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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9655238 No.9655238 [Reply] [Original]

>By shutting itself into a closed space, Gensokyo gradually forgets about the benefits it gets from the outside world. And this is not limited to Gensokyo, the smaller the place you put yourself in, the more you don’t notice the benefits from the bigger things. When living in a small place, people get arrogant and lose the drive to improve themselves.

Even ZUN says that being a hikkikomori neet is a bad thing. It's evangelion all over again!

>> No.9655251

It seems like a fine social commentary about japanese isolationism.
ZUN wants to open borders to somalian refugees.

>> No.9655299

And let those savages near my pure Japanese women? No thanks.

>> No.9655294
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The unwanted and unappreciated are welcome in Gensokyo! ;_;

>> No.9655309

>pure Japanese women

You mean pure-blooded, right?

>> No.9655306

Fuck ZUN

>> No.9655320

Japan is already mixed as hell I see so many brown girls with huge eyes who I would mistake for Mexicans if I wasn't told of their race before hand not to mention the Chinese,Korean,and French ghettoes in Japan.

>> No.9655322

I'm content with the smell spaces I create for myself and the escapism I practice.
Improvements are overrated, because with trying to improve comes potential failure

>> No.9655344

I never really cared for or respected ZUN's opinions.
I disagree with a lot of them.

Like he seems somewhat against space exploration. So he can go suck a dick.

>> No.9655353

ZUN is right, I just don't where to get started.

>> No.9655354

I would like to see evidence of that

>> No.9655364

Yeah, he's right about that. But the thing is some people close themselves off because they don't want to improve and they are just happy living as they are.

Now what kind of ass would make someone work to become something that they don't want to be?

>> No.9655375

Indeed, where did he say anything against space exploration?

The guy went out of the way to choose, out of all the different Touhou settings, the moon and its denizens as the focus of a series of books.

>> No.9655378

>Now what kind of ass would make someone work to become something that they don't want to be?

One whose tax dollars go toward supporting the existence of the isolated person.

>> No.9655399

>with trying to improve comes potential failure
If you ever wondered why your life is one big failure, it's this.

>> No.9655405

It's a fair trade. Those people could be out doing a bad job out of spite for their job. Like being a shitty customer service person. They might even cause a death or two in the wrong job.

I'm sure the world is a happier place with those kinds of people being paid to not do stuff that they don't want to do.

>> No.9655417

He never said it, I just feel it as a vibe from the books.
I just don't like how humans get fucked by lunarians everytime they try to go to the moon. Maybe that's more anti-imperialistic though.
I'm probably the one in the wrong.

>> No.9655418

Most people don't like doing what they do. A job is just a means to an end for the vast majority, whether that end is money, acceptance, or status.

>> No.9655419

>lose the drive to improve themselves.

life is not about "showan them online"

>> No.9655426

Yeah. The world is such a depressing place. No wonder people shut in.

>> No.9655452

That's funny coming from someone who refuses to sell his works outside of Japan and is against touhou doujin works being sold in Western outlets.
He's putting himself and Touhou into a smaller place, forgetting the benefits of a wider market.

It's not even just Japan, but limiting Touhou to just doujin outlets altogether.

>> No.9655477


You are aware that people can desire to improve themselves reasons besides impressing others, right?

>> No.9655491

He's afraid of having Touhou Project dominated by commercial interests. The population of Japan probably exceeds the population of Gensokyo by a factor of at least a hundred thousand anyway, it's not really that small a space.

>> No.9655545

You are aware that you have no need for the outside world to improve yourself then? Or are you too busy sucking cocks to think about anything else?

>> No.9655591

>You are aware that you have no need for the outside world to improve yourself then?
It wasn't said by ZUN or the person you're responding to that it's needed. Although if all contact with the outside world, including your internet connection, were cut off it would be rather difficult.

>Or are you too busy sucking cocks to think about anything else?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9655658

Are you stupid or trolling? This is important before I respond

>> No.9655850

child Reimu and Child Marisa were soo cute...

>> No.9655859

Rinnosuke is trying to make them drunk. Then he'll rape them and they won't remember.

>> No.9656345

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9657734
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the only best friend you can have is yourself.

all feelings are born inside of you(be it love or fear), not outside, so if you want happiness, which is born inside, you should be working with your own mind.

sounds pretty self-evident to me

>> No.9657810


I wish that more people understood this.

Not to mention the huge untapped potential that exists in every human's imagination. We can explore entire worlds inside of our mind, this is most easily done through lucid dreaming but there are plenty of other ways too, and yet most people settle for an imperfect world filled with imperfect people, never knowing how amazing their life could be if they stayed inside their own heads.

>> No.9657833

So why is me trying to destroy myself whenever it can?
Doesn't seem very friendly.
There was one voice that used to cheer me up and told me to keep going, but I haven't heard it for a long time now. I guess it gave up.

>> No.9657845
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>people thinking they can dictate the terms of other people's happiness to them

>> No.9657916

Every normal person I've met ever.

>> No.9657978

I think I might be incapable of lucid dreaming. Also it appears that my mind has the potential to destroy concepts which I find pretty awesome. For example I was trying that tulpa bullshit and I thought I was making pretty good progress one night but it turns out I just murdered the concept and could no longer think of it from that day.

If I focus on the tight stuff then I could probably destroy all sorts of mental barriers and do all sorts of crazy shit right?

>> No.9657984

>social commentary

I hate people that use this phrase.

>> No.9657986

Looks like Zun hit a little too close to him, huh nerds? It's cool if you want to be a shut in failure, but don't pretend you're superior or enlightened because your anxiety prevents who from looking people in the eyes.

>> No.9658036

I don't look at peoples faces because 90% of people are disgusting to look at.

>> No.9658055

What is the problem?
Gensokyo is a dreamlike fantasy world.
The outside world is boring.
Who wouldnt want to be in Gensokyo. It seems like you are still mad and frustrated. Keep up the work, need more people like you paying tax and feeding us.

>> No.9658204
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ZUN got married, right?

This is what always happens. Some NEET gets a girl, makes him think he's the shit and now he knows everything about life, and he goes on this egotrip and starts lecturing everyone who used to be exactly like him. I've seen it countless times, it's always the same.

He'll get his ass dumped and be coming back with his tail between his legs like he never said any of this shit. Girls and dating are like drugs. It fucks with your head, gives you a big ego and a lot of false confidence, and then it crashes and you realize how much of an ass you were.

>> No.9658225

> ZUN got married
> Even ZUN says that being a hikkikomori neet is a bad thing.
You shouldn't understimate wives' powers. It's sad but we lost ZUN the very moment he got married. RIP.
Now the futur of Gensokyo lies in your hands anon, I hope you're prepared.

>> No.9658229

He wrote CoLA years before he got married.

>> No.9658259

People seem to be reaching in this argument. If you think not having the drive to improve is a good thing, then he never said anything bad about being a hikkikomori, did he?

>> No.9658275

Why is it that these people who make most of their money from asocial otaku immediately turn around and criticize their fanbase for not being normal enough? First Anno, now Zun.

Could it be because of the marriage? Or is it because they've gotten a taste of rich normalfag life and love it?

>> No.9658304

>these people who make most of their money from asocial otaku
>Could it be because of the marriage
I'm not on anyone's side, but if you want to spout shit you need to at least get informed.

>> No.9658300
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>When living in a small place, people get arrogant and lose the drive to improve themselves.
>and lose the drive to improve themselves.

This is wrong though.

Self-improvement should not be something that is forced upon you by the influences of other people. Only when you are alone can you clearly understand what you want in life and the goals that you want to accomplish, instead of having your mind clouded by the goals that other people want you to accomplish.

For example, the NEETs who teach themselves Japanese so that they can enjoy a more diverse selection of entertainment are doing the best possible form of self-improvement that there is. It's improving themselves by pursuing a goal that they wanted to learn because it would make them happier.

Self-improvement should always be self-motivated. Your dreams will become increasingly clouded as you interact with more people and before you know it you will be living your life to accomplish goals that someone forced upon you instead of your own.

>> No.9658315

He never critizized hikis, this statement pretty much applies to all humans.
And it is true, one gets arrogant and unmotivated by doing this.
He never said it's a bad thing though.
You all act like he just insulted your lifestyle.
It's not even ZUN who said this but Rinnosuke

>> No.9658320

Touhou has been in the hands of fanon for ages.

>> No.9658325

It's true based on Japanese history. When Japan became isolated it was overconfident in its shogunate rule for centuries, and it was only when Perry came that they suddenly felt sudden need to improve, leading to the Meiji revolution and eventual roles in world wars.

>> No.9658339

Touhou as a whole will die when ZUN impregnates his succubus wife and has a baby.

He will then be a "family man", too busy and mature for his childish hobbies, and touhou will fade into obscurity. Look at Akamatsu and the negima ending, for example.

>> No.9658344

If ZUN were to die, I wouldn't even notice it at this point.

>> No.9658353

Let's hope so, friend. Let's truly hope so.

>> No.9658358
File: 136 KB, 536x408, 1330036369831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9658386

i don't have a problem looking faggots like you in the eyes before serving a kick to your balls and then stomping your head until you're unconscious.

still doesn't mean i like to hang around with no name losers like you, who only care to be accepted by others.

>> No.9658393

Doesn't ZUN work a day job?

If he just capitalized on Touhou just a little more without ruining the series or stepping on the fanbase and doujin works, he could make enough money to support his family from doing what he loves.

I hope that when and if he has kids, his wife doesn't make him spend less time on his hobbies so he can work more to support them.

>> No.9658405

Do couples in Japan even get kids these days?

>> No.9658406

I think he still works at TAITO?

>> No.9658407

in japan? like hell, when you get kids you're supposed to abandon your hobbies and interests, and become an office drone until you're too old to work.

by then all your hobbies are long dead, and all you can do is sit around.

>> No.9658413

But the whole world is like that, it might be part of why normals are so resentful.

>> No.9658415

Keep pretending that you wouldn't cry and start sweating if a female talked to you. The reason 90% of you guys are shut-ins is because you failed at real life, not because you chose this lifestyle.

>> No.9658439
File: 302 KB, 640x480, 1330032847746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting, anon-kun.


>> No.9658446

Nice try parasite, but I'm actually popular and have a girlfriend. I just come here to feel better about myself.

>> No.9658457

Or maybe because -talking-, which mostly ends up as arguing, with a real woman is just a pain in the ass.
Each time i'm browsing 4chan i'm having a good time, each time i'm trying to have a normal discussion with normal people in a normal place, I always end up fucking annoyed by them.

>> No.9658462
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>Each time i'm browsing 4chan i'm having a good time

>> No.9658467

which means, you're a butt of all jokes and the loser in your 'circle of friends'

if you were really successful, you wouldn't have to look for people who are supposedly 'lower than you' in places like 4chan, where only the lowest of the low come. you'd just look at your peers.

>> No.9658470

> I just come here to feel better about myself.

You must feel like shit if you need to come here to feel better about yourself.

>> No.9658476

What? Do you think I'd be mad or something?

>> No.9658482
File: 9 KB, 300x300, adachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my dream to become a NEET. I fucking hate working and being a productive member of society.

But I cannot. I refuse to become a drain on society. A parasite, living off of other people's goodwill.

I just can't.

>> No.9658490


>which means, you're a butt of all jokes and the loser in your 'circle of friends'

That's...a bit of a leap in logic, anon-kun.

>> No.9658493

It is also my dream but for that I would have to move far away to a place where my parents won't judge me for being a leech

>> No.9658506

Why don't you just save money so you can become NEET in the future? You wouldn't be a parasite since it's money that you earned.

You just need to retreat in your room whenever you're done with your job. Do not waste money on anything else. Friends, lovers, nothing of that shit.
That's the bare minimum if you want to become a NEET.

>> No.9658508

zun is just some stupid drunken gook who makes a piece of shit game which the worst fanbase only behind my little ponies. i'd take a shit in his tea cup before i listen to any invalid opinion some low life like him has.

>> No.9658512

You aren't a terrible person like these turbofloorshitters, I'm proud of you.

>> No.9658513


I just keep hoping I will randomly become rich through some freak random occurence, like, winning the lottery or getting a rich lady to fall in love with me or winning the challenge of some eccentric millionaire.

Maybe I should start trading stocks or something...at least I won't have to deal with employers that way.

>> No.9658516

if he can't find anyone lower than him around himself, it means he's the lowest.

so, he's the loser who everyone else makes fun of behind his back and whose girlfriend cheats on him with a nigger or a chav, while pretending to be his friends when he's around.

>> No.9658521


>Why don't you just save money so you can become NEET in the future?

I'm actually doing this, but its hard, anon. Earning enough money to sustain myself is going to either require me to work a shitload right now if I want to stop working before I'm a decrepit, old POS.

My only hope is that I marry some nice girl who'll let me be a stay-at-home hubby

>> No.9658527

good luck with that.

Maybe if you're good looking and she's an old bag.

>> No.9658529

why do people listen to other's opinion on how to live their lives?
It disgusts me

>> No.9658532

This is how i feel too.

We could build the /jp/ mansion if we ever magically become rich.

>> No.9658544

anyone who does things to be accepted or for a social reason is an attention whore. most people are attention whores, not just chicks.

some just focus on positive attention only.

>> No.9658565


Oh man, I'm down with this if that ever happens.

We can furbish it with, like, wall-scrolls of our favorite shitty animes and shit!

>> No.9658574



>> No.9658579

Think about yourself, how many things do you do to be accepted by the /jp/ society?

>> No.9658581

>Why don't you just save money so you can become NEET in the future?
That's called retirement, anonymous.

>> No.9658592

>>9658529 here
Nothing really.
I literally only come here to take it easy

>> No.9658589

Most normal people spend alot of their earned money for expensive things like a big apartment,a family or a car.
What if you live 15 years in a 1 room apartment with barely any food and save up all your money to become a NEET when you are around 40?

>> No.9658598

That's called retiring early, anonymous.

>> No.9658599

You sage'd your earlier post though.
You only did that because everyone here does it and it's a way to identify outsiders.
You didn't want to stand out and wanted to be accepted by us

>> No.9658612

well, gee, i wonder. i don't do shit, enjoy every day of my neet life until it ends and that's it.

if i have an opinion, i voice it, even if it gets people mad at me.

he isn't me. i sage only because sage's stuck in my email field and doesn't go away. also, because it makes people like you mad.

>> No.9658609

>You sage'd your earlier post though.
I've never saged on /jp/

You must of confused me with someone else

>> No.9658618

Why'd you try to justify yourself to someone who wasn't even talking to you, then?

>> No.9658631

It seemed like an open question to anyone who felt like the anon who you were asking.

I guess I'm in the wrong

>> No.9658642

What is the problem with me retiring in my 20s and enjoying my youth?
Please go back to your original board and enjoy punching submitting your timesheet and filing tax to feed me.
Thank you very much

>> No.9658653

/jp/ has been reduced entirely to third-rate trolls and memespewing retards.


>> No.9658667

Let's see.... Zun is basically saying that:

Once you limit and restrict the size of your own world, you start to lose the benefits from the "bigger things". When you live in a "small place", you get arrogant and lose the drive to improve yourself.

Take this point more metaphorically, rather than literally. I don't think he means that if you literally live in a small place than you miss the bigger things. It means that when you don't try new things or think you've "done it all", then you start getting arrogent and lose the drive to improve yourself.

Because when you think you are the best and you've done everything, how can you improve?

>> No.9658670
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This is neckbeard at its finest.

Maybe if you actually looked at women as *human beings*, like yourself, you would have better luck. Sounds like you're just an irritable and reclusive as fuck, which isn't good in any situation.

>> No.9658679

Well what's the problem then?
He understands that he doesn't gets along with such people and avoids them.
Both parties are happy.
He didn't even imply that he is better than these people in any way

>> No.9658690

>because it makes people like you mad.
Is that what you think he was? Mad?

My condolences on you're autism.

>> No.9658688

um, men ARE better than women.

pls stfu and go back to /a/, /v/,/b/, /soc/, etc.

>> No.9658695


Why did you quote my post?

If men are better than women then why is Touhou a 99% female cast?

>> No.9658701

>If men are better than women then why is Touhou a 99% female cast?

Are you aware of the concept of fiction?

>> No.9658706


The 1% is wriggle and rinnosuke.

>> No.9658710

>/jp/ has been reduced entirely to third-rate trolls and memespewing retards.
So which are you?

>> No.9658711

because it's made by a man, who loves the idea of surrounding himself with a harem of women, even if it's only in his own, private, "true" version of gensokyo that nobody but him is allowed to see.

>> No.9658716

Sorry, I have the firm believe that no living creature is better or more worth than the other, just different

>> No.9658726

If you think it's possible to live a genuinely happy life being an anti-social hermit wasting away by yourself in a dark room fapping to cartoons and pretending you live in some imaginary world, be my guest.

I sincerely pity people who intentionally choose to lead such a disgusting lifestyle.

>> No.9658736


Try to be alittle more sympathetic, eh?

Not everyone needs to always go out and make a billion friends in their outings, some have varying level of social needs. If someone has only online friends but they had really cool hobbies and constantly was improving on such hobbies then I see no problem.

Please do not group introverts with hikikomoris, please! Even though they may share similarities, DONT.

>> No.9658763

It doesn't have to be implied. Be impressive and people will be impressed. If they aren't and you're sure about your fine thoughts, you're in the wrong company. I happen to like middle-aged people because they have a better understanding of what's constructive and sustainable. Young people are generally awful at respecting each other and it makes meaningful communication unnecessarily difficult.

>> No.9658793

That's the problem, the young ones today aren't human beings, just reactionary animals.

Older women are much more sensible and amiable.

>> No.9658844


If other people are paying for your existence, it isn't retirement, Anon.

>> No.9658857

Please go to >>>/r9k/ with your gender debate.

>> No.9658886

he's retiring from society.

>> No.9658902

But that's essentially what retirement is.

You don't think that medicare and social security money just materializes out of thin air, do you?

>> No.9659037

>You don't think that medicare and social security money just materializes out of thin air, do you?
Considering that the idea of medicare and social security is that you pay for it while you work, in order to be paid back in your senior years... do YOU know how that money works?

>> No.9659086
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firstly, i only said that you have the potential to be like that.

secondly. if you harming yourself it means either of these:
- you are doing it consciously for a supposed greater purpose,
- you are doing it unconsciously, so that's not really you who is doing it. which means you don't have enough mindfulness to control yourself.

you are better off without voices. they disappear anyway as you become more mindful. sanity and mindfulness go hand in hand

do this instead:
imagine the best possible version of yourself
listen to his advices.
if the advices suck, read some wise books. like Tao te Ching
also, i recommend movie "peaceful warrior"

>> No.9659097

gb2life and stop browsing /jp/ normalfriend

>> No.9659101


>> No.9659113


>> No.9659157

I don't get why leeches are demonized in this scenario. He's given the option to vote for someone who doesn't support welfare just like everyone else was. Hell, I don't even vote so it's not like I'm directly contributing to the perpetuation of the system, I'm just making the best of what the majority wanted. If he doesn't like it he can try to make a political movement to change it or he can move somewhere that doesn't have a majority that supports welfare.

>> No.9659160

Welfare wasn't established to help you buy plastic anime figures dipshit

>> No.9659165

Clearly it doesn't care if I do or not. Either that or it's clearly a flawed system in need of renovation. Either way the state and the voters are to blame, not the ones who take advantage of it.

>> No.9659168

Capitalism wasn't established to help investment bankers divide and conquer.

>> No.9659174

that's the idea at least.

in reality, you pay for the old people, and in return kids will pay for you when you get old. that's why when countries get declines in births, retirement age goes up.

>> No.9659178

Actually it does nowadays. Just have the banks print more money.

>> No.9659187

What are you talking about?
Welfare are given to people that need it.
Sorry man, you cant control how they use their money. Why do you care if they want to buy plastic instead of food. Not everyone is a fat fuck like you.

>> No.9659183

>Clearly it doesn't care if I do or not. Either that or it's clearly a flawed system in need of renovation.
Everybody already knows that, but nobody wants to make radical changes because of the legitimate people it could hurt.

>> No.9659188

You are simply wrong. The population voted for a system that supports those who are helpless, worthless faggots then game the system to reap benefits not intended for them. Guess who's to blame for the system not working?

I understand you need to be stupid to not feel bad about this sort of thing just try to to hide it so I don't feel like I'm sharing this board with legit retards jesus fuck it's like even the concept of responsibility is foreign to you

>> No.9659189

Actually in reality the vast majority of social security funds vanish into thin air and politicians refuse to admit outright where it all went.

>> No.9659198

And banks have been penalized in courts, what was your point again?

Woah dude do you even browse this board? LOL

>> No.9659204
File: 460 KB, 999x1000, china get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with buying plastic figures.
I think you are the one that need to lurk more or just get the fuck out.

>> No.9659212

It's people like you that are the reason corruption exists, you make decisions based on 'intentions' and not reality. You blame people who simply want to make their lives better for taking advantage of faults that the government and the voters brought on themselves.

>> No.9659213

Stop posting do your research and try again tomorrow, slugger
>How do you fake having autism?

>> No.9659218

>How do you fake having autism?
And? Why is this a problem?
Are you retarded? You are like that jealous and frustrated turbonerd that study diligently to get only 99 while the smart anon next to you stole the question paper and cheat his way to 100. Join the game if you arent happy or just stfu.

>> No.9659220

Is this nerd fucking serious? Your 'intention' is to get free money when the 'reality' is it's not meant for you. You are 'literally' why the world can't have nice things. Tell me where I can find you so I can come and beat my tax dollars back out of your unapologetically retarded ass

>> No.9659227

I understand you need to be stupid to not feel bad about this sort of thing just try to to hide it so I don't feel like I'm sharing this board with legit retards

>> No.9659229

You're blaming the weak because you can. Their life is easy to understand so it's also easy to pass judgement on them. Who would want to bite the hand that feeds?

>> No.9659231

games are for nerds and geeks

>> No.9659235

They sure talk a lot of smack for being “weak” #victimization #sadlife

>> No.9659238

Joke on you. They dont have to work and get free money.
I believe you are the stupid one.

>> No.9659243

No one cares what you believe, third worlder

Don't worry, I get that the idea of welfare is foreign to you so you probably don't understand just keep your mouth shut next time

>> No.9659247

The reality is that I get free money, no matter how ineffectually mad some posterior-pounded ubernerd on the internet gets about it. The world is full of assholes, maybe you should think about that when you write your congressman, hoping that he's not one too.

>> No.9659250

Yeah, those fuckers should just stay down and shut up. Why can't they just disappear?

>> No.9659261

Guess what? The 'reality' is that you messed with the wrong guy, fucktard. I'm currently talking with the mod on IRC and they're getting me your IP. I have connections in the SSA and you will be tracked and investigated, I hope you've been trolling or live in the third world because if not you're in for a rude awakening. Have fun bitch nigga

>> No.9659267

>live in the third world
Keep up the good work. I hope they implement flag as well so that we can see that all the retards like you are amerifats.

>> No.9659277

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the High Hrothguard, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Draugr, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top archer in the entire Dark Brotherhood. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Skyrim and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Stormcloaks and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9659282

GJ at least we know the real idiots are off boarders and will die in the chaos following the crash of the euro

>> No.9659287 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 2083x1388, 1307624476001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go kill yourself normie.

Here, have some hentai, you are viewing dangerous materials while at work and will lose your cushy job.


>> No.9659302

Whoah, an American commenting on financial crises.

>> No.9659312 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 678x950, 1331581450566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this dweeb thinks I don't have my own office stay jealous as HELL

>> No.9659336

I like this guy's art but hate his vaginas. They look so real and gross.

>> No.9659339

steve, will you stop playing your angry birds on the internets and go take out the trash? after that go and help your mom with cleaning, you lazy piece of shit, or you ain't getting any dinner today.

and no talking back, boy! just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can talk shit when you still live at your parents and mooch off of them.

>> No.9659340

Not the guy you are talking to, but you realize that in most workplaces, the IT department can see what you are doing at any time on your computer as long as it's connected to the network? We remote into people's desktops all the time at work to help them with their stuff without actually having to go find them and deal with it in person. Just saying. Be careful. It only takes one time that they see it.

>> No.9659360
File: 71 KB, 850x1090, 1328228382312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try kid not everyone lives in your shoes, if you try real hard one day you might make it

Thanks for your concern bro I got this

>> No.9659384

>One anon gets paid to post NSFW at work while his taxes go toward me sitting at home viewing the NSFW be posted

God bless the USA

>> No.9659408


Why are you such an aspie, Ryan?

>> No.9659415

i wasn't even trying. don't like what i said? well, too fucking bad. deal with it, nerd.

>> No.9659474
File: 82 KB, 360x363, 1330651597896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give your investigation skills a C-, good try but if you worked here I'd fire you

>> No.9659655

yeah, sorry, i don't work for some autistic faggot who thinks sitting at their house by their computer and posting chinese cartoons for girls is a job.
