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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9885682 No.9885682 [Reply] [Original]

What movies does /jp/ universally like?

>> No.9885705

drive is the new mein kampf

fuck off with ur anti-semitic trash

>> No.9885717
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Get outta here, Schlomo.

>> No.9885756

I don't get it, how is this movie /jp/-related?

>> No.9885762

When did i say i liked that movie, you nerd

>> No.9885782

it will be as long as op continues to force it

>> No.9885802

the main character is an aspie

>> No.9885817

It's not. OP is some sad faggot who has been forcing it for months.

>> No.9885876

It's anti-jew, therefore it's /jp/ related

>> No.9885887

Who the fuck asked you.

>> No.9885894

Jews are the natural enemy of the aspie, just ask the most famous assburger, fuhrer adolf.

>> No.9885916

so was he autistic, or?

>> No.9885918
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Remember when games used to be anti-semitic...

>Final Fantasy 7
>play as Aryan super soldier fighting against a ZOG mega corp, have to defeat Sephiroth (Hebrew for the "Ten Commandments") and Jenova (Jehova/Yahweh) which is depicted as a space-faring bioweapon that travels the galaxy and devours the lifeforce of planets

>> No.9885926

I think that's just the Japs loving the cram Abrahamic symbolism and imagery into their games for no real reason.

>> No.9885932

Depicted as more of a shut-in who has turned his back on the post-modern, nihilistic, and materialistic world of shitty entertainment, acquisition of wealth, irrelevant small-talk and consumerist behavior and has rediscovered the true nature of humanity.

>> No.9885935

Little Nicky is usually seen to be the best film in existence.
Fuck Ebert.

>> No.9885939

woah, think I need to smoke a bowl and watch it again with what you just said in mind

>> No.9885947
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>implying that Japs weren't Honorary Aryans in the Third Reich

>> No.9885991
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>> No.9886014
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>> No.9886031

I've been trying to get into movies lately. I watched Inception, Blade Runner and Citizen Kane yesterday. They were good. Any nice films you guys recommend?

>> No.9886040

Barry Lyndon, The Raid: Redemption

>> No.9886042


>> No.9886044

Also, Drive, obviously.

>> No.9886050

Which version of Blade Runner? I had the unfortunate experience of watching the Final Cut for my first viewing.

>> No.9886051

Fight Club, Kick-Ass, Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake, 28 Days Later, Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, The Matrix, Star Wars IV-VI, Stargate, Apocalyspe Now, Jarhead

>> No.9886056

Yeah. He never did the get-away driver gig for money really. He did it to feel alive, to get back at the system which enslaves humanity.

>> No.9886059

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels is one title in case you were confused

also, Titanic, The Departed, Catch Me If You Can and The Aviator

>> No.9886063

I haven't even heard of those, heh. I'll get on those tomorrow.

Surprisingly enough I actually watched Drive already.

I watched the original. What's wrong with the Final Cut?

Wow, that's a lot! ... Is it okay if I watch the first three Star Wars too?

>> No.9886067

That's a big pro-Feminism, pro-Multiculturalism, anti-Traditionalism, anti-European movie. Only Jews, PC-atheist cultists, and blind herd animals will find it enjoyable.

>> No.9886070

>Is it okay if I watch the first three Star Wars too?

if you must, watch them after 4-6

>> No.9886071

>I watched the original. What's wrong with the Final Cut?

They stripped out all of the narration. So, you more or less couldn't follow what he was doing at all.

>> No.9886084

Source Code was pretty neat.

>> No.9886083

Oh, and make sure its the Apocalyspe Now Redux

>> No.9886087

don't listen to this guy, its a 7/10 at best

>> No.9886091

Thats the one without the monologues aka the best one.

Taxi driver, train spotting, gattaca are good
I know more but I'm bad at remembering movies

>> No.9886092

In what world is that bad?

>> No.9886107

I liked it better than Inception honestly. It had a little more to think about than WE NEED TO HAVE DEEPER GUNFIGHTS

>> No.9886111

>Thats the one without the monologues aka the best one.

Whaaaat? Hard-boiled, internal monologues are integral to detective monologues, what are you even saying?

And maybe it's just been a while but when he would just do stuff like walk into a room and inspect some minor detail on something and then the movie provides no explanation because it was in the monologue, I found it a little confusing.

>> No.9886113

timeloop is overrated

>> No.9886116
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This is basically required viewing

>> No.9886121


50/50, 500 Days of Summer, Super, Tyrannosaur, Terri

Guaranteed feels

>> No.9886124

The movie was about purgatory, not time travel.

>> No.9886128

Man, I was so pleasantly surprised by Source Code. Short-form sci-fi at its finest.

>> No.9886137

The moon is better than the source code


>> No.9886142

Barry Lyndon, fuck yeah. One of Kubrick's best.

>> No.9886145

City of God.

>> No.9886150

Clockwork orange, platoon.

>> No.9886152


>> No.9886153

the last samurai

its a realistic documentory of japan

>> No.9886177

Watch that version again and you'll know why it is universally hated. I'll admit it does get confusing but for the most part it forces you to develop your own idea about the world without the immersion breaking dull voice of Harrison

>> No.9886181

Gattaca a shit.

>> No.9886204
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Jud Süß (Cute Jew)

Here's the full movie on Jewtube with subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIvaBOxHDj0

Joseph Goebbels commissioned the film, and it depicts the true nature of the Jew as he subverts and causes the collapse of an old German city state in the period before unification of the Deutsches Kaiserreich.

It was required viewing for everyone enlisted in the SS and Wehrmacht.

It also happens to be a pretty decent film for its age, quite watchable.

>> No.9886207

I went to see Looper. I hated the way they portrayed time travel in it.

>> No.9886222

Why does everyone sage on /jp/?

/a/ /v/ immigrant here

>> No.9886226
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Because we hate everyone, and every thread.

>> No.9886227

In joke, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.9886228

This thread is off-topic

>> No.9886229


O shut the fuck up, no it's not.

>> No.9886233

The vast majority of posts on the site do not demand attention from their entire board, and thus it is innapropriate not to sage them.

>> No.9886234

Right, I forgot adding "/jp/" to the opener automatically makes it board related.

>> No.9886235
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It's the polite way to say that your post isn't all that important or worthy of bumping the thread.

It was the intended use of sage, how it's used on other boards to convey insult or disapproval is the incorrect usage.

>> No.9886236
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>> No.9886250


No, this is bullshit.

It's just when you don't want to bump a thread, for whatever reason that may be. That was why it was originally created.

>> No.9886253
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/jp/ rejects the faux narratives of the modern age, including the need to acquire lots of money to be successful, the need to watch mainstream television and listen to mainstream music, egalitarian movements like feminism & multiculturalism, and the holohoax
