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File: 464 KB, 640x479, huge sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9615062 No.9615062 [Reply] [Original]

An incredibly tactical Touhou RPG.

The translation for the Weekend version has been released.

Weekend version introduces a rebalancing of learning and drop rates, most "1% or less" rates are now 10-15%. In addition most synthesis recipes now require slightly less materials and the Kusanagi sword requiring 25 less iron. You can actually build stuff pretty often now.

You can also turn on easy mode at any time for non-boss battles where the damage is halved for you and you gain minor offensive bonuses.

The game also happens to run at 1/4th of the processing power it used to demand. Save games are compatible with 2.07 and up, but a save game converter should be able to help you out.

Have you had some trouble fighting a boss? Getting some drops? Fujiyama Volcano did an impressive amount of damage? Can't read the elemental resistance kanji? Discuss it here in this thread!

>> No.9615089

Where i can get the translated version?

>> No.9615119

Here's the official translation thread with some helpful links.

>> No.9615129

Well I was uploading the translated version again so It would be more updated. Looks like Anon is very quick at making threads.

It's 4 parts total, you need Direct X9 installed. Only two parts uploaded right now, 3rd in the middle. Just keep checking the folder.

Just the translated packs here: http://www.mediafire.com/?5v9v6hqqwh5e7aa

>> No.9615152

I was going to link to the famous mediafire page, but when I checked it it was empty(besides the OST)! Thank you for your hard work.

>> No.9615162

Is this the full version with new patch? or just new patch?

>> No.9615166

Genius of Sappheiros only? Boo.

>> No.9615174
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>> No.9615218

The 4 rars are the full game+translation.

>> No.9615245

Do you mean the up-to-date mediafire of the old version?

>> No.9615290

I had this link in mind.

>> No.9615303
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What do.

>> No.9615310

Need to be in Japanese local from the start, before you download it, and get Direct X 9.

>> No.9615389
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>> No.9615626
File: 348 KB, 640x478, super what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this stuff supposed to be?

>> No.9615639

Move out of Mexico, Pedro.

>> No.9615641

It's the item required to craft all ultimate character-specific weapons.

>> No.9615664

Truncated filenames and Spanish language pack?
Get out de mi /jp/, amigo. I bet you also peruse Spanish subtitles.
Sorry, I needed to vent.

>> No.9615695

you don't have to download it in jap locale, that's just silly. You just have to extract it in jap locale.

>> No.9615749

I know. But it's better explained that way; less room for the person asking for help to mess something up.

>> No.9615758
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Well, yeah, but what the hell is an Aja?

For anyone wanting to play this game, I'm afraid I can't recommend the new version. Actually being able to craft stuff is good, but having no consequence for death at all is bad. You'll get bored of the game before you finish with that factor.

>> No.9615770

It's an album by Steely Dan.

>> No.9615783

The character sprites look nice and sharp but the enemies are so damn pixelated. Was this intentional or just lazy?

>> No.9615792

I think it's intentional, Romancing SaGa did the same thing.

>> No.9615802
File: 282 KB, 700x943, 1304647032992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck in the eternal corridor of Entei.
How the fuck do i get out of here?

>> No.9615813

There's 15 player characters and HUNDREDS of enemies, and you're going to be looking at those 15 players for the whole game. It'd be quite a task to make all the enemies have the same smoothness as the characters.
I was never bothered by it.

>> No.9615828

>Aside from that, there is an "infinite corridor" puzzle they must solve inside the dungeon. There are really only five doors leading up and five leading down in the corridor, with one of the door leading up having two decorations outside it. There is a chest in the area if you keep heading up from the door with decorations, as well as a hint, indicating that the player must go through a certain door (with decorations) in order to exit the maze. To advance from the corridor, head down towards the first door placed to the right of the door with the column decorations, then head straight down for the next two rooms, and you'll be outside. Hit the switch located down the way and head back that room, and you will be in the room with the teleporter and magic circle.

If there's a way to figure that out yourself besides trial and error, I don't know it.

>> No.9615847

I'm having a problem with sprites not showing up. Is this >>9615310 the solution?

>> No.9615849
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It's nice of them to make the game easier like that, but I think things would be more balanced if every enemy respawned when you stepped on a healing circle. As the game is now, if you get wiped by something, you can just go heal up and come back to the dungeon - it's almost like dying has become beneficial.
It's funny how Devil of Decline is the opposite, enemies look amazing but the player sprites are pretty derpy.

>> No.9615857

Either that, or your computer is too weak for the game.

>> No.9615874

I'll try downloading again.

>> No.9615876

Intentional. The enemy sprites, including the boss sprites, are actually roughly the same size of the player sprites, but scaled up.

>> No.9615914

Yes, it was nice of them to turn the game into another Maroku. No death penalty, high drop rates, and easy to make items.

Except Maroku has a permanent easy mode switched on with no way to turn it off. At least the monster sprites looked better!

>> No.9615939
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I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.

>> No.9615995
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>easy mode
Ha ha ha ;_;
Then again, the difficulty only really spikes up in that last damn dungeon.

>> No.9616015

Should I enable easy mode or not? I don't mind it being hard as long as it's fair.

>> No.9616017

Is that a serious question?

>> No.9616018

>Except Maroku has a permanent easy mode switched on with no way to turn it off.
Either you didn't actually play it but still think you're entitled to an opinion, or you actually knew how to use the Shikigami system. If it's the latter, congratulations. Want to turn "permanent easy mode" off? Use only Touhou character Shikigami.

>> No.9616027

Yes. Will I enjoy the game more if I don't use easy mode?

>> No.9616036

You'll be a scrub if you use easy mode. The choice is yours.

>> No.9616043

Probably. It's fair enough without easy mode, though the "nothing happens if you die" thing is going to hurt your enjoyment of the game either way.

>> No.9616050

Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.

>> No.9616140
File: 20 KB, 368x70, ma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I played it. Why would I talk about something I've never played before? I've played all their games from start to finish. Maroku is the easiest one and the least fun, but at least it has pretty monster sprites!

I actually did purposely hold back on bosses when I re-fought them with my older saves. It is more fun when you hold back, but I still think the game is way too easy, and it's really bad when a game forces you to hold back so much to make it more challenging.

>> No.9616171

Plus some of those Touhou shikigami are really good. If I just had Rumia I could probably kill many of the bosses quickly.

>> No.9616272
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>> No.9616277
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Easy mode only makes random battles easier. Random monsters have been designed quite well to give you a rough day, so if you want some challenge in taking out dungeon enemies you should have it turned off. The last dungeon for instance has incredibly low success rate for running away, and each fight can be treated as a miniboss in terms of difficulty.
If you feel you can't handle the dungeon, you might turn it on.

>> No.9616281

Sorry but all I'm hearing is "I'm a scrub and I can't handle the heat".

>> No.9616289

I'm just explaining what it is, take it easy, I'm not playing with easy mode on myself.

>> No.9616293

Sometimes you just think "I want to take it easy today" and that's why there's an easy mode in there.
I'd rather not use it, though.

>> No.9616336

The dialogue in this game can get pretty painful.
Constantly angry Reimu, Lazy China, cold Sakuya, Yuri Alice, and other secondary shit.
Worse than that, the party gets so crowded that by the end everyone but Reimu only gets one line of dialogue per dungeon.

>> No.9616354
File: 181 KB, 640x481, showoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a river.

>Worse than that, the party gets so crowded that by the end everyone but Reimu only gets one line of dialogue per dungeon.
I can agree with that, though. Damn shame.

>> No.9616376

>There will never be a Touhou tactics game with Disgaea style, over the top attacks like Okuu blowing up all of Gensokyo.
>Or Yukari swallowing the earth in a gap, only to have it not actually kill the enemies.

>> No.9616396

I have no idea who you are quoting, but that is a damn shame.

>> No.9616417

I did, but it didn't work. It looks like I won't be playing this anytime soon.

>> No.9616450

I'll be honest, I think the "difficulty" in GoS lies in the fact that it's got some more frustrating and time-consuming aspects (but if that's the definition of difficulty, so be it). The only time-consuming part of DoD that I could recall was recruiting Yukkuri and other E and F rank Shikigami. Even then, the game was possible without them, but getting them had that satisfying feeling once you do. It has pretty monster sprites! (and graphics, overall), and the Shikigami system, in general, was fun and great. Depending on the player, it could make the game extremely easy or extremely difficult, and it always goes under-appreciated.

>Plus some of those Touhou shikigami are really good.
Just a few. The Touhou shikigami are overshadowed by some of the overpowered shikigami that you can get near the end and the expansion. Especially since the expansion's final boss(es) simply require you to have some of those shikigami to defeat them.

>> No.9616552

I'm not sure how you could think that about GoS.
>some more frustrating and time-consuming aspects
Care to explain?

Did you do what >>9615310 said? You specifically need Direct X 9, fyi. Not 10, not 11, 9.
Have you done anything with the compatibility?

>> No.9616561

I have X11 and it works fine.

>> No.9616568

I've kept track of this game since it got translated, and you're the first person I've seen say that. Are you sure you don't have 9 too somewhere?

>> No.9616588

I could but this is a relatively fresh install of windows.

>> No.9616704

I thought that would be obvious. Satori, ridiculously low drop rates and recipes requirements.

>> No.9616715

I believe the difficulty of GoS lies in some enemy encounters and bosses, if you're trying to figure things out by yourself. For example, you get to stage 5 after having a few problems with some bosses along the way, and then you find yourself roadblocked by those Mind Flayers. Then you do one thing (Sanae's RES buff) and that problem is gone. It's pretty much the same thing for everything else in the game, it's much more of a puzzle than an actually hard RPG, I guess -- but then again, I guess every hard RPG is only hard for that reason, so whatever.

For me, the hardest things in DoD were those tanks (>>9615995), simply because they're fast enough to almost always go before you, their attack have a slayer effect on your entire party, they hit damn hard and their main attack has a large AoE. Sure, they're pretty weak to water, but the only way to OHKO them by that point is to use Cirno's single-target water nuke, but they often come in large groups so that doesn't really do much.

>> No.9616808

I vaguely remember seeing a game box with Disgaea tiling and what looked like Disgaea attacks and maybe even a trailer featuring touhou.

But this was several comikets ago I think.

And googling it I find some stuff about it.

It's the game on the topleft here apparently. The youtube link I found with it was removed by user though.

Besides from one shrinemaiden thread talking about touhou fangames I can't find anymore information about it sadly. The rest of the results on google for "touhou disgaea" are kind of horrifying. Actually, I forgot to use quotation marks. Found a youtube video.


Looking in the description, the game's name is Genshi Ankoku Dono. I've found two differently sized downloads.


This is the power of competent googling. However, the game's size makes it seem like it won't be that impressive overall sadly.

>> No.9616875

That's the best part of these games for me. It's finding out how to defeat bosses without reading these threads or Wiki's. I already know how to counter all these regular monster encounters since I've been fighting them for so many years.

I liked the last boss pre-expansion in GoS the most out of these two games. It was frustrating, but it felt really good once I beat it. In DoD I never felt the same way about any of the bosses and I don't remember running into any problems with any of the random encounters.

I hope they have puzzles that are harder to solve in their next game.

>> No.9616895

>next game
Don't count on it.

>> No.9616923

Well, they did release a game after the expansion for DoD... but it was a Plants vs. Zombies clone. Seems pretty hard, but it's far from a RPG.

>> No.9617598

Didn't realize the thread was up, sorry.
Found the switch, only to have my whole party HDD crashed by a scorpio half a minute later. Darn.

>> No.9617613
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I put Mokou in my party just to see her last word portrait.

She looks so fuckable, no word of a lie.

>> No.9617652
File: 360 KB, 646x506, swag as hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think GoS will make you love Mokou much more than you expect, I certainly ended up saving a lot more images after touching GoS. Everyone who has played it has a tale of "And then Mokou saved everyone".

>> No.9617656


>> No.9617765
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She does have one of the best portraits

>> No.9617787
File: 126 KB, 646x508, ThatTookForever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou pretty much carried my postgame Alice and Marisa fight.

With Xufu's regen buff, she pretty much couldn't die.

Or actually do any notable damage to Alice.

But Alice slowly killed herself with Kamikaze Straw Dolls. As well as the entire rest of my party several times when Mokou got her last word going.

>> No.9617800
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I don't know if I want to pick this up again to finish it. Last time I got lazy wandering around dungeon 20 or something.

I really want to try the post game characters though.

>> No.9617801

There's a series of them. I played the one before this, Tenshi's Counterattack, and it was a lot of fun. Sadly, one of the nifty and creative, unique, and touhou-like elements got lost in GAD. Characters have lives, and back in Tenshi's Counterattack, once a character is killed by a hit, they go to their next full life. This adds a new layer of strategy, where powerful, 1-hit kill characters like Yuugi may be weak against characters like Cirno who anyone can easily kill but have many lives, and you may want to carry people that do less damage overall but have attacks that hit 20 times. Very creative way to add a new advantage triangle to the game

Sadly, it seems with GAD the damage carries over, so the enemy's vitality is basically just LivesXHP, rendering the system moot.

>> No.9617809

By the way, while Tenshi's Counterattack were obviously less flashy than Disgaea, they are good at keeping true to character. For example, most characters have 3-4 move by default. Yuuka only has 2, making her the slow but powerful engine of destruction she is known to be!

...Kaguya has 0 move! TruNEET Pride!

>> No.9617867

Anyone know what I should focus on as far as Mokou and Byakuren''s abilities go?

This is my first time playing my game, and those two are my two favorites...

>> No.9617883

Mokou is better as a damage dealer, just use Alice as your primary tank.
Mokou can hit fucking hard with her curse move early game from what I've found, but her lack of bombs and the fact all of her attacks use bombs is disappointing.

I don't use Byakuren but I've heard she is only good for buffs, so put points into whatever tree improves buff costs and effectiveness.

>> No.9617884

Why is Mokou using a spear?
Why is Sakuya using a zanbato? Looks like shit straight out of Final Fantasy fanboy's wet dream.
There are no guns in Gensokyo.

>> No.9617904

Early on Mokou will be your tank fill in until you get Alice. In the midgame, she'll be tanky okay damage with status effects if you get her fists. Status effects are pretty damn useful and with mach punch she ends up debilitating most enemy encounters. Late game, particularly when she learns Fujiyama Volcano, she becomes high DPS, it's also the main reason you give Mokou an Awakened Soul for +5 bombs.

Byakuren's a different matter, she's a jack of all trades of a sort, but she excels most at single target buffing. She can heal, buff, debuff, cast light and dark attack magic which inflict status effects, inflict status effects, and is the tankiest caster in the game(however you really shouldn't be having her tank). Early game, she's just extra magic damage, but midgame when you start getting more IND stuff, she becomes good at inflicting status effects like charm and control, and very late game you can either have her keep the IND stuff and go for instant killing or petrifying enemies with her high level attack magic or have her buff, which can result in some amazing things with the DPS characters. Her buffing is pretty much required for the final boss fight.

Also, status effects and buffing are very good in this game. Like pivotal to your success important. Alice as well. Every character has their use in this game, so keep them evenly leveled.

>> No.9617909

>There are no guns in Gensokyo.
Yes there are. Didn't you read Inaba and WaHH?

>> No.9617918

Tenshi's Counterattack and Flight Switch On are my favorite two games from Moetoku. I really hate how their work started declining in quality after that.
I remember starting a discussion about Tenshi's Counterattack on pooshlmer once and some fairy translated the battle text (items, moves, stats, etc.), but no hackers ever made a patch out of it. It was an excel sheet; I don't know where that excel sheet is now... it was quite a while ago.

>> No.9617956

So, uh, do I have to run back to the shrine everytime my mana runs out? I can't find any magic circles inside the mansion. Also, why is Marisa so useless?

>> No.9617962

>why is Marisa so useless
You'll be eating those words soon.

>> No.9617965

I sure hope so, she's one of my favourite characters

>> No.9617969

mid-game she's one of your strongest characters with a near limitless mana pool.

>> No.9617975

>Every character has their use in this game

>> No.9617979

Funny, you posted that just as I took her out of my party.

>> No.9617983

What are you talking about? If you use her with satori, patchy and/or marisa she can do incredible damage with chasers. Not to mention she has her own elemental enchant spell.

>> No.9617986

If you use her with those 3, you're left with 3 squishy characters, 1 semi squishy, and someone else. Your party will have no survivability at all.

The only way she actually deals damage by herself is Rage 8. Maybe useless was too harsh of a word, but it does seem to me that she's outclassed.

>> No.9617992 [DELETED] 

My party even for bosses is Alice, Nitori, Satori, Marisa, and Youmu in the poison shield formation. I just finished Genbu's swamp with no issue and this has been my party for most of the game, even for bosses.

>> No.9617996

My party even for bosses is Alice, Nitori, Satori, Marisa, and Youmu in the poison shield formation. I just finished Genbu's swamp with no issue and this has been my party for most of the game.

>> No.9618000

Question about Youmu's stances, does she only get the increases from her growths while in the specific stance? Like for example, if I put 2 into Asura and I don't activate the stance, do I still get +10 PATK from the growth?

>> No.9618001

The stat bonuses are passive no matter what stance you're in.

>> No.9618101

Been stuck at the final boss for about 7 months. Looks like I have an excuse to try again.

>> No.9618112
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I'm up to Eirin and Kaguya.
I'm trying to charm Kaguya with Sakuya+Aeroknife and tons of IND, but it appears I can only apply it once and that's it, twice if I;m lucky and don't get paralyzed.

Should I stop trying to play strategically and just get Patchy/Marisa/Nitori to nuke them with fire spells? Also, Sanae's buffs + single single target heals, or Reimu's AOE heal + dispel?

>> No.9618117

I wouldn't call cheesing "fighting strategically".

>> No.9618123

It might be too much to rely on charming or controlling without much IND success, they're not quite difficult to tackle in a traditional manner. Just make sure to dispel the annoying buffs.

I don't know, abusing weaknesses is quite strategic, Sun Tzu said it and all. Attack weakness, not strength.

>> No.9618128

Did you actually ever use any of her bomb skills? Purgatory Impale is one of the best skills in the game for mob clearing. She's basically your only physical attacker who can freely use most elements as well. Nitori also has innate slaying against magician and warrior enemies if you use her guns at all.

Mokou can do fire, but for anything else you need either Nitori or Byakuren buffing somebody for elemental physical attacks.

Also an entirely squishy party is perfectly survivable if you have Alice. Hourai Doll or little legion, whoopdty doo, the enemies won't do shit.

Then there's comboing Nitori with Mokou as well if you want a survivable DPS in your party. Her chasers can chase Mokou's fire skills as well.

>> No.9618132

Do you not have Byakuren? Going the control cheese route works much better with her since she actually has a skill for it.

>> No.9618136

I do not have her, no.

Don't I have to wait for an hour with Murasa for her to turn up?

>> No.9618144

That's basically how it works.

>> No.9618158

I would agree if you found out her weakness on your own but you most likely used the wiki.

>> No.9618251

Mokou's IND is 21 yet every time she looks at an enemy it applies her weapon status effect. Is it calculated off of something other than IND or the weapon itself?

>> No.9618277

Fairly sure there's a base chance which the IND then gets applied to. Her fists have a very high base chance of causing their status effect. Same with Youmu's last word.

It also helps that Mokou has fist training 3 which basically doubles the chance and mach punch which can potentially apply the status effect 4 times.

It's one of the reasons her fists are so damn great. Basically cripples most enemies.

>> No.9618374

I think one of the coolest things to do is to see how other people did bosses after you beat them. I was stuck on Yuyumu for several days until I figured out killing Yuyuko first prevents her from doing the party wipe upon death. Then I saw that some people did Yuyuko last and used Alice's single person protect ability on the last turn to prevent the death ability. Pretty cool

>> No.9618625
File: 97 KB, 493x559, 493px-GoMIllus-Aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does Aya get those freaking awesome 'DEFLECT' abilities? She has pretty amazing EVA now, but I want her to be even more useful.

Also, nearly every character has one of those "[last spell] 2 bombs" abilities. Does she have one, because I haven't seen it yet.

>> No.9618634

Is there anything more satisfying then a double spell card with Youmu after using Asura Power?

>> No.9618638
File: 47 KB, 633x726, 134451644556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck at stage 20, the part with the faces on the floor with glowing eyes.
Is there a specific way to do this? I'm just failing over here.

>> No.9618641 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 639x480, 1345661658571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9618680

I think the solutions on the wiki.
It's a surprisingly difficult puzzle for this game, and the POWERFUL enemies don't help.

>> No.9618716

the fun part is that I figured it out by sheer chance and I'm sure many did.

>> No.9618780

Have you tried giving her a gun yet?
Most of those characters people deem useless become beastly when you give them their character-specific weapons, but I guess most people don't bother with crafting stuff because of the low drop rate of everything.

Speaking of that, holy shit, Sakuya. She's an absolute ass without her two-handed swords, even with that instant kill chance you get with 25 points in murder along with the doubled chance to inflict statuses you get with 7 points in knifes, her damage will be complete shit.
Oh wow, I just noticed she doesn't have any. According to the wiki, before the expansion her spell that makes everyone go first cost 3 bombs... holy shit that's expensive.

>> No.9618919

I dunno about that. Depends on the knife.

>> No.9619127

Any advice for the battles on stage 12? The more I go up the mountain the more overwhelming they feel

>> No.9619145

That's the idea.
No advice, really. Just keep pushing through; heat weaknesses, use status effects, Sanae is always good. The battles do get steadily harder, but if you've reached the peak (stage 12), you're almost to the end. That long bridge thing is the last thing in your way, I think.

>> No.9619147

the enemies get beefier, but they're still awfully vulnerable to status effects

>> No.9620415

Doing a little streaming as a promo for the game, if anyone is still on the fence or doesn't want to go through downloading it.


>> No.9620417

intentionally bypassing wordfilters?
shame on you.

>> No.9620420

How else would he post a copy and pastable link?

>> No.9620429

Why hasn't DoD been translated yet?

>> No.9620442

It's in progress isn't it?

>> No.9620514
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>> No.9621274

Is there any easy way to kill Yukkuri?

I just got into a battle with 3 and 2 of them escaped, I felt like crying.

>> No.9621309

there is a (somewhat sucky) Yukkuri slaying formation LATE into the game

usually it boils down to RNG not making all your physical attacks miss.

However, if you want you can abuse Private Square with Aya commander bomb. (not sure if you can still use that cheese in Weekend though)

>> No.9621345

Not really. Aya's first strike skills help, and Youmu gets an attack that does a lot of damage to them (about three.)
Just throw those and as many multi-hit physical attacks as you can at them as you can. And cross your fingers.

>> No.9621352

Aya also helps a lot by preventing those pesky surprise encounters.

>> No.9623776
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Just bumping the thread before I forget.

>> No.9623790

Hooray! After months, I finally managed to defeat that damned last boss pre-expansion (I have a feeling the weekend patch made the boss easier, even with easy mode turned off), and now I'm playing the expansion, and I have some questions.
Are Reisen, Cirno and Remilia good? Cirno seems pretty lame with her freeze-inducing spells, and I don't know about reisen's slayers, do they deal a lot of damage? I haven't gotten Remilia yet, so any info would be nice.

Also, Lithos rapes everything all the time, random encounters are easy mode with her bombs, I really liked her.

>> No.9623810

Slayers stack so Reisen is rapetastic. remilla is meh-ish

>> No.9623829

Lithos: Magic Knight, has very high damage spell for random encounters.

Cirno: Freeze+Instant Death

Reisen: Slayer Master

Remilia: Glass Cannon, can absorb health and dodge well

Yuugi: Barbarian

>> No.9623986
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Reisen is stupidly broken with slayers.

>> No.9623990
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>> No.9624046
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That's my Udonge!

>> No.9624248

Any information about the translation progress for the GoS expansion?

>> No.9624258

I've downloaded the one packed in 4 parts, and whenever I try to open it, it just does nothing.
I've got DirectX 9 installed, laguage and the rest is set too, and I've even tried to run it in win98 compatibility, and it's still nothing.

>> No.9624263

Got them all extracted in one folder and all that, right?

>> No.9624270


Lingering Summer Heat was translated long time ago, and its contents are included in Weekend.

>> No.9624277


>> No.9624300

If you had to install DX9 you need to restart your computer. Make sure you extracted the files while in Japanese locale.

>> No.9624335

Then I definetely have to do something against my autism.
I'm trying to download the weekend version now, do I need anything else or is it patched to the newest version already?

>> No.9624343

I have already done that, and whenever I click the icon, nothing appears.

>> No.9624346

Guys, the solution to some people trying to run the game may be to remove the Moonrunes from the folder names.
I don't use a Japanese System Locale, nor Applocale, and I can play GoS just fine, the only time I had a problem was when my folder was named in japanese, that made the game do nothing when I tried opening it

>> No.9624375

Don't click the icon, click the .exe

>> No.9624381

Hey, it worked, thanks.

>> No.9624414

Been doing nothing but playing this game for two days.... I think I might be addicted.

>> No.9624423

Same here.

>> No.9624455

I've played the game a bit before and I figured out how to unlock mokou and byakuren after I got Yomou, did those two have any lines in the cutscenes or didn't I miss anything?
Also when can I access the characters from the expansion?

>> No.9624459

I think so. You missed their recruitment cut-scenes, I think, but they don't say anything before they'd normally join.
You get the expansion characters in the expansion, of course.

>> No.9624481

Do I have to complete the normal game before I get to the expansion?

>> No.9624499

Well, yeah. Expansion means post-game.

>> No.9624523

Wow, Kaguya and Eirin are easier than I expected, even without abusing Kaguya's berserk/charm/control weakness. All I did was stick to an element, boost it with Patchouli, have Nitori and Marisa slay Eirin with that element while Alice protected everyone and nobody had any trouble with anything. There were some MP problems near the end because Kaguya used a full heal and I only managed to dispel their buffs once, but overall the fight went really well.

Then again, that might have been because Sunshine Lunch + Marionette Parrar makes everyone effectively invincible.

>> No.9624527

I'm convinced

>> No.9624545

Do the original characters return as shikigami in DoD? I rather like them

>> No.9624548

I just got to the point in the game where Mokou joins your party before Eientei. I know there's some way to get her prior to that point, but is there any indication inside the game how that's done other than the human girl inside Keine's school(?) who says Mokou has been seen inside the forest area next to Eientei?

>> No.9624551

Not in the game, but I think it's either in the manual or told at the booth as a bonus to people actually buying the game.

Same with all those password items in the machine at Rinnosuke's

>> No.9624553


>> No.9624565
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Actually, in Weekend, for whatever reason you don't even need to do the "code" in the bamboo maze to get her, since she's in every screen of that map. In fact, it's harder to get out of there without talking to Mokou than to find her. I woner if that's a bug or a feature.
>the human girl inside Keine's school
How could you forget Akyuu?

>> No.9624573

How is it ``incredibly'' tactical?

>> No.9624575

Oh, come ON. Mokou fucking breaks the early game in half, and you can get her early by just entering the forest maze? So any new players will probably just get her by accident?
Jesus christ, Weekend.

>> No.9624583


She hasn't appeared in any of the main games I've played, and I don't think her name has been said in GoS past the first 30 minutes of play

>> No.9624585

Essentially it's a bonus for buying in person like others said, but it's also for people who instinctually try out the Konami code whenever they encounter a Lost Forest type maze.

Seriously, who doesn't attempt the Konami code whenever one of those shows up?

There's also the fact they just put the Bamboo Forest there right at the beginning of the game. Little point to the area if there was absolutely nothing to be gotten by wondering around right. Same thing with Byakuren's temple.

>> No.9624586

Higher emphasis on strategy rather than levels. In particular, bosses tend to be very memorable and have their own gimmicks, rather than just stronger enemies you spam your strongest moves for and hope you win.

>> No.9624587

What are you talking about? The game's still pretty hard with Mokou.

>> No.9624592

You should know her name because she herself has caused several shitstorms on /jp/ simply due to her books.

>> No.9624596

Hah, Touhou fans just can't take a little grimdark in their Touhou.

>> No.9624609
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She's the author of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Symposium of Post-Mysticism, two books with profiles on the characters from which much of our knowledge of characters is derived from.

>> No.9624618
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You need to talk to Akyuu a few times before she's mentioned, and then you need to go to the bamboo maze area.
...Wait, now I started a new game and she wasn't there. I'm pretty sure she was there in every screen when I started my latest Weekend game a while ago... weird.

Speaking of weird things, remember that weird lag in the menus? Looks like I didn't get it on this fresh save I made for checking Mokou, but after closing the game it came back. I don't understand.

>> No.9624842
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Ah shit.

>> No.9624882

I definitely had to do the konami code to get mokou even on weekend.

Just checked the changelog. Weekend patch has increased exp for some enemies in the gorgon barrier, but the range is the same. That probably effected your luck with the last boss.

>> No.9625855

Iku 2-shot my entire team.

Welp, I'm done for the next few days.

>> No.9625865

She's just like Momiji/Cirno. Block the shock effect and the instant-death part won't hurt you at all. Use a Reimu barrier or Alice with a thunder runestone and little legion or something like that.

>> No.9626060
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I kind of feel bad for looking how to kill Hina, her offense was a joke apart from Pain Bond.

>> No.9626180
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Barrier is always on cooldown at turn 12 (Including Squares)
And Sakuya's Square is unavailable as she has no Mana.

I might have to bring Alice into the party, But I don't know who I'd replace.

Picture is my party.

>> No.9626189

Byakuren is pretty useless, replace her.

>> No.9626194

It'll be a long drawn out fight without her earth enchants, but I'll give it a shot.

>> No.9626208

Replace Sanae with Alice. That one block-an-element skill Alice has can handle everything Iku can throw at you besides the combo.
Also consider replacing one of the swordswomen with Satori. Iku has two skills Satori can learn (and is almost guarantied to with max points in learning,) mad thunder and thunderclap, that you CAN learn (much) latter, but are both very rare and both very nice. I highly recommend considering it.

>> No.9626236

I'll try replacing Sanae soon.
The survivability with Alice is ridiculous, I didn't need to Square or Barrier once. It's just that mana ran out eventually, With Byakuren's Elemental buffs again I should be able to get her down.

First, I'll grab those moves with Satori.

>> No.9626247

I recommend getting Mad Thunder, because then you can do fun things like this: >>9623776
Thunderclap didn't impress me whenever I tried using it, and if I'm not mistaken you can find it again earlier than Mad Thunder.

>> No.9626278

Learnt the moves with Satori, and totally steamrolled her thanks to Alice.

Youmu and Sakuya were hitting super hard thanks to Bya, Sakuya Was getting 700-1.2k+ Full moons and Youmu was getting 3.5k+ Spring Winds.

>> No.9626384
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Jesus tittyfucking fucking christ.

Had some really bad luck with the Yuyuko's Resurrection butterfly. 5 complete wipes just because of that, even with the resist buffs, death resist charms and Mokou's 3-star commander ability.

On the sixth try I finally had two my group standing at the end of the fight.

>> No.9626398
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Did you know Yuyuko doesn't cast it when you kill her first?

Does anyone have a list of what IND actually does in addition to landing debuffs.
Here's what I know so far:
Increases chance to add attacks in multiple attack moves (killing doll, rage eight)
Increases buff potency (caps at 100IND, supposedly)
Various spells that rely on IND to do increased damage. (1million volts, Aging Drizzle, Poison variants)

What a mysterious stat.

>> No.9626412

>Did you know Yuyuko doesn't cast it when you kill her first?
Tried that thrice, still casted the spell on all tries.

>> No.9626417

No, wait a sec...
Not sure right now, but at least I tried that three times.

>> No.9626427

The easiest way to defend against that is by covering anyone with Alice on the turn you kill her.

>> No.9626428

It's word of mouth, as is much about the game. You could've avoided it with a london doll or time stop as you prepare the final blow.

>> No.9626444

I'm pretty sure Marionette Parrar doesn't help against the Resurrection Butterfly.

>> No.9626455

No, literally covering. As in using London Doll.

>> No.9626456

Marionette Parrar doesn't 'cover'. It only lends her shield. 'Covering' includes redirecting an ability onto Alice if it hits her covered target, even if it's a status effect, or an all-targetting ability. If you use London Doll on someone, Resurrection Butterfly will hit 4 party members only, Alice gets hit twice.

>> No.9626463

Ah, so that's how it works.

I used London Doll on Alice herself, thinking she will shield herself. Instead it only redirected it back to Alice, so nobody was saved. Oh great.

>> No.9627282

What about POT?

>> No.9627536

So far when people have decided to look into the effects of POT, nothing besides RES was found.

>> No.9627992


POT also increases the chance of landing Critical hits.

>> No.9628724

Where i can get Magic Shards aside from killing Apostles in Magic Forest?

>> No.9628829


>> No.9629163

Who's in charge of the wiki...? They should invite some sort of help in filling in details for the bestiary, as it's pretty sparse on drops and such (and has that huge gap in it).

>> No.9629722

Seems like there was a issue with one of patchy's growth skills, spiritual guidance 3. Not getting the cooldown effect. Should be fixed now


>> No.9629726

Is this for weekend?

>> No.9629786

Use the Japanese wiki.

Also...it's a long shot, but has there been any talk of patching out the no-consequences-for-death thing Weekend has?
That "feature" should really, REALLY be part of easy mode.

>> No.9629825


>> No.9630167
File: 630 KB, 1238x929, getoutofmyhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no alice run is going pretty smooth

>> No.9630256

did you cheese that boss?

>> No.9630263

oh fuck my reimu is level 25 no wonder I didn't have the good barrier for that fight.

>> No.9630264


>> No.9632024

Damn I love instant death with Youmu and Sakuya.

>> No.9632897

I find Sakuya good enough with just normal deaths. Her damage with two-handed swords is so big everything dies quickly anyway.

>> No.9633363

Just beat Reisen and Tewi. Completely forgot to check that the formations were correct but still managed to pull through both on the first try. Phew! That was exciting.

>> No.9633369

Oh yeah and the music in Eientei is just awesome.

>> No.9633373 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 638x479, 1345937060235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy yourself in the next level~

>> No.9633378

Inner or outer? You're right either way.

>> No.9633391

I love how well it goes with the starry border effect and faceless little girls running around.

>> No.9633705

Well, certainly they are tough, but I can handle them. Almost rushed to the end of the stage, until I started to run out of mana, so I had to head back for a replenish.

Mind controlling time stopping moon bitches is fun. 120+ IND with Byakuren at this level sure is nice.

>> No.9633725


That particular encounter is ALWAYS an ambush. All nine of them get to attack before you can do a thing.

>> No.9633730

Didn't encounter such a thing yet. I'll keep an eye out.
I wonder if Aya can help with that... (ambush prevention in one of her skill trees)

>> No.9634802

Not necessarily, but the amount of them, and their incredibly high evasion and speed pretty much guarantees to set up Damage Net, making your day miserable.

>> No.9634930

Up to kurenai+genji on aliceless run.

No problems steamrolling anything and everything so far, but I need to catch youmu up to level 50 (from 25) before fighting this boss.

aya is in the bait position instead of byakuren because of all the evolution breath in the end portion of genbu's swamp. Wiped everything walking to the healing circle, and now I need to respawn it all to grind youmu.

Tried running to a bunch of different zones, but shit aint respawning. Any tips for respawning? Should I run until I get yukkuris when I do get it respawned?

>> No.9635069

Why didn't you swap Youmu into your party every now and then, that's the most painless way to keep everyone up to date.

>> No.9635180

Put Youmu in commander slot.
Go into previous dungeon.
Kill stuff.

If Youmu is that low, she should get extra xp.

>> No.9635377

You really need to grind to beat bosses without Alice, huh?

By the time I got to the Gorgon Barrier everybody was level 50-53 only.

>> No.9635410

Nah, it's just from not skipping any enemies. Catching Youmu up should be the only grind. Iku/Tenshi hit everyone for 0. Genji didn't get to attack. Matsuba got a turn and failed to kill patchouli. Genji+Matsuba I think will be pretty tough, so i'm catching up Youmu.

>> No.9635490

This reminds me that after getting Byakuren in Youkai Mountain (tried to be a bit more legit this time), putting her in the commander slot and killing everything up to Momiji/Cirno, she ended up at level 30 at the end, more than what Mokou got during both Eientei levels. Huh.

By the way, Deep Animu, what is your strategy for bosses that hit everyone hard, or annoying enemy encounters? Baiting Mokou + Reimu?

Anyway, I think that respawning enemies is somehow tied to entering or exiting dungeons, I remember seeing something about 30 times going in and out is enough to respawn everything in every dungeon. I think that either the Hakurei Shrine or its healing circle also has a decent impact on the respawning of enemies as well, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9635825

So I finally ran into this mob. It was a surprise attack indeed and I they killed off two of my characters right away.

But my Marisa was one of the survivors and she wiped the floor with their sorry asses using a single blast of Passion Blaze. BAM! All nine dead, just like that.

>> No.9635920

Once again Byakuren proves her worth. She made the Eirin + Kaguya fight the easiest fight in the game with her mind controlling ability. Erin fighting all alone was hilariously pathetic to watch.

>> No.9635948

Other than the orange demon things in the Forest of Magic, is there a monster that drops Silver Trays?

>> No.9635969

Maybe the monsters drop that in SDM.

>> No.9635988

Okay, so how exactly does the Marionette Parrar thing works? I cast it once and Alice's shield is used by everyone in that column for blocking? It has no duration stated, so it lasts until either Alice or the blocking character falls in battle?
And what about those shield enhancing field spells? What is the difference between them?

>> No.9635990

All drops are shown on the bestiary, just keep checking from time to time and you'll know which ones drop.

>> No.9636010

It lasts for only one turn, so be sure to put enough skill points to make it spammable for every turn without cooldown.

And yes it only blocks the characters in the same column as the target. You may want to choose the line formation to block everyone at once.

>> No.9636058

Parrar allows shield blocking with Alice's shield, it only lasts for that turn and has a limited number of activations. The effect of the shield will be stronger if the growth points spent on Alice enhance it, use a field, or you use a stronger version of Parrar (usually costs a bomb or has a longer cooldown).
If an enemy uses an earth element attack, and you only have one good shield that has great activation against earth, having Alice use Parrar on your entire party ensures that everyone is protected against earth or any other attacks the shield allows you to block, in addition to any shields your other party members might be using if they're not swinging a two-handed sword or casting.
Alice is the one who drains the enemy's all-target spell down to single digits as she lends her shield to everyone. Though the activations are probably used up for that turn after that.

>> No.9636059

Just curious, what does that 'Exorcism' thing even do? Couldn't find the description for it anywhere.

>> No.9636066

Character specific items are quite difficult to get a hold of without doing postgame quests, the drop rates are quite tiny. You're realistically getting them only from chests.

>> No.9636074

Exorcism pierces the divine barrier on enemies with its listed percentage. Divine Barrier is percentage-based damage reduction.
If an enemy has 33% divinity, and you have 50% exorcism, you pierce half of the divine barrier, so the opponent is left only with 16.5% divine barrier.

>> No.9636130

Well, yeah. You're not supposed to have Byakuren yet, so none of the fights are balanced to her.

>> No.9636138

I initially thought it worked like that, until my 2-handed sword Sakuya, protected by the Parrar effect a few turns before, blocked an attack with that shield sound/visual effect, also taking way less damage.
Maybe it's just stronger on the turn it is used? Or maybe that sound/video effect is also used when something else occurs?

>> No.9636150

Anyone know of far along the Devil of Decline translation is?

>> No.9636171

Umm, yeah, you got a point...
I wonder if I could have managed to use Satori in some way instead then.

>> No.9636180

That's what I did.
Unfortunately, all Satori can learn mental-wise at that point is berserk...

>> No.9636198

Also Dolls Phalanx doubles the Activation % of shields, while Dolls' War doubles the rate and improves the defensive bonus.

>> No.9636204

Was Sakuya actually attacking that turn? If Sakuya isn't using a physical skill, she is actually capable of blocking on her own. I'm not actually sure visual-wise, too.

>> No.9636405

>The Youkai Mountain
>talking about climbing
>motherfucking CLIMBING
So they really can't fly, huh?

>> No.9636514

Youkai Mountain climbing isn't so bad when you realize the touhous fucking walk to heaven. Through the clouds. GoS walking is on some another level entirely.

>> No.9636550

I thought the ones that decided to mountain climb just started flying instead of walking at the halfway point. After they beat Aya the stage transition is them flying straight up.

>> No.9636644

>By the way, Deep Animu, what is your strategy for bosses that hit everyone hard, or annoying enemy encounters? Baiting Mokou + Reimu?

I used Reimu only once for Suwako+Kanako to barrier Kanako's charge, but it turns out she was way under-leveled and the barrier she had was single target.

I bait to Aya if there's dragon breath spam (evolution breath).
Nitori/Byakuren otherwise. Just based on if enemies in the stage are mostly weak to fire/elec/water or dark/light.

For bosses I just make sure everyone is properly equipped.
Sanae buffs res/defense/magic defense/evasion as applicable.
Byakuren has all stats/weapon bless/ele weapon/ele shield/sacred barrier as applicable.
In general this makes everyone take between 0 and small damage already.
Anyone with an axe can debuff all stats/patk/pdef.
Charge up stuff can be avoided a ton of ways- Sakuya can private square 5 times per fight (more with accessories), Reimu barriers, Nitori 3 bomb commander ability, Satori stuff, etc.

Didn't prepare equipment/skills/formation/party for Genji or Matsuba and just killed them like a they're an officer demon.
Hakurei type is the best.

>> No.9636690

What do Nitori's chasers do?

>> No.9636747

It's not going anywhere right now. They're taking a small break after this. Also, they need more translators, because they only have one right now and the ones from GoS aren't coming back for the most part.

So true. Genbu Lake. Walking underwater with no trouble. Zero explanation as to how that's happening.

>> No.9636750

I'm think I made her attack that turn. But I don't think she can really block with a shield-like animation effect and reduce damage nonetheless, I mean, she wasn't suppose to, right?

>> No.9636758

On the turn Nitori uses the chaser, anyone uses an attack of the same element as the chaser you activated (water, fire, slash, mystic, ALL, etc...) will have a follow up attack executed by Nitori on the same enemy, or on all the enemies if it's multihit. However, chasers activate a limit amount of time per turn, so you need to upgrade them in Nitori's growth trees.

>> No.9636761

People with one handed weapons(goheis, shortswords) can block at any time. People like Sakuya with two-handed weapons like greatswords or staves can only block by using the Defend command.

>> No.9637433

"defend' command just skips the action. When you have a character's action queued up you see them casting or having their weapon out. For casting/two handed weapons if they are hit their shield can't activate. But if they've already acted and are then 'idle' when struck the shield still has its chance. Defend just guarantees a chance of shielding.

>> No.9639320

Speaking about defending and stuff, how do those pre defend and post defend stuff in some formations work? Or better, how do they differ from the usual shield behavior?

>> No.9639334

A formation with pre-defend will give the characters that have pre-defend a chance to take half-damage until they perform their action. Post-defend is the opposite.

Post-defend and Aya dodge-tank is amazingly good.

>> No.9643411

Bump I guess

>> No.9643483
File: 398 KB, 838x524, maroku27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to unlock all the extra overpowered recipes in DoD. God damn, it was a total pain fighting all of those bosses 8 times, especially those without any weaknesses. And for what? Weapons and armor I won't ever need. I guess that just leaves fighting Neo Anra 7 or 8 times for that Regalia.

>> No.9643580

Ok guys, how do I make Remilia good? She seems pretty below-average right now, nothing special

>> No.9643586

fuck reisen

>> No.9643965

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.9644004
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Feels unrewarding. I guess that's the effect of fighting the same boss 8 times.

>> No.9644122
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nvm beat her

no thanks to this piece of shit

>> No.9645089
File: 52 KB, 454x597, 6c8215771b9c4b730a2604366c976bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I literally JUST started playing. I'm in the Scarlet Devil Mansion after fighting Hong. Is there anything I should know, any tips or anything? Any missable things that I should make sure not to miss?

>> No.9645201

I was pretty much able to figure out everything necessary for the early game on my own, I'm sure you can too.

>> No.9645209

Get Mokou and Byakuren by Talking to Akyu twice, the going west to the bamboo forest and walk the Konami code. Then go to the shrine southeast and wait for a real-life hour

>> No.9645217

just play the game until they make their appearance on their own when they are normally supposed to.

>> No.9645220

Really? I thought they were secret characters

>> No.9645228

Mokou makes her appearance in the stage 9, shortly followed by Byakuren.

>> No.9645231

Guess I kind of ruined it for myself

>> No.9645234

What kind of fucking shitty level design is Bhava-Agra? Having to run back and forth between 2 stages hitting switches, getting lost, and having no fucking clue what to do or where to go is infuriating.
Yes, I mad.

>> No.9645255

Nah, I did that too. You can simply choose to not play with them until the stage 9 if you feel like it's too much like cheating.

>> No.9645280
File: 36 KB, 152x136, quick elemental guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to read the manual, you can find a translated one on the touhou wiki, in addition to touhou wiki's notes, once you get a grasp of the system, things get a lot easier.
Character-specific materials (stuff like Reimu's Donation Box) are hard to come by, they're limited, monster drops are not reliable for these. Craft character specific equipment carefully.
Try to keep every member levelled up with your main party, you can put low level members in the commander slot and they'll gain exp.
Attacks are in two categories, physical and magical, AND attacks have an element which is independent of the move being physical or magical.

The post-game quest for Byakuren's material is quite painful, the goal monster spawns 'somewhere' in Heaven, and it requires Byakuren to be naked in order to succeed the quest limitation. You end up looking through most of Heaven, and then it turns out it's in the section that requires you to loop around in Bhava-agra.

>> No.9645286


You're going to just love the Underwater Temple.

>> No.9645293

If I upload my save, will someone on /jp/ be kind enough to get me to Tenshi? I've been stuck here for like 2 hours.

>> No.9645320

Yeaaah, no, killing Yuyuko before Youmu like some anons here said doesn't prevent her from using her hax all-death ability, just died to it even to she went down first...

>> No.9645351

I got the weekend version, btw.

>> No.9645356

I'm the other suffered anon from earlier. I had the 3.00 version.

>> No.9645423
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Any way to play this with a PS3 controller?

>> No.9645436

I play it with a PS2 controller just fine, ran the config and set my keys up. Dunno about PS3 though, I think you need to have some program to have it work on the computer, but maybe you already have it.

>> No.9645442

Does easy modo affects bosses & status ailment rates?
My friend is playing it on easy and I was shocked to hear that you dont drop items when you die in dungeons T>T. Why so easy...

>> No.9645450

Actually, that's not an easy mode feature, that's a feature of the Weekend version itself.

>> No.9645447

If you want to play with PS3's Dualshock 3 controller, download this first:

Here's some instructions:

>> No.9645560

>Does easy modo affects bosses & status ailment rates?

It halves the damage random encounter enemies deal.

>> No.9645564

only that? Not on boss and status effects?

>> No.9645574

Do you even read the OP?

>> No.9645820

So what do you do when you run out of mana, just run from battles until you find a healing circle? Is there any other way to restore mana at all?

>> No.9645830

Also with the Weekend expansion, is there any penalty for dying besides getting kicked out of the dungeon?

>> No.9645907


>> No.9645917

Byakuren's commander spell can restore mana. Not much, though.
When you start running low on mana, your best bet is to turn around and leave or leave at the next shortcut back, OR take the risk and keep going with whatever you've got, OR switch out any low party members for fresh ones. Deciding which choice to make is a big part of dungeoning.

And of course, Weekend completely fucking ruins all of that.
No, there's no consequence for dying at all beside getting kicked out. Enemies still take their sweet time respawning, and switches/keys don't reset. So just do whatever the fuck you want, it's not like losing matters.

>> No.9645989

It's all ruined! I haven't died to random encounters yet and i'm in lakebed temple doing an aliceless run. Obviously the removal of a death penalty makes such a huge impact! gg game fucking ruined

p.s. We all ran out of the dungeon to save item drops (just like you). No need to pretend like the death penalty made the game more hardcore and fucking everything is ruined now.
ヽ(`Д´)ノ It's fucking nothing.

>> No.9646000

Oh, shut up. You're clearly missing the point.

>> No.9646036

No, he really isn't. The cases where you were forced into losing items were extremely rare. You had to be buried in the middle of the dungeon, out of mana for your aoe nukes, and had to run into something with aoe status effects or instant death or something. Otherwise, when you were out of mana you'd just run from mobs and leave. What's your point that is being missed? That you were a retard and over committed to dungeons and liked being punished for it? A player who did anything at all to take the item drop on death into account won't even notice that it's gone in weekend.

>> No.9646073

If you want a death penalty so hard, why don't you just make a new game everytime you die.

>> No.9646112

>That you were a retard and over committed to dungeons and liked being punished for it?
Actually, yeah, let's go with that. If I do something retarded in a video game, I SHOULD get punished for it.

The point is that with little consequence for death, there's little reason to avoid death in the first place. Don't bother trying, just flail around. The worse that's going to happen is you have to walk around for half a minute.

>> No.9646118

Overall, GoS was just too easy. Running from battles seems like it never fails.

I still wish they would have death penalties and enemies like their older games. When you died your LP would drop and your max hp would drop making it easier to die until you rested. Running seemed like it would always fail when I really needed to use it. Also, skill cool downs carried over from battle to battle, so you couldn't use your strongest skills every battle and if you did your mp would run out very quickly.

Some enemies could even break your equipment, forcing you to head back if something important was destroyed.

I'm not that other guy, but yes, I do like to be punished for over committing. It's better than not being punished. I would never learn anything that way.

I really think only new comers would notice the death penalty. Most of us here know what to expect or some people cheat and use wiki's.

>> No.9646141

Not everyone's a masochist, and people have different playstyles.

I always backtracked all the way out of the dungeon any time I got any noteworthy drop, so this merely saves me the tedium of backtracking.

>> No.9646171

Not everyone's that incredibly careful either.

>> No.9646177
File: 20 KB, 150x94, nitori's hella sweet gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GoS never really had a death penalty. Upon a drop your immediate goal was to return to the overworld field, spending every bomb in existence on your path, or just running away.
There was no further penalty. The monsters only start respawning when you die several several times, if you were running low, you could return and heal. The arbitrary avoidance of battle isn't quite the difficulty to look for.

The only thing to feel guilty about is getting killed on purpose to get a free teleport out mid-dungeon.

>> No.9646446

I simply treat the easier gameplay like it was a hardmode and don't abuse the death system. Nothing to feel guilty about and it still saves some frustration if I still happen to die for some reason.

>> No.9646512

Do you guys think it would be better if upon dying, you respawned in the spot right before you fought the enemy (to save the tedium of having to walk back) and fully healed (to save the tedium of having to walk to the hakurei shrine to heal)?

>> No.9646517


>> No.9646754

Alright guys, how do I beat Tenshi. She's been kicking my ass lately. My party is Alice, Raymoo, Nitori, Sakuya, and Byakuren. Everyone is level 40-41. I know how to survive her 2 nukes the first turn, I have Alice use Artful sacrifice and absorb earth and after that spam marionette parrar, I have raymoo on healing duties, Sakuya and Nitori as DPS, and Byakuren as buffs. However I just keep getting overwhelmed.

>> No.9646872

Spam spectrum mystery earth, not parrar. Use hourai doll if Tenshi's hitting your other guys.
Throw up a barrier or little legion w/ earth runestone whenever Tenshi uses drill; shes gonna use magnum stoneshower the next turn.
For offense hit her with thunder or dark. A Sakuya or Youmu buffed and enchanted with the one of those elements just destroys her. And don't use field spells.

>> No.9646885

It'd be better if you were fully healed after a party wipe, but were still sent back to the start of the dungeon with lost items. Otherwise you're just forced to walk to the nearest dungeon and teleport to the healing circle, which is stupid.

>> No.9646906


I agree but what I'm seeing from a lot of Weekend players is that less work = better, what with so many people saying that losing items on death was pointless b/c supposedly they would just leave anytime they got a drop anyway, so it wasted time. I'm just curious if they would want other time wasters like I gave removed as well.

>> No.9646911

She will always nuke after using her Drill attack, so you'll need a way to block her earth attack on those turns. Otherwise, your team seems good. Give Reimu one of her anti-magic/anti-physical full party barriers to help back up Alice too.

>> No.9646914

Wouldn't Nitori have a higher damage output than youmu because of rage 8?
And what happens if i use field spells?

>> No.9646937

No. Tenshi is weak to slash.
If you use field spells, she'll counter it with her own field, genisis, which heals her thousands of health every turn.
Oh, and use lots of thunder spells. She's more weak to dark, but high thunder land will really cut her damage.

>> No.9646968

Also, give the Continental Shield you find somewhere between stages 11 and 14 to Alice and you won't even need to bother using Spectrum Mystery. If you're worried about taking too much damage, use the Sunshine Lunch formation as well

I kind of steamrolled her yesterday after Sakuya got double attacks off every turn with FMR. Didn't even have enough time to buff both her and Youmu completely.

>> No.9646976

If you want an exact setup for Tenshi, I'll spoiler it below for you, this setup gave me absolutely no trouble with her and you'll probably win no problem.

Alice - Spectrum Mystery: Earth every turn.
Patchy - Load her with Lightening, shift land as much as possible away from earth.
Youmu - Manuyssa(?) stance
Sanae - Start off with Wind of Shields and then keep up the PATK/EVA winds. Heal when needed.
Byakuren - Take Weapon Bless, Weapon Enchant to enchant lightening on Youmu. If you have Dark Sword, that's better instead of lightening.
Commander - Mokou

>> No.9646988

Maid cunts killed me once. Suwako+Kanako killed me 4 times. 5 deaths total.

I'm still thinking the croc goddess is gonna be the end for my aliceless run. Or Byakuren with divine barrier and strike resistance can solo her slowly and outregen everything she does.

>> No.9646992

Just noticed another difference in Weekend, outside of easy mode. When you run from an enemy, it won't move for a solid second.

>> No.9647032

No wait, I got that wrong. Whenever you leave a battle, via running or victory, ALL enemies don't move for a solid second.
I'm not sure if that's a difficulty nerf, or just part of Weekend's lag issue.

>> No.9647104

Anastasia's own power is her regen which she even brags to you about before the fight starts.

>> No.9647117


>> No.9647536

That's not an issue, that's a feature. It's the same as in Devil of Decline.

>> No.9647676

That's another thing that came from DoD, it's there to prevent situations where you're surrounded by enemies and can't go anywhere because they're blocking you.
I really don't see what's wrong with this change.

>> No.9648028

...how would it help with that? If you're surrounded or cornered, the enemies not moving for a second isn't going to do anything.
I don't like it, and like the slap-on-the-wrist death it should really be part of easy mode, but it's not a big deal.

>> No.9648276
File: 1.03 MB, 688x1136, ahegao youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OH NO! My party is about to be wiped out!
>No! Reimuuu!
>Hang in there Youmu, you are the only one left! (59 HP left!)
>Youmu gets her Last Word spell.
>You got them Youm--- ...!!
>2 out of the 8 enemies are still alive.
>Son of a...
>Multiple strikes triggers on Youmu's Last Word.
>"HOLY SHIT Shit shit shit shit... shit.... hit... .it...t"
Oh Youmu... my favorite little plushie.

>> No.9648286

Who might you quoting, sir?

>> No.9648423

If you were really thankful, you wouldn't post such pictures.

>> No.9648625

That helps because you can also run through enemies while they're frozen. Accidentally forgot to mention that.

>> No.9648844

That's just how I express my love.
