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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 707x1000, by ryuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9876581 No.9876581 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think about lolicon?

>> No.9876586


>> No.9876587

I think it's illegal in the United States and therefore discussing it breaks the global rules.

>> No.9876589
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Loli /r9k/ thread that later gets derailed into general pedophilia thread?
Loli /r9k/ thread that later gets derailed into general pedophilia thread.

>tfw no 4-year-old gf

>> No.9876590
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>> No.9876594


>> No.9876598

What I Want to know is, where did her right arm go?

>> No.9876603

I'll never understand why Japan is so open about it. Fuck's sake, even muslim cultures despite having underaged marriages aren't so openly pedo!

>> No.9876610

>illegal in the US
Are you a foreigner?

>> No.9876616

That's a bad thing?
Rape has been illegal for a long time, but pedophilia is relatively new. Not that strange there would be people who are open about it.

>> No.9876657

people this is a lolicon thread, not a pedophile one, if you want to talk about pedophiles then do a thread about it

>> No.9876666
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>> No.9876661

Just a couple hundred years ago (and pretty much any time before), 14 was a pretty average age to be getting pregnant. Hell, it'd be younger if it weren't for the church.

Pedophilia in a legal sense is fairly new, but psychologically, it's been with us for a long time.

>> No.9876678

The average girl in the middle ages didn't even have her first period by fourteen and wasn't getting married until her twenties.

>> No.9876679

"A couple hundred years ago" girls hadn't even hit menarche at 14.

Average marriage age in America and Europe has been around the mid-twenties for at least half a century. Even when child marriage was legal, it was rarely practiced, and usually only among aristocrats for social reasons.

Don't spread the myth that having sex with kids "used to be fine" in the civilised world, because it wasn't.

>> No.9876682


I try not to think about it.

>> No.9876687

Why would you even bring up pregnancy in a lolicon thread.

>> No.9876692
File: 68 KB, 220x224, mohammed-aisha3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you have a harem of little brown lolis, /jp/?

>> No.9876698

citation needed

>> No.9876701

Why aren't you holding the prior claim to the same level of scrutiny?

>> No.9876706


K, the end, split the difference, move on.

The youngest lolicon that doesn't disgust me is around 8-9 years old.

>> No.9876708
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>> No.9876718

My point was that it is new in a legal sense.

Prior to the laws coming into play you could get CP the same as any other pornography, assuming you knew where to look.
When the laws started being enforced that was no longer an option, so people would naturally search for alternatives. In Japan where animation seems to have developed as their preferred form of media it's not that strange that they would use that as an alternative to actual CP. Even less strange that people would be openly into it.

>> No.9876710
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>> No.9876711


why is young Alice so sexual?

>> No.9876713

I've been reading too much of normalfag internet lately and I feel like they are corrupting me. I don't have a particular preference. I can fap to anything, but recently I've started feeling like I am doing something wrong when I fap to lolicon. I feel like most people would judge me for doing this.

>> No.9876723

Because the idea that the whole population of women suddenly changed their physiology in modern times is a lot harder to believe.

>> No.9876725

>england represents the culture of the entire western world

>> No.9876736

Healthcare and diets improved. This is well-documented. Look up the Wikipedia page on menarche or something, it probably mentions it.

The book actually covers more than England.
>western Europe and America were unique among all known societies in the extraordinary delay in the age of marriage some ten years or more after the age of puberty, a feature of family life common to all classes, except the male heirs and the daughters of the landed nobility and gentry. Dictated by the need, itself caused by the custom of separate residence for the newly married, to inherit or accumulate some capital and furniture before marriage, this delay involved severe sexual abstinence at the period of maximum sexual drive. ... The withdrawal of women from the reproductive cycle for ten of their twenty-five fertile years was a critical factor in slowing down population growth.

>> No.9876743

Fourteen was brought up in that article as the lower bound on marriage, in exceptional cases.

Distributing child pornography wasn't illegal in Japan until very recently. Lolicon predates that by a lot.

>> No.9876752

Like I said, it is their preferred form of media. So when it did become illegal they just jumped over.

>> No.9876754


Why was the age of consent in the United States 10 (some states lower) before the WCTU and other evangelical protestant organizations succeeded in getting it significantly increased?

>> No.9876755

What's that book called with the Chinese foot penis or whatever

>> No.9876767



Pick one.

>> No.9876790

Dude if the average age for marriage was 16/15 it's very doubtful that girls marrying at a lower age were uncommon.

>> No.9876784

I don't know American history, but it could be a holdover from Europe. I'm not saying child marriages didn't happen, but they happened for functional reasons regarding property and social status.

Not to mention everything was legal at some point, even if it was unusual or seen as outright disgusting at the time. Child pornography is a good example--a lot of pictures floating around the internet are from 70s magazines. I'm a CP_expert, so I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9876798

The only way it would work that the average age of marriage was sixteen and no lower is if there was also no higher.

>> No.9876799

>Dude if the average age for marriage was 16/15 it's very doubtful that girls marrying at a lower age were uncommon.
And the average age were twelve, it would be just about everyone, but it wasn't twelve, and it wasn't sixteen.

>> No.9876804
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Don't bully my country.

>Contrary to popular belief, youthful marriage was not the norm, and child marriage was normally confined to aristocratic property transactions, and was rare even in that circle. ... A family reconstitution sample of ten widely scattered parishes shows a mean age at first marriage for women of almost 25 years in the period 1550-99, rising to 26 in the following half-century. ... Later Tudor England falls neatly into the 'European' (or strictly north-west European) marriage pattern identified by J. Jahnal. He argues that at some time between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries the region adopted a demographic regime with a late age at marriage. ... Hollingsworth sees no clear evidence of the 'European' pattern before about 1560, whereas R.M. Smith details hints of it as early as 1377.

>> No.9876817

>Don't bully my country.

Or what? You'll get your pals together and invade? A lot of good that did you the other two times. Bring it faggots.

>> No.9876829

You do know that it's basically a bunch of historians debating about what's what. People tend to have selective memories at best, so it's not all THAT reliable. It could be true, it may not be true, one thing that is true is that it does not really matter.

There were people who were pedophiles even back then and you just know it was allot easier for them to get away with it. Society may not have said "it's fine to have sex with minors" but they probably didn't go out of their way to do anything against those who did either, unless it was a personal vendetta.

>> No.9876836

>they probably didn't go out of their way to do anything against those who did either, unless it was a personal vendetta.
People absolutely went out of their way to do something about it. These people were called "parents."

>> No.9876849

Even if you deny that teen marriage existed in the past, you cannot deny that in a lot of countries it is practiced even today.

>> No.9876853

I agree, and pretty much everything I've read mentions that. These figures come from church records, and it's entirely possible people lied, weren't recorded, or just forewent marriage entirely.

Fact is, it wasn't "normal" like people keep parroting. I'm not even against child marriage or child sex if it's handled properly, but this argument will always backfire. There were other cultures that practised child marriage (and some still do), but they're mostly niggers living in huts. If someone can find a civilised culture that dealt with paedophilia well, I think that would help support what you guys are arguing for, and perhaps get rid of some of the stigma surrounding paedophiles (yeah, right).

>> No.9876854



What a strange word. Is that like a cabbage?

>> No.9876872

It's more like spinach than cabbage, really.

>> No.9876873
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Page 17
>References to ages at marriage are strewn across ancient literature, but evidence from inscriptions allow fairly reliable reconstruction of actual behavior. Girls were actually very young at first marriage.

Page 109
More was 26 or 27 years old at his marriage, and his bride was ten years younger. In the late Middle Ages, people again nourished the view that men in former times were older at marriage than their own spouses.

Page 104
Until her marriageable age, "that is, 12 years," she was kept at home and made to wash her
face and neck to make her pleasing to men.St. Clare of Pisa, daughter of the despot Pietro Gambacorta, born in 1362, was betrothed at age 7, married at 12, and had her first child at 13.

Page 105
They tell of women who married, in his phrase, "as little girls." Her limbs continued to grow after marriage, and she could not later remove the wedding ring given her as a child bride.

Page 110
The great differences in ages between bride and groom made intergenerational marriages common.

Page 76
The council strongly advocated that marriage unite mature partners of equal age. Both the barbarian codes and the early medieval councils thus imply that grooms were not much older than their brides at marriage, but actual practice was quite to the contrary.


>> No.9876882

Actually ephebophilia was widely practiced in ancient greece and they were far from being uncivilized.

The fact that in europe marriages at very low age existed is well documented. Even if you say it was rare it doesn't change the fact that it was absolutely socially acceptable.

Lastly saying that only negroes nowadays practice teen marriage is factually wrong.

>> No.9876887


Oh, thanks for that. I'm going to go plant me some parents.

>> No.9876895

Why y'all keep mentioning marriage and not sex? Common marriage age today is in the mid-late 20s, but common sex is like ~13.

>> No.9876897

This doesn't particularly contradict what I'm saying. The legal age of marriage didn't exist at first, and has since been climbing higher and higher. Marriages at 16 still exist today. Obviously people will have married at 12 when the marriageable age was 12.

>> No.9876901

There are many accounts of people getting married at fourteen and sometimes as young as twelve, but this was very far from the norm. You're presenting singular accounts, not statistical ones. Furthermore, just because you're married doesn't mean you're fucking. And finally, "huge age difference" can just as easily mean 40 with 18 as much as it can mean 24 with 12.

>> No.9876910

>made to wash her face and neck to make her pleasing to men

Oh yeah, that pleases me.

>> No.9876922 [SPOILER] 
File: 332 KB, 450x253, 1346019305179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derailing the thread with lolicon.

>> No.9876937

I'm not arguing against ephebophilia, that's fine and perfectly normal and fuck anyone who suggests otherwise.

Child marriages in Europe were rare. When they happened, it was for familial reasons. This does not mean that everyone in the Middle Ages was fine with adults fucking children.
I'm not denying that they happened or that paedophiles existed back then--there were probably a few cases of people marrying kids for sex--but it wasn't normal, and the "anti-paedo movement" isn't some recent conspiracy.

>> No.9876942

Muhammad knew what the fuck he was doing.

>> No.9876954

Can we get another gif?

Get it? Hehehe.

>> No.9876981
File: 388 KB, 720x960, ISN'T IT MOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is very relevant to my interests!


Don't you all just love flat-chested girls?

>> No.9876984

>Don't you all just love flat-chested girls?

Indifferent. I think I'm kind of gay.

>> No.9876989


>> No.9876997
File: 469 KB, 800x1000, ANGRY CHIHAYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be emasculated by a beautiful, underaged, flat-chested vocalist idol--does this make me a lolicon?

>> No.9877000
File: 184 KB, 516x728, IB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat chested girls are the best ones

>> No.9877039

which is personal vendetta.

nobody cared about orphans for example. they would die on the streets and nobody tried to help them.

>> No.9877064
File: 72 KB, 690x1000, Aisia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this cute little flat-chested bishoujo? I always felt really sorry for her...

>> No.9877091

Entry level pedophilia for people who are too edgy for society but still don't want to be in any legal trouble.

>> No.9877097

Chihaya isn't underage, fag, she's 16.

>> No.9877105

not him but under 18=underage
it even rythms

>> No.9877119

wat and wat

>> No.9877129
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laws against it are stupid. Konata is 18. Flan is 495.

>> No.9877145

no one would want to do her with that ugly mole anyways

also i think it's safe to say, 2012 already? move on to someone new

>> No.9877147


>> No.9877203

I think there's nothing wrong with images and fantasies. I believe in personal responsibility and that people who commit acts that hurt actual children should be judged by their actions and intent rather than seen as victims of brainwashing porn that somehow forces people to hurt others.

What people do alone in the privacy of their own room should be respected and kept secret. If they want to pollute their minds then that is there business, government should not step in and tell them to be moral when it's not hurting anyone but themselves.

>> No.9877236 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 480x396, minami-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, /jp/. I am a 13-year old half-Japanese, half-Canadian girl looking to make some friends here. It seems that I've come to the right place. I'm hoping that I can meet some people who aren't in 'employment, education, or training', are interested in underaged, flat-chested females, and are willing to protect, and violate me. If you want to say hi and talk about anything related to Japanese visual culture, drop me an e-mail at 491651@hush.com; I'll reply as soon as I can.

>> No.9877268

>Hurting themselves
>Browes /jp/
Nice sermon there, hypocrite!

Judge not, that ye be not judged. Matt. 7:1, KJV

>> No.9877277


>> No.9877283

You're like the Pharisees that accused Jesus of being a hypocrite because he associated with sinners.

>> No.9877285

2D and other completely fabricated loli should always remain legal. If the production of it does not involve the abuse or exploitation of a human or animal, I don't at all agree with criminalizing it. I don't care who finds it disgusting or reprehensible, I don't care what theories or even statistics there may be regarding correlations between loli and any sort of crime. It should be legal for adults to view or produce. This is what's important.

That said, I don't like to see it. Rather plain cute/pretty pictures are okay, but as the pictures get more sexual my reaction ranges from "I feel like looking at something else" to "wow, creepy."

>> No.9877286

Are you white though?

>> No.9877298

"Even sinners are nice to those who are nice to them. Those who are nice to those who've wronged them are truly righteous."

>> No.9877301

Apparently it has the effect of stopping potential child molesters molesting a child.

I think I read a study somewhere but I could just be making this up in a hopeful delusion.

>> No.9877326
File: 52 KB, 800x403, RustleOnTheMount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the beginning God created the lolis and imoutos.
2. And the loli was without clothing, and void; and cuteness was upon the face of the imouto. And the spirit of God moved the hair in the form of Twin Tails.
3. And God said, Let there be pantsu: and there were panties.
4. And God saw the panties, that is was good: and God divided the lights from the darks, while doing her laundry.
5. And God called the stripes Shimapan, and the strings T-Back. And the Shimapan and T-Back were the first garments.
6. And God said, Let there be Mizugi in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from delicious loli waters.
7. And God made the randoseru, and divided the school books, which were under the desk from the classroom, which were above the chair: and it was so.
8. And God called the classrooms Elementary School. And the lolis and the imoutos entered first grade.
9. And God said, let the lolis in the School be gathered together unto one place, and let the Playground appear: and it was so.
10. And God called the Playground Loli Land; and the gathering together of the little girls called a Loli Swarm: and God saw that it was really good.
11. And God said, Let the Playground bring fourth cherries, the fruit beloved by lolis, and the fruit tree yielding seed after her kind, whose seed is kind of cute, upon the Playground: and it was so.

>> No.9877327

I read the same article, and even if we both hallucinated it, it is common sense. Sadly normals cannot accept that as they lack the ability to think and therefore are prone to the wrong conclusions and have to have something they cannot fuck up before they consider giving up any point.

>> No.9877329

That's like saying that we should outlaw gunshows before the attendees go and shoot someone--actually, it's not even close to that!

>> No.9877341
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>> No.9877345

"Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible — a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan. Their findings are published online today in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

...While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose."


>> No.9877351

Do you know who else was "touched"? The little girls that were abused at the hands of pedophiles in this thread.

>> No.9877356


>> No.9877359
File: 221 KB, 800x770, Kagami Miko Pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense a strong overlap between this thread and the 'church' thread, for some reason...

anyways, the religion of flat-chested Zoroastrian shrine maidens is the one for me!

>> No.9877360

> on 4chan
> upset by pedos

>> No.9877363

Oh look, it's this thread again.

Can't we keep this shit off /jp/ please? If someone's morally against lolis than they shouldn't be on 4chan at all, let alone /jp/.

>> No.9877372
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pedophilia = sexual interest in prepubescent children
It doesn't matter whether they're fictional prepubescent children, it's still pedophilia.

Illegal? No. Pretty damn creepy? Absolutely.

in b4 butthurt janitor deletes this post because my opinion offends them

>> No.9877373

Yeah, some of us have moved past our "fuck the queen" stage and into well-adjusted adults. Shocking, I know.

>> No.9877377
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Naw, no abuse here. I'd rather let them touch me instead, just to make sure they're comfortable with everything. I'm quite gentle, submissive, and sensitive, actually...

In fact, I think it's really hot when a loli dominates your masculinity with her cute little feet...

>> No.9877379

>in b4 butthurt janitor deletes this post because my opinion offends them

Maybe if you were stating the opposite

>> No.9877388

Then it's time to head on over to SA, mister adult.

>> No.9877396

no you are thinking of pedosexuality.
two fundamentally different things

>> No.9877412
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>> No.9877419

I'm pretty sure your average goon is not a "mature adult."

>> No.9877418

A non-shit article on why possession of CP should be legal.


Main points:

-Criminalizing the possession make people less inclined to report actual child abusers because people would rather have nothing to do with such dangerous material
-Appearance of underage (self shots, sexting) and accidential offenders
-Free speech hurr

>> No.9877428


I almost cried reading this post because I realized this will never come true.

I took some sleeping pills about 15 minutes ago and I hope that I will dream about having adventures with a loli. We will have tea partys and not do anything lewd. NO LEWDNESS AT ALL. Off to dream land.

goodnight /jp/

>> No.9877432

I'm not offended.
I ignore loli/onahole threads without a problem. I think it's sick and tabbo, but it's not like real children are getting abused, in which case I might just find that mildly offensive. To each their own, as long as they're not raping actual kids.

When I say pedophilia, I'm not talking about the crime. I'm talking about the behavior. Okay, you can try to use your edgy vocab to try to justify not labeling yourself a "pedophile", but at the very root there's essentially no difference.

>> No.9877437

Neither are people who bitch about what gets other people off.

>> No.9877444

>I realized this will never come true.

Adopt a child?

>> No.9877474
File: 32 KB, 1053x584, FIRST E-MAIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll level with you all--No, I am not the actual individual who posted that e-mail a couple days ago...

BUT, I am a person who contacted 'her' and got a reply once, at that same e-mail (491651@hush.com). I don't know 'her' nationality; actually, her original post was a little more 'lewd', ha ha! I thought I might help a fellow /jp/sie out...

Pic related; it's proof of the exchange.

>> No.9877471

I didn't realize we actually had one of those around. I thought it was just people trolling for shits and giggles.

>> No.9877484
File: 55 KB, 620x767, 1347662016456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It cannot be emphasised enough that behind every horrid piece of child pornography is a tragic case of an abused defenceless child, somewhere in the world."
- Chris Ellison, Australian Senator and Minister for Justice and Customs, as quoted in The Age (Melbourne, Australia, February 23, 2005)

"It's chilling to realize that every photo on every page of every child pornography magazine... is a permanent record of the works of a child molester."
- William V. Roth, U.S. Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, in Spring 1985, as quoted in The Los Angeles Times (September 16, 1985)

"While little is known about the specific long-term effects of use in child pornography, the immediate trauma and effects of sexual abuse on children is well documented. Because child pornography is a clear record of child sex abuse, its victims would therefore experience the same emotional and physical consequences in addition to any harm resulting from the pornography. ... Child victims of pornography face the possibility of a lifetime of victimization because the pornography can be distributed indefinitely. Physical, psychological, and emotional effects of child sexual abuse are coupled with the possibility of the pornography resurfacing. Being photographed during sexual abuse intensifies the child's shame, humiliation, and powerlessness."
- "Child Pornography: The Criminal-Justice-System Response" by E. Klain, et al. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2001), http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC81.pdf

>> No.9877478
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"Taylor, Quayle and Holland (2001) also argue that regardless of whether the children portrayed in objectionable images are physically abused during the creation of the images, victimisation occurs each time an image of a child is used for a sexual purpose (including sexual fantasy generation, arousal and masturbation). In effect, this activity encourages non-consensual use of individuals as sexual objects."
- "Internet Traders of Child Pornography and other Censorship Offenders in New Zealand" by Angela Carr (Dept. of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand, April 2004), citing "Typology of Paedophile Picture Collections" by Max Taylor, Ethel Quayle, and Gemma Holland in The Police Journal, vol. 74, no. 2 (2001), pages 97-107

"Child pornography, by itself, represents an act of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child and, by itself, does harm to that child."
- Kenneth V. Lanning in "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis" (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1992)

"Child pornography is not a computer crime. Every image depicts a child being abused. They are crime-scene photographs."
- Michelle Collins, the director of the Exploited Children Unit of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as quoted in Edison/Metuchen Sentinel, The Examiner, and The Independent (New Jersey, August 30, 2006) in an article about a man who sexually assaulted boys and girls aged 2 to 8 and videotaped these acts plus placed hidden cameras in rooms where the children undressed

>> No.9877480

I'd kind of like to get a child of my own genetic makeup one day, any easy ways to get one? Do I just have to convince a female somehow?

>> No.9877489

It is.

>> No.9877490
File: 534 KB, 1053x1500, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favourite lolicon artist /jp/?
Mine is Takeshi Oota/Ohtado

>> No.9877491
File: 18 KB, 325x390, 1347662093640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is possible that victims of child pornography suffer as severely if not more severely than other victims of sexual crimes. It is psychologically very devastating, because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again. The Internet allows these pictures to be shared."
- Kelly Kennedy, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, as quoted in The Fond Du Lac Reporter (September 7, 2005)

"It does not threaten the First Amendment for the Federal legislature to conclude, for example, that inducing children to engage in sexual activity can physically harm them, and consequently to prohibit the photographing of children who have been induced to do so, and to legislate against the publication and sale of magazines or films in which such photography appears. The publisher and the seller are principals in the abuse."
- "Taking on the Censors" by Robert Sabbag in Oui, January 1978

"The use of children in sexually explicit films is of course criminal exploitation of people who can't defend themselves, and it is cruelty to the children and an offense against the parental feelings of anybody with the slightest amount of sympathetic imagination. I think the makers of such pictures must be tracked down and imprisoned."
- "Dr. Ruth's Guide for Married Lovers" by Dr. Ruth Westheimer (Warner Books, 1986)

>> No.9877497

Just so you understand, the psychological trauma is a social construct. It comes from the people around the subject, and only afterwards. The act itself presents none of these issues.

>> No.9877500

>Do I just have to convince a female somehow?
No, you don't.

But why would you want to deal with a toddler? They are terrible. There are plenty of slightly older children without a proper home.

>> No.9877507
File: 237 KB, 724x1023, 351350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always define loli by stature, so I'm kinda lost when everyone else define it by age, and then relating to real children, pedophilia and so on and so on. This is Touhou board, for fuck sake, where "age of consent" is pretty much useless.

Sure, I don't endorse having sexual thought to drawn character that's depicted as say grade-schooler and act like a grade-schooler would. It might escalate, and that's pretty bad. My stance is clear when it comes to real children. You go near kids on my watch, I'd slit your throat.

Nice landing, Bulls. Have a nice day.

>> No.9877508

Oh fuck I love this excuse.

"B-b-b-b-but children are only messed up because adults tell them they should be! They would be fine otherwise!"

You pedos are fucking hilarious.

>> No.9877516

If I adopt a child, am I expected to bathe it and look at its genitals? How is adoption legal?

I'm not even being facetious here, this is blowing my mind.

>> No.9877517

I was thinking of a surrogate, but can I just get one of those as a single male?

>> No.9877526

You might as well ask how is having adults near a child legal. It's not like parents can't have lewd thoughts about their children.

>> No.9877534

>because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again

Um... what? How? I'm sorry but that's fucking retarded.

>> No.9877535

Oh god you're right.

In a way, I hate that society has moulded me this way. They've created such a moral panic and scare around children that I can't help but think of lewd or meta-lewd things. Like when all the cool kids are doing drugs and you keep being told not to do drugs, so you a bit want to do drugs.

>> No.9877538

It's obviously a troll you fucking idiot. I had a one like that I encountered on /g/ too, so far all evidence I gathered shows me it's no one but a bored assfucker, I'm very very sure it's the same person since it's using a hushmail and "number based" e-mail too. Unless there is really some little girl wandering around the boards looking for a pedo to fuck her. She's living in Manchester, UK if that's true. I asked her kindly countless times to provide me some censored photo of her of any kind so I will know I'm not talking to some asshole; she stopped responding at some point. I can believe to some degree that a little girl could get into the /jp/-related things and find 4chan in general but by far (especially her writing style) I'm inclined to say it's a 20-some years old guy trying hard, or maybe even INTERPOL trying to catch someone (although the chance of that happening is very very very small).

>> No.9877548

>Like when all the cool kids are doing drugs and you keep being told not to do drugs, so you a bit want to do drugs.
Yeah, maybe if you're fucking normie scum.

>> No.9877554

Excellent counter-argument.

>> No.9877552
File: 57 KB, 620x387, jimmySaville_2361840b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real victims are the people who love children. I'm not even talking about the /jp/ers who platonically love children (though they suffer to), I'm talking about people who genuinely enjoy the company of children and who work with children. Teachers, care workers, television presenters. Yet it seems every day these people are being put under more and more scrutiny. Every parent in the world is apprehensive as fuck about them. You couldn't work in these fields without being a little paranoid about what you do and what you say, even if you have no ill intentions.

I know there are still kids' shows today, but someone like Mister Rogers would never work in the 21st century. Such a person would be in prison before they even went near a child, just because of their attitude towards them.

>> No.9877560

Shiet, I just went through archive:
>I already tried /g/
welp, it's the same person

>> No.9877567

That kinda sucks to think about. Mr. Rogers was a beautiful human being.

>> No.9877569

Yes, pedophilia fear mongering is extremely popular and profitable for many people. Mass media made a lot of CP dollars with various articles, new reports and TV shows. Chris Hansen anyone?

CP is also a great vehicle for corrupt politicians to bully people into accepting their point of view. If you are arguing against them you must a pedophile supporter. Think of the children!
