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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9802353 No.9802353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9788450

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9802401

I gotta stop playing nukige. Such a time waster.

>> No.9802583

This weekend is too short to fit in zero infinty, root double and re: birth colony for me. I don't feel like speed-reading any one of them, ok, may be zero infinity.

>> No.9802627

Oh, Dragonol is out. Good thing I'm itching for some fantasy.

>> No.9802676
File: 536 KB, 1290x772, 恋愛0キロメートル_2012-09-30_03-34-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still playing 恋愛0キロメートルsince I'm a slow motherfucker and this is for practice.
At least I finally got on a character route and I can tell I'm getting near the obligatory drama since the dramatic music is playing often now.

>> No.9802802
File: 185 KB, 1296x778, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Sinclient.
Well my final impression is in line with my previous post >>9792703

It's basically a straightforward political thriller, it has a few unusual twists but they don't get dug down enough.
Anyways the story manages to keep a nice tempo which is good but the developments get pretty repetitive after a while where you have another SHOCKING TWIST every hours.
Well in the end it's the usual for this kind of stories but it was the first time I saw it done in an eroge so I'll give it points for that.
Overall it's entertaining if you like that kind of story but ultimately shallow, the kind of story you forget immediately after finishing, but it's the usual with that type of novel so it's alright I guess.

Well to nitpick a bit I'd say that the writer isn't very knowledgeable about what he writes, the hacking scenes and shit were very "movie-like"
Also too bad Mina disappear for most of th second half, her darth version is pretty much the best character in the game!

>> No.9802815

A volatile, highly flammable intoxicating liquid distilled from dragons?

>> No.9802847

I need some damn help. im playing majikoi right now but every time it tries to go into the ending roll cut scene it crashes. gives me "runtime error" anyone know how to fix this? ive already tried to run as admin

>> No.9802928

Root Double

SSS is confusing me. Can't figure out what it wants me to do, how long I have to do it, and how to make it do what I want.

100% protection against radiation? I doubt it. Sounds a little too far-fetched for me. But you know, just to be safe I'll take it anywa--oh wait, no, let me accuse you of trying to kill me and fall down this stairwell to my death, because a healthy amount of skepticism is completely unreasonable given the situation

also ukita looks like a talking bowling pin and it's making me rustled

>> No.9803145
File: 1.49 MB, 1360x768, zero inf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aoyama Yukari playing a foul mouthed bitch.

>> No.9803245

Is it a kinetic novel? I've been reading for like, 10 hours already and there were no choices or anything.

>> No.9803266

It should be. It has extras too.

>> No.9803287

source on that

>> No.9803316

Zero infinity.

>> No.9803323


>> No.9803330
File: 484 KB, 1280x720, capture_005_30092012_181504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SSS is confusing me.
Yeah. I think they wanted to make the "choices" more interesting with the Senses Symphaty System, but it just ends up being very vague. You could compare it to game Alpha Protocol where you don't really know if a choice labeled as "Interested" has the protagonist inquire about a character's background or whether he starts flirting with them.

For example, in the beginning you're given a choice to adjust the values for the amnesiac main character and two of his colleagues during a danger situation. Having a high value for the co-workers has them extinquish the fire while the protagonist stays down.
But later you're thrown into exactly same kind of of situation and having a high value for the colleagues will end up with the main character trying to save them by himself and fucking it up, dying in vain.
I wish the game would make up its mind wheter SSS acts as a trust, relationship meter or whatever.

Well, I'm liking it so far but the writing itself seems simpler compared to I/O. I don't know if this game was aimed at younger audiences but the game has characters explain some very common knowledge f.ex. why closing up the facility is a good idea during a meltdown.

>> No.9803341

>Well, I'm liking it so far but the writing itself seems simpler compared to I/O
I don't really mind that, parts of I/O, particularly E' and genes and memes was so out of it I had to re read to properly understand what they were trying to say.

>> No.9803381

Was there ever a VN with every line, or at least every important direction of dialogue being a choice?
You know, like in RPG's.
Is such a thing even possible?
Does it still count as an Visual novel?

>> No.9803393

Old ones like YU-NO are basically point-and-click in for the most part.

>> No.9803427

>the writing itself seems simpler compared to I/O.
Could it have anything to do with the fact that I/O had Tanaka Romeo as a writer?

>> No.9803448

>"Do you know about the Chernobyl disaster?"
>uh, of cour--

>> No.9803449

I'd say it's got more to with the target, I/O was clearly aimed to more adult ages in some parts compared to root.

>> No.9803457

Just like 999 then.

>> No.9803465

I don't know how much Romeo had his hand in writing I/O.
Erogamescape lists Nakazawa in "scenario" while Romeo is "other: planning, draft".

>> No.9803466

Tanaka didn't actually do any of the in-game writing for I/O, though. His role was that he helped develop the game's concept and overall story with Nakazawa.

>> No.9803476

The whole "common knowledge" aspect mostly vanishes after the game's first chapter ends, though.

>> No.9803499

Playing lovely quest, finished the common route which was quite short but then again it was hook's style. Am mid-way in hami's route, she is cute and all the blushing brings her to maximum

>> No.9803520 [DELETED] 


>> No.9803604

Going through I/O's credits,
Tanaka Romeo is listed under Original Work

Nakazawa Takumi under
Original Work
Scenario Draft & Design & Consistency Check
Route E and Route E' Writing

>> No.9803662

I haven't gotten into VNs, but I have so much time on my hands, I think it's time to try a couple.

What should I start with, /jp/? I'm open to anything.

>> No.9803727
File: 2.41 MB, 2300x2200, [[vn rec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming you don't know Japanese.
Not made by me, but the list has some good starter VNs.

I would personally recommend Saya no Uta if you can handle the gore. Swan Song is another one worth mentioning, and one of my favourite eroge to this day though I can't comment on the quality of translation in either of those.

>> No.9803772

Ha. Perfect. Thank you very much! I'm tempted to go straight to the /jp/ category, but I'll start smaller.

>> No.9803811

Zero Infinity is no Dies Irae but it's definitely pretty good, I'm having a blast.
I guess I should do Vermilion too.

>> No.9803833

I'm enjoying them about the same now, but I don't even know how far in my first route I am.
I certainly enjoy that it won't get as ridiculously overpowered as DI later on, I hope.

>> No.9803838

>I certainly enjoy that it won't get as ridiculously overpowered as DI later on
It's the best part, I love ridiculous powerlevel.

>> No.9803845

But I feel it wouldn't fit this story at all. Cyborgs and bullets don't really need to get to god-tier powers.

>> No.9803885

Good, Tsukumo no Kanade is out, the last thing I've been waiting for this month.

>> No.9803899

Ooh, nice. Let's see if I can get this route of Naka no Hito done before it finishes downloading.

>> No.9803991
File: 263 KB, 1366x768, 93ur9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, let's set some vague values which I don't even know what they're doing for characters I haven't even met. This is just totally wonky, should have used a normal choice system instead.

>> No.9804092

So much for wanting to get rid of Jun first in Zero infinity and it seems she's locked and defaults to Mishio.
I love that bitch so I'm not even going to complain, just strikes me as weird.

>> No.9804106

The recommended order is Mishio > Elizabeth > Jun > Marlene.

And yeah Jun being the penultimate feel weird

>> No.9804121

I wish they had locked at least one of her options, I went back to my saves and redid the couple of Mishio exclusive choices just to have a bit more of the supposed heroine of my route.

>> No.9804165

What kind of protagonists you like /jp/? Cool alpha guys like Kyousuke or Tomoya? Perverted guys like Taichi? Righteous "good" kids like Shirou? Grimdark guys like Fuminori? Or something else?

>> No.9804180

I dislike perverted MCs in general, as well as perverted humor.
Cool losers like Yukito are more my thing, they always give me a few laughs.

>> No.9804197

i like willful and determined female protagonists like Mary Clarissa Christie

>> No.9804215 [SPOILER] 
File: 646 KB, 1333x1000, yande.re 153856 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also got best end. This is true and canon.

>> No.9804310

Okarin and Kageaki come to mind. I don't know how you would categorize them. Maybe I just like Nitro+ protagonists.

If you're going out of VNs, I would also include Fukumoto's protags (Kaiji, Akagi, Kurosawa).

Maybe "asocial." Protagonists with more on their mind than relationships.

>> No.9804373


What kind of best end? Being brought screaming into womanhood?

>> No.9804380

She tamed a super tsundere lovecraftian god and married him, then became an incredibly popular and influential novelist.

>> No.9804564


They got married in the webnovels?

>> No.9804568

I don't really have a preference.
I just like VNs with multiple protagonists.

>> No.9804588

Personal canon and no one can say otherwise.

>> No.9804631

Anyone voiced ends up being infinetely better in my books. SubaHibi's Mamiya Takuji is perhaps my favourite. Those incomprehensible monologues were really pleasurable to listen to.

>> No.9804788
File: 586 KB, 1280x720, capture_010_01102012_002522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall down this stairwell to my death
I just got that as my first bad ending.

>> No.9804997

It probably won't be the last. The After route is basically "1000 ways to die in a fire".

>> No.9805353

How is the action and battle scenes in Muramasa? I know I should read it regardless since it's considered to be a kamige and all but I'm in the mood for some hot blooded fighting with not too much chuu2 nonsense. If Muramasa doesn't fit the bill, do you have any other suggestions?

>> No.9805357

I dislike perverted protags. I like good guy protags, "righteous" protags, and protags with a back bone. I hate it when protags let themselves get pushed around, or led on by other people. Also I would disagree that Tomoya is cool.

>> No.9805437

Once you get past chapter 2, which still infodumps in the battles, they get quite hotblooded.

>> No.9805848 [DELETED] 

Probably about 70% of the depicted battles in Muramasa have about the same pacing as those in Hanachirasu, exquisite detail about what is happening and the significance of that strike or technique, except infinitely more refined while being equally unrealistic (super powers). If you like the idea of well depicted and described fencing techniques, you will like the battles in the game. By that, I'm also kind of implicitly stating that if you aren't entirely uninterested in sword fighting, you will find value in the battles. It really is a marvelous title.

However, every route has some hot blooded battles in it, particularly the final route. If you're really looking for purely hotblooded though, I think you'll be much better off playing Dies Irae, Trample on Schatten, Baldr Sky, or Nijuuei instead.

>> No.9806822

I just finished the main routes in Kara no Shoujo and now I'm going back to collect the various ero scenes. I just did Tsukishima's and that was fucking horrible. I was hoping if you set all the flags on one of the victims they'd be saved or something, but instead the game just has you there to watch her murder in yet even greater detail, and then you die with her.

And unless I misunderstood, apparently the MC ejaculates while watching her womb being cut open. How adorable.

>> No.9806973

How can you say you love her if you can't do that much at least?

>> No.9806988

Finished Baldr Sky... somewhat. I guess I will dig out my nearly two year old copy of 999 that I never beat.

>Tsukumo no Kanade
I was not aware that it was out.

>> No.9807001

>How can you say you love her if you can't do that much at least?

Ejaculate while watching her uterus being ripped open?

>> No.9807175

Depends, but generally fucked up or loser protags.

>> No.9807256

Weep knowing that the real Kou of world 0 and Sora never got to love each other.

Fuck Baldr Sky!

>> No.9807634

They did, unless by 'love' you mean the actual act of love.

Also, you noticed how they're pretty much Adam and Eve at the end? Well, let me just remind you that Sora ate a fruit.
If that was intentional, then Hiei is quite a troll.

>> No.9807709

But the real Sora and Kou are dead. Everyone died with Hakobune Keikaku. These two are like recreations of them.
I didn't give much of a thought to the fruit, though. Guess Kou's simulacra will be the first NPC to get a human body and have kids in order to repopulate the world.

>> No.9807891

Hopefully, I'm asking this in the right place. Is there a site where I can find how difficult the language in a VN is? Essentially, the level comfortable for me is that of Baldr Sky (yeah, I know that it's supposedly relatively easy. My moon isn't that good), so I was wondering whether I could find what others are on the same tier.

>> No.9807915


Shows script sizes and unique kanji count for some VNs. Not a perfect measure of difficulty but that's what I've used so far.

>> No.9808184

play trials, you can usually get a feel of the writer's style from the first few scenes

>> No.9808306
File: 178 KB, 960x540, tamedbyfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww why is she so scary ?

>> No.9808363

It's like keeping a bear as a pet. It's all fun and games until they maul your face off.

>> No.9808476
File: 624 KB, 1026x605, Screenshot from 2012-10-01 21:25:19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice way to welcome new students, Ruru-nee...

>> No.9808483

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2012年10月版)

>> No.9808525

I want to play a VN, how do I do?

>> No.9808529

Installing it would help.

>> No.9808538

But before installing it, surely you'd need to support the industry and buy it from one of the available retailers, correct? After all, if you don't have the game in the first place, you can't install it.

>> No.9808550


WHERE do I download it was my question.

>> No.9808560

Google it, or check the Pastebin on /vg/'s VN General.

Unless it's something obscure, in which case you'd have to deal with Share/Perfect Dark.

>> No.9808562
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, capture_010_01102012_174159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... think I managed to finish the After route.
Ending named √A クッドエンド「混沌から覚醒」
Play log shows only 18% of completed text but I assume it's safe to start Before route now?

So far I've liked this more than E17. Despite having different writers the game reminds me more of 999 rather than Nakazawa's Infinity titles or I/O. Continuous pressure on the reader while omitting all the chicken sandvich and kick the can scenes. No unnecessarily long winded infodumps yet either.

Google and torrents. Getting VNs is no different from any other media, unless you're looking for some really old and unpopular titles.

>> No.9808600

Root Double is pretty much the Infinity recipe perfected

>> No.9808620

Is there an AGTH code for it yet?

>> No.9808642

It's not too hard to read, give it a try without tools.

>> No.9808644

Wow, Tasogare no Sinsemilla has a pretty nice soundtrack.

>> No.9808652

I'm afraid of the infodumps.

>> No.9808657

Pure girl is getting some nice ratings and one of the girl looks like Makina.
I guess I'll try it

>> No.9808654

Wikipedia is your ally

>> No.9808699

I'm looking for
フォルト!!A + グランドスラムBOX V2版
But don't have much luck. Found several torrents of several versions, either dead or dying. It seems to have been deleted from sukebei.

Does anyone have any ideas where I could get it, aside from buying?

By the way, the sequel is easy to find.

>> No.9808707

Yes, you got the correct ending, and yes, you can start Before now.

However, be sure to get Root A's Normal Ending at some point, as it's a great ending.

>> No.9808772


Well episode Ave Maria is finally available.
But only my mail order within Japan.
Fuck, doesn't look like they'll upload it on dlsite or something either.

>> No.9808811


>> No.9808834

Also, one other thing- on your next playthroughs of Root A, if you go with Jun during the factory scene and during the group separation scene, you'll get an extra scene with her near the end. The same goes with Ena.

>> No.9808862

About four different people has asked for one on HongFire but no one has taken a bite. I'm assuming either because there's no ero or the antidebug protection is too tough.

>> No.9808881

Use a proxy?

>> No.9808957

寝取られの学園 hasn't appeared on torrents yet?

>> No.9808960


>> No.9808966

Well, October looks pretty disappointing, I probably won't end up playing anything but the new Navel game. But September was a pretty good month so I guess it balances out.

>> No.9808969

Anyone knows how good is 僕の目の前で××される彼女 NTR-wise? I guess I'll play it instead.

>> No.9808986

I'm probably playing the new crowd, I just hope it 'delivers' more than My angel.

>> No.9808993
File: 370 KB, 1366x768, 8233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a great finale. Hope they'll do a fandisk with an Azusa route though, crazy bitch needs love.

>> No.9808995

There aren't any good VNs anymore since Fate Stay/Night.

>> No.9809007

Agreed. I'll try Ota-Ma because lolis, but other than that, I'll probably stick to September titles and my backlog.

>> No.9809008

I hope there's a lot of dickings instead of yuri.

>> No.9809010

shit-tier taste detected

>> No.9809013

I just hope there's a ton of sex, I mean a ton.
Class gangbang included.

>> No.9809019
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>> No.9809030
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Been reading the new one from Candysoft, mostly for the tits. I'm perfectly satisfied.

>> No.9809039

You hate Azusa or something?

>> No.9809051

Not only her. The whole game is crap.

>> No.9809057

Don't hate on Hanako dude.
I will probably never finish this game but it's been a while since the moepig within me reacted so strongly to a character.

>> No.9809058

Oh. Okay.

>> No.9809119

You mean this? Please learn how to google "yymmdd" + japanese name next time

>> No.9809280

Is Da Capo III USB version out yet?

>> No.9809347 [DELETED] 

Halfway through Muramasa. It's almost as good as Yume Miru Kusuri! ^^

>> No.9809352

It's kind of mediocre, I like my NTR games to have mystery. The art is nice though.
I hope they do a fandisk with lots of the other girl's routes.

>> No.9809369 [DELETED] 

WOAAH looks so epic! I'm going to post this on facebook and share with as many people as possible.

>> No.9809377

What's the difference with that version?

>> No.9809376 [DELETED] 

Don't shitpost.

>> No.9809380

3 more hours.

>> No.9809379 [DELETED] 

Stop the bullying

>> No.9809383

Hey aroduc, will you be releasing a version in jap too? I want to play a super complete DS without emulating.

>> No.9809385

What kind of garbage will be released in 3 hours?

>> No.9809390

If only the rest of the game were good too

>> No.9809391

The best VN of all time Not really, it's just a translation of duel savior

>> No.9809393

It is meant to be played on an USB unit, which means it doesnt require installation. Also has a minigame included.

>> No.9809396

Seems debugging that piece of shit to add all the ported material was terrible.

>> No.9809397
File: 24 KB, 492x483, 1336924673274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey aroduc, have you changed your tripcode?

>> No.9809404

>[イエティ] ルートダブル
>[Yeti]Root Double
>/hs-c@be00:rw.exe (split names and dialog into different threads)

Time to play

>> No.9809420 [DELETED] 

Is anyone else having issues getting Zero Infinity to run?

I can install it fine, and I can updates, too, but it refuses to run. I'll try to run it and nothing comes up. And if I try to run it from the disc it does the same thing, only with an accompanying error sound. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling at least 10 times now and I've still had no luck. I even re-downloaded a different torrent with it, along with the patch, but it just does the same thing.

The trial runs fine, so I don't really have any idea what could be wrong.

>> No.9809429

Is anyone else having issues getting Zero Infinity to run?

I can install it fine, and the update works as well, but it refuses to run. I'll try to run it and nothing comes up. And if I try to run it from the disc it does the same thing, only with an accompanying error sound. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling at least 10 times now and I've still had no luck. I even re-downloaded a different torrent with it, along with the patch, but it just does the same thing.

I've had no problems running the trial, so I don't really have any idea what could be wrong.

>> No.9809547

Anyone else played Katawa Shoujo?

>> No.9809602

That'¡s weird, the only problem the engine gives me is the same new malie usually gives me, not displaying the process in the taskbar till you focus on it.

>> No.9809630
File: 389 KB, 1280x862, out.pleasemakeitstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Root Double takes a break from murdering its characters and moves onto murdering the English language.

>> No.9809637

As if this was something new in japanese media.

>> No.9809646

It's doubly horrible when the other characters reply with "excellent, such beautiful pronounciation".

>> No.9809647

"Rightly" is adverbial

That sentence is valid as HELL

>> No.9809730
File: 87 KB, 969x570, surprise...not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishio's foul mouth is surprisingly refreshing since I read a few "almost everyone nice and saving the world" type vn recently. Now my head is trying to inflict an image of a foul-mouthed Hiyo (Asairo) on me.

>> No.9809783
File: 146 KB, 1364x768, Sekajyo 2012-10-01 22-59-04-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now my head is trying to inflict an image of a foul-mouthed Hiyo (Asairo) on me.
Been there, done that.

>> No.9809797
File: 413 KB, 792x727, 4758-1798459565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now my head is trying to inflict an image of a foul-mouthed Hiyo (Asairo) on me.
I love Aoyama Yukari in her ドS roles.

>> No.9809801

At what point does Muramasa get interesting again? It bores me to hell right now.

>> No.9809808

Ore wa Tsuma Killer.

>> No.9809953

Around chapter 3 it picked up a lot for me.

>> No.9810063

Finished Mishio's route in zero, ending was super cheesy just how I like them, great introductory route.
I also liked her chemistry with Ryoga, her relationship didn't need to be spelled out, which I like, flowed naturally even though I never enjoy fucking a girl on the verge of breaking. her neglige was too much for me though, needed a bra.
Now back to my schedule since I was supposed to read root double before zero.

>> No.9810067
File: 136 KB, 650x488, guac_event10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9810073

>electric swords
Yep, Tesla alright, I want a color CG of Chatelet's bow though.

>> No.9810079

Does Tesla also use electricity to stimulate the ladies?

>> No.9810087
File: 93 KB, 650x488, guac_event09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9810106

I just saw the pics, Tesla isn't pure.
Sakurai dropped the ball there

>> No.9810122

I haven't seen him fucking yet.

>> No.9810123


Why does Tesla have to be pure?

>> No.9810125

He kind of died a virgin at 86.

>> No.9810129

Those tits defy all logic.

>> No.9810130

Not particularly, just the effect when she clashes makes them bounce up.

>> No.9810133

dem vm500 breasts
not accusing or anything
AKIRA's breasts were also strange

>> No.9810167

Are the MLA chronicles any good?

>> No.9810215
File: 93 KB, 320x460, c699487package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this the greatest ntr game of all time?

>god-tier art
>good voices
>above average writing
>has a milf, oneesan, and loli so pick your fancy
>has an enormous range of ntr scenarios from random faceless villagers to fat ugly guys to ikemen studs to support all festishes
>has gameplay so it makes it feel like your in control (well, for the most part)
>has a harem end
>overall good production values thanks to AliceSoft

To be honest, all the ntr games I've played until this one have been kind of shitty.

>> No.9810316


Is it possible to break any of the girls??

>> No.9810312

You're in control? So is it from the perspective of the guy NTRing rather than the guy getting NTRed?

>> No.9810377

It depends on what you're looking for honestly. If it's mostly stuff in the same setting and building on the same world they're nice.
Chronicles 01 is pretty shit aside from Chicken Divers, I feel. TDA00 is pretty garbage but sort of necessary as setting intro and so on for TDA01 and I presume 02.
Chronicles 02 was on the whole decent. Though, Adoration is nearly wholly humor about a cast of characters you're probably completely unfamiliar with unless you've read the Eurofront TSFIAs. TDA01 was quite nice I felt. I don't know if I would recommend it to someone who isn't a fan of Muv-Luv, though.
Haven't gotten around to reading Chronicles 03, but from what I've heard it's fairly decent, TDA02 continues where TDA01 left off. Rebirth is another mostly comedy title I believe, set at the Yokohama base and involving a Six Million Dollar Man parody or something.
More like I'm unable to read Chronicles 03 because Warinaki broke me.

>> No.9810394

Unless of course you mean the smaller Chronicles releases like Atonement, Succession, and so on.
The quality and length of those vary story to story.

>> No.9810460
File: 538 KB, 1024x768, wp_mei01_1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ave Maria has become a reality. Go go go.

>> No.9810572
File: 134 KB, 360x460, c735117package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but it really railroads the story to pair the mc and Ai together and I hate when VNs do that, makes me feel like choosing any route other than the main girl's is acting like a lying unfaithful bastard.
Such a pity, I was digging on it, but considering I have no interest on Ai I really feel no motivation to continue on reading.

Moving on to Zero Infinity, let's see if Light managed to produce something without the usual pace issues.

>> No.9810599

>railroads the story to pair the mc and Ai together and I hate when VNs do that, makes me feel like choosing any route other than the main girl's is acting like a lying unfaithful bastard

I really hate when VNs do that, or when there's a "true end" in a pure-romance story, makes me feel guilty as hell on other girls' routes.

>> No.9810877

>So is this the greatest ntr game of all time?
Not really. There isn't much of a strong sense of NTR in it. It's a perfectly ok nukige though.

>> No.9810906

>it really railroads the story to pair the mc and Ai together and I hate when VNs do that, makes me feel like choosing any route other than the main girl's is acting like a lying unfaithful bastard.
I agree. It really annoys me, especially with that scene in the hotel. That kind of romance stuff should be saved for individual routes, it shouldn't be sitting there in the common route. I will keep reading it though, and I'm enjoying it. I don't particularly like Ai, so I don't feel bad about going for another girl. After I do Renna's route I'll stop.

>> No.9810923

this looks awesome, somebody should translate it.. fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9810935

Can someone else confirm this, please? It'll be nasty to actually download and see that it's not working. My kanji is pretty wonky. ;_;

>> No.9810936

Why cant these vns with this type of art and sexy women be translated..

>> No.9810947

Just to spite you.

>> No.9810944

>this type of art
What type of art? Or do you just mean newer art in general? Since I suppose most translated games are older so the art is pretty old.

>> No.9810948

Any vns with women like this being translated as we speak at all? also whats the name of the vns with the purple haired one and the brown haired one? maybe i can get them translated if we spam them

>> No.9810949

shut the fuck up and die. jesus christ I hate you

>> No.9810957

I mean the style, you know more sexy women with sexier art styles instead of the normal "moe" and soft looking style the translators keep doing.

>> No.9810959

Please leave...

>> No.9810972

Im i have to spam them or they will never be known and well never get translated, thats what we non speakers have to do.

>> No.9810975

Oh, you're that MILF autist. Haven't seen you in a while.

>> No.9810980

Why do the peasants come in this thread? Don't they have their own thread to post in? Talk about translations or the lack there of, elsewhere please.

>> No.9810981

Translators don't really frequent here though. If you want your voice heard you should bombard your request at the /vn/ thread in /vg/. That's where all the elite translators hangout.

>> No.9810991

Alright, just what are the two vn names?

>> No.9811037

But no translators go there, all the translators come here and the VNTLs thread here.

>> No.9811054

what is she saying.

>> No.9811097

I go to all three.

>> No.9811154
File: 351 KB, 1280x720, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the moest dog I've ever seen.

>> No.9811177

Why is he called "Pug" if he's adorable?

>> No.9811182

am i cute puguu

>> No.9812282

Nobody tried 九十九の奏 yet?

>> No.9812639

Reading Root double, I'm quite digging the SSS, easy to use and logical most of the time.

>> No.9812727

How much would I miss out on if I only went for the main endings in Root Double and nothing else?

>> No.9812766

Does anyone know how to get the good ending in Emi's route in Katawa Shoujo? I tried everything out but nothing did work.

>> No.9812780

There's a Katawa Shoujo general on vg, ask there.

>> No.9812807

Let's see...

Root A's Bad Endings: Not much.

Root A's Normal Ending: I'd recommend giving this a viewing at some time, it's a rather stunning ending.

Root B's Bad Endings: Not too much.

Root D's Bad Endings: Better than the A and B's Bad Endings, but you don't need to.

Root D's Normal Endings: Again, I'd recommend giving these a watch- they're fairly easy to get, and while 2 is kinda meh, 1 and 3 were tearjerkers IMO.

Also, you might not get the full epilogue if you just head for the main endings.

>> No.9812846

Thanks. I'll check out both the main and normal endings then, that should be fine yes?

>> No.9812859

Yeah, that should be good.

>> No.9813003

I was actually collecting bad endings, they were short and stupid.

>> No.9813032

I used http://kaigai-tenso.com/ and my copy is on its way. If you use them, make sure you fill out both a shopping and shipping form at the same time. The total cost for Maria and the sound track was 2900 yen. Kind of expensive, but so worth it.

>> No.9813461

From the few impressions I read, it turns into a chuuni battle VN.
Also it seems to be quite long

>> No.9813653 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, double_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what. This is such a good scene.

>> No.9813858

meh... if you think so

>> No.9813929

The soundtrack of Tsukumo no Kanade is fucking awesome

>> No.9814027

What about plot?

>> No.9814037

I'm about to jump into Dies Irae (PSP version), being complete uninformed about the game as a whole aside from the blurb on vndb and the occasional post I've happened to skim over.

Anything in particular I ought to know beforehand? Like, is it an awful port and I'm better off playing it on the PC?

>> No.9814040

I thought that the text box in the psp just took too much screen. It's basically the same thing as AA in the PC otherwise.

>> No.9814045

The PSP port is awful, just do Amantes on PC

>> No.9814067


I guess I'll play a little bit and go for the PC version if it turns out to be more trouble than it's worth, then. Thanks for the replies.

>> No.9814265

Is that from 彼女はオレからはなれない?

>> No.9814453
File: 543 KB, 1280x720, 0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finding to be pretty funny but the game seems somewhat short if the common route is indicative of anything.

>> No.9814805
File: 32 KB, 430x165, a-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking glad that Azumin finally got her own route. Her in a wedding gown would probably top icing on the cake.

>> No.9814962

Well I've played a few hours of Tsukumo, now I can see why nobody talk about it.

For the good thing the art is really great and the production values are solid.
It also has an interesting setting.

Everything else though is pretty subpar, it basically develops like your usual mediocre chuuni game with endless slice of life scenes that are segmented by a few fights among the way.
The writing is very light and basically has no power, it's especially apparent during the drama-scenes and the fights.

The characters are tolerable though, especially Tama is great.
But even if I like her I doubt I'll continue reading this.

>> No.9815212
File: 529 KB, 1280x720, LET ME HEAR YOUR WAR CRY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Root Before.

I think this route relied way too much on the revelation of Yuuri's death. I didn't figure out her "absence" in the Past scenes until a a few chapters later but it was too obvious something was amiss from how Yui and Mashiro reacted to Natsuhiko "finding" her in LABO during the very first scenes. No one apart from Natsuhiko ever talked to her in those parts. The flashbacks were a lot more subtle with Mashiro using Emphaty to read Natsuhiro's mind. I'm wondering why the writer decided to omit that during the LABO scenes. Well, it still managed to jerk a few tears out of me.

There also was much more infodump in this than Root After. And I can see why it's preferable to read Root After first since this route completely and utterly spoils it.

Well, I'm hoping Watase won't turn too much into telepath hating zealot again and then bombard the player with overly long sad flashbacks.

>> No.9815325

I really want netorare no gakuen for download already. I liked the art and that there was exactly just one fat guy.

>> No.9815772

So I'm not the only one who dropped it after only a couple of hours. My impressions were similar; pretty, but it utterly failed to draw me in.

>> No.9815824

opinions on:

Lightning Warrior Raidy 2

Was recommended. Though I'd hear some other opinions before diving in.

>> No.9815862

>Lightning Warrior Raidy 2
Never played it.
Generic light-hearted moege from 2004. Not too bad, not too good.
Largely forgettable, but has some decent humor if you can stand the art.

>> No.9816959
File: 278 KB, 1277x717, fatality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thing I finished was 辻堂さんの純愛ロード, did Renna's route last. The pacing is kind of fucked and the protag is a man-whore but what makes this better than many other rom-coms out there is that it strangely manages to deliver when you expect it to, like with the climaxes of each route. Was a good read, but I probably should have done Ai at the end, seeing her heartbroken in every other route was just mean.

>> No.9816976

I think I would like an all ages version of this game a lot better. It's still pretty good though. I eagerly await a fandisc for more heroines.

>> No.9817007

I'm playing a VN for the first time today (Clannad) and I was thinking of playing Saya no Uta afterwards, that looks pretty good.

Oh man, googling about how to download/look for VNs and english patches was a pain in the ass

>> No.9817029

This isn't really the place for you. Try /vg/'s VN general. They talk about translated stuff a lot more than we do here.

>> No.9817044

Good choices.

>> No.9817054

>I think I would like an all ages version of this game a lot better
The H-scenes were fappable and plenty, so I'd pass. Agree about the fandisk. Hope they don't even think about giving Hana a route with H-scenes though, that would be like fucking a hamster.

>> No.9817055

Thanks dude! I didn't even know they had one and I just checked it out and they have a pastebin with download links and other useful stuff

>> No.9817060

I just want to hear Hana's voice. Azusa's voice is pretty good too, I'd like a route for her.

>> No.9817099

>Azusa's voice is pretty good too, I'd like a route for her.
And according to beautyplanets this is only the second role her VA has ever done. Kind of criminal how there are so many VAs with pretty voices who only do one job and that's it.
Meanwhile, Kawashima Rino voices everyone.

>> No.9817174

According to EGS, she is also in Re:birth colony -Lost azurite- which also just came out on the 28th, and she will be in 夏の終わりのニルヴァーナ. I think she was also the voice actor for the protagonist of Milky Holmes 2. Maybe she is just getting started in her voice acting career.

>> No.9817228

I'm still trying to get 100% completion on Never7. I'm beginning to think that it's impossible.

>scene with only two questions/dilemmas (two choices each)
>try every single combination

>> No.9817362
File: 125 KB, 816x638, inganock02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished inganock, took me long enough. The way the narrative works with the chapters and scene changes made it way too easy to pause the game and do something else every few minutes.
I'll still have to think about the whole thing a bit more but it was pretty great.
I wish it had connected to celenaria a bit more, or maybe I just expected it to when it was revealed who Randolf was somewhere in the beginning. I read that he's going to show up again in valusia, though, so I'll just have to wait and see if they explore that part a bit more.
Also, the soundtrack is gorgeous of course (could've been longer, though) but celenaria's opening song is better.
Now it's off to the web novels and the inganock part of the steampunk fandisk some time the next days.

For now though I'll read meguri megureba meguru toki from caramel, simply because it looks cute and I really liked toppara.

>> No.9817410

Playing Muramasa. It's the biggest pile of garbage I've ever seen.

>> No.9817419

What scenes are you stuck on?

>> No.9817421


>> No.9817608
File: 163 KB, 600x849, shar_pubsample_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you no Sharnoth immediately? ;__;

>> No.9817614

There's tons of scenes where one or two lines differ depending on what previous choices you made, though. Who you took with you to shop for dinner ingredients, who asked you to be their partner for the test of courage, and what you chose to have for dinner at the lodge are all big ones with multiple options.

>> No.9817616

God, fuck off already.

I'm starting to wish talking about that game was a bannable offense.

>> No.9817625

Yeah, this. Most of the heroine routes are retarded, though. Mizuki was so-so and Mei was pretty good, but the rest range from forgettable to shitty.
Your three jerkoff friends are way more interesting than any of the girls, and that's a problem.

>> No.9817632

Why should talking about the best most deepest and mature eroge of all time be a bannable offense?

>> No.9817637
File: 29 KB, 249x498, 3PFdU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817639

I continued Tsujidou-san a bit today and it seems like the game force you to be with Ai no matter what choice you make.
Does that mean you have to break her heart everytime you enter another route? That's a pretty retarded design.

>> No.9817724

I'll get to it soon enough. There's still almost 3 months until n'gah kthun (or however), that should be enough to get me through the remaining games in the series even with a few other games in between.
I also don't really want to rush this series too much, taking a breather between often helps me seeing the bigger picture instead of just drowning out the lingering thoughts of one game with the next one

>> No.9817757 [DELETED] 

Muramasa is so deep and edgy and sugooooi ~ ;D

>> No.9817773



>> No.9817784

Clannad is better.

>> No.9817799
File: 145 KB, 650x488, guac_event07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get behind that. If there's any game series that should be savored individually like a box of fine chocolate truffles, it's this one.

New CGs just went up on the official site the other day. My excitement, much like Jo's boobs, is nearly uncontainable.

>> No.9817807

He was celibate, which isn't necessarily the same thing as being a virgin.

Then again, he may be the only actual recorded person in history to reach wizarddom.

>> No.9817859
File: 228 KB, 801x601, 003r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just started playing friends by Aile but I wanted to know if it get less misandrist?

This post is from a few days ago, but I feel compelled to reply since I was surprised to see someone else playing this.

You probably already know by now, but the main character is extremely hetare except for a couple of key moments. Add that to the all-girls environment and you get constant misunderstandings. I really don't like that kind of thing, so I found many scenes pretty grating.

Even so, I couldn't help liking the game for some reason. It's extremely generic, and there's no plot whatsoever, but there's a strange kind of earnestness about it that I found charming. I think the creators managed to include the most important thing--love for the heroines. There are times when I couldn't help but think, "She is such a good girl."

I read it after finishing a rather heavy, story-driven game, so it's possible that's why I found its lightheartedness so pleasant. The H-scene music is pretty nice, too, which is always a plus.

>> No.9818019
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kara no Shoujo 2


(although I'd rather they take their time on it than try to rush it out by the end of the year)

>> No.9818423

What a fine christmas.

>> No.9818438

Well, there is that.And come to think of it, KnS 2 will be out a few weeks before my birthday.

>> No.9818649

I want to read a Key VN. I've never read any of their stuff but I've seen the Clannad anime and that was so good that I'm thinking about reading the VN.

>> No.9818661
File: 194 KB, 818x647, AAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Busters. Do it before the anime airs.

>> No.9818666

Will it make me cry? ;_;

>> No.9818672

Yes. At least Refrain should.

>> No.9818681


But should I read the VN even if a start watching the anime when it starts airing in a few days?

>> No.9818686

The VN will be better than the anime, as is always the case, not to mention the anime will not cover everything in the VN.

>> No.9818694

You really should get further than the anime will in one episode in that time, and after that you'll have a whole week before the next episode, so I don't think there'll be any problems.
I personally wouldn't really recommend little busters because for me it was easily the weakest key title for me, I'd recommend one of the earlier titles instead. Even reading clannad will still be good after having seen the anime.

>> No.9818698

>weakest key title for me
Main point being >for me
Many people loved it, so I think he should just try it out for himself. Most of Clannad's emotional impact will be gone if you know what happens in it.

>> No.9818710

Well, no shit, that's the reason I added that part.
Having a different opinion doesn't mean I can't recommend something else instead, though, I think. And at least clannad actually had any sort of emotional impact.

>> No.9818720

No, I didn't.

>> No.9818717

>And at least clannad actually had any sort of emotional impact.
You forgot the 'for me' this time.

>> No.9818721

So you seriously think that LB had no emotional impact?

>> No.9818740

Little Busters is a very mediocre game that has a total of three parts that are worth reading - Common route, Refrain and Saya's route.

The rest is garbage and makes it impossible for me to ever recommend it to anyone with decent taste.

>> No.9818751

I wouldn't say it was the weakest title, rather it was 'different'. How could you not feel anything for the 'bros'?

Though I'll agree that it was not as depressing because (MILD SPOILERS) there was no drawn-out afterstory arc

>> No.9818749

So what Key release would you recommend?

>> No.9818753

Well, I'm usually a pussy and pretty weak to emotional scenes, but LB didn't do anything for me.
This has probably all sorts of reasons behind it like the fact that I couldn't seem to like at least half of the characters and even less of the character routes, or that the soundtrack really didn't move me at all. The highest feeling refrain brought me was "ah, I'm, finally done with this".
I mostly liked earlier key games so I really can't say what it is about this game that rubbed me wrong.

>> No.9818794

Probably Planetarian.
I think Clannad's good too, mainly because the first run of After Story is still one of the best experiences I've had in this medium, but it suffers from a lot of the same problems as LB.

>> No.9818807

I thought Planetarian was pretty weak personally, same for LB.
The only Key titles I'd recommend are Clannad and Rewrite

>> No.9818812

Again, same as LB, good common route, crappy heroine routes, and good finishing routes.

>> No.9818824

Well, planetarian is really short which makes it worth reading either way.
I still clearly remember reading it years ago, thinking about how boring it is, I think I even skipped parts of the scenes were she talks about the stars.
And then came the end and I was in tears before I even knew what hit me. A weird experience.

>> No.9818828

Is Planetarian worth a read even if you know of death of heroine?

>> No.9818827

Not the same.
In Rewrite, the common route, Akane, Lucia, Moon and Terra are good with Akane and Terra being really excellent.
There are 3 bad routes, Kotori, Chihaya and Shizuru and Kotori's route is really short, at least half of the game or more is good.

Nothing in LB come even close to the level of Terra or Akane's route anyways.

>> No.9818830

It was probably just the music, the writing was pretty dull.
Key just know how to manipulate emotions using everything else.

>> No.9818837

Need some help, guys. How hard is Grisaia to read relative to the likes of Baldr Sky, Little Busters and Rewrite?

>> No.9818880

Possibly, I really don't remember much. I also read the english translation back then.
Maybe I'll read the original one day since it's so short, but my backlog is already huge enough and there's always those new releases..

Hard to say. I think it's harder than little busters at parts. If you look at the tlwiki link earler this thread you'll see that it's on the upper part concerning unique kanji count.
As far as I remember the difficult parts where mostly when they talked about weapons, military stuff or politics, the rest was easy enough.

>> No.9818919

You probably would have some troubles when Yuuji starts to do his monologue, which is just about every time since he uses a lot of uncommon words to describe stuffs, due to specific reason.

I'm almost done with Noble Works (only Maya and Akari left.) I think I will finally get start with Eustia after this one.

>> No.9818972

What's a good moege since everybody says they're all shit?

>> No.9818976

Kamikaze Explorer

>> No.9818977


>> No.9818982

Mashiro iro symphony

>> No.9818983

Is Parfait even considered a moege?

>> No.9818986

What's the definition of "moege" anyway? Does Hoshimemo/Irotoridori no Sekai count?

>> No.9818997

I think it's mostly a game which does not generally focus on a larger storyline but rather the relationships of the characters.

>> No.9819003

That's a charage.

>> No.9819006

So what's a moege, then?

>> No.9819005

A cute charage without drama then.

>> No.9819017

Uguu diabetes

>> No.9819018

A game that focuses largely in how moe its characters are and that's its selling point.

>> No.9819021

Loverable would be a moege I suppose.

Sometimes charage/moege overlap each other though.

>> No.9819024

Is Nanatsuiro Drops a moege? It has a plot, but it definitely has the diabetes part down, too. I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.9819029
File: 280 KB, 668x1100, 1861175-fuuka_himekawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>9818976

>> No.9819034

Is there no proper nodvd crack for Root Double yet? I don't want to keep the image mounted at all times.

>> No.9819088


>> No.9819099

how to play Muramasa? I try to play but I get error???

>> No.9819135 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 1279x691, root double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Fueko, I didn't know you where in Root double too!

>> No.9819289

Still no NTR Gakuen on torrents. ;_;

>> No.9819306
File: 166 KB, 1277x721, 0856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that people harboring ill will against telepathy users is a perfectly valid response.

>> No.9819598 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 800x600, ing_novelcut08jjuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the inganock webnovels, a good thing they actually added value to the story, in contrast to the two small stories they made for celenaria. Especially the last one was quite beautiful and touching. Damn, I'm a sucker for stuff like that.
I guess the guy who helped Ati is the guy with an eye patch I always see on sharnoth screenshots?

>> No.9819608

Yes, that's right.
Download and read the Steampunk fandisk too if you haven't yet.

>> No.9819788

>that has a total of three parts that are worth reading - Common route, Refrain and Saya's route.
Those are pretty significant routes, which comprise probably half the game or more, and which are better than anything in just about any other Key game. The character routes too, are alright if you like the heroines, there is nothing particularly wrong with most of them. Every Key game has its share of bad character routes.

>Again, same as LB, good common route, crappy heroine routes, and good finishing routes.
The common route and finishing route was good. In comparison to the crappy character routes. In comparison to the common routes in just about every other Key title, and Refrain/After Story, they were pretty mediocre.

>> No.9819876

Why do VN characters look so ugly?

>> No.9819894

Why does you're mother look so ugly?

>> No.9819932 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 1280x720, capture_007_03102012_191411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Root C was short as hell, but managed to explain a lot of A's mysteries. A bit less twisty than expected. I had already figured out many things by replacing every instance of word "nuclear" with "BC" after finishing B.

I guess the last route is going to be long as fuck. Got to RAM system but progress bar only shows 54%. I'm hoping the game won't fall into I/O's padding pitfall.

>> No.9820072

I thought I/O had an enjoyable pacing save for E' and maybe another ' route.

>> No.9820093

Why does Sakura abuse 4watch?

>> No.9820200

I agree. I/O would probably be my favourite Nakazawa VN if it just ended with route E. Quality dropped right after that; the main mystery was solved yet the story continued, Hinata lost all his character development and then there was the horribly out of place ending.

A' B' and E' totally broke my suspension of dibelief with all the world domination aspiring corporations, "real life" resurrection, Instrumentality attempting supercomputers and memes. They should have just condensed C' and D' into a short epilogue or optional extra chapter (as they explained some remaining questions regarding He and Ereshkigal) and scrapped the rest.

>> No.9820474

Free Memories Off Duet download.


Also, any idea how long Root Double is? Seems to be around 20-50 hours; does that seem accurate?

>> No.9820488

Never been interested, but it's free so downloading, thanks.

>> No.9820569
File: 222 KB, 1024x574, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How hard is Grisaia to read relative to the likes of Baldr Sky, Little Busters and Rewrite?

The thing about Grisaia is that Yuuji's field of knowledge is huge, meaning that the game covers a broad range of topics, including things such as the inner workings of engines, famous strongholds of the Vietnam War, and how bombs are constructed. There are also many geographical and World War II references.

Uncommon things are discussed, so I can imagine some people getting lost in places.

>> No.9820615

No, Root Double's more like... 60-80 hours, I'd say? The final route alone is almost half the game.

>> No.9820808

I haven't upvoted or downvoted a single post in weeks. Stop being so weird.

>> No.9821064
File: 98 KB, 806x625, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm starting to see why this never really took off. The main herione is just a bitch.

>> No.9821092

Not sure if I remember her being a bitch, but I remember the VN being very boring.

>> No.9821579

Is it me or her sprite looks wacky? It seems the event CGs differ so much from the actual sprites.

>> No.9821622

That sprite looks incredibly ugly to me.

>> No.9822080

No no, she's a loving "tsundere", you totally got that wrong you know.
But well, a single shitty heroine is usually not enough to ruin a game.
I remember some routes to be decent, but I can also remember at least 3 of them being really shitty. (wait, there were only 5 routes, right?)
The biggest problem in my eyes was how a lot of the supporting characters were much better and more fun than some of the main heroines

>> No.9822260

I like how it gives you the option to choose a country, but still requires a Japanese address.

>> No.9822434

I just copy pasted the examples they gave.

>> No.9822476

bump limit

New thread:

>> No.9822543 [DELETED] 

"Dishonest" on Saki's route (or just right before the point where you're locked into one specific route, heavily favoring Saki).

First set of choices:
>"... All right."
>"You should take it with your own hands."

Second set of choices:
>"Wait a minute!"
>Silently see off Haruka.

There are four different combinations in total, and it gives me 99%.

Of course, that's not the only part I'm stuck at. There are plenty of other scenes that I haven't 100%ed yet.

On the bright side, at least it should be easier than Yuka's tennis scene. If you remember the faggot who created a chart of every single possible combination (and I do mean EVERY possible combination for that tennis scene alone) from a few threads back, that was me.

>> No.9823593
File: 731 KB, 800x600, miyako2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But well, a single shitty heroine is usually not enough to ruin a game.
