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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9839865 No.9839865 [Reply] [Original]

New thread.

Anyone playing Wizardry yet? Have you been playing anything else? What about any cute MMOs?

>> No.9839875

There are no cute MMOs left.

>> No.9839883

There is now a Steam group to help organize /jp/ MMO discussion and to provide a chat room. This group is intended to be the backbone of the Threads on here, so we encourage you to join and participate on the wall and in the chat. However, there are a few rules:

- No cross-boarders.
- No /vg/ MMOs or off-topic items.
- Please don't tell the wrong friends, we don't want /a/v/b/ and neo-Hotglue filling it up.

As you probably guessed, it's called /jp/ MMOs. You can join here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jpMMOs

>> No.9839899

I like It

>> No.9839916 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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What a gay group. Also what is chuunishit doing there?

>> No.9839920


No thanks.

>> No.9839929

I'm a cross boarder. I'm going to join your faggot group and tell all of /a/.

>> No.9839938

Yeah, only ugly 3D wannabe anime shithgraphic games

>> No.9839944 [DELETED] 
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remember, no crossboarders allowd!

>> No.9839956

Years ago I played an MMO called Trickster Online. I thought it was pretty cute.

>> No.9839963 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9839968

Isn't that wizardy game beta supposed to be today? I signed up for an account about a week ago.

>> No.9839970
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trickster: the mmo so autistic i decided to play ragnarok instead

>> No.9839983

It sure is cute but it takes a special kind of autism to ignore all the flaws and 12year old weaboo girls.
I was one of the best buffalos there for a while wirhout spending money

>> No.9840003

What was autistic about it? I admittedly didn't get much into the community scene other than the necessity of parties. I made an EV Raccoon and griefed in PVP a lot.

>> No.9840001

That's what it says on the Group, please go read it.

>> No.9840005

And shortly after sending that post I remembered the drilling.

Oh jesus the drilling.

>> No.9840024

Drilling and the fact that you have to put twice as much effort into anything if you are not willing to buy cash shop items.
Just today I thought about going back since all bosses are revamped now

>> No.9840061
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Holy shit, Nexon actually did something.

>> No.9840071

>GM Gimbal

Are their servers in South America?

>> No.9840073

Unless they revamped the entire game, I probably won't be able to go back. I played like 5 years ago, so by now the level cap is probably like 3 times higher, and the grind was already unbearable due to EV Coons being incapable of killing other than with single-target spells that use consumables.

I just remembered how much I hated MMOs because I would always pick the class that's super PVP focused and is fucking terrible at the grinding aspect. The PVP in Trickster wasn't even that good.

>> No.9840078

I hate Nexon NA so much. Why are Western MMO publishers so greedy and incompetent?

>> No.9840080

Because the west in general is greedy and always has been

>> No.9840081
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It certainly feels like it sometimes.

>> No.9840083

Actually North American, not Western entirely. From my few experiences with EU MMOs they're actually pretty decent.

>> No.9840089
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It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.9840099

Level cap never mattered in Trickster.
It has been 400 since forever and barely anyones aims for it since there are barely enough quests to reach 300.
So it's 100 level of pure solo grinding

>> No.9840107

when is the beta?

>> No.9840109

Nexon NA tries, it's just that they they do not often succeed. It's kind of moe in a dojikko way.

Buried up under tickets, unwilling to admit they can't do anything about most of them, like a rich idol girl who wants to help her fans, but ends up tossing out money to them when she realizes the situation's gotten too fucked up to do anything about.

Also Japan is way more greedy than the west could ever hope to be, China too. (Although I realize the game is Korean.) It's more just a matter of their incompetence.

>> No.9840112

Hows 06scape coming along? I hear they had a stability test recently for their servers or something but I have no idea how it went

>> No.9840151
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Mabinogi had a pretty neat combat system, polished animu graphics, and Ragnarok-quality BGM, but I didn't like the whole pay2win aspect. I haven't played for over 2 years so I don't know how much worse the game's gotten now.

I know Maplestory became infinitely worse after the big bang patch or whatever it was. Would be nice if they introduced a Maplestory Classic with the old gameplay, skills, classes all intact. And resolution limited to 640x480.

>> No.9840156

>Ragnarok-quality BGM


>> No.9840179

Personally I find it hard to regard Nexon NA with any kind of affection when they let bots and spam overrun their games and make the cash shop cost three times more than the Korean equivalent.

>> No.9840193

My favorite things to do in Mabinogi were playing around with Composing/Performing and Fishing.

Looking forward to Mabinogi 2. Vindictus was fun and playing Fiona Dress Up was nice but it didn't have the same laid back qualities I really like about Mabinogi when I wasn't dungeon diving.

Mabi also had the bonus of allowing you to do learn basically everything with one character, even if it was inefficient.

>> No.9840200

I just wanted to inquire about people's preference for a meeting place outside the Threads:

Do people like the Steam platform well enough now that it has a Wall and commenting/chat set up, or do people prefer using Facebook? Facebook has the advantage of not needing to be signed into the Steam client that many dislike, but might attract off-boarders.

>> No.9840205

Both are 2 social 4 me and will derail into a circlejerk.
We don't need Hotglue 2.0

>> No.9840223

/jp/ is the only meeting place I need

>> No.9840233


>> No.9840245
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>steam wall

we neo-neo-Hotglue now

I'm so excited about Mabinogi 2 that I am shaking in my seat. I wish there were more information about it available. Vindictus was nice until it shifted from fun-time-boss-killing and reasonable item farming from bosses to "let's go kill the dragon 800 times to get 1 tear to make 1/5th of my items."

>> No.9840243

Wtf, do you expect me to make a facebook for that?

>> No.9840249

I'd join it, if it weren't for all the negative experience that I have in dealing with people from 4chan on Steam.

>> No.9840251

Don't go on Steam. Lots of shitposters like zunbar have joined the group.

>> No.9840265

Do go on Steam. Lots of goodposters like zunbar have joined the group.

>> No.9840285

Is Tera F2P yet? I want to make an Elin daughter.

>> No.9840313

there were already like fifty people in the group when i clicked on it but i see no links to the group in the archive.

is this the birth of an epic new circlejerk? (from IRC i guess?)

>> No.9840327

Why can't we just stick to meeting in-game and /jp/?

>> No.9840330

Have they elaborated on what kind of combat system Mabi2 will be using? I haven't seen much about it other than some old animation demos on youtube. Mabi's combat had it's pluses but Vindictus's timing-based combat really grew on me. My only complaint was that it wasn't very flexible. I'd really love to see a blend of both styles.

>> No.9840356
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So aside from GW2 and WoW which ``/vg/ mmos'' are we not allowed to discuss?

>> No.9840374

Notice how almost every member of the group is in Hotglue as well.

>> No.9840377

I haven't seen too much about it either, but I haven't looked for anything new in the past month or so.

I really love Vindictus' combat, it's one of my favorites of any game available--even stretching into single player games. I enjoy Mabi as well but largely for reasons outside of the RPS combat. Something in-between would certainly be fine though, I'm not very picky.

I worry a bit that my enjoyment of Vindictus' combat might be caused by it's engine use (Source engine). Other games with superficially-similar combat systems such as Dragon Nest, RaiderZ, C9, etc have felt terribly lacking to me, and I inevitably start to compare them to my favorite. At the same rate, I love stuff like DFO and like Mabi well enough, so I do hope they end up with something that doesn't fall flat. I'm sure there will lots of stuff to do besides combat anyways since it's Mabi.

>> No.9840411

Oh shit, I'm out of here.
I guess no playing with true /jp/ today

>> No.9840416

Whatever else the great Anonymous-san does not approve of.

>> No.9840431
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I'll have to settle for just throwing up and playing alone now I guess.

>> No.9840460

I'd say both Mabinogi's and Granado Espada's soundtracks are better than RO's.

>> No.9840474
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Facebook or steam? Really? You're letting us choose too?

Which genius was born and invented a time machine that transported me to futuristic dystopian post-neo neo /jp/?

>> No.9840523

You don't make seen.

>> No.9840530
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I like Granado, and I like RO too.

And ECO.


>> No.9840610

>Hi guys :D ! just wanted to share with you the full theme song for emil chronicle online xD !
>you can actually get this song when u downloaded the game :P

Man, I really need a browser plugin that only opens the video screen and doesn't let me open anything else. Nice song though.

>> No.9840621

I actually really loved Dragon Nest, but that's mostly because I love being to juggle people forever as Paladin. Vindictus's 2-button comboes were a bummer for me, but I loved the blocking/heavy stander/repair dynamic.

>> No.9840629


That still exists?

>> No.9840633

>they let bots and spam overrun their games
You say that like it's easy to fix or like they don't have 5000 bot accounts ready to take over the moment one goes down.

>make the cash shop cost three times more than the Korean equivalent.
Quit buying cash shop shit.

>> No.9840638

why do you care

>> No.9840648

>Man, I really need a browser plugin that only opens the video screen and doesn't let me open anything else.

There is even a native 4chan youtube video embedder in those settings up there. Why aren't you using it?

>> No.9840656

RO will always hold a special place in my autistic childhood.

Hours and hours of smokies, soldier skeletons and argiope cliff-sniping.

>> No.9840666

that takes me back

>> No.9840676


There is no reason anyone needs to meet up outside of threads or guild chat. Not even on IRC.

>> No.9840680

Sometimes people want to meet up in a more comfortable place that isn't game or thread.

>> No.9840681
File: 44 KB, 240x397, lunia1007152249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunia is a cute f2p mmorpg without any of the pay2win bullshit because the game is completely free. You get free cash every 15 days and nobody can charge cash with real money. You can also be a little girl if that's your fetish.

>> No.9840687

That actually sounds really nice, do you play it? If so how do you like it?

>> No.9840699
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>Steam or Facebook
N-No thank you. I'll play alone then.

>> No.9840696

Just give it a try while it lasts since it's fully free now.

>> No.9840697

So they can suck each others epeen and become friends beyond the game?
No thanks.

>> No.9840721

That's not entirely accurate, but whatever. If you don't want to participate that's perfectly acceptable. I just wanted to shed light on why people do things.

>> No.9840805

>You must take it easy with everyone. Cliques are considered harmful.

>No off-boarders/vg/neo-ultra-hotglue/a/v/b/-posters allowed
>Please don't tell the wrong friends

Kind of ironic that TC is in there, well, at least he isn't the group OP.

Oh shit, joined like HELL. Are all the secret funposter club members going to join?

>> No.9840834

Probably. I've seen Kritz there so you can flush the "NO HOTGLUE ALLOWED" rule down the toilet as well.

>> No.9840938

>>You must take it easy with everyone.
>>No off-boarders/vg/neo-ultra-hotglue/a/v/b/-posters allowed

>> No.9841084

I actually created the group with the idea and permission that groups like actual /jp/ in Steam are a joke and need to move on to another one because they're full of invading /a/v/b/ members.

It's obvious that /jp/ majority loves Steam except for a few hipster kids who probably can't even run Terraria.

And yes, we'll have more controversial people joining our group, almost everyone is invited to join, I believe people like Sudo are next in the list to invite, if possible. We won't hand over invites to very retarded people.

I would like to clarify that these rules and thread aren't mine. They come REALLY close to what I want to do though.

Hotglue is fully welcome to join, for the most part. We're just like middlemans, we give some minor advantages to guilds that I have yet to announce, so if you have some kind of sekkrit club, you're invited.

"/vg/ MMOs" are welcomed too, the pic is just a joke, I generally prefer asian f2p games that go underrated in /vg/ though, and I don't like that terrifying board full of mediocre or ancient MMOs.

>> No.9841104

I'm really bored and I need a game to play... is it possible to run any of these on Linux? (using arch)
I used to have a lot of problems trying to get the launchers to run so I haven't played any MMOs in maybe 5 years

>> No.9841113

> public group
> publicly advertised for all /jp/ers to join
> implying it's a clique or super sekret club

I don't see anything ironic.

>> No.9841117

That's nice and all, but chained video games generals go on /vg/, no matter how much you mention "/jp/" and "cute" in the OP.

We had like one thread every two weeks or so, now we are going to have Steam backed, full blown MMO Generals.

What happened to your Wizardry forcing by the way? You even got yourself a nice custom tripcode and all.

>> No.9841126

I'm not sure why you mention this, OP isn't mine.

I don't do chained threads unless the last one is about to die automatically or dies. Also, for all your complaining needs, you can visit the /q/ discussion.


Ironically, people were afraid of Janitors and Mods showing up and creating rules just for this or something, but no, nothing ever happened, just like I imagined. You can insist though, I'm sure there might be someone roaming around to listen to your /q/ tier discussions.

>> No.9841134

>I don't do chained threads unless the last one is about to die automatically or dies.
Which is the same thing that all makers of chained threads do.

>> No.9841135

>Ironically, people were afraid of Janitors and Mods showing up and creating rules just for this or something
What other rules do you want? MMOs are cross-board material which might or might not be allowed in moderation depending on the janitor's mood.

>Ironically, people were afraid of Janitors and Mods showing up and creating rules just for this or something
That's right, recurring video games threads go on /vg/. Not even on /v/ you can chain such threads.

Many of previous MMO "generals" were deleted because people like you started abusing the "in moderation" policy.

>> No.9841140

Calm down, we don't have to argue this here, I pointed a nice link where you can sperg out all you want and stir up shit if you want.

I don't think it's very appropiate to do so in here.

>> No.9841149

And I think it's not very appropriate for people to keep making MMO general threads, but it looks like nobody gives a shit what other people think is appropriate around here.

>> No.9841151


I prefer if you took this to /q/, I'm sure they will listen to these rants better, actually take them serious.

>> No.9841161

Exactly, what?
It's up to you and your clique to understand what "in moderation" means.

>> No.9841166

You sound frustrated, it's kind of cute.

>> No.9841164

In /q/, it's certain that nobody gives a shit at all.

I'm sure if you took your threads to /vg/, where chained general video game threads are supposed to go, people would stop pointing out that they're off-topic.

>> No.9841178

Tell that to OP, not me.

Some anon actually believed we would drown in "WoWfags" if we did a /q/ debate, turns out we already were drowned and nothing happened. We totally needed to give it a try.

>> No.9841179

You're pathetic. But then, people will have /v/ standards for /v/ threads.

>> No.9841183

Calm down soreman.

>> No.9841182

Wizardry, like the dungeon crawlers?
I am kind of sceptical. The classical first person dungeon crawl element would disappear.

But then again, an MMORPG with perma-death? That's intriguing.

>> No.9841186

There's already one for general /jp/ users: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/japangeneral

And there's already one for specifically /jp/ MMOs players: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hotglue

Does your group do anything that isn't Facebook-for-/jp/ and isn't for your own satisfaction of controlling something?

What happened to all of your earlier posts viciously condemning all cross-boarders, Hotglue members, and anyone who wants to post about things that don't fit into your special little world? What about you deleting user posts on your wall because you didn't like them?

>> No.9841193

Either you get an official endorsement which means everything goes, an official ban which means everything leaves, or nobody in /q/ says anything and the janitor and users do whatever.
We're in the last situation.

>> No.9841196

Who we? You sound like a certain permabanned tripuser with your "anon"s and your "we"s.

>> No.9841197

Fuck off, shitposter.

>> No.9841199

It seems clear that this guy is the kind of person who will just grab at whatever ideals are convenient at the time of an argument.

Need to hate on /vg/ and Hotglue one minute? Full hate mode go.

Get called out on and trashed over your rules? Don't worry guys, we gladly accept everyone! See, our group is even full of Secret Funposter Club members and the rest are from Hotglue!

>> No.9841208

I don't know what those groups have to do with /jp/.

/jp/ group admin admits it's a joke and he approved of my group, he pretends his doesn't exist. You can see him in it.
Unfortunately, Hotglue group itself only has little to do with /jp/ and people seem to have a radical hate for it by default.

And I don't remember deleting any posts, maybe if you had proof I would believe you, I'm the only admin in the group and I've been asleep for more than 10 hours until 1 hour ago, everyone has been kind to provide support and approval for it and very little posts in walls.

I don't intend to make much use of wall, by the way.

>> No.9841212

There's no situation. Topic overlap in moderation was always tolerated.
But now, out of nowhere, somebody decided to start making chained MMO Generals with some viraling in it.

>> No.9841220

I always play /jp/'s FotM, but I'm always too scared to join the guild/group so all I do is just watch from afar while furiously grinding alone to try to keep up ;_;

Still grinding alone with moonmen in PSO2...

>> No.9841217

Sounds to me like you're trying too hard to stir up shit and you don't even have proof for anything.

Will I need to ask all of the good people that I don't actually know in my group what has been going on said so far so you can learn what's actually happening? I believe it would be quite irrelevant to this thread, much like your posts though.

>> No.9841224

Hey buddy, I've been doing that for years.

If I look at it correctly, this is the first time someone spergs out at full force about it.
I wonder why.

>> No.9841232

>But now, out of nowhere, somebody decided to start making chained MMO Generals with some viraling in it.

That's usually what happens when a new MMO comes out though. Except it's usually like "come play this loli mmo with me"

>> No.9841229

>Hey buddy, I've been doing that for years.
Doing what for years? Making MMO generals on /jp/?

A certain someone was shitposting anime and video games for years. Now he's permabanned.

>> No.9841236

Well, I suppose you have a point there but it doesn't seem like Janitors and Mods hate my idea of "in moderation" or whatever you call it.

It's just you, for some reason.

>> No.9841244

Yes, that's exactly how it happens every now and then.

These people don't seem to like that kind of thread. Do they even belong in here?

>> No.9841246

I'd really like to join, but I don't have steam ;_;
Do you have a facebook group or something else?

>> No.9841247

Someone needs to get rid of these whining meta threadshitters. The janitor left this here might as well deal with it and let people discuss their dumb mmo shit.

>> No.9841248


>> No.9841258

Only 3 thread out of like 20 are mine. 2 of them are self deletions.

They all were literally attacked by meta and/or /q/ tier posts. I don't think they were deleted just because the content itself.

>> No.9841262

> this is the first time someone spergs out at full force about it.
And people have been "sperging out at full force" over video game general threads for years.

>> No.9841269

Sorry, I hate Facebook and only have dummy accounts in case there's some info or MMO keys going on in there.

My gmail is affiliated with messenger though.

>> No.9841272

I understand that. Single player shit that's already covered in other boards belongs in there.

These threads aren't widely accepted in /v/ and /vg/, believe it or not.

>> No.9841280

Nobody attacks anything. We always had monthly or so MMO sort of "survey" threads. Nobody ever complained.

And here you are, turning this whole MMO stuff into pure /vg/ Generals and you wonder why people notice and why people complain?

>> No.9841285

Do you actually believe turning threads into meta /q/ shit is fine, when there's a perfectly clear thread in /q/ for that?

I don't.

>> No.9841290

So you're confirming what I said then: there is no point of the group other than making your own special place. You didn't ask the Japan General group mod if you could use that established group for something useful (half the people in your group at in it already and the few remaining could have joined), nor did you provide anything that the Hotglue group doesn't ("I don't intend to make much use of wall, by the way.").

Did you also figure out yet that October 7th isn't the date for Wizardry yet? I'll give you a hint: today is Sunday. Off to a great start there. My bad about the Facesteambook thing though, apparently you don't want that part anymore even though you said you did a few days ago.

>> No.9841287

About ECO: Since the official english servers are long gone it seems like the only thing available is this "atomix private server". Is it any good?

>> No.9841299

Not very.

Somewhat untranslated and very poorly managed due to Atomix and all the devs focusing on new projects such as Blade & Soul emulator.

>> No.9841292

What do you mean, "not widely accepted?" Did you make an F2P MMO general in /vg/ and then /v/ ran you out with dubs and shitposts?

>> No.9841305

>These threads aren't widely accepted in /v/ and /vg/, believe it or not.
They are. Everything is accepted on /vg/. They have JRPG, SMT, Neptunia, Persona, Fighting Games Generals, etc...

It's just you are one of those stubborn people who can't accept the fact that there are other boards besides /jp/.

>> No.9841307

No, don't lie. You obviously do, seeing as how you're as eager as anyone else to dive into these debates.

>> No.9841318
File: 7 KB, 461x322, approval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me clarify something that you don't seem to understand.

He is a friend. You incredibly misguided dick, he explicitly says he approves everything.

>> No.9841332

Most of these f2p asian games aren't very accepted in both boards, mostly because they think they're...crap. Without even playing them.
They're too busy playing random p2p games like GW2.

And I guess dubs shit and all that is still around...good point.

No, don't cry. I'm just defending what I believe in and what you try to "attack".

>> No.9841331

>the game is shut down

>> No.9841341

>Most of these f2p asian games aren't very accepted in both boards, mostly because they think they're...crap. Without even playing them.
This is true for a ton of games. Ninety percent of /v/ probably doesn't give a shit about Starcraft II at this point, and their general is still running strong, because you can keep a thread alive in /vg/ if you have people who want to use the thread no matter how many people think your game is shit. It's not like people can downvote it out of existence.

>And I guess dubs shit and all that is still around...good point.
I can't imagine even for a second that there's a /vg/ police that tries to shitpost threads about games that they don't like.

>> No.9841353

It's not just polices, we have those right here, in this thread.

There's a lot of really weird stuff...like people posting yordle gay porn in /vg/ threads and going on a revenge rampage against mods who delete them...

>> No.9841352

>No, don't cry. I'm just defending what I believe in and what you try to "attack".Nobody's crying. I was simply pointing that you were a liar. That's not "crying" to most people, but suit yourself.

>> No.9841358

Was your MMO thread attacked by gay yordle porn?

>> No.9841364

>Most of these f2p asian games aren't very accepted in both boards
You haven't even tried. As I said, everything goes on /vg/. It's a slow board, even slower than /jp/, and guess what, it was made specifically for recurring video games general threads.

Bring your circlejerk there instead, and let /jp/ continue to have its biweekly MMO threads like it always did.

>> No.9841360

I've never said I didn't join the meta discussions for the sake of defending my beliefs and my posts.

You guys start these "wars" though.

>> No.9841365

No, I did try to post Wizardry in /vg/ in a very tame way and they said it looked like crap to them.

Nobody was specially interested.

>> No.9841366

>You started it.
That's nice.

>> No.9841376

There are clearly people interested in Wizardry around, so get them to post in your thread.

>> No.9841379

And why do you think /jp/ will be interested to the point of warranting an MMO General?

Also, the Wizardry thread on /vg/ looks like shit, you need to post more info to get people interested. But that's obviously not what you want. What you want is /jp/ and only /jp/.

>> No.9841384

/jp/ is not actually the board for games rejected by /v/.

>> No.9841387

I tried. I played Mabinogi with them.

One of the guys let his momma watch him play games like Magicka, was an admin, and a complete greedy cunt, he eventually got kicked. I could post proof.

There's only so few people playing asian f2p games other than popular stuff like Ragnarok Online and MapleStory, I've only counted 3 guys actually playing Eden Eternal in /vg/ from the generals.

Asian MMO culture in /vg/ is piss terrible. I don't belong in there.

>> No.9841397

In /jp/? Send them to /vg/?

I'd rather let them join a new group that won't be forgotten easily.

My group is interested, at least. I believe my original thread was purged automatically, none of the new ones are mine.

>> No.9841406

What's going on in this thread? I thought Hotglue was the leader in /jp/'s FotM, and aren't they on PSO2?

>> No.9841411

oh no not a whole thread please no take it away

>> No.9841420

>I thought Hotglue was the leader in /jp/'s FotM

What does that have to do with these MMO threads exactly?

>> No.9841428

I dunno, I don't actually play MMOs since Cosmic Break. I just remember Hotglue joining up something, and then everyone joining them?

>> No.9841459

Hotglue hasn't felt very active the past year or two. I only remember PSO2, Koihime Musou Travian clone, Eden Eternal over the year. /vg/ mostly ate up the PSO2 players too.

>> No.9841476

You aren't kidding. The last post was in July.

>> No.9841504

People who play games often seem to be the aggressive type, and they're also frequently obnoxious. I make sure to stay away from this particular crowd.

>> No.9841583

There's no games to play..just like there's nothing new on "/jp/ MMOs" group and why this thread is getting crapped on by everyone.

It's actually pretty funny how some guys are trashing Hotglue for being off-bourders but then there isn't a single post on there about Guild Wars 2 or MoP or anything that are huge off-bourder games.

>> No.9841600

What does it have to do with MMO threads? That's pretty obvious.

Everyone in the thread either is in or was in Hotglue or other off-board groups, or they are people that don't like to play MMOs with most of /jp/.

>> No.9841607

Yes, we get it, you're frustrated because someone else rightfully took your spot.

Nobody ever mentioned WoW of MoP though.

>> No.9841649
File: 827 KB, 1920x1060, pso20121008_001100_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vg/ mostly ate up the PSO2 players too.
More like the people who still play PSO2 are filthy crossboarders like myself. And what is more surprising, part of /jp/ is too lazy to install or play the game.

There are shitloads of games. Way too much. But they all are low quality and so boring you don't even need to start it up to get bored. I have yet to find out the appeal of that online "wizardry", because it looks below Lineage 2 level.

>> No.9841665

If you skirt enough arguments and throw ad homimens enough, I'm sure people will eventually think you are right.

You really don't handle a hazing very well, do you? Kritzinger just attacked me back in the same way I was attacking him, and Namae dropped his namefagging instead of tripcoding after I attacked him. But you? You just run away while making empty responses. I figured you would be at least up to neo-Hotglue par if you had such grand plans for yourself. It ain't no fun at all.

>> No.9841672

i could look at those hips all day

>> No.9841676

Yeah, the guy on the right has delicious hips.

>> No.9841685

As I thought, it's all about "group" drama.

So yes, get your circlejerking out of here and let /jp/ continue to have its biweekly MMO threads like it always did.

>> No.9841683

that's a girl

>> No.9841785

Circlejerking and the like are just a buzzwords now.

>> No.9841792
File: 265 KB, 430x900, 1348339517508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people would stop cutting loose and typing like retards in game just because they're no longer on /jp/.

>> No.9841796

You can't really behave outside of /jp/ like you are on /jp/. Socializing is a drug, you can't think properly while you are under its effect.

>> No.9841803

Empty threats are very empty.

Just like your soul.

>> No.9841805


>> No.9841812

You're socializing right now!!

>> No.9841814

You can't behave on /jp/ properly as well, if you are under the drug effect. This is much bigger problem than just being retarded in the guild.

>> No.9841821

only 9 more levels and i'll be able to stop playing tera and move onto something else, i still have torchlight 2 sitting in my steam account waiting to be played.

or at least that's what i keep telling myself

>> No.9841822

Identity is a much stronger dope than some imageboard.
My point is, nothing is going to change. Its impossible to have /jp/ guild.

>> No.9841826

You don't capitalize properly and you use steam. Dirty crossboarder.

>> No.9841841

Everyone but a select few hipsters are crossboarders because 4chan predates /jp/ and thus everyone came from some other board.

>> No.9841845

I'm about to build my first computer that is actually going to be relatively powerful. Never played an MMO before other than WoW.

What are some good F2P MMO's I could try? Preferably ones with cute girls.

>> No.9841850

PSO2, Vindictus. Those are all waifu builders.

>> No.9841851

That doesn't mean you have to go to other shit boards. Go back to /a/, I hear you're the only guys playing TERA.

>> No.9841852

Hipster isn't a popular word on /jp/, thanks for letting us know what board you're really from.

>> No.9841859

>Never played an MMO before other than WoW.
You don't really NEED to play anything else. you will be walking around and being bored, because every other game is going to have less content, lower quality and likely just mimic WoW components.

>> No.9841861

Why do you say stupid shit like this when anyone can look on the archive and see you're wrong?

>> No.9841862

I know what board you live in.

>> No.9841864

No one "plays" Tera anymore, there is a general thread on /vg/, but the only community there is ERPers.

>> No.9841880

Yeah? What about the god damn lot of you who come here and still post in /a/.

>> No.9841892

There's nothing wrong with that. /jp/ isn't the catch all board for every subject last time I checked.

>> No.9841887

All that shows is proof of how many disgusting crossboarders invade /jp/.

>> No.9841898

Sending to /a/ is a /v/ thing now, so how about you go back there.

>> No.9841930

Holy shit, so defensive.

>> No.9841941

It's been more than four years since /jp/ has been created. I remember I was like you, having this super elitist /jp/ onry mentality, where I'd be a filthy poster if I went to the other boards. /jp/ isn't some secret niche board anymore. You either deal with it or you are some new elitist trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.9841945


>> No.9841974

I agree with you but I still can't accept these people, specially when they're so obvious to tell apart.

>> No.9841987

I used to be for mmo threads on /jp/, but now it seems like it would be better if they were insta-deleted. The past threads have turned shitty pretty quick and this one is the worst yet. Steam and facebook? No thanks.

>> No.9841995


>> No.9841998

Except you can't actually do anything about it, so it devolves into finger-pointing contest about who sends others to more boards, and people you were trying to drive away are eagerly joining the fun metagame.

>> No.9842020

Point that to this entire thread.

>> No.9842027

There's no threats here, friend. I couldn't care less about what you do and I'll be in your guild or whoever's guild just the same. I've been in your group since near a couple days ago, and you also know me. I just want you to be ready to deal with /jp/, because I'm far from the worst you'll have to deal with if you try to run something active, and unlike many others, my shit stays utterly restricted to /jp/. It's the best-case situation.

If I were trying to be mean, I would have just posted my working file on you into a public pastebin. It's just as you said: "Do you really think you can escape the reachs of people?"

>> No.9842040

Recommend me a low spec mmo that doesn't involve too much grinding. If it does involve grinding then have it at least be flashy and fast.

>> No.9842045

If you posted that it would've been invalidated by the fact that you use an inferior platform to /jp/ and Steam and believe in something that's far from what it looks like.

I understand the whole deal with /jp/ though, don't think it'll be that hard though, my experience to manage things has proven to be effective.

>> No.9842052

Eden Eternal.

>> No.9842072

Tried it, 30 minutes to get to character selection screen and too much computer lag to make a character.

>> No.9842074

Planetside 2 Key: JRNX-NG2H-KNT6-XRZ2-PMNR

>> No.9842085

You remind me of a friend who had the same problem. No idea how to solve that, sorry.

You could try Wakfu, very light.

>> No.9842108

EE is an epitome of grinding, as boring and repetitive as it could be.

>> No.9842102 [DELETED] 

Iris Online

>> No.9842118

Cool, it worked.

>> No.9842119
File: 239 KB, 763x800, 73b976dd735b4b6ac4a3f6ca26a2913a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Fighter Online.

>> No.9842132

I only have 500 mb of ram. If anyone remembers me I was the one from that one MMO where you go back in time kinda general anime ish thing mmo. With that girl and uhh, yeah. Any other suggestions?

>> No.9842149

So for the anons who don't keep up with the circlejerking, who is this guy who made the steam group? Is it just some random guy who decided he wanted to make a "new hotglue" type thing?

>> No.9842163

It's some random guy who suddenly decided to bring video games generals on /jp/.

>> No.9842169

That's a very ignorant way to describe me.

>> No.9842176

It perfectly explains the situation though. Whats so ignorant about it?

>> No.9842179

If I wasn't worried about you, I wouldn't be posting. I'm well aware of what you've done.

The biggest thing I'm worried about for you right now is you might cause two major and opposing /jp/ guilds to form in Wizadry. How would you deal with having innocent players caught in the middle of this? How would #hotglue and all the other Hotglue-fragment channels deal with it? What would happen to TC and Namae's mini-guild if they make one? What would happen if people try to form a guild on /jp/ that isn't involved with any of the above?

Luckily, I think it's far more likely that most everyone will quit within a week due to the lack of moe, the unfortunate gameplay, the extremely hardcore system, and other factors. I also have my doubts that any sizable number of people would jump into the game into the first place, given the negligible reaction to Wizadry news last year, and the current reactions.

Back in time, huh. Well, I'm not sure I played that one or perhaps I skipped the story, but you're going to be pretty restricted in terms of newer games with only 500mb ram. Most of the longer-running free MMOs (Mabi, Megaten, RO, plenty of the free ones) will have 512mb listed as their minimums, but how well they would run is anyone's guess.

>> No.9842180

For starters, I'm not OP.

>> No.9842188

For starters, you are the one who started this whole drama with your Wizardry forcing.

>> No.9842211

Hey, I'm not the one sperging about it as if these things were so new and unseen before /vg/ existed.

Ok, but I don't plan to do anything strange with that group. I just want to have fun.

>> No.9842225

The keyword is "forcing"

>> No.9842229

I played Mabinogi, IMAGINE and Ragnarok Online with 512MB RAM by the way.

Mabinogi loads incredibly slow and IMAGINE is probably better than it used to be.

>> No.9842237

>before /vg/ existed.
The keyword is "before".

Wonder why there was no such drama in the usual MMO threads?
That's right, it's because nobody was trying to viral or force /vg/ perma-generals upon /jp/.

>> No.9842244

Maybe in 2012 /jp/, but back when Hotglue didn't even exist as it is today we had fun with it unless they were purged for other reasons.

Everything is getting fixed.

>> No.9842253

The era of single board guilds is over. People will say whatever you want to hear to get in a 4chan guild especially if there's a group on steam. There will never be a /jp/ exclusive guild in an mmo ever again.

>> No.9842267

You are correct.

Wonder how long it will take until /jp/ MMO group thing gets flooded by primary /a/ users like /jp/ group.

>> No.9842279

I knew these threads would devolve into stupid fucking offboarders suggesting stuff like this. Posting on /q/ to make sure these threads get del from now on.

>> No.9842284

Don't you mean evolve?

>> No.9842295

Please do. I don't want another digital /jp/ meetup to shit up the board. Seeing people beg for playmates is just pathetic.

>> No.9842292

He was probably joking... I mean why would you ask people to join a facebook group, on 4chan of all places. I laughed

>> No.9842299

>Posting on /q/
Nice try crossboard scum.

>> No.9842301

You can't shit up a board because shit doesn't exist on the digital environment, dum dum.

>> No.9842302

I would imagine that people like you would wildly approve of anything that got these posters off /jp/ and somewhere else.

>> No.9842303


Who needs that piece of shit?

>> No.9842307

Evolve can make it easier to set up netplay, but it's nothing Hamachi can't do, I think.

>> No.9842312

Pretty soon all these "/jp guilds" are going to start using voice chat like vent.

>> No.9842311


Are we back in 2007?

>> No.9842317

Millions of people around the world, apparently.

>> No.9842319

I just know that you can basically set up a LAN over the internet with it. Did everyone stop using it?

>> No.9842320

I don't approve of mics, but it seems like some of Hotglue is into that sort of thing, for some reason.

>> No.9842322

Already happened in the World of Tank threads.

Haven't played with Hotglue for quite some time so I don't know if it's happened there yet too.

>> No.9842323

What do you mean start?

That's how me and my bros plan /jp/ raids.

>> No.9842325

AKA casuals who can't even use Twitter.

>> No.9842326

You probably need the practice talking to other human beings anyway.

>> No.9842332

if he wanted to talk to other human beings he wouldn't be on /jp/, le /a/nimu bro. Now go post about your favorite anime on facebook so your 'friends' can laugh at you in secret.

>> No.9842334
File: 45 KB, 300x259, 1327326252105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your tearing me apart

>> No.9842340

There's plenty of time in the world to do both.

>> No.9842343

I thought guilds were places for people to socialize. Otherwise you'd just play every game solo.

>> No.9842347

Please stop tearing apart /jp/'s hypocrisy. It's all we have.

>> No.9842347,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking /q/ueers, reported everyone of you faggots.

>> No.9842356

yeah d00d. can't wait to make sum friends in the /jp/ guild. Maybe we can have a meetup at an anime con or something? or just hit up some ice cream place and just chill with some jp bros.

>> No.9842359

Have fun.

>> No.9842360
File: 206 KB, 850x527, 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would only ever form a guild for two reasons

they are

1. for making friends

2. for accomplishing things that require teamwork

i really couldnt give less of a fuck about becoming buddy buddy with you losers but i would sooner join a guild full of crossboarders than be stuck with a bunch of whiny manchildren that wouldnt even join a voice chat just to listen to someone properly organizing a raid/party

>> No.9842367

im willing to do the whole ice cream place thing. don't forget to bring some lube & condoms, gonna be ravaging all the hot /jp/ girls.

>> No.9842371

/jp/ never did the guild thing well anyway. There wasn't a time when we ever had an ``epic glorious guild hivemind'' and functioned like a proper guild would.

At best /jp/ is good with very small parties (2-3) or when in competitive mode like in pvp situations. Although I'm 100% sure a lot of /jp/sies are complete asshole bullies in pvp with bad sportsmanship.

>> No.9842382

Why can't you stay on-topic?

>> No.9842375

Why don't you use capitalization?

>> No.9842376


>> No.9842383

Alright man, drop me a line in the guild chat and we'll set this shit up!!! I'll make sure to take some epic piccies with my iPhone and post em on facebook.

>> No.9842384

/jp/ don't play games that require voicechat, so it's a moot point. Some of the cliques still use it though, some have for a very long time.

There have been con-goers in Hotglue since 2008.

>> No.9842385

Are you lost? Your friends at /a/ and /vg/ miss you.

>> No.9842387

What's the link for?

>> No.9842392

He doesn't have anything of value to add so he's desperately spamming redirects.

>> No.9842395

There have been con-goers in /jp/ since 2008, also.

>> No.9842396
File: 851 KB, 3507x2476, 1328675275008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NICE reaction faces pic, bro! Saved! F5 F5 F5!!! MOAR!!!!!! FTW EPIC~ :33

>> No.9842397

The problem is being good at mmos isn't /jp/ related at all and you have the wrong idea about /jp/ guilds/

>> No.9842403

Congratulations on your epic ironic shitpost. Truly one for the ages.

>> No.9842404

That's not a reaction image, and it wouldn't matter even if it was. You're on an imageboard.

>> No.9842407
File: 631 KB, 900x1250, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry i think you clicked the wrong board your foreveralone spaghetti retard feelbros are waiting for you at >>>/r9k/ on this board we act like the superior humans we are

>> No.9842408

Holy shit, it's that clown from /vg/ again.


I thought we sent you to your proper board.

>> No.9842410


>> No.9842416

By the way, do you want me to post your Steam ID?

>> No.9842417

who the FUCK is the marking every post in this thread with 4watch

>> No.9842418

'these threads won't attract /v/ermin and /r/a/nime bros' - crossboarding scumshit that started this MMO Thread fad.

>> No.9842420
File: 302 KB, 1294x1043, 1316837302916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui - crossboarders
Mio - /jp/

>> No.9842424

What a fucking loser.

>> No.9842425

Can you? I'm a fan of safe and want to add him.

>> No.9842431
File: 944 KB, 640x360, 1332218558794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - yui
big government - azunyan

>> No.9842435

/jp/ is so angry. It should be happy instead!

>> No.9842436
File: 94 KB, 546x673, 2008-02-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny because i bet you feel like the detective of the year
if your so smart take a few moments to figure out why its funny

>> No.9842440

"your" a homo so it's funny.

>> No.9842448

Please use the proper quotation marks (“”), thank you.

>> No.9842452
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 7201756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry what the fuck did you just call me you rope jumping cumwad

>> No.9842462

That's the joke.


A homo.

>> No.9842464

How on earth did you come to that conclusion? This is the kind of stuff that means I can't stop hazing you yet, I thought we might have been getting closer.

You gotta get cut that stuff out, man. You KNOW there are a lot of people on /jp/. You know this.

I think everyone who remotely cares knows they can follow the steam group link and find him profile. Going further than that wouldn't be very nice though.

>> No.9842470

Why is LoL the only good MMO being free and without p2win gameplay?

>> No.9842474
File: 117 KB, 300x300, 3008703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry dude i dont have a steam theres not a single game worth a minute of my time in the pile of trash but stay mad

>> No.9842478

Sure you don't a homo, the guy from /a/.

>> No.9842479

>touhou internet love machine
>/a/ public
>/jp/ MMO's

How scary.

>> No.9842482

This is the gayest most tryhard profile I've ever seen.

>> No.9842484

There's nothing even written.

You must not see a lot of these.

>> No.9842490

You need to see the subtle tryhardness hidden within.

>> No.9842486
File: 189 KB, 557x671, 22823766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to the right and proper jesus christ if you even consider calling me a homo again i will have a knife through your throat before you can giggle snort and say “lol i posted it again”

think about this real fucking hard because im not even joking man i will fucking kill you

>> No.9842497

Homie, son, it's time to go to bed.

>> No.9842509

You need to see the subtle tryhardness hidden within.

>> No.9842510


>> No.9842519
File: 124 KB, 487x600, 1349507846861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this fucking tryhard teenager. trying so HARD to fit in.

>> No.9842530

you should shoop tokiko in

>> No.9842538
File: 214 KB, 755x579, 22911336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute image dude but you should really calm down before you hurt yourself


>> No.9842541

Or Sean.

>> No.9842544

Calm down homie.

>> No.9842573

but he already halfway looks like tokiko
it would be funnier this way

>> No.9842583

When the fuck is OP's shit troll thread going to be deleted.

I want to start my ''general chain".

>> No.9842583,1 [INTERNAL] 

The witch hunt going on in this thread is just hilarious.

/jp/ has turned into some kind of ridiculous parody of itself.

>> No.9842583,2 [INTERNAL] 

The Touhou Steam group has six thousand members.

How terrifying.

>> No.9842583,3 [INTERNAL] 

im down. theres this place i know called ben and jerry thats pretty good

>> No.9842583,4 [INTERNAL] 

feelio nexon is publishing tree of savior


>> No.9842583,5 [INTERNAL] 

does it matter?

>> No.9842583,6 [INTERNAL] 

not if you have $$$
i dont

>> No.9842583,7 [INTERNAL] 

there's things you can do for money

are you cute?

>> No.9842583,8 [INTERNAL] 

You can't name a better host than them, can you? If you aren't hosting your own game, might as well go with the least bad.
