
lols andnigger genes
This is what steroids do, don't lift!
lol u mad /fit/?

>> No.10031480

Not a balanced amount.

>> No.10031485

Yeah they know, I already told them all about it too

My father hates me for being such a disappointment but at least he's got my other brothers to feel proud of.
They both play hockey and go to parties and such.

My mother doesn't seem to care either way what I do with my free-time as long as I study (which I don't since I dropped out, I just sleep in the car)

I don't think anyone expects any children or girlfriends from me anymore at this point.

>> No.10031489
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It makes you tall, strong, and chiseled. Only a complete fucking beta bitch would think it's bad.

>> No.10031526

No, it just makes you aggressive.

>> No.10031528

It seems like I'm the only one who has a kind tolerant father and a dissapointed mother, who looks at me with disgust.

>> No.10031531

But that's wrong. There's a reason men are bigger and stronger than women.

>> No.10031535

Wrong, in unhealthy amounts it can increase stress, aggression, and baldness but it's perfectly healthy for most people.

>> No.10031575
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When I see real naked women, I don't even get a boner anymore.

When I see an anime girl in a bikini, well...

I never asked for this.

>> No.10031572

>Do you family know about your obsession with the 2D world?

Have they given up on you getting a girlfriend?
It kills me inside knowing they still want me to be a successful business man and a wife and kids

>> No.10031591

Women on the internet won't mean nearly as much to you as someone you know in real life.

Don't write yourself off yet kid.

>> No.10031596

>It seems like I'm the only one who has a kind tolerant father and a dissapointed mother, who looks at me with disgust.
No, I have the same with my parents. My mother dislikes me so I try to stay away from her as much as possible.

>> No.10031614

As far as I can tell, nobody other than a fellow 2D obsessor knows about my habits.

Fortunately, my dad was also reclusive and antisocial at this age. He didn't start looking for relationships until about 25 or so, and got my mom to stop harassing me about it, so I'm safe until then. I think it will be easy at that point to explain that I have no plans to get married, as they respect my decisions and status as an adult. A bigger concern is going to be whether or not they allow me to live with them indefinitely.

The trouble is friends and co-workers. I just lie about my status as a virgin and be as vague as possible about past relationships.

>> No.10031619
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My room is plastered with posters, a few daki covers and I have few lewd figures on display too so I'm not exactly hiding it.

My mother *says* she accepts my hobbies but whenever angered, she ends up blurting out "why don't you stop wasting your time on your computer and grow up already?" and such. Always asks if I'm going to get a girlfriend already or that she can't understand why I don't go to parties, get wasted and such like her colleaques' children do. I think she is disappointed deep down (my brother tells whenever she talks shit about me when I'm not there; stuff like "don't listen to Anon's advice" and "I don't want you to end up like Anon did"), even though my actual studies are going well and I'm able to take care of myself. Only one more year and I'm finally able to move out..

My little brother on the other hand watches anime once in a while (f.ex. Samurai Champloo, Welcome to NHK, Lain) but hates anything moe to death and has no interest in "Otaku Culture" whatsoever and jokingly calls me a "fucking weaboo". He spends a shitload of time on PC playing with his friends or browsing the internet so he's more understanding of my hobbies. We actually share taste in games on many occasions.

I haven't been in contact with my alcoholic father for years so he doesn't know about my hobbies. I think his reaction would be quite similar to my mother's as he was rather cool with anything when not drunk.

>> No.10031632

>Women on the internet
That doesn't make sense. Now substitute that for 2D and you have a valid argument.

2D can't hurt you nearly as much as women you know in real life.

Don't write yourself off yet kid.

>> No.10031643

I mean just pictures of naked women.

>> No.10031666

Thanks, anon. Maybe one day I'll find someone special. Maybe.

>> No.10031704

My father has been married five times. I've seen what I need to see.

What you need to understand is that "love" is for the sole reason of procreation. Men are hardwired to pregnate as many women as possible and so are women. There is no reason for a monogamic relationship other than religious delusion.

>> No.10031711

Religious delusion seems kinda nice, though.

>> No.10031721

Maybe it is, or maybe those that live in such a way are unhappy.

It doesn't really matter as I never got played the religion cards.

>> No.10031720

My mother is the only family I talk to and she doesn't care if I see other women, because she wants me for herself.

It's very awkward but what are you going to do?
