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9687039 No.9687039 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou related dream thread to celebrate my first ever dream involving a touhou character.

I was sitting in a restaurant with Satori and we were both eating huge steaks with coleslaw and fries. Satorins was well done, mine was rare. Jesus christ it was the juicies steak ever. Anyway long story short, we ate, ordered some deserts and proceded to have a mundane everyday conversation about random subjects. It was kind of weird since she was the only one doing the talking since she was reading my mind all the time. Then the desserts arrived and I woke up really hungry.

>> No.9687048

Condense your shit!

>> No.9687057

I was about to fall from a tall building, then Reisen picked me up and we started flying over the city. It was cute. And it's the only Touhou related dream I've ever had.

>> No.9687067
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A dream thread? I was waiting for one of these.

I had a dream in which I was investigating a school that was infiltrated by Eientei. Very odd, yes, but that's how it was. As I investigated (The school itself was supposedly haunted), I ran into Tewi (Who was disguised as a school kid) who said that 'Nothing was here, move along.'. I decided to come back at night and everything went in sepia tone and I was suddenly trapped in a classroom with the rest of the Eientei crew. Kaguya and Reisen made a break for it, and I teamed up with Tewi to GTFO. Kaguya and Reisen got caught and we saved them and I then became part of the Eientei crew. It was a happy dream.

>> No.9687072

> and I then became part of the Eientei crew.
Fuck, I love when that happens.

Feels so nice to be friends with your favorite Touhou.

>> No.9687073
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I've had my first 2D and incidentally first Touhou related dream a few weeks ago. It was very confusing and I don't remember much of it but I ended up fugging someone that had the (2D) face of Shikieiki but (I think?) a 3D body. It didn't last very long, though.

>> No.9687075
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I know! It was great. I woke up with a very warm feeling inside. I was having a bad week then, but that completely cured it all.

>> No.9687091

Not too long ago there was a dream where Maribel and I 'educated' Renko, it was incredibly lewd yet friendly.

>> No.9687102

I've been kinda dry on the touhou specific related dreams, but I have dreams with 2d all the time.

A few nights ago I was dreaming about a spider-girl who was 2d.


Up to 78 for touhou dreams. I'm not too sure why it's been so dry lately.

>> No.9687134
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Bump for Touhou dreams.

>> No.9687145

That thread is off-topic and pretty much just spam.
Frig off shitposter.
