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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9644907 No.9644907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that /jp/ is full of paedophiles?

>> No.9644911

No and Yes at the same time.

Some people don't count 2D as pedo.(But I do and it's okay)

>> No.9644915

Is this going to become another 2D vs 3D thread with 100+ replies?

>> No.9644916

"Full of"? I don't know about that. But we probably have more of them than /s/, or such.

>> No.9644918

Cartoon pedophilia is still pedophilia.

Even experts who deduced that cartoon pedophilia doesn't lead to child molestation figured that out.

>> No.9644919
File: 924 KB, 641x682, IMG_0702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First report: http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
FBI's request for arrest/search warrant: http://www.mediafire.com/?5b3cnad1ibrvcy2
Thad pays bond: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012120301054
Various court docs: http://ia700806.us.archive.org/4/items/gov.uscourts.mied.267304/gov.uscourts.mied.267304.docket.html

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

>> No.9644922

If you deny being a pedophile and try to justify yourself with weasel words, then you're just as bad as the soccer moms and globalist media who spread this shit. It's like when guys go around fucking other guys, but they're not "gay", they're "men who have sex with men." Be honest with yourself and stop being insecure. You haven't done anything wrong.

>> No.9644924

Cartoon pedophillia is pedophillia, if you are in cartoon.

>> No.9644926

Stop posting this. Nobody liked Thad when he was out. Seriously couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy, even if I disagree with the law.

>> No.9644929

Pedophilia doesn't refer to child molestation or any sex acts, just the attraction. People seriously need to learn this (as well as the difference between pedophilia/hebephilia/ephebophilia).

>> No.9644930

Except /a/, who thought he was epic and funny as HELL.

>> No.9644931

Why are you satisfied with injustice?

>> No.9644933

Necrophilia. FINALLY!

>> No.9644937
File: 328 KB, 1023x1078, 1343483292752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does modern society try to outlaw everything that is good and fun in the world?

Marrying children was a common practice for thousands of years. It was a time honored human tradition and no one ever objected to it until relatively recently. The same with drugs. Humans have been using drugs throughout all of history, but only recently has this idea of drug prohibition popped up.

If everyone had no moral problem with either of these things for thousands of years then why is it suddenly a problem now?

>> No.9644944

Because people need to stay ignorant and behave so that the people in power can retain their power

>> No.9644945

>Marrying children was a common practice for thousands of years.

No, not really. It might have been common in high class society for economic reasons and to ensure the cooperation of aristocratic families, not because pedophilia was widely accepted or endorsed.

>Humans have been using drugs throughout all of history, but only recently has this idea of drug prohibition popped up

Did you miss the part where Muslims outlawed alcohol over 1000 years ago? Or countless other examples where action against drugs has been taken throughout history?

I'm all in favor of decriminalizing shit like this, but pick better arguments next time, please.

>> No.9644947
File: 51 KB, 314x475, 689355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marrying children was a common practice for thousands of years.

Nah. Maybe in nigger tribes. In civilized Europe, it was legal at various points in time, but very unusual. Typical age of marriage for the past few centuries was around 25. In early America it was a little lower, anywhere between 18 and 25.

You need to keep in mind that girls typically achieved menarche at around 15-16 until fairly recently (we're talking the past century or so).

>> No.9644950

you saved that ban pic from me didn't you?

in my opinion, there are a decent amount of pedophiles on /jp/.

they're just too scared to admit it, saying that they prefer 2d.

bullshit, you want to fuck a nice little cute girl like me.

>> No.9644949

Check your privilege..


>> No.9644955
File: 45 KB, 136x232, 1345920161052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to have a nice little cute girl as a daughter, not fuck it. But adoption rules says no.

>> No.9644956

Why would someone be scared to admit stuff on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.9644960

Because it isn't truly anonymous.

>> No.9644959

> the investment banker and pedo

Tripcode or GTFO.

>> No.9644961

4chan isn't entirely anonymous

>> No.9644966

Because they're scared to admit it to themselves.

>> No.9644975
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First, let's define what is pedophilia. Modern English has butchered the meaning of so many words that you can't have a proper conversation without all party agreeing to the same definition.

>> No.9644990

Let's say I kissed a 12 y/o girl. How screwed I am, legally speaking?

>> No.9644994


>> No.9645000

You'll be drawn and quartered. If you didn't intend the kiss sexually, you're lucky. You'll only get a lethal injection.

>> No.9644995

You're dead. Jump the border immediately and flee to South America, or Asia.

>> No.9644997

I think it's perfectly legal, because kissing isn't inherently sexual.

Enjoy jail.

>> No.9645011


Why would you wanna kiss a 12yr old girl? They're pig disgusting. Children in general are pig disgusting.

>> No.9645014

You say this as if adults are any different.

>> No.9645030

Check out this twisted sicko, claiming he sees no sexual difference between attractive, developed old women, and cute little girls (like your daughter who is no longer safe while this Anon walks the streets).

>> No.9645056


>attractive developed women

Hehe cross-boarder make funny joke, I kill you last.

>> No.9645084
File: 36 KB, 380x380, 1337644919518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it a little strange for people to complain about pedophilia when youth and innocence are almost universally seen as attractive qualities in women?

Most women are emulating the behavior of little girls. All you have to do is look around to see it. Older women try to look young, women put up fake personalities in an attempt to look innocent and cute. You've got 30 year old women in Japan that speak and act like an elementary school girl and it's not much different over here in the west.

Pretty much every woman uses a fake personality which is pretty much just an imitation of a little girl's personality. The entire concept of feminine charm and female modesty is based around feigning an appearance of innocent naivety.

That whole school girl costume fantasy is so common that most married couples have probably roleplayed it as one point or another and just look at what it is. School girl uniforms? A grown woman saying how she was "naughty" and needs a spanking? You can't get a more blatant example of women sexualizing and imitating the behavior of adolescent girls and yet the same people who do these things are crying out about the evil pedophiles and their sick twisted minds.

>> No.9645095

There's a limit, nerd. And the people are cherry picking certain attributes. There are grown men over at /vp/ playing Pokemon and living out their inner child, but that doesn't mean they're going to start wetting the bed.

>> No.9645102

I'm not a pedophile, but have no problems with those who are. As long as they don't actually perform child molestation.

>> No.9645109

btw I'm a female pedophile
ask me anything

>> No.9645113

btw im a girl

>> No.9645115


>> No.9645116

I think given that we've seen cases like a guy getting arrested for having porn where the girl was a little short so everyone figure it must be child porn.

It's almost like our justice system has a guilty complex.

>> No.9645129

>You've got 30 year old women in Japan that speak and act like an elementary school girl and it's not much different over here in the west.

In which part of the west do you live? What I see in general is that man want women to be sexy rather than cute. Whereas in Japan being short is seen as turn on factor by some because short girls are cuter, in the west if you're a shortie you're automatically excluded from a career as a model or pin up and from any beauty contest in general.

Women also tend to aspire to aggressive emancipated models who don't shy about telling of all their hundreds sexual experiences.

It seems to me that the "stupid girl" as a turn on in the west has died in the sixties.

>> No.9645134


>And the people are cherry picking certain attributes.

They're picking the attributes that pedophiles find most attractive though. The attraction that most pedophiles feel towards little girls has little to do with the appearance of their bodies and is almost entirely based around an attraction to their innocence and cute personalities, the same attributes that normal adult women are cherry picking and imitating.

Most men are attracted to submissive personalities and children are the epitome of that. Shyness, innocence, naivety, cute behavior, they're all submissive features. Children naturally have these traits and adult women imitate them in order to appear more attractive. It's the same shit.
