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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 434 KB, 800x533, 1347569873263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9720517 No.9720517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are asians such bullies?

They put on that whole polite act, especially in Japan, but the rates of bullying and suicides from bullying is higher in Asian nations than any of the other nations in the world.

>> No.9720530

Japan isn't technically in Asia.

>> No.9720531
File: 52 KB, 500x377, suicide_club Roof scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide in Japan is wide spread on a massive scale.
My picture obviously isn't real, but the movie was an allegory or symbolic film approach to Japanese suicide.

>> No.9720536

As you can see by their disgusting dark skin, those are subhuman southern Asians. Eastern Asians are the master race(Japan, China, Korea).

>> No.9720533

It's more like the police are lazy and attribute anything that can't be solved within a few minutes to suicide.

>> No.9720534

Don't bully Japan's geography.

>> No.9720542

Why are some catholic school girls sluttier than atheist girls?

Repression. When you try to repress a natural human trait then when the mind finally resists they will display the trait in an outburst that is taken to an extreme.

>> No.9720538

Take your racism back to /b/, you bully.

>> No.9720540

they live in a very competitive surrounding , they grow up twisted

>> No.9720541

Do you know how dark Chinese can get?

Japan's the only white group out of those 3.

>> No.9720548

Correct, this photo is actually from Indonesia.

It's called "Anak sd jaman sekarang"

>> No.9720550
File: 222 KB, 440x922, readign scores by race usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but the facts disagree with you.

>> No.9720558

Study very hard and get great grades or we will all be ashamed of you.
Get into a good highschool or we will all be ashamed of you.
Get into a good university and graduate at the top of your class or we will all be ashamed of you.
Get a good career or we will all be ashamed of you.
Get a good wife and raise a family or we will all be ashamed of you.
Make your children as successful as I made you or we will all be ashamed of you.

Many Japanese people live their entire lives being pushed around constantly by their family. They lash out in peculiar ways, some of these ways are bullying students or beating up homeless people. It's a way for them to feel like they're in control when they live their lives being completely manipulated by their families.

>> No.9720560

lol look at those stupid niggers, cant even read right.

>> No.9720561

It's now clear to me that the problem with American schools is not a lack of funding, but rather an influx of shitskins.

>> No.9720563

How do this chart contain facts relating to who's white, and who's not. These are reading scores by race. Look at how brainwashed people are in America, and how messed up things are because people left Americans to be the judge of who's white. Americans think Serbs, and Jews are white.

>> No.9720567

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the light-skinned Asians and whites are the most intelligent.

Keep drinking that liberal kool-aid, champ.

>> No.9720566

What the fuck? Finland!?

>> No.9720573

Just ignore the stormfront fags or this thread will turn into some silly race shit and get deleted.

>> No.9720570

now you get it
join the nationalist party and acknowledge the gaping flaws in libertarianism
>Jews are white.

>> No.9720576

Those are southern chinese

>> No.9720574

It's proof that shitposting is the pinnacle of human intelligence.

>> No.9720581

I wonder if they try to bully western gaijin?

Seems to me like it would be like children trying to bully; a laughably pathetic attempt that imparts no actual disdain onto the recipient.

I can't really imagine feeling threatened by Asians - maybe a Triad gang with cleavers, but the choppiness of the implement is doing the threatening, there.

>> No.9720579
File: 73 KB, 640x646, welcome diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkie detected. Go back to where you belong.

>> No.9720580

More importantly. Why is Finland white?

>> No.9720583

Better than the typical western retards with no standards at all.

>> No.9720585

Finns are asians

so yeah

>> No.9720591

An analysis of genetic admixture between Uralic and European ancestors shows that Lapps/Sami are slightly more than 50% European, Hungarians are 87% European, and Finns are 90% European. There is basic agreement between these conclusions and historical data on Hungary.

>> No.9720603
File: 18 KB, 300x419, japanesse-smoking-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people bully because they have a lot of pent up rage from feeling so stressed and never being able to relax.

You can tell a lot about the people of a country by the drugs that they use. The most abused drugs in Japan are alcohol, tobacco, and benzodiazepines. So many people in Japan smoke constantly and their rate of benzo usage is off the charts.

The common feature of these three drugs is that they are the drugs which you make you stop caring. Take the benzos so that you can stop caring but you will still be functional and able to work, smoke during breaks to further reduce stress, binge on alcohol after work to forget about your worries and try to feel happy.

Japan's most commonly used illegal drugs are stimulants as well. Not marijuana, not opiates, even with the extremely strict punishments for illegal drug use they will risk it all just for the one drug that will make them perform more efficiently.

Illegal drug use in the west is more based around entertainment. Opiates to nod off into bliss, marijuana to have fun and stop feeling bored, MDMA to enhance the partying experience, etc. You can see that these drugs show traits of a society that is more bored than stressed, while in Japan you can see that their drug use is directly related to trying to stop the constant stress and they have no time for boredom.

>> No.9720613

>Why are asians such bullies?
>They put on that whole polite act

Not a coincidence they have such high Bullying rates. Pecking order is very important in Asian societies, and the "polite act" arises from that.

>> No.9720623

cool story mongol

now go back to northern china/siberia where you actually belong

>> No.9720620

You're essay has emotion to it, but it is lacking any fundamental proof that what you are saying is true. There are not any citation or quotes in it. Also, you should not use any second person pronouns in an essay because it makes you like less credible.

>> No.9720648
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>> No.9720651


To add to this, gaijins are generally at or near the top of the order, so Westerners see them as very deferential. If you're of a less-respected category (for instance, Arabs tend to land pretty low on their rankings), you may have a different experience.

>> No.9720657

finland a brilliant

>> No.9720666

>Arabs tend to land pretty low on their rankings

How bad, exactly? Would I be treated like filthy scum?

>> No.9720667

How can they be European? As they certainly don't come anywhere near from middle Europe.

>> No.9720668
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>> No.9720672
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wheres ameriga

>> No.9720679

40th place

>> No.9720681

Praisin' the Lord

>> No.9720688

It has to do with the fanatical obsession that they have with reputation and social status.

The girl in the photo is bullying the elderly woman because she is allowed to. The elderly woman is a beggar and this makes the young girl in a higher social position than her. The young girl might also bully any of the stupid children in her class or someone younger than her.

The CEO will bully his subordinate, the subordinate will bully whoever is below him, and this will go down the line until you get to whatever group occupies the lowest position in the company. The men in this group will then go home and bully their family and the daughter of one of these men is the girl bullying that elderly woman in the photo. This kind of bullying only stops when it gets to the point that you are bullying people that are so low on the social totem pole that there's no one below them that they can bully.

>> No.9720702
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What would happen to the human species if everybody stopped bullying and became happy cute little girls?

>> No.9720715

We would have to learn how to clone in order to sustain or species, unless we're all immortal.

>> No.9720722

seems like an impossible dream. The strong have always dominated the weak. This is way it has been and will always be so. This is our world.

>> No.9720724

We'd be too busy having tea parties, baking cupcakes and cookies and making and wearing cute dresses to ever get to do that.

What a cute way to end humanity.

>> No.9720726


>> No.9720736

>The strong have always dominated the weak. This is way it has been and will always be so.
Fuck you, I won't dominate anybody.

>> No.9720749

No need, a species that is all cute little girls will have lifespans similar to the immortal jellyfish. After they reach sexual maturity they can reverse in age.

>> No.9720745

I'm a strong, white nerd who don't need no bullying.

>> No.9720750

The nicest people in the world usually seem to be the meanest at first glance.

This is a rule that holds true in almost every social situation. If someone is polite when you first meet them then they will become mean as you get to know them and they start to feel comfortable around you. If someone is rude when you first meet them then they become increasingly nicer as you get to know them. It's all just inhibitions. Politeness is how you hide the cruel and sadistic parts of your personality that you don't want people to see. If someone is rude right from the start then chances are that he's actually a pretty good person. He's obnoxious and makes no attempt to hide it. With polite people you have no idea what's lurking inside their sinister and quiet mind.

First impressions are almost always the opposite of what you really get.

>> No.9720752

Because they only act polite due to social pressures instead of genuine care for their neighbor. This is why we should create our own colony that is built on the mutual interests of keeping everyone else happy.

>> No.9720763

This is accurate.

My ex-girlfriend was pushed around by her family like that and all she wanted was a sense of acceptance. I tried to get her to stand up for herself, that didn't work. I then tried to get her to stand up for herself for me, that didn't work either.

Now she just shows off for attention. Me & her could've been happy!

>> No.9720767

Whoah, whoah, wait a moment.

>> No.9720768


>This is why we should create our own colony that is built on the mutual interests of keeping everyone else happy.

Isn't this basically just a Buddhist monastery though?

They strip themselves of all their possessions and lower themselves to the lowest social rank possible, then they spend the rest of their lives trying to live as selflessly as possible.

>> No.9720787

If my country had monasteries, I'd join. I already tried the army and it was terrible.

>> No.9720792

We reach the pinnacle of existence. We become gods.
Just imagine not needing to poo or pee and to be incapable of being destroyed, all while being a little girl.

>> No.9720827

Did the mean old sergeants bully you too much?

>> No.9720830


The problem with Buddhist monks is more of a human problem than a problem with Buddhism itself.

Look at Thailand for example. They've commercialized Buddhism to the point that it's one of their main tourist attractions and you can buy "Be a Monk for a Month" packages right from monasteries.

The problem with other countries with a large percentage of Buddhists is that they glorify monks so much that they defeat the whole purpose of being a monk. Being a monk now becomes a status symbol and it's no different than any other social position. You can't be at the bottom of society when everyone bends over backwards to praise you for being a monk.

The best country to be a Buddhist is the country where there are very few Buddhists at all and your way of life is mocked or seen as pointless. This is where being humble and selfless actually becomes a challenge with no reward (how it was meant to be) and it isn't just posturing for social status.

>> No.9720851

That proud feeling of being a kiwi

>> No.9720852

Just so you know Monks in Japan drive (or for the ones that don't, can) expensive sports cars.

>> No.9720908


The monks in Japan are some of the worst of the worst. They even marry too. It's like some kind of weekend hobby to them.

>> No.9720937

I wasn't bullied and I did my time but the extreme "we against others" mentality disturbed me.

>> No.9720946

It's not just this, but you can see how Buddhism is reflected just by looking inside the temples. Siddhartha did not want to be worshiped, and one of the main ideas of Buddhism is being able to live without material possessions, but many temples have gigantic gold plated statues of Buddha. It just blows my mind really.

>> No.9720949

That's why the forest tradition was invented. They live in the woods and live completely on alms food, like the Buddha did.

>> No.9720955
File: 52 KB, 512x384, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a fucking idiot. After living in various parts of Japan for the past 6 years I have rarely scene any form of bulling. The most violent countries are the U.S. and Europe with the suicide and murder rates higher than that of Japan. Get your facts straight.

>> No.9720959

The more money stored in the temple, the less everyone else has. There are temples with millions of dollars worth of gold in the vaults but all the worshippers are poor as fuck.

>> No.9720962

There's a very good historical reason for this.

Basically Monasteries got really rich and because they never spent the money people gave them so they melted it all (gold, copper etc) into giant statues. This served the purpose of making it really hard for thieves to steel their money cause lol "where did you get that giant gold statue of the Buddha from?"

This happened so much some countries experienced deflation and economic problems because of it.

>> No.9720966
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el o el

>> No.9721036

Non-professional talk about repression tends to be utter rubbish. People who live in outgoing and reckless cultures seem to get pleasure out of putting the blame on elements that are alien to them. Troublemakers are the same people everywhere - the ones who have narcissist and psychopathic tendencies. They're much easier to spot and to deal with in an environment that emphasizes harmony and modesty.

>> No.9721057

Because your weak.

>> No.9721064
File: 132 KB, 449x651, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr i saw japan from an outside perspective and know every facet of it

>> No.9721072

>I can look at a wikipedia page, please praise me

>> No.9721083

Where do those quotes originate from?

>> No.9721102

Are slavs supposed to be even more repressed and overly polite? Where are Germany and Austria on that list?

>> No.9721106

Jesus Christ. People spew out uncited bullshit the entire thread, but the moment someone actually tries to prove their claim you're at their throat?

>> No.9721121

Everyone is already familiar with that table. I'd rather see data about bullying.

>> No.9721128
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That feel when your home country has the highest suicide rate in the world.

>> No.9721135

At least you're white and not a shitskin. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face knowing I am superior to every other race.

>> No.9721151

How have you put your whiteness to use?

>> No.9721155
File: 189 KB, 500x555, 1342139989545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Touhou master. A member of one of the lesser races could never best someone with my level of intellect.

>> No.9721173

Bullying shows on Japanese TV. Their shows are as fucked up as porn and they are watching them since very childhood.

>> No.9721175


>> No.9721182

That morning smoke must be the best thing I've ever seen.

>> No.9721183

Fucking /pol/ threads.

Stop shitting up /jp/ with your neoconservatism, normies.

>> No.9721187

High quality humour.

>> No.9721188

Naisu bampu.

>> No.9721193

Belarus is the last oldschool soviet-styled dictatorship in Europe. They are also knee deep in economical shit.
They have hell of a good reasons to kill themselves.

>> No.9721197

/pol/ is the saddest board in this place

>> No.9721199
File: 31 KB, 350x498, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is a Christian board that holds traditional family values in high regard. Please do not swear it adds nothing to the conversation and is meant only to hurt others.

>> No.9721202

Just once, just once I'd like the janitor to do his job and delete this shitty /pol/ thread...

>> No.9721204
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Did I hit a nerve, shitskin?

>> No.9721210


>> No.9721282
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;-; yeah

>> No.9721290

he posted on an anonymous imageboard. if you care so much, why don't you look it up yourself? no?

thought so.

>> No.9721325
File: 57 KB, 700x597, shinobusmirks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Asians are slanty-eyed pieces of pretentious shit, duh.

>> No.9721351

Does anyone else feel that the quality of /jp/ posts dropped dramatically over the past month?

>> No.9721364

blame /pol/

>> No.9721367

Yeah, probably because /q/ wanted to make our board more mainstream and "orderly"
The normal scum have probably taken a liking to antagonizing the innocent /jp/sie and it will be a while before they leave.

>> No.9721396
File: 166 KB, 710x834, japnesebirdfeedingtrollswithwoodenscrews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately wanted the spam to stop.
And the mods stopped it.
But then the crossboarders came.
And the mods did not stop it.
They came in hoardes.
And made many Touhou and Japan threads.
I tried to shitpost to scare them off.
But there were too many.
- Me (2012)
