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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 543 KB, 1300x1845, Parsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9925728 No.9925728 [Reply] [Original]

Parsee traveled to Japan from the middle east and met a kind Japanese man and over the years their friendship blossomed into love.

She did all she could to make him happy and tried to become the perfect wife even though adapting to Japan's culture was hard she wanted to try her best for him.

But he soon grew tired of her clingy habits and fell for another woman and left Parsee behind all alone.

She wasn't mad because she loved him with all her heart and was sure he would come back to her one day so she waited and waited hoping for his return.

But when it became clear that he was never coming back her heart became dark and she vowed revenge on the people who hurt her.

>> No.9925736


>> No.9925749

Parsee was beta as HELL

>> No.9925759

That's what she gets for not giving the nigga some room.

>> No.9925752
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[citation needed]

>> No.9925768

Fucking Dyke.

>> No.9925776

Are you people gonna bully Parsee now?

>> No.9925778

It's piecing together her story since it's canon that she is foreign (middle eastern) and that she was extremely heart broken (like all hashihime).

>> No.9925804

I love Parsee I doubt somebody who dislikes her would waste time talking about her.

>> No.9925805
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>> No.9925808

Would you date a jealous bitch?

>> No.9925842

That just means they care about you so yes.

>> No.9925861

I would love to date a jealous clingy girl, especially if she was yandere. However, no girls like that exist in the real world.

>> No.9925876

Yes they do but you probably wouldn't like it just like the others who have experienced it.

>> No.9925921

Most clingy girls are ugly and have issues.

>> No.9925922
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>> No.9925932

This. Also most people that had those issues were people with social lives. When you don't talk to or meet other people she will have no reason to be jealous. Of course she could just assume that you are anyways because that's how crazy chicks roll.

>> No.9925999


>> No.9926142
File: 96 KB, 600x600, Parseecry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucking never translate the good stuff.

>> No.9926190
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>> No.9926409

She seems like a sweet enough girl but you know it's going to get worse if you decide to return her feelings.

>> No.9926442
File: 509 KB, 1024x768, beb87852ec974aede3a1c9e913da4041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be careful with how you handle her, but I think it can work.

>> No.9926467

Does that mean I will have to carry around a taser and tranquilizers in case she gets out of hand?

>> No.9926473

Just use your smooth talking skills

>> No.9926474

It's good to have options.

>> No.9926495

If that's the case then maybe she should just be locked in the basement to took her from hurting people. It would be a nice comfy basement with chairs and shit.

>> No.9926496
File: 281 KB, 1400x1050, 1331376146939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call me "crazy"!

>> No.9926493

I'd prefer a clingy girl that only got sad when you didn't give her attention, instead of outright crazy.

>> No.9926532

I'd be waiting for her to get out of hand.

It seems really charming to stab her with a bear tranquilizer and whisper in her ear, telling her that you will make it up to her later when it's just the two of you.

Watching the rage subside and be replaced with complacency and blushing would be nice.

There are a couple holes in my plan but I think love will smooth it over.

>> No.9926541

That does sound pretty adorable. More so if you add a shock collar too.

>> No.9926547

That sounds pretty messed up out of context. I agree, though

>> No.9926625

I can see it now... She saw you talking to a woman and questions you about it. You tell her it was your mother (it really was) but she doesn't believe you. She takes a knife threatens to open your mother's throat for talking to you and dashes for the door. Luckily you were able to activate the collar before she got out of range and she passes out from the shock.

Later than night you sit on the bed with her head on your lap gently petting her hair while showing her an old photo album to prove that was really your mother. She smiles weakly and apologizes as she slowly falls asleep while you tell her some old story about your childhood.

>> No.9926636

More, please. ;_;

>> No.9926714
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>> No.9926774

y u crai?

>> No.9926800
File: 551 KB, 626x885, 76a716a1b924cc8a6c01a388a7092890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure likes biting her thumb.

>> No.9926807

It reminds her of her husband

>> No.9926817
File: 278 KB, 663x825, 688605e6e42ef172e58c41b4561aa925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, is it something he did a lot?

>> No.9926819

His penis was shaped the same

>> No.9926836

She bit his pee pee place?

>> No.9926841

Sometimes she bit it so hard, she ripped the skin.

>> No.9926849

Now why would he let her do that?

>> No.9926857


>> No.9926874

Dats beautiful

>> No.9926967
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>> No.9927425

I dont say this to everyone

but cute pic, dude.

>> No.9927684

Do you mean it?

>> No.9927697

That story is almost word for word what a friend of mine is going through. Except hes the guy that left the girl.

>> No.9927709
File: 217 KB, 800x1294, Parseearsenal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you murdered him yet?

>> No.9927713
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>> No.9927714

Images like this make me incredibly sad since I will never be able to wear such cute outfits because I was born a male. It makes me even sadder that most women don't dress like that even though they could. It's like they are doing it just to spite me.

>> No.9927722 [DELETED] 


yeah... I'd love to see more skirts when I go to the streets.

I can count with the fingers of my hands the number of young women and girls (15-25 years old) I see on the street in an ahour.

All of then are wering pants of Blue Jeans. There are too few sexy or cute outfits. I do see a lot of slutty outfits (which is not the same as sexy).

>> No.9927730


yeah... I'd love to see more skirts when I go to the streets.

I can count with the fingers of my hands the number of young women and girls (15-25 years old) I see on the street in an hour wearing a skirt.

The majority of women are wearing pants of Blue Jeans. There are too few sexy or cute outfits. I do see a lot of slutty outfits (which is not the same as sexy).

>> No.9927780
File: 895 KB, 994x703, c4271e20f377f67d682df941370471b8438d6dd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9927834

Why she crying?

>> No.9927854


>> No.9927859

Because she's very depressed.

>> No.9927863
File: 471 KB, 800x1000, parcy1343961710563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody deserved to be that depressed

>> No.9927864

you suffer from the same problems as i do to

>> No.9927866

Except for Parsee.

>> No.9927876
File: 301 KB, 895x1000, parcy1344049829878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no not anyone

depression is a very bad sickness

>> No.9927883

I feel like I could use a bit of depression. I'm way too damn happy for no reason and I can't think straight unless I'm too depressed to enjoy the internet. There has to be a drug for that right?

>> No.9927906

Sounds like a job for King Alcohol.

>> No.9927908
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>> No.9927910
File: 34 KB, 400x237, parsee ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's the worst

>> No.9927936
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, parsee1348332100253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am jealous of your happiness....

>> No.9929657
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>> No.9929741
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>> No.9929783
File: 280 KB, 896x716, 30998752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsee strong!

>> No.9929833
File: 175 KB, 500x500, 30993343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsee and Ran's love child

>> No.9929842

Which one has the dick

>> No.9929864

I don't understand the SFX. Do foxes really do that "kon" bark?

>> No.9929865


>> No.9929868

Must have been some wild times back in persia.

>> No.9929897

I'd like to imagine Ran, especially after that one doujinshi where where she grows a dick and fucks her "client."

>> No.9930793
File: 495 KB, 1100x850, parcy1343964369731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parcie is the most CRAZIEST touhou

>> No.9930798

I hate this pairing so much. I'm sure both Yuugi and Parsee fans can agree on that.

>> No.9930811

Isn't it Medicine Melancholy who is a literal psychopath?

>> No.9930824


>> No.9930843

The Poison Doll from Phantasmagoria of Flower View. Doesn't understand how feelings work? Is obsessed with poisonous flowers?

>> No.9930844

Won't work. I'm a happy fun time drunk. I really don't see how anyone could be drunk and depressed at the same time.

>> No.9930849

Do they have any doujins about trying to keep crazy girls under control like this?

They are always completely in control of the guy. I want to see them treated more like a violent but loving pet.

>> No.9935403
File: 178 KB, 600x450, parcy1343961407660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9939180


>> No.9939281

i like yuugi as much as parsee and im fine with the pairing. deal with it nerd

>> No.9939337
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First she was determined to wait for him to come back. But then she changed her mind, completely on her own. She could have continued to wait, but she gave up on him.

Was her heart really that pure from the beginning?

>> No.9939421

You can only wait for so long until it becomes obvious that you were played.

>> No.9939442

Well she isn't fucking hachikou. She has other things to do like nailing voodoo dolls to trees.
