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File: 9 KB, 244x300, habieaaef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9604760 No.9604760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For the ones that care, a Final Fantasy 7 torrent is finally out. Here's the link:


I haven't tested it myself, since I just started downloading, but, since it was uploaded by a "trusted" user, I guess it's legit.

>> No.9604763

thanks man, been waiting for this for 15 years :)

>> No.9604766

Who gives a shit

No really, who does? Even if it was actually a good game, It's not even anything close to a remake

>> No.9604773

They remade it? Why does this need to be remade?

Square are really milking their fanboys. I just hope they don't do this with the good Final Fantasy games (though I think they re-released a couple in 3D).

>> No.9604785

Thanks for the heads up !bar

>> No.9604786

game's easy as shit

>> No.9604788

Enjoy your achievements and midi music.

>> No.9604792

It's not a remake.
It's exactly the same as the 1998 PC release except it has achievements.

>> No.9604801


Also no one gives a shit. SE shot themselves in the foot the moment they decided not to release the game on Steam anyway.

>> No.9604803

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>> No.9604810

Yeah, I remember,

>> No.9604816

only fukin weaboos care about this

>> No.9604814

What utter bullshit. Who would actually buy this?

>> No.9604818

For the unaware, they re-released it on the PC for digital download, complete with DRM, achievements, and the ability to purchase shit like levels with real fucking money.

>> No.9604824
File: 41 KB, 505x556, squidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9604839

OP here.

That torrent's being to slow for me. If the same's happening to someone else, you might want to try this one instead:


>> No.9604846

I'm not sorry, if someone can't beat FFVII without this "Character Booster" they need to never play games again, cause anything else will eb an impossible wall, wel I guess there's VN's which only test your boredom.

>> No.9604852

I'll never get remakes. Part of the appeal of older games is the nostalgia value, or appreciating how much effort was put in at the time. This applies to pixel art and I don't get why people think it shouldn't apply to 3D models too.

>> No.9604853

i like it

>> No.9604860

the fun thing is that increased level usually means trouble - thanks to a couple bosses (most notably the final one) getting much tougher when your level is high

>> No.9604863

You're thinking of 8, trust me, 7 never used this mechanic.

And funnily enough, no game after 8 in the main series used this mechanic.

>> No.9604868

>Public trackers.

>> No.9604874


>> No.9604883

>This applies to pixel art and I don't get why people think it shouldn't apply to 3D models too.
90's 3D graphics were ugly as shit but fast and cheap to make. Compare Amiga games to Playstation games.

>> No.9604885

Safer Sephiroth could be buffed up, not exactly to the degree of 8 overall, but it was still there.

>> No.9604893

Why can't japs into good games anymore? too obsessed with homo cgi maybe?

>> No.9604890

Yeah that's one boss, and also, you're wrong, Safer Sephiroth only got stronger by about 32k HP if you take him out with KoTR

>> No.9604895

Because 3D games from the ninties already looked like crap when they were released, there's no nostalgic value to be had there.
Just now are 3d games slowly beginning to look acceptable.

>> No.9604896
File: 878 KB, 1280x960, ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point? Looking at vanilla FF7 on a contemporary PC monitor is worse for your eyes than staring at the sun. I tried getting some fanmade mods for the game a few weeks back that make it more bearable, but I got bored and never finished it.

>> No.9604897

>For every character at Level 99 (not counting Aeris), 30,000 maximum HP, 2 Attack, 20 Defense, 5 Magic, and 16 Magic Defense are added to Safer∙Sephiroth's stats.

>> No.9604906

Character Booster? What the fucking shit.

>> No.9604907

That's awesome! Now I can enjoy watching a group of dumbass faggots waste their money on this timeless overrated game!

>> No.9604910
File: 118 KB, 547x269, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

So I downloaded that 2nd torrent I posted, but it's not working for me. Pic related. Would appreciate if someone could translate that.

Downloading the 1st torrent in the meantime

>> No.9604913

your mom is overrated and I wasted my money on her. Are you happy?

>> No.9604916

Now I always kind of understood why people would come here for japanese translation, but russian? Seriously?

>> No.9604920

oooooh shit son

>> No.9604928



Try this one. There's another one up as well, but I'm not sure if it's legit.

>> No.9604940

Oh shit, this reminds me that I just re-installed Baldur's Gate the other day. I have to play that.

>> No.9604947


I'm supposed to log in and there's no register button anywhere. Thanks anyway

>> No.9604946

The same shit that happened with anime. The Japanese are only interested in cute girls doing cute things and sex appeal. Hence Ar Tonelico 3's blunt sex talk instead of innuendos (not to mention girls stripping in the middle of battle), Persona focusing more on dating than demons, every other game including a tsundere girl when that fad was super popular (Star Ocean, Tales, Infinite Undiscovery), etc. Developers are too afraid of coming up with something creative, being content to copy paste current market trends and fads instead.

>> No.9604951

But that's a different mechanic, that relies on being the highest level, not just leveling.

>> No.9604953
File: 33 KB, 325x360, Inaba11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the original instead because this "remake" is awful.


>> No.9604954

Please post the magnet link itself. The Pirate Bay is blocked in my country.

>> No.9604961

I heard there was a mod/patch whatever to restore the not-shit music, but I don't know where you could download that.

>> No.9604964

I can see that you haven't played Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Black Label Arrange mode.

>> No.9604965

Torrent 1 (the russian one):

Torrent 2:

>> No.9604967

FF7 has been rotting on my hard drive for ages.
Is it actually worth playing?

>> No.9604973

Do you like to play massively overrated and mindnumbingly easy games about terrorism, depression, and stolen identities?

>> No.9604971

It's pretty much the last rather decent ff game, but still crap compared to everything before it

>> No.9604975

I played the PC version from a few years ago and heard from somebody that it has garbled music. But my version played the PS music for some reason.

>> No.9604977


If it's not 6, I don't give a flying fuck.

>> No.9604984


>>9604896 here. DON'T bother downloading this piece of shit ``remake'' if you want to play FF7. Instead, do this:


What this does:
Restores original FF7 PS1 soundtrack OR lets you choose a remastered orchestral OST with great quality
Remakes most of the graphics in the game (backgrounds, models, effects, etc)
Lets you choose modified difficulties for extra challenge
Lets you skip cutscenes
And a ton of other shit. And each of these is optional, so you can pick and choose whatever you want. It takes a bit to get working, but it is worth it.

Thank me later.

>> No.9604988
File: 51 KB, 640x480, squall speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already owned you in the post above, nerd fleet admiral, I think you should leave

give it a spin, it's interesting to see how the whole brooding hero thing became popular
