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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 164x244, fuwanovel-bannerskyscrapper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9740071 No.9740071 [Reply] [Original]


And you nerds thought it wouldn't get anywhere.

>> No.9740080
File: 388 KB, 1280x1024, Keep up Motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it actually looks pretty good. I'll bookmark it for now.

>> No.9740085

Good for them.

>> No.9740099

fuwa fuwa~

>> No.9740094
File: 966 KB, 381x216, 1336678887565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making my day by posting that picture

>> No.9740100

Oh, hey I didn't know they were going to have torrents. That's pretty nice actually.

>> No.9740104

>[Fuwanovel] Sono Hana 1 - A Kiss for the Petals.exe
>John Perry Barlow (founder of eff.org) addresses a hostile panel of CEOs & officials who want to control the internet.mp4
>You must not be ashamed of piracy.pdf

Great torrent, Aaeru.

>> No.9740107 [DELETED] 

What a nutso

>> No.9740110

We already have erogedownload, why do we need this place?

>> No.9740123

Looks like the selection her might be a bit better.

ErogeDownload doesn't have Hatoful Boyfriend, which makes it infinitely shittier.

>> No.9740124

Never hurts to have a few organised mirrors.

I think Aaeru bought a fast seedbox, so now's a good time to leech before this whole project inevitably falls flat on its face.

>> No.9740126

Because erogedownload doesn't host torrents.

>> No.9740133


Great Wiki.

>> No.9740135

Is Aaeru secretly Richard Stallman-sama or something?

>> No.9740139
File: 5 KB, 115x26, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did she steal this button again?

>> No.9740151


>> No.9740146

Shots fired.

>> No.9740168


Check your privilege, IP scum.

>> No.9740176

Someone should dick her to silence.

>> No.9740184

He's plugging a SomethingAwful LP of Steins;Gate in the blog. Your thoughts, /jp/?

>> No.9740189


somethingawful invented let's plays, though i thought they were demonizing anime since it caused a community schism

>> No.9740190

Clicking Random Page on the wiki will bring you to some Anti-copyright spiel every single time. Meanwhile, FAQ on the front page does nothing.

>> No.9740196

Let's raid those fuckers.

But honestly, I don't care. SA "invented" LPs, and some of them are entertaining. This obviously won't be, because LPing a visual novel is retarded, but then again so is this whole project.

>> No.9740206

> He


>> No.9740219

Oh whoops.

In that case, you guys better not be mean to her.

>> No.9740222

Wiki only has four pages, see >>9740133


>> No.9740228
File: 624 KB, 748x1294, white_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.9740233



>> No.9740239
File: 29 KB, 480x360, shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when my torrents are made 36 MB larger by a video I don't care about.

People don't show up as seeds unless they download the whole thing, right? Because I doubt many people will download this video a dozen or more times.

>> No.9740247

Someone copy the site--including its layout, assets, and files--stick a few ads on it, and make a more successful clone. Remove all the copyright nonsense. I want to watch Aaeru squirm.

>> No.9740248

I don't want anti-copyright propaganda every time I try to pirate something. That's just as bad as anti-piracy propaganda. I am entirely sure most people pirating things aren't doing it to "fight the power", but because it's free.

>> No.9740250

People show up as seeds when they stop downloading. So if they only downloaded the video and not the game they would show up as seeds.

>> No.9740260


>> No.9740261

I want to give Aaeru the dick

>> No.9740262

That's what I thought, but think of huge torrent "mega packs". A lot of people download only one or two albums then seed those, but the overall seed count is usually low.

>> No.9740283

Now that Fuwanovel is up and running I can finally set my plans to take over and destroy the English visual novel community in motion...


>> No.9740290

Go away Moogy. Your plan to destroy the community from within will fail, for we are united.

>> No.9740300

>destroy the English visual novel community
You can't destroy something that doesn't exist.

>> No.9740297
File: 77 KB, 800x800, 1340791520615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even trying to hate but thats a pretty bad selection

>> No.9740308

If you have the whole torrent, you're a seed. If you don't, you're a peer. Some private trackers that commonly host stupidly large batch torrents distinguish peers that aren't downloading from peers that are downloading.

>> No.9740314

It exists through Fuwanovel -- Bringing visual novels to the West.

♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share.

>> No.9740360

Why is Aaeru citing sources about US laws in her copyright essays if she lives in Australia?

>> No.9741219

>“I hereby place my entire website ‘Visual Novel Aer’ into the public domain.”

Haha, how cute. Doesn't Aeru know you that it's practically impossible, legally, to release a work into the public domain like that?

>> No.9742018


She is? Didn't I hear somewhere that Cudder was Australian as well?

>> No.9742049

So it's back up?
For how long was it down, and why?

>> No.9742620

it was ddos'd then the domain got suspended for some reason

>> No.9742623

Depends where you live. It's really dumb though, because it's worthless in a lot of jurisdictions. This is why things like CC0 exist.

>> No.9742635

Holy shit. What the fucking hell Aeeru?

>> No.9742657

thanks for reminding me to filter you, /sp/artan assbrain.

>> No.9742833

This site is a good idea and it totally will introduce many wonderful people to the VN community.

>> No.9742854

>it totally will introduce many wonderful people to the VN community.

You mean introduce them to free sharing in a free culture environment, because intellectual property is DEVIL SPAWN and you were EDUCATED STUPID and EVIL.

>> No.9742879
File: 83 KB, 325x322, 1347729762084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwanovel/aaeru should be banned terms on /jp/. Nothing good has come out of discussing it and the entire thread goes into shitposting mode. And rightfully at that.

Everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed already. There is no reason for fuwanovel's existence other than to stroke aaeru's ego. She uses the same premises as the early anime fan subbers:

*fan subs are only made because there is no way to acquire the anime legally in English

Once anime IS acquired by a North American licensing company, the fan subbers and/or their followers will say some stupid shit like:

*well I'm going to keep fan subbing until CR gets SUPERIOR subs

Once CR does become decent, to the point that 99% of sub groups just edit CR scripts:

*copyright's evil, I will never support licensing companies, I will support the CREATORS (but I won't buy the BDs/actual VNs because they're "inaccessible" and it's their fault for not making them gaijin friendly)

You see how it all comes back into a circle? Fan subbers and fuwanovel and the like ARE NOTHING BUT PIRACY HUBS MASQUERADING AS SOMETHING BIGGER OR MORE NOBLE THAN WHAT THEY ACTUALLY ARE.

I removed sage from this post so this thread can be bumped to page 0 for everyone who still page browses to see.

>> No.9742886

It's board-related, it's funny, and there was a recent development. I think most people will agree with your points though. But, at the very least, this could be a good mirror for a while.

>> No.9742895


One thing I liked about fuwanovel was the web design.

>> No.9742905

It's down. What are the torrents like though? Almost everything seems to be preinstalled, was there anything ripped?

>> No.9742912

Jokes on you I purchase my BDs through amiami and save my subs on my HDDs. I dislike the idea of an 'industry' or economic activity that is occurring that really needn't exist. Check. Your move.

>> No.9742918

>It's down.

Torrents are fast. I think Aaeru is renting a seedbox for the first month or something.
All the files are basically original game + translation patch, then packaged up with Clickteam Install Creator or Inno Setup or something equally dumb and pointless. I suppose it's a nice idea though, handling them all consistently like that.
There's no original stuff that I'm aware of.

>> No.9742935

Call me when somebody finally made VNs in free as in freedom license or no license at all

>> No.9742938


>Jokes on you I purchase my BDs through amiami and save my subs on my HDDs

Are you saying that you go through the effort of asking subgroups to release .ass files by themselves, rip your BDs, encode them, and them save them on your HDD? Because you can't just watch BDs with "subs on [your] HDDs" without doing some extraneous work that would defeat the point of buying media.

>> No.9742943



>> No.9742944


>> No.9742950

>no license at all

So default copyright that prohibits redistribution and derivative works without the author's consent?

>> No.9742955

Maybe he only downloads the part of the container that has the subtitles? I'm fairly certain they're in the first part of the stream, at least for MKV files.

>> No.9742963

Because she is fucking retarded.
Fucking Sydney cunt.

>> No.9742970

Oh my she lives near me. Isn't she corean or something?

>> No.9742977

Would explain a lot. Copying shit is the Corean pastime.

>> No.9742998

If the "point of buying the media" is to support the industry I don't see where's the problem.
There are people that buy music, games and videos AFTER they had already downloaded them through file sharing.

And why the fuck no? Do you usually pay in advance when you go to a restaurant?

Just because you have already eaten it doesn't mean there's no longer a point in paying.

>> No.9743009


I suppose you're right. I can watch everything raw, so I just delete the anime I downloaded once my BDs get in.

It didn't occur to me that anybody on /jp/ would actually buy BDs to "support the industry."

>> No.9743011

<丶`∀´> japanese copy superior korean manh
wa nida

>> No.9743034

>not endorsing piracy
give me back my old 4 chan

>> No.9743041

Make your mind.

Fucking FOSSfags. Have your shitty free content or get good content by obeying the law like everyone else. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.9743040

We grew up from kiddos barely old enough to browse 4chan into sensible human beings.

>> No.9743047

If it wasn't for Aeru nobody here would say a thing against piracy. Her propaganda makes you want to say "fuck piracy".

>> No.9743048

If /jp/ buys something it is more often than not because they are collectors and loves to collect the franchises that they love.

>> No.9743050

Why won't she spread her legs for us ;;

>> No.9743056

She's probably ugly as fuck.
She wouldn't be such a bitch if she was dicked regularly.

>> No.9743070

The only reason why this gets any attention at all is because she's a GIRL.

>If it wasn't for Aeru nobody here would say a thing against piracy.

hear fucking hear

>> No.9743096

It's not that piracy is wrong, it's that Aaeru is using the communities of a very niche and weak market as her platform for spouting pro-piracy propaganda which she is all in your face about.

Even if she is right, things would be fine if she just seperated her political views from the supposed "VN community" that she has attempted to build. Being all in your face about is as Aaeru really doesn't do the market, and in turn, neither the community any good as it is a symbiotic relationship and the Japanese developers gets all pissy about it all when pro-piracy topics pops up.

Such topics can be discussed at lengths in regards to mainstream gaming, music and movies. It is unnecessary for a niche community such as the VN community to be at the vanguard of the pro-piracy debate when there are stronger and more durable platforms to hold that debate from.

>> No.9743245

>very niche and weak market as her platform for spouting pro-piracy propaganda which she is all in your face about.
I guess the worse your message is the smaller niche you have to burst into? Hopefully if we just ignore her then she'll be banished into MLP or something.

>> No.9743249

We waifu now?

>> No.9743407

[pink]Favourite bishoujo[/pink]

>> No.9744230

Why doesn't this site offer DDLs or something. We already have a good collection of torrents

There is a good chance most of these torrents won't stay seeded.

I'd rather go to Erogedownload

>> No.9744665


pro-establishment shill detected

>> No.9744686


She has no understanding of business.

Ideas don't just come out of nowhere. Many ideas require large investments of money, time and energy to reach fruition. This is what a copyright is, a safeguard for your investment. The issue with copyright infringement is that if someone copied the idea that you made an effort to create, you're screwed. They will make their copies while you bear the costs.

>> No.9744697


Except it does.

>> No.9744723

I was anti-piracy until Aaeru changed my mind.
I am the 99%.

>> No.9744757
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Hyouka_-_21_[54C11F60].mkv_snapshot_11.50_[2012.09.17_15.08.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflex, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place.

I know you will be mad because I am quoting wikipedia.

>> No.9744758


The purpose of copyright section she wrote is so laughable.

>...to viewing copyright as a significant asset to this country's economy.

It's beyond valuable and I don't see how she doesn't realize this. Developed nations have higher standards of living. As such, their laborers are often more capable and compensated at a higher rate.

During a drawn out recession where expectations of future sales are piss poor, copyright means life or death for businesses. Suppose a foreign competitor is able to sell a similar quality phone at a significantly lower price. If the competitor's qualities come as a result of infringement, they get all the benefits of R&D without the costs of it. This probably was the argument used in the Apple v Samsung case, albeit it was bullshit because Apple didn't spend money developing rounded rectangles.

I completely understand the frustrations of copyright as I too support piracy, but these practices are not the result of the laws themselves.

>> No.9744783


If there's anything worth being mad about, its you assuming I would be mad for giving source.

I'm actually quite happy, most people hide it like some badge of shame.

That process may be true for some ideas, but not for physical goods. Computers didn't just appear spontaneously. Someone had to make the engineering and coding work and manufacture the parts and put it all together.

If there's anything I'm scared about, it's a shift towards the idea that copyright should not work as investor protection. People apply the vague definition of an 'idea' to a spur of the moment thought and a complex program. There is clearly a massive fiscal difference between a working program and the idea behind the program.

>> No.9744798

What does /jp/ think of Moogy's true face?


>> No.9744815

>Moogy's true face

He's hardly hiding it.

>> No.9744818


I meant it figuratively. I find it highly amusing that he IP banned her from TLwiki.

I'd probably do the same thing though.

>> No.9744831

I didn't know so much SonoHana had been translated, yay.

>> No.9744847

>I meant it figuratively

I know. Everyone knows Moogy is a dick. He's actually pretty proud of it.

>> No.9744886

Wow, Aaeru is a pretty arrogant bitch. Her English is awful too.

>> No.9744908

>Her English is awful too.

She is from Australia. She is excused.

>> No.9745178


What is Australia?

>> No.9745200

To be fair, Moogy is a huge faggot as well. They deserve each other.

>> No.9746875 [DELETED] 


>> No.9746881

Australia is a part of England tho.

>> No.9746960

Consider Aaeru is like RMS.

We need extremists to set the range for everyone else, despite not agreeing with them 100%.

>> No.9746966


Not for everything it has though.

>> No.9746969

not really
rms doesnt endorse piracy just hates proprietary shit

>> No.9746981

Just what this thread needed...

>> No.9747011
File: 100 KB, 988x355, contradiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9747032

I'm saying they both have their purpose in the community as the extremists to compare against.

>> No.9747064

Is that your purpose in the communities you plague? To serve as an extreme form of stupidity to compare against?

>> No.9747138

"One always speaks badly when we have nothing to say"

>> No.9747183

"One always quotes Voltaire when he has no comeback."

>> No.9747243
File: 86 KB, 571x598, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Aaeru is a false flag operation hosted by the US Government?

>> No.9747850

Are those things bundled in each torrent?
Oh my, it just doesn't end.

>> No.9747918
File: 84 KB, 550x413, cubeupload-molrfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwanovel the site was done ages ago. all this time ive either been too ill to launch it, or i was researching copyright. I spent 4 months non-stop researching copyright. The physical platform is nothing.

>I spent 4 months non-stop researching copyright.
She... she's just trolling right? Right guys?

They are.

>> No.9748044

>of piracy
Haha oh wow. If she supports the idea she shouldn't call file-sharing piracy.

>> No.9748115

I want Aeruu on my dick.

>> No.9748157

When did she move to the high seas?

>> No.9748244
File: 7 KB, 170x170, 1329502357989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if hes pure

>> No.9748254

What bothers me is that she made her mind up _before_ she did the research. It's dumb and completely nonempirical. What if she discovered she was wrong? It's not that I disagree with her all that much, it's just that she decided she was right about everything way before she went on a long Wikipedia/reblogging binge, cherry-picking the bits that support her argument. It's the same sort of bullshit that leads /r9k/ers to get dumped, decide all women are whores, then find bits of research that support their views while ignoring everything that doesn't. She's seeing all this through a filter, and that's why she has this idea of copyright being some inherently bad thing, even though it was created (and still exists) for a very solid, useful reason, despite a few bullies extending or abusing it.

>> No.9748507



>> No.9748775

The problem with Aaeru is that Aaeru doesn't have the decency to simply provide a decent file-sharing hub or to simply blog about copy-right and licences without having it be anything else.

Instead Aaeru wants to use the VN/Galge/Otoge communities to revolutionize the market.
No matter how much it annoys the developers and the publishers, it's Aaeru's way or the high-way.

And Aaeru taunts this in everyone's faces, and have even voiced interest in contacting developers and publishers directly, in a manner that would by them practically be interpreted as akin to extortion.
And it seems as seen in >>9747243 that Aaeru even goes as far as including such stuff with each and every torrent provided on the site.

Now. A file-sharing hub is merely a file-sharing hub. It's nowhere near as pretentious.
A blog blogging about copy-right and licences is practically an ordinary political blog.
But Aaeru? Ignoring the impact Fuwanovel's publicity may or may not have, Aaeru's idea is to flaunt these political views right to the face of the industry, and have the industry get pissed off at the communities as if that would ever amount to anything good.

It's not the first time the industries have heard interests speaking for file-sharing and most of them, especially in Japan, were annoyed by it all. Aaeru's vision might be to flaunt these political views down their throats and that they would magically change their minds, but sadly Aaeru's blogging is almost certainly not going to revolutionize the industry nor their view on copyright and if anything it might even piss off some individuals of some developers or publishers if even that.

>> No.9748781

The industry outside of Japan is barely even self-sustainable. It's not like in the case of console/PC gaming, music or theatrical movies. It's almost so that you could question why Aaeru is even involved with the VN/Galge/Otoge communities, cause those communities certainly seems to be secondary in regards to Aaeru's work.
But oh well. Fuwanovel's web-design is stylish and cute. Too bad anything related to Aaeru spawns a bunch of shit discussion not related to VNs etc due to the above among other things.

>> No.9749121

You will be a vehicle for her schemes and you will like it.

It's like the GPL. You just want to toy with some software, but you're also signing up for a freedom-fighting movement whether you want to or not.

>> No.9749199

If she were to distribute JAST-licensed games, would Peter Payne sue her for the old times' sake?

>> No.9749221

I hope she gets sued, has everything seized, found in contempt for her bullshit antics, sentenced to 6 months in prison, gets raped, and has to live on the streets with no assets and a criminal record when she is released.

Why hasn't this happened yet?

>> No.9749223

I wonder if she'll put up the JAST licensed games that TinFoil or whoever announced on /jp/ about three years ago. Saya no Uta and so on. Have JAST still not released those?

>> No.9749282

I want to see her dragged out of her home while desperately yelling "Check your copyright privilege!" to authorities in question.

>> No.9749312

Well sure but those guys are using the license because they believe in it. This bitch is hosting VNs because it's a low enough stakes environment where she can have her soap box and not be knocked off it.

Imagine someone who made a VN site and then if you click on a VN that had something like rape in it you got some anti-abuse PSA instead? It's disrespectful to the people who actually want to translate and host VNs just so people can play them ... I guess so is doing it so people pay attention to you and feed your ego.

>> No.9749751

Aeru is cudder

>> No.9749860
File: 22 KB, 298x387, wahtatwist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9750083

“Waaah! Some big companies abuse copyright, therefore copyright itself is evil! Fuck small companies wanting to protect the rights to their work!”
—Aaeru, professional fujoshi and Alex Jones fan

>> No.9750100

It's amusingly coincidental, because you stole that post from me.

>> No.9750116
File: 40 KB, 212x232, 1320357755732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people like this feel the need to try and justify piracy and get on some moral high horse?

There's nothing to be ashamed of about stealing. Why can't she just take pride in knowing that she saved thousands of dollars by stealing products instead of being a sucker and buying them?

>> No.9750125


Same reason women have to have their face in the photo when taking a picture of something.

>> No.9750140

She is being proud of stealing. That's largely the point. The other point is that because she's being proud of it, this will somehow make more of the things she wants available to her. Because the best way to get a store to sell more things is to steal from them then brag about it to their faces.

>> No.9750235

Because the only way you hurt the sales of a company is if you would have bought the product, if you didn't pirate it.

And how likely do you think it is for someone without a job to buy random shit from japan without trying the product first. While not being able to understand the language.

>> No.9750459

>and get on some moral high horse?
I never really feel like I am.
However, I am an autistic fuck so I get annoyed when people call file sharing or copying in general, stealing. It's not.
In front of a jury it does not get judged as theft.

>> No.9750470


Because we think we're not doing any harm if we're just one person taking something. It's like not voting because you think your one little vote doesn't mean anything.

We never see the big picture, only ourselves.

>> No.9750523


> It's not.

It's more fun to think of myself as a thief than as a "copyright infringer" though.


>We never see the big picture, only ourselves.

Why should you need to think about the big picture? Thinking about the big picture ends with 60 dollars coming out of your pocket when you could have just said, "fuck it, I don't care" and downloaded the same product.

>> No.9750543

I don't like how you use the word 'we'.

>> No.9750973

I was the one who invented that post.

>> No.9751284

fcuk copyrihgts aaeru 4 LYFE

>> No.9751348

>The problem with Aaeru is that Aaeru doesn't have the decency to simply provide a decent file-sharing hub or to simply blog about copy-right and licences without having it be anything else.
Plenty of others do that already.

If Aaeru is RMS, I'm more like Theo.

>> No.9751416

You're more like the shitstain on /jp/'s boot.

>> No.9751904

>Plenty of others do that already.
That really speaks more for the redundancy of Aaeru's work than anything else.
Just because others do file-sharing hubs and copy-right/licensing bogging separately doesn't mean that Aaeru's mess of a "community" aka political platform, is a good idea for the actual community or industry.

Heck, I am pro-file-sharing myself, but communities never gain anything about being in your face about any of it. Though, Aaeru may or may not be insignificant enough for it to never matter anyway. But the attitude of it all is a bit unsettling.

>> No.9751947

But nobody's done it with visual novels before!!!1

Because if there's one thing that's going to revolutionise copyright, it's pissing off a bunch of Japs by taking their games without paying.

>> No.9758886

>@moogy0 and I will be recording a pilot VNTLS podcast!

So this got delayed huh?

>> No.9758891

I can't imagine anyone caring about that.

>> No.9759367

The sites design is pretty nice at least.
