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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10011113 No.10011113 [Reply] [Original]

Only 7% of niggers voted for romney, why? because he is white!!!

ANd that fucking monkeys call us racists. anti racist = anti white

>> No.10011116

You say that like its a profound statement or something.

>> No.10011120

The election is over, it's time for all of you to crawl back into /pol/.

>> No.10011140

Blacks always vote democrat anyways. Back to /pol/ with that southern strategy, shithead

>> No.10011138
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The world is full of double standards
Why are you complaining about it on /jp/ as if it's of any relevance?

>> No.10011143

Lel, it's funny to see how the future of america is decided by all the minorities that don't belong there in the first place.

>> No.10011150

I wish I could be listed as "other".

>> No.10011176
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that chair when you will never live in the 50's and have a Leave It To Beaver family

>> No.10011170

I wonder what I'm listed under. Where do they track these stats anyway?

>> No.10011179

Isn't that obvious? I was surely convinced ever since his election that he only won because he is black and the only reason he would ever be reelected because he is black. The number of niggers and wetbacks that voted to put him and keep him in office would otherwise not have voted at all if both candidates were white.

>> No.10011182

friggin immigrants git out of the country of immigrants

>> No.10011186
File: 38 KB, 330x265, f788d90b3b3393c6a45510a1f77ba94b_330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of the white man is gradually coming to an end.

The age of the black man is now.

>> No.10011187

There was no country before my white European ancestors built it.

>> No.10011188

Where are your ancestors originally from?

>> No.10011189
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but they didn't actually build anything

>> No.10011191

Come to Mesa and become a mormon. If you're white it'll be easy to marry any girl in the church, and that's when you start your Leave it to Beaver life.

>> No.10011197

I thought it was the Middle Eastern age. At least in Europe it is.

>> No.10011207

Republicans should seriously try harder to tap the black people crowd.

Also, it seems like getting black/colored man running for president is a sure way for Dems to win.

Inb4 the next ten elections is them running niggers for office.

>> No.10011215

Holy shit, you are retarded. Blacks NEVER vote republican, mostly because the republican party doesn't have any of their interests in mind. Blacks will always vote democrat.

>> No.10011211

If you're so much better than NiggerBama Husein Muslamistanto, why don't you run for president yourself or just organize racial genocides like your glorious ancestors did?

You shame your white European ancestors by being so docile and just masturbating to cartoons.

>> No.10011222

I am black and I am a registered republican. That being said, I voted libertarian this election.

>> No.10011232

>I am black and I am a registered republican
Why? This isn't even an insult, I just don't understand.

>> No.10011241
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>> No.10011264

You know how there's self-hating jews? Well...

>> No.10011326

Well that would explain it.

>> No.10011380

Nope America is just slowly becoming North Mexico.

>> No.10011400

I live in England and I'm offended by our lack of black politicians. I wrote a letter to OFCOM complaining that BBC Parliament doesn't show the same colour-blind casting/racial equality standards that the rest of the BBC practises, but they haven't replied.

>> No.10011418

Except in 2006 Michael Steele black ran for office versus white democrat and democrat still got black vote and Steele got black vote. Blacks always vote dem.

>> No.10011424

Yeah age of hispanics is right word.

>> No.10011503

That won't work.

Democrats only win because they pander to the welfare audience. This includes hispanics as well, and also includes /jp.sies.

>> No.10011504

Being mixed race isn't THAT great.

>> No.10011515

He's most likely English, although most white Americans prefer to claim they are German/Irish.

>> No.10011517

Yeah, other color can say and do whatever they want but it's illegal for white. News at eleven.

>> No.10011527

Are you kidding? Being mixed is awesome.

>> No.10011553

Spics don't vote for repubs because they have the same last names as illegal immigrants.

Niggers don't vote for repubs because muh food stamps and section 8 housing.

Fags don't vote for repubs because the most important issue in america (indisputable) is gay acceptance.

Unmarried womyn don't vote for repubs because repubs don't respect their freedom of choice... to receive free birth control.

Chinks I don't know. Chinks should be smarter than that.

>> No.10011572

>Only 7% of niggers voted for romney, why? because he is white!!!

I think it's more likely they didn't vote for him because they're not generally conservative. Most of them voted for Clinton as well...

What ever happened to the republican party of the 19th century anyway... they were cool. Republicans these days are just dildos.

>> No.10011582

There are a lot of poor Asians. And there are a lot of middle-class older Asians who vote Republican. And there are a lot of young Asians who vote Democrat.

>> No.10011597

Poor huh. So they vote democrat because they think it'll help their chances of financial success?

You remind me. Young people don't vote for repubs because they've been brainwashed into believing that equality is a good thing.

>> No.10011608

Democrats tend to be, at least on the surface, a lot nicer to poor people.

The only Republican candidate I would have even considered voting for was John Huntsman, and that's because he's not as blatantly out of touch with reality as the rest of his party.

>> No.10011617

Nicer to poor people by giving them more free shit, sure.

Now John Huntsman is probably the most reasonable republican I know.

>> No.10011630

Not sure how it works in the US, but I don't find anything strange about lower class people voting for the left wing party. Seems like the logical thing to do in their position most of the time.

>> No.10011650

Guys please when I'm on the internet I try to ignore the existence of blacks.

>> No.10011653

If more were like him I'm sure there would be a lot more young people voting for the Republican party. As it is, I think he's standing pretty much alone.

>> No.10011775

I'm disgusted that 60% of whites were dumb enough to vote for Romney

I'm also disgusted that 40% of whites would vote for Obama

>> No.10011779

>Democrats tend to be, at least on the surface, a lot nicer to poor people.

Yeah, that's why Republicans donate overwhelmingly more to charity, right? Democrats are only generous with other people's money.

>> No.10011795

Biggest scam since religion.

>> No.10011818
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>> No.10011825


>> No.10011838

Thanks. It's my goal to be as edgy as shitposters like yourself.

>> No.10011855


Yea, but it's depressing. White men overwhelming voted for Romney at a 2 to 1 rate, but they were defeated by women and minorities overwhelmingly voting for Obama.

>> No.10011879

This whole government is flawed now because of media brainwashing. "white people,money and progress is evil" "hands off government is wrong" its like people want the government to do everything for them and expect everything to be fine. The country is going to shit because of lazy liberal thinking. everybody wants hand outs.

>> No.10011882

But white people ARE evil.

>> No.10011903

its really fucking sad when even white women are against white men. This whole ideology for women and minorities is going to far. its just becoming a space goat to just hate progress and hard work. White men are high class because they fucking worked to get there. its the same for high class black men,etc ,etc. its just that white people tend too actually try instead of smoke weed and get into gangs/peer pressure.

>> No.10011922

basically into todays America, hard work/having values/being wealthy BECAUSE of hard work is evil and wrong and you should just vote for liberal and take your free money.

>> No.10011932

Yeah. You mad, working class?

>> No.10011940

If there was an additional split between "White" and "White Trash" I get the feeling things would look very different.

>> No.10011952

Actually, I vote Liberal because Republicans are too fucking stupid and uneducated to get their own goddamn ideals straight enough to realize Libertarian is the only legitimately conservative party. Romney was a fucking sleazeball, at least Obama will keep giving me autism bux instead of slashing it BECAUSE WE NEED TO BUY MORE JOBS FROM THE ELITE.

>> No.10011961

Where do you people come from, holy shit.

I don't care about a dumb nigger ape or a rich faggot with his daddy's money who never had everything handed to him by his parents.

All people with "omg poor white ppl :(" make me actually want to write myself off as another race next census. I wish I were just born Jewish, or just convert so I can have superior children.

The entire identity of whites online is based on being buttangry that Jews are taking the spots whites want in the world of material success, and that niggers and spics take what you want in the world of sexual conquest.
Every single thread is the same fucking thing, and its pathetic as hell. Boo hoo, nigguz taking muh womens muffugga, or OY VEY DE JEWS HAVE ALL DE MONEY.
But don't forget whites, you're superior because a long time ago someone in your same haplogroup accomplished something!!

>> No.10011963

No im not because im a lazy piece of shit, but even i know WHY old white men got to where they are. It wasn't by getting section 8 or free hand outs, or whining when they were poor. they didn't take the easy way out, they fucking bite their lip and worked for it. they took the pain. Something I wish i could do.

>> No.10011960

>Obama will keep giving me autism bux instead of slashing it BECAUSE WE NEED TO BUY MORE JOBS FROM THE ELITE.

dat liberal economic understanding

>> No.10011973

What a loser. Just give me your free money if you don't want it.

>> No.10011974

jews are white you freaking retard.

>> No.10011976

Actually that's the common sense economic understanding. Like I said, I'm not even a dedicated liberal. American Republicans might as well just name themselves the "corporate welfare" party.

>> No.10011977

>they fucking bite their lip and worked for it.
Hardly. Plenty of jobs paying more than what the person was really worth. If you REALLY believe that the current retiring generation deserved or ever earned their money, you better take a look at what happened to blacks on the west coast after WWII. They were moving up into upper middle class with no education.

>> No.10011990

>Obama will keep giving me autism bux instead of slashing it BECAUSE WE NEED TO BUY MORE JOBS FROM THE ELITE.
Huh, a self-proclaimed obnoxiously loud liberal that has no clue on economics? Shocking.

>> No.10012021

They still had to work harder then the other though or go through shit they didn't want to do. Way more shit then what most people would want to bother with.

>> No.10012028

Why do people keep throwing the word "liberal" around like it's a synonym for "doofus"?

Are they trying to be trolls or something?

>> No.10012042

They lived during the golden age of the United States, probably the easiest of the easy mode to have ever been available in the history of mankind.
You could afford a nice house in the suburbs by being a Janitor, they don't deserve the praise nor respect.

>> No.10012062

Because thats what most liberals are. they go around asking for free money and free this and that and complain about the economy and wonder why things are the way they are. I'm not mr perfect old rich guy, but i know why they are living the good life. because they had to give up most of there life eating others shit and taking it up the ass, while trying to climb the ladder there whole life. yet we are suppose to hate these people.

>> No.10012076

Huh, samefag feels the need to post the exact same fallacious argument twice? Shocking.

>> No.10012079

A liberal is just someone who goes against the normal traditions in his particular society in the hopes for a better one.

>> No.10012090

You're just as retarded if you think all the economy is in the shitter because of people asking for free money.

Obligatory reminder that Clinton is the one who actually improved the economy, and Bush is the one who broke it in half.

>> No.10012095

at least he's not a retard who bumped a shitty off-topic politics thread

>> No.10012100

Swing and miss. Try again, it's really all you've got left.

>> No.10012102

I really dont think the 1970s,1980s or 90s where the golden ages. you have to work hard in America to become actually wealthy. Why do you think there are so many poor people today. We all got lazy from living the good life with our parents, who worked hard.

>> No.10012105


>> No.10012103

Why do Americans have like 5 different definitions for "conservative" and "liberal"?

What happened to conservative = conservative use of government and liberal = liberal use of government?

>> No.10012108

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll come up with a coherent point eventually.

>> No.10012115

Y-you too.

>> No.10012114

Too bad it means going against normal traditions, even when it makes no sense too. There is a fine line between wanting something, and knowing it can work.

>> No.10012139

>Young people don't vote for repubs because they've been brainwashed into believing that equality is a good thing.

Yeah, people should just vote against their best interest and in the interests of the rich. A few hundred years of social and economic liberalization and the elite can trick stupid fucks to support them, by thinking anything that would actually be to their benefit is bad for them and bad for everyone. "Temporarily embarrassed millionaires" indeed.

Dems are shit but preferable to Republicans. Give me a fucking reason to support one, OP. You gave me a cookie cutter corporate stooge Mormon when you could have given me a guy like Ron Paul and caught my attention. So Obama, it is. And most of the world would find that sensible.

>> No.10012150



>> No.10012162

Man, I didn't even know about the election until I saw /pol/ stormfags getting butthurt over it.

>> No.10012181

Pretty much this. I was actually going to vote Republican but after the way they went out of their way to sideline Ron Paul I just stopped following out of disgust. The only thing that Republicans are conservative about is taxing the rich.

>> No.10012185

Yeah sure /jp/ is really going to support the GOP and get our autismbux taken away. Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.10012203
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Some of us have principles that don't just involve "how much free stuff can each candidate give me???" you fucking degenerate.

>> No.10012224

>You gave me a cookie cutter corporate stooge Mormon when you could have given me a guy like Ron Paul and caught my attention. So Obama, it is.
"If I can't have the best, I'll just take the worst!"

>And most of the world would find that sensible.
Yes, they would of course support anything that benefits themselves.

>> No.10012245

The economy is in bad shape because of more than just "free money." Sure, there was the mortgage crisis and financial crisis, but our inflated defense budget and the decade long war aren't helping the economy either. Also, I think that a lot of the richest people in America today are definitely old money. The "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" approach isn't the answer to everything. And plus Romney was a total sleazebag.

>> No.10012265


I don't expect the best. As a citizen who expects to be represented by capable men in this representative democracy, I expect better. I didn't get it from the Republicans so I chose the preferable option. Give me a reason to do otherwise and maybe I'll consider it.

>Yes, they would of course support anything that benefits themselves.

As one should.

>> No.10012265,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this free thinking fedora tipper everyone lmao
