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File: 49 KB, 950x713, kiss..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2513906 No.2513906 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like to kiss a girl irl, /jp/? I'm 27 years old.

>> No.2513909

I-I want to kiss Pygma-chan...

>> No.2513907

feels good man

>> No.2513911

It feels like kissing a sandbag.

>> No.2513912

Kissing itself is nothing special, it's just a symbolic gesture.

But being with someone you like and doing it is ultimate happiness.

>> No.2513913

Its like kissing a dude, but a little softer

>> No.2513910

like kissing a bag of sand

>> No.2513918

Like touching your cheek from the inside

>> No.2513924

it feels like leading a battalion of vikings into the most brutal battle ever.


>> No.2513926

>Its like kissing a dude
Speaking from experience?

>> No.2513927

Stopped there.

>> No.2513928

What's so great about "Pygma-chan"?

>> No.2513930

When you strike out with chicks enough times and you're desperate enough....

>> No.2513933

>But being with someone you like and doing it is ultimate happiness.

This is the sui generis response exclusive to /jp/. A lot of you exagerrate. It really means nothing.

>> No.2513940


>> No.2513956

It's actually pretty nice. The first girl I kissed was when I was 29. Soft, nice, sweet; the number of nerve endings in your lips is higher than most parts of your body so it's pleasant.

The second girl I kissed was damn good. She'd had sex since she was about 14 years old (I'm still a virgin) and was a pro at kissing. I can see why it's common for people to kiss, it's a very pleasurable experience.

>> No.2513975


>> No.2513971


It's like $300. Google service providers and "girlfriend experience" or GFE.

>> No.2513992

In mormon culture we call it NCMO for non committal make out (maybe for other people too, dunno). There's NCMO clubs for chumps like us where people who'll never meet again show up and make out for awhile. I'll bet anon can find one of those.

>> No.2514006

I laughed.

>> No.2514014

I don't want to make out, I want to fuck.

And besides, those people who meet are likely going to be ugly 30-year olds anyway so no thanks.

>> No.2514025

Beggars cant be choosers.

>> No.2514032

Oh wow, I suppose I should've expected that from Mormons

prostitutes are both reasonably cheap and perfectly legal where I live; why not pay to play?

>> No.2514036

But I don't want to kiss just anyone. I only want to kiss the girl who I love.
However, I don't think I'm in love with anyone right now.

>> No.2514045

heh, yeah.
The comments are humorous

>> No.2514057

prostitutes are even uglier and they have AIDS to boot.

>> No.2514063

>I don't want to make out, I want to fuck.
Then go to a swinger's club.

>And besides, those people who meet are likely going to be ugly 30-year olds anyway so no thanks.
Oh... well then you'll have to find someone the regular way (courtship and dating and all that).

>> No.2514090

Sorry bro, your fated lover is probably going to die of swine flu.
Might as well go out with a bang.

>> No.2514117

Have there been any deaths to swine flu outside of Mexico?

>> No.2514136

My first kiss was when i was seven; my first "let's get naked and touch each other" was around seven, and my first "hey, you've got a hole, hey, i've got a penis, let's put them together, lol" was sometime between seven and eight. After that, I was hooked and chased girls all the time.

>> No.2514157


>> No.2514159

Yea I know. Getting a nice lady for a date, however, is not as easy as it sounds in those shitty dating guide books. In my neighborhood (or everywhere else for that matter) all the decent looking girls either don't exist or already been taken. Those who aren't are just unattractive, dumb and bitchy, which explains the reason why they remain single in the first place.

But oh well, college's already over for me. I guess I'll try again, this time at the very first day of my postgraduate study in another place.

>> No.2514172


>> No.2514187

Life ayn't nothing but a gigantic fallacy! Everthin' is TEMPORARY!

>> No.2514210


You've obviously never been to a place where prostitution is legal.
Ugly snatch doesn't sell, unprotected sex is against the law, and blood tests are required anywhere from yearly to 4 times a year.

Granted, the women aren't our style (being typical porno-whores), but they're cleaner and better looking than streetwalkers.

>> No.2514213

Got my first kiss about a year ago.

got my first girlfriend six months ago.

Lost her.

And lost the ability to love.

Where did it go, Anon? Along with all of my female friends?!

>> No.2514223

Mind giving us an explanation of how you lost her and how you lost the ability to love along with it?

>> No.2514224

>first girlfriend 6 months ago
>lost her and the ability to love

What the hell, man. You have a heart of glass if you had it broken after such a short time.

Granted, it's your first, but DAMN, man. She isn't worth it.

>> No.2514264

Wow, not at all.

My grandmother died a week before it all began. My mom was yelling at me on the phone, calling me a failure when I switched lines back to my now ex, who was on hold. I told her the scenario, and, instead of being nice, she said "Oh, well, maybe she's right. She is your mother after all." I proceeded to say "Fuck you, I don't need two people bitching at me from the safety of the phone."

She hung up on me, but accepted my apology afterwards.

and a week later, one of my female friends convinced her to dump me.


And I noticed all the women in my life are ganging up on me.

Who needs that?

>> No.2514266

Even then there are many independent service providers that are well worth the money.

>>2514057 talks shit but obviously has no experience with quality service providers.

>> No.2514267

>>And lost the ability to love.
i have bad news for you.

you have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love.

>> No.2514274

>calling me a failure

I'll never understand why someone would tolerate an insult from their parents. I disowned mine for that very reason.

>> No.2514278
File: 87 KB, 490x570, alucard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot your alucard.jpg

>> No.2514282

got my first girlfriend 4 weeks ago.
got my first kiss 2 weeks ago.
got my first blowjob this afternoon.

i'm 22.

>> No.2514284

She wasn't, I know.

Luckily only one of my old friends will be coming with me when I "liberate myself" and go to Glorious Nippon. All of my problems will be sol--- replaced with different problems.

>> No.2514289

Sure is normal in here.

>> No.2514293

Hm, this thread wasnt deleted but the other one was.

>My mail serves as MSN. Don't really feel for conversing right now, sorry.

Thats fine.

>It's what keeps me uninvolved with another person, knowing that I'm just leeching off.

I think a lot of people on /jp/ and /a/ simply want a relationship for the sake of having a relationship when I read ronery threads. So I can see where you are coming from in a way. A lot of it is just 'I want the rubber stamp of a relationship to prove my normality' more than anything else.

>That even though you know how it will end, you still have to go for it and enjoy it while it lasts, instead of walking off, believing that there's no point in running at all, missing out on things that one couldn't predict.

Heh, actually I'm a little bit humbled because my analogy was just a reflection of inaction and the fear of being so far behind. But you're right about this as well.

>> No.2514296

Yet you probably helped to report the potential ronery thread. Enjoy.

>> No.2514300

So, has addiction set in, or have you come to the realization it's nothing important?

>> No.2514298

What's wrong with bein normal? You don't have to stay unhappy all the damn time.

>> No.2514302

does anyone else feel like shit and get ever more bitter and angry and hopeless if they stay up all night?

>> No.2514305

Pygma chan...

>> No.2514311

No, I get tired of the bullshit and go to sleep. But when I wake up, oh boy.

>> No.2514313

Depends on how much sleep I got previously.
Being awake long-term or exhausted does tend to fuck with my motional stability, but a simple late-night won't cause any problems.

>> No.2514314


funny thing, i realized while she was trying to figure out how to work my junk it feels a lot better when i just fap to porn since i know what feels good.

i guess that's what gays have going for them huh? they all know how to operate the machinery.

>> No.2514316

Did I say there was anything wrong with it? Fuck you. I wish I wasn't unhappy, I wish I didnt need these constant re-evaluations through introspection. If I could be blissfully unaware I would take that.

>> No.2514317

You are so right.

I told her that I'm not dealing with her after she threw a box on knives at me and threw me on the counter, ripping my arm open. Yeah.

I'm currently making temporary arrangements living with my dad in Maine, where I will become a Lobsterman's apprentace and whale watch navigator. Sounds pretty good, and I can finally get some reliable income. Besides the 100,000 I got from my uncle dying.

>> No.2514323

Hey guys?

What are we doing?

>> No.2514323,1 [INTERNAL] 

Being angry at janitors, like always.
