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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9913434 No.9913434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bullying Sanae had became boring. Which touhou do we bully now?

>> No.9913443

Giving a girl what she wants the most is bullying now?

>> No.9913458
File: 464 KB, 1024x768, ochinmarun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The backwards moonrunes was bugging the hell out of me.

>> No.9913492

lol r u a webo?

>> No.9913529

It bugged me too. When it's backwards ん looks like 了 or something.

>> No.9913807

I thought we already moved on to Youmu.

>> No.9913826

I want to bully Marisa

>> No.9913829
File: 63 KB, 416x407, Wriggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Wriggle?

>> No.9913839

It isn't bullying when Wriggle is involved because Wriggle being shit is a fact, not an opinion.

>> No.9913841
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>> No.9913850

What are Sanae's ten desires?

>> No.9913852


>> No.9913859

Worst pairing.

>> No.9913869
File: 345 KB, 600x848, b529e0ef0b27680fd45942023e440d08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are scum and a liar.

It's not bad, but there are better ones.

>> No.9913875

Bullying Sanae no is boring to me.

>> No.9913881

Just telling it like it is, man.

>> No.9913892

Pairing anyone with Wriggle is a fucked up thing to do and it's worse than guro.

>> No.9913902

But Wriggle is great.

>> No.9913903

Even if you're into shota you can do better.

>> No.9913910


I fucked up youre mom kid

>> No.9913914
File: 928 KB, 1000x1218, 291206b7d7fb497c8712a48eb8ac6966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satori x Shikieiki = best pairing.

>> No.9913916

Why is she brandishing an oversized joint?

>> No.9913922

So it's decided.

We're bullying Wriggle

>> No.9913923
File: 343 KB, 800x1100, 7aca5ebcfb8641e62dc49a3279f5afc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Wriggle is a very lovely young lady.

I suppose you have a point. It would be unfair to Wriggle, as no one is worthy of her greatness.

>> No.9913930

Wriggle is shit general?

>> No.9913936

Wriggle is shit general.

Why is Wriggle so shit?

>> No.9913939
File: 258 KB, 931x1100, 3e11c42fdcd054fa1bc3a22c354e139e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are incapable of recognizing excellence.

>> No.9913941

It's an umbrella.

>> No.9913943

Can simeone link me to a doujin where one of the touhous get bullied by stronger touhous?

I seen it mentioned today and never got to ask til now, so i've forgotten most of the details... ( ̄ω ̄;)

>> No.9913945

Because bugs in general are shit and looking like a boy only adds to the shittiness.

She also has a shitty personality if her in game dialogue is any indication.

>> No.9913953

Anything with Yuuka usually has some bullying in it.

>> No.9913986

When will we have a touhou shittier than Wriggle that it would be okay to pair her with?

>> No.9913993

Probably never.

Unless Zun takes up crystal meth.

>> No.9914017

We have a lot already, since Wriggle is the best touhou. For a less arguable answer, it'll happen as soon as you become a touhou.

>> No.9914033

But why do you think Wriggle is so great? Do you only say that so you have a unique opinion?

>> No.9914036

I like Yuuka and Wriggle pairing. Especially when Yuuka is abusive.

>> No.9914037
File: 945 KB, 1100x1550, 3d1209df385d1da636923a4d0525a66d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Wriggle because I do, I can't really explain it. If I was just being a hipster I'd say my favorite was Sokrates or something.

>> No.9914042

>when Yuuka is abusive
She always is, though.

>> No.9914051

I do enjoy seeing Wriggle get abused.

>> No.9914054

Where can I read touhou doujins that aren't 18+?

>> No.9914056
File: 321 KB, 800x800, 3e0492bebb6b44c0ade82865b7383c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insect tohos are great theres nothing weird about liking them.

>> No.9914057

Oh well, I guess that makes sense. Lots of people don't know why their favorite is their favorite.

>> No.9914086

Yamame doesn't count because spiders are the only cool insect.

>> No.9914091

What about bees?

>> No.9914096

Spiders are not insects! Are you trying to make me have a heart attack from autistic overload?

>> No.9914093

You guys.

>> No.9914099

Exhentai has plenty of them.

>> No.9914110

Is that a good or bad "you guys"?

>> No.9914112
File: 246 KB, 549x412, bcce745e1e4b10557070c4069f6fe4b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiders aren't insects, silly. But insect and arachnid girls are wonderful.

>> No.9914120

Yamame isn't a filthy insect like Wriggle, so she's okay.

>> No.9914124

Well fuck the scientists, if it's small, nasty, and has multiple legs than it's an insect to me.

>> No.9914125


Spiders are scary. I squish them if they get near me.

>> No.9914134

I like them, they help me get rid of the dirty cockroaches.

>> No.9914140

Spiders are cool as long as they stay away from my bed. They get rid of shitty annoying insects like flies, mosquitos, and ants if they make their webs low enough.

>> No.9914147

You're a fucking monster. Kill yourself.

>> No.9914154

Yamame pls go

>> No.9914168

...Except for their awful dresses, hair, accessories and themes.

Okay, just kidding. Wriggle has cool hair.

>> No.9914174

Wriggle has shit hair and a shittier outfit. Yamame's dress makes her ass look fat.

>> No.9914177


It's me or them. They'd kill me if they had the chance. I don't squish them if they're outside, but if they come inside then all bets are off.

>> No.9914181

But Wriggle has a cape, so your argument is invalid.

>> No.9914188

Yamame's dress makes her entire lower torso look like an elongated orb. Also her bow sucks as does her hair bun thing.

>> No.9914193

Capes are indeed cool but the way Wriggle wears it reminds me of a shitty little boy playing pretend.

>> No.9914279

What could have ZUN done with Yamame's hair instead to make her look more spider like?

>> No.9914287
File: 700 KB, 1406x2000, _023 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute

>> No.9914895

ZUN said that Wriggle is probably the strongest 1st stage boss.

>> No.9914902

1 - To be pure
2 - To reject lewdness
3 - To smile every day
4 - To be righteous
5 - To show others the path of purity
6 - To show others that lewdness is a disease
7 - To free /jp/sies from the slavery of sexual urges
8 - To erase misery
9 - To find dreams anywhere she goes
10 - For the whole world to be happy

>> No.9914938

You listed ass twice

>> No.9914954

You listed >>9914902 thrice.

>> No.9914955

I don't think she has any, all she does is sweep the shrine down every day, the only time she's ever broken that routine is to go assist in an "incident" or if I give her a jug of lemonade.


>> No.9915004

Stronger than Yuyuko?

>> No.9915098

This was before TD.

>> No.9915130

Letty could probably slap her shit being a winter spirit.

>> No.9915224

Not according to ZUN.

>> No.9915248

Well I guess it's kind of cheating since she's gone during every season but winter.

Where does she go anyways? Does she hide in a cave or just straight up stops existing until next winter?

>> No.9915280

my favorite /jp/ thread ever was the 'good nightbug' one

why couldn't my favorite touhou have been better and get more /jp/ threads

>> No.9915286

But every Wriggle thread devolves into being about how shitty she is. Do you want that?

>> No.9915305

shouldn't this be rumia

>> No.9915336

But she's gimped by her own power and runs into trees and shit.

>> No.9915394

Futo looks a lot more like a guy than Wriggle.

>> No.9915594
File: 320 KB, 900x711, eastern_bully___reimu__sanae_by_monymisa-d4qie2o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time 2 bully the nerdest touhou

>> No.9915678


>> No.9915690
File: 87 KB, 259x379, unzan's hitbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichirin would probably be grateful for the attention.

>> No.9915694


>> No.9915699


>> No.9915723

but bullying sanae is fun

>> No.9915748

>being portrayed as an independent woman who likes sex
What? That's like saying a manslut is being bullied for fucking many women.

>> No.9915754
File: 125 KB, 900x560, strangle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9915758


>> No.9915756

That is too cruel.

>> No.9915777 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x640, 1334948784334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trying to sat something punk?

>> No.9915781
File: 60 KB, 480x640, 1334948784334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trying to say something punk?

>> No.9915784
File: 538 KB, 790x560, 1214511188468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your new target, /jp/.

>> No.9915789

What the fuck? Isn't every animal categorized into either Mammal, Reptile, Amphibian, Bird, Fish, or Insect?

>> No.9915798

You forgot bacteria, crustacean, alien, celaphod, and dinosaur.

>> No.9915800


>> No.9915801
File: 507 KB, 720x900, 192b23c57f20d1706f77214a95be8459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's high class. Not a streetwalker.

>> No.9915803

Dinosaurs aren't reptiles?

>> No.9915809

Why is green hair so shit?

>> No.9915810

How is 5 thousand yen high class?

>> No.9915814

Dinosaurs are birds

>> No.9915817

The Republican party's only objective is keeping the rich rich. They take non-controversial stances on issues like same-sex marriage and abortion just to win the vote of the average citizen.

>> No.9915818

Dude what

>> No.9915820

They had feathers and shit.

>> No.9915822

Same can be said for democrats. It's all the same shit.

>> No.9915825

Yeah but birds aren't cold-blooded

Are you saying brontosaurus is a bird?

>> No.9915828

If you didn't vote for Ron Paul regardless of your party you're part of the problem.

>> No.9915829
File: 128 KB, 430x448, Th13Futo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think it's a guy.

>> No.9915832 [DELETED] 

No, because Democrats are the opposite extreme; they're communists.

>> No.9915837

>500 bucks
>not high class
Are you serious? That's 130k a year just having sex with one man a day in 5 days of the week. Especially since you also have to pay for the room and the condoms.

>> No.9915843

Nigga now you're just trolling. By international standards both Dem and Republican are more Right than anything.

>> No.9915844 [DELETED] 

5000 yen is $50

>> No.9915845

That's a 10k kanji, not a 1k kanji.
It's not 500 bucks, it's 640 USD.

>> No.9915855

She is high class. Damn, that's expensive.

>> No.9915863

>Even if you're into shota you can do better.

In Touhou?

>> No.9915868

>sex is worth more than a math degree

>> No.9915878 [DELETED] 

Where did I state that communism was a bad thing?

>> No.9915873

Sex feels good.

>> No.9915876

And that's not even including the hotel room.

>> No.9915890

Where did I state communism was a bad thing?

>> No.9915897

If we take today's exchange rate into account, that's 166,000 US dollars per annum. She would rake in over 3000 dollars a week for having sex only five times.

>> No.9915899

>birds aren't cold-blooded
You've never seen a bird of prey hunting, have you?

>> No.9915913

That's still 260 transactions in one year. Then again, 30 minute workdays...

>> No.9915915


that's 50,000 yen. learn to read speglord

>> No.9915946

She better be worth the money. That is too high.

>> No.9916714

Acknowledging that Sanae is the best woman men want because she's sexy =/= bullying

>> No.9919625

Wriggle vs SDM

>> No.9919732 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the quoting function.
