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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9512479 No.9512479 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9482519

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9512485

Reported for not reaching maximum posts before making a new thread.

>> No.9512495

This is not a fast board, no need to be so fucking eager to make the next thread as fast as possible.

>> No.9512502

But if he is not allowed to make a new thread, he cannot contribute at all!

>> No.9512514

Big fucking deal. What are you, a /v/ and /vg/ kiddie?

He didn't even post anything interesting.

>> No.9512526

This is not a meta board, no need to be obnoxious little fucks about someone making a thread.
Take your complains to the ghost board, please!

>> No.9512546

Finally started Owaru sekai to Birthday.
Still in the beginning, but interesting so far, particularly Ili and what is supposed to happen today one dead, 12 hurt. Promising.

>> No.9512547

>This is not a meta board

This is the most ironically incorrect thing I've heard in here.

>> No.9512549

Not like this matters a whole lot anyway, it's not like it's possible to push interesting content away from the first page on /jp/.

Going to try Mugen Renkan, I'm not too fond of hardcore fetishes but I've heard good things about the story.

>> No.9512552

The report matters.

>> No.9512563

Thanks, I thought it was pretty funny myself!

>> No.9512584

Hey you, stop bullying him!

>> No.9512613

If you want to, you can report him for the report-worthy offense of reporting a report.

>> No.9512611

Just after starting the first part of the common route myself.

I still think Touya (Ili's brother, not Kazu) is suspicious as HELL despite being dead and everything. He gives off these off putting vibes in the flashbacks. Also very curious as to who this Cassandra character is.

>> No.9512628

Going by the name I was kinda expecting no one would listen to her, like in the original story of Cassandra.
Also Touya is suspicious as fuck, I'm not buying he's really dead.

>> No.9512660

Also going by the CGs I'm half expecting the MC to look differently, why would you cover his face in the photo if you are going to show him in CGs?

>> No.9512774

The only thing I'm more behind in than downloading fresh VNs, is playing the VNs I downloaded in the past.

I did get around to try Persona 3 though, not that it feels very dating game like with all this silly bonding with everyone stuff.

>> No.9512782

What the fuck does Persona have to do with VNs you fucking crossboarder scum.

>> No.9512874

I thought this thread at least was free of the usual /jp/ bullshit.
I was wrong

>> No.9513048

Anyone know about how long a single route in 夏空カナタ is?
Thinking of starting it tonight if I'll have enough time to finish a route of it.

>> No.9513610
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What the hell. I guess this is a cameo from some other Cottonsoft VN?

>> No.9513697
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>> No.9513769

Oh, I see. Everything makes sense now.

>> No.9513861
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Currently playing fortissimo. Tis the sex

>> No.9513874

Momiji was best and her grimoire of the 7 deadly sins should make her a Touhou.

>> No.9513938

Are you reading Fortissimo EXS?
How is it compared to EXA?

>> No.9513971

god tier crop

>> No.9514155

Finished harukuru in one straight setting - it was a little exhausting, should've done it in two or so. For me it's one of the few where the daily life theme is really integrated in the story line in hindsight unlike most " I wish peaceful days were back / happy days continue forever " (in relation to his fragmented mechanical emotions, then welled up of fragments of despair and emotional strain from the mere act of living too long. Then a forceful break to rejuvanate, unlike his prior disregard on self-sacrificing). Admittingly, this was not apparent to me during the dialogue hence in hindsight (may be I am just a dumb reader). This reminds me of Hello, World, where it's much more positive where as this is is more "empty" as intended.

Also I like they gave the reset relevance to their life beyond the usual time hacks, parallel world access and the like.

>> No.9514261
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Did the trial of さくら、咲きました
The setting is pretty nice but the the trial was mostly made of your standard moege/charage interactions, not bad but nothing memorable either.
The end of the trial has a big genre shift though with the announcement that a meteor is heading toward the earth and that humanity has a 0% probability of surviving it..

I honestly don't know what direction this will take, it could take the same direction as Soshite Ashita no Sekai yori but I doubt it.
I'm mostly interested in the route that Hiruou is going to write honestly

>> No.9514362

I went back to reading Robotics Notes last night. I'm about halfway through chapter 2. It's pretty good so far, I really like the child hood friend heroine. I just wish the system was a bit better. Twitter is an annoying way to get on someone's ending.

>> No.9514568

Spoilers for Ili's route in Owaru Sekai.

Well, that revelation about her father surprised me. I honestly was not expecting it. Poor girl. But I was even more surprised that Kazu consented into having sex with her even after that flashback. Thought he'd go as far as fapping onto her while sleeping and would let that be that given her trauma and how obviously mentally unstable she's been the past few days. I know it's because it's her darling 'brother' doing it, but still. With such severe deep-seated trauma, it shouldn't be that easy.

>> No.9514640

So without spoilering, was it good/interesting to read?

>> No.9514770


Very little, but I expected it to have date-sim elements. I should however try and get the PS2 emulator up and running so I can try the Strawberry Marshmallow VN.

>> No.9514968

Playing: Lost Christmas, For Elise, Rune Factory 4
Looking forward to: New JQV Episode, Amantes Amentes
Finished: Bullet Butlers, Wasuremono to Otoshimono, Aerial, Cartagra.

The more time that settles in the more memorable Wasuremono to Otoshimono becomes, was really quite the ride for a 3 hour doujin game. Question to people who have played it I was kind of thrown off by the ending of the end segment, where the protagonist wakes up alone after sleeping with Asuka, looks at the pen on the desk and recalls what Kanojo #2 (Asuka) said at the park about something along the lines of "On top of the desk was the pen someone dropped that I had picked up. Since when has this been here. And then I though, possible, perhaps, this is something that can only be here, only by coming here can this thing be found" (iirc). I found this and waking up alone unsettling, since the pen was such an important item that connected Boku with Asuka. Is this line implying that his whole interaction and reunion with Asuka was just a delusion? Or did that, and everything following it actually happen?

>> No.9515105

Do you really need to read Saihate no Ima to read JQV?

>> No.9515144

No, not at all, not even the same author.

>> No.9516024
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They better fucking give her a route in the fandisk.

>> No.9516493

Only one I have ever played is wanko to kurasou. Anyone know any other good starters?

>> No.9516506

There really isn't much of a difference but if you love momiji then Momiji route yessss and of course sex scenes. Just hope you can stand that OP being by fripside.

>> No.9516676
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I just finished Lovely x Cation.
It was as good as you guys said it was.
Misasa was my favorite girl in the game, her after stories were adorable.

>> No.9516681 [DELETED] 

/a/ pls go

>> No.9518392

Albatross Koukairoku is a friendly entry level VN.

>> No.9518428
File: 124 KB, 480x272, NPJH-50631_127302085_329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?
I just spent the past five days on it.

>> No.9518453

I'm looking for a feel-good romance VN. Had a real shit week with two in-family deaths. I could use something mind-numbing and feel-good. Preferably long, too, but I'm not picky. Hentai or not.

>> No.9518466 [DELETED] 


Sorry about your loss. Saya no Uta was pretty feel-good.

>> No.9518480

You should play Collage.
It's really damn short, but it's a pretty damned good pick-me-up.

>> No.9518481


I was hoping for long, but okay. How short are we talking? Two hours?

>> No.9518528
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>>9518481 here, any others? I want to pull the trigger on a few days and just feel kinda better about life. Please help.

>> No.9518538

vndb.org, boke

>> No.9518730

Try Wanko to Kurasou or Wanko to Lily. Both are fairy short but leave you with a fuzzy warm feeling.

>> No.9518741 [SPOILER] 
File: 174 KB, 800x600, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Wanko to Kurasou
> warm feeling


>> No.9518873

See: >>9516676
Lovely x Cation has some high-tier raburabu.

>> No.9518924

That isn't the end bro. The end really is nice.

>> No.9518949

I finished the normal end of Owaswka as my first one, that was just an incredibly big what the fuck is going on. I mean Ikuo being a ghost, the one from the accident from the first prophecy kinda came out of nowhere, I hope the routes clear this up.
I like Naruko at least.

>> No.9519008

Anyone have a complete save file of Chaos;head they're willing to upload?

>> No.9519020

Can't you use sagaoz or something? Even its walkthrough at g-seeker has one.

>> No.9519056
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Well, this is new. I guess those bitter manly rivalry plots really are about nasty break-ups and enormous butthurt.

>> No.9519063

That rivalry/homolust was the best thing about Gekkou.

>> No.9519072

Always. Rivals always have some kind of sexual tension, no matter the sex.
Hanachirasu did it right with its true end.

>> No.9519095
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Yes. Yes it does. Glad that I'm not the only one here.

>> No.9519110

I'm really liking it so far. I've only finished Ili's route (that ending, jesus christ with her name on the tombstone) and half of Mika's, but it does seem deserving of all the praise it's garnering. Good stuff.

>> No.9519138

I should play the first one, does it work with an emulator?

>> No.9519166

is this one fully voice? i remember playing the first one which is barely voiced.

>> No.9519234

How about the difficulty of the language used in it?

>> No.9519238

What about the difficulty of the language used?

>> No.9519246

Not hard.

>> No.9519447

I don't know, since I own a PSP, but if you can emulate, say, Fate/Extra, you'll probably be able to emulate this one, too.

Nope, there are still no voices in some scenes. Guess it's because of the PSP hardware restrictions.

>> No.9519456

How long is it?

>> No.9519467
File: 229 KB, 1600x900, porno for kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I was playing Kara no Shoujo. Was gettig hooked, with all the "VNs are culture" mindset, getting in the skin of the detective, drinking some good cofee, trying to understand this crime at the same time the dude feels lonely and grives the death of her wife.... and BAM!! Out of the fucking nothing, after a disgusting autopsia, learning gruesome details about the death of another victim and making a phonecall to ask a investigation on abortonions, I get the cheesiest bad-porno dialogue, the screen fades away, suave low budget porno music starts playing and this women starts fucking me IN THE FUCKING AUTOPSY ROOM!

What the fuck. I am seriously thinking about dropping this game now. Worst mood killer I have seen in my life. I was hoping that sex would be best integrated in the plot. I was expecting fucked up fetishes and sadistic stuff, but not this forced reminder that after all I am watching bad porn for kids made by people who understand nothing at all about actual sex.

At least they should have given me the choice of fuck her or not. At least they should have left the fucking autopsy room, lazy designers that dont want to design a new background! Unexcusable. If at least the MC had some kind of autopsy fetish it would make a little more sense, but not after a second ago the dude was complaining about the disgusting smell of an autopsy.

Maybe I am overreacting, but it trully pissed me off. Those who played this game were also angry at this shit? How did you dealt with it?

>> No.9519464
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ended up reading the trial of Re:birth colony -Lost azurite-, and it was suprisingly solid with nice setting and characters, coupled with decent production values. could end up being one of the better releases of september if it can keep up with the quality in full game. also september is seemingly shaping up being pretty decent month with its releases

>> No.9519473

>suave low budget porno music starts playing
It was on the same level as the rest of the OST.

>> No.9519475

Nop. We've gotten used to ignoring the sex scenes.

>> No.9519479

Generally why I usually prefer all ages versions when available.

>> No.9519484

Ero is really holding back eroge. The medium could be so much more.

>> No.9519524

I know this comment will be loathed by a few, but there is this other game also ending with Shojo and starting with a K that managed to do a better integrated sex, that felt less forced and more like what it is: something normal humans sometimes do.
I mean, this japanase VN autors are good, they know how to write. And paper novels are always explicit and have sex scenes. why they had to drop the ball that hard on this field? I am starting to suspect the writters did not wanted to make a porn game and just added this stuff so they could get the eroge rating and sell a lot more. There are a lot of VNs with good plot, but so far I havent seen any Japanase one doing a tasteful handling of the erotic part. At least KnS dissapointed me on that area.

I will keep playing anyway. I hope eventually sex will become related to the bigger plot and rituals and that stuff, and this bad moment will be forgotten and buried.

>> No.9519525

>>"VNs are culture" mindset
I think this is where the problem lies.

>> No.9519531

Five star post.
This is why I'm happy for the CTRL key.

>> No.9519541

>that managed to do a better integrated sex
Yeah, KS really did do well integrated sex
>I feel like shit FUCK ME
In KnS at least it just feels like something casual.

>> No.9519548

On the same note as >>9519467, are there any visual novels that approach (preferably teenage) sexual relationships realistically? Not devoid of drama or with H-scenes being interrupted because the MC forgot to buy condoms brb, but something that shows two people who are romantically involved and gradually "ease into" sex as real human beings do. I have a feeling the answer will be "a lot", but I can't think of anything. Even if both characters are virgins and there's some dialogue about their inexperience or virginity, it always seems to dive right in for the sake of giving the player something to masturbate to.

>> No.9519552

That just happened on hanako route, emi, lily, etc all were totally casual and natural.

>> No.9519559

Misha's was too, and some of them were forced betond belief, see Emi.
KS didn't have a good approach to sex scenes, at all.

>> No.9519565

I appreciate what KS *tried* to do, it just failed at it. I really got the impression the authors signed on and then were shocked to learn what an "eroge" is, and they made that show in their writing.

>> No.9519570

This is arguable and not my point. Bad writting, good writting, what I meant is that never a girl whom I barely ever talked to grabs my dick, says "you will have to pay me for this" and fucks me in an autopsy room because "woops, already 1 hour of gameplay, needs the sex!!". And this "feature" is present in most Japanase VNs since the days of Runaway City, True Love, etc.
Is like if in KS during episode 1 the librarian suddenly grabbed your dick and said "oh and this school we also do other special services for disabled boys like you" -screen fades away, bad music, blowjob CG-

>> No.9519583

The majority of VNs at least reserve sex for when you're in a relationship, but it's still not good most of the time. You really do have to just use ctrl sometimes and pretend it never happened.

>> No.9519585

Damekoi with Mitoko? KGNE with Akane maybe? Granted, the protagonist in both is not a teen nor a virgin, though the girls are.

>And this "feature" is present in most Japanase VNs
Not really. Maybe in nukige or something, but in most regular VNs characters aren't having sex an hour in. Maybe you should stop reading translated games.

>> No.9519586

If I wanted realistic sex in realistic scenarios, I'd go outside.

>> No.9519606

I have some question, how is Rewrite compare to others KEY VN's? Sorry being only English reader peasant, I just want to hear your opinions.

>> No.9519614

While it's completely different from the rest of their novels, it's horribly uneven and doesn't seem to know what it wants to do for 3/4 of it and jumps around too much without some kind of common point.
Liked it better than kanon/planetarian.

>> No.9519611

It's worse than any of their main titles, but better than their fandiscs (though that isn't saying much).

>> No.9519626

Maybe. I dont know much about VNs or art or life, Is just I had my hopes up for KnS and that moment gave me a bad jolt, it was Runaway City all over again! So I needed to get it out of my chest to continue playing. And you were nice and understanding for that /jp/. Thanks!

>> No.9519628
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I seriously cannot find ero-scenes outside of nukige arousing in any way, shape, or form.

If it's not arousing, I at least expect it to be heartwarming or something of the sort. You never sense the protagonist and said heroine any closer after the act. It's just horribly awkward and devoid of any feeling.

>> No.9519657

Not this debate again...

Well, while we're on the subject of realistic relationships in VNs, are there any VNs with blood-related sister routes that actually go into the social consequences of their relationship? More than a couple of lines of "lol this is so wrong i'm fucking my sister", I mean.

>> No.9519663

Doesn't somebody ask that like every other thread? Just check the archive.

>> No.9519662

It's completely different and can't be compared at all.
At the very least I personally think that Akane + Moon + Terra as a whole pretty much make for some of the best shit in the media, but the rest of the game is just terribly uneven.

>> No.9519674

I've only been following these threads for the last 8-10, but I haven't seen anyone ask that question. Well, I'll check the archives, then.

>> No.9519717

http://vndb.org/v750 you could try this one if you haven't already. People mention it a lot.

>> No.9519799

I just got to the end of Ili's route. I really hope the game keeps it like this because that was a true hook to read the rest.

>> No.9520660

It seems that as far as story oriented VNs go Innocent Grey is particularly bad at this. Random sex-scenes out of nowhere were part of the reason why I dropped Caucasus for example.

I haven't played all the routes yet, but Gekkou no Carnevale seems fairly good at the h-scenes department. There's not many of them, they are varied, feature different participants (not protag-only) and happen for different purposes (job, maintaining a shitty relationship, fun and release, special torture, mindfuck etc.) Pretty decent for an eroge.

>> No.9520670

Random sex scenes were the least of the problems Caucasus had.

>> No.9520791

I'll give it a shot, thanks.

>> No.9520857

I heard how terrible the time-limit system is in Caucasus, but is the story at least worth it?

>> No.9520881

I read it for the art, which was delightful.
The chaarcters and story were incredibly... eh.

>> No.9520954


What is the meaning of this. Is Mysterious Cabaret not being released after all? If so, god damn it. At least there's JQV

>> No.9521052 [SPOILER] 
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She sure grew up to be cute. Light RN spoilers I guess.

>> No.9521058

I'm still a little shaken by how ridiculously fantastic Chapters Five and Six were.
They really outdid themselves this time.
And just thinking about how many fucking red herrings from the first four chapters I mistook for standard foreshadowing makes me want to bash my head against a wall.

The important parts are voiced; it just makes them all the sweeter.

>> No.9522244

Mikaeru's route really did deserve to be called genocide virus I did not expect it to be so literal, honestly. Though going by the OP I expected her going in a homicidal rampage, instead she was the one not infected, even if she probably was the original carrier.
At least I should know what to expect from Hiragi's glacial period. I love world ending settings done like this.

>> No.9523395

myth's OST for 500 yen is a god damn steal. and no, I don't think Mystery Cabaret is going to be there. maybe c83.

>> No.9523616

Hmm,I'm looking for a particular vn I vaguely remember reading a description of on /jp/. I'm thinking it might be swan song,but I'm not entirely sure.

Something like, some sort of incident happens somewhere, and everyone vanishes (?) except for the main characters,and the mc's are all sociopathic in some way? I'm drawing blanks, and nothing I can find seems to help, so I was wondering if this situation seems familiar to any of you? I think its modern or future japan, but i'm not 100%.

>> No.9523633

Cross Channel

>> No.9523663

Ahh,thank you very much! Reading the description of it hits it right on the head, My memory of that description was so vague, so I was just wandering around aimlessly trying to figure it out. You're a lifesaver.

>> No.9523823
File: 207 KB, 650x800, 1769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through Steins;Gate right now. I got the Faris ending first, nearly dropped the VN. Hated that ending, I wasn't even intentionally going for Faris. I wasn't following a guide though so i guess it's my fault. I played again with the guide and I got the Mayuri ending, only endings I need are Kurisu and the True End.

I felt like ending my playthrough right there. Even though Kurisu dies, I didn't really care. I don't like Kurisu that much. I was pretty content with making Mayuri my girlfriend and being with her forever while fixing pretty much everything. I don't even want to get the Kurisu ending because I know it's just going to be the reverse but this time Mayuri is the one to die and I don't want that since she's my favorite. Also man, this game went to town with killing Mayuri. The Jelly Mayuri is what really upset me. Some neat twists although I did see Nae and the manager coming a mile away. Probably the only twist that threw me off guard was them actually killing Mayuri, let alone killing her in so many ways. And Suzuha's letter, crazy.

Having fun.

>> No.9523896

If I remember correctly the true end is an extension of the Kurisu end, so you can't really decide not to get the Kurisu ending and just aim for the true end.

>> No.9523922

mayuri doesnt die in the kurisu ending

>> No.9523937

What about the Suzuha ending? And the Ruka ending? Man the bittersweet endings are what made Steins;Gate so good imo.

>> No.9524040

Yeah I kind of figured that by looking at the guide. I've already gone this far so might as well finish.

I really liked Suzuha's endinge. It was really interesting to see Okabe slowly break down but the same time I like Okabe so it was still kind of sad to see him go insane and start contemplating raping and killing his friends. That whole rape monologue about Suzuha was chilling. Too bad they don't tell you what happens when they go back to 1975 together.

I didn't like Ruka's ending that much, mainly because I can't stand Ruka at all. I saw nothing redeeming about that ending, it was the first one I did after Faris just to get it out the way and move on. I thought it done alright but when I'm sacrificing a character I love for a character I hate, it ruins it for me. Least favorite easily.

Faris ending was okay, I mainly hate it because I walked into it unknowingly. I thought everything was going fine but then everyone forgets Okabe and I'm stuck with Faris forever, then game over. I really hated that because it was my first ending so I couldn't believe it ended so...unsatisfyingly. So that threw me for a loop. In retrospect it was alright.

All the endings are really grim, but I guess that's what makes them good. You always end with the girl but it's so depressing. It's like someone beating the shit out of you then giving you ice cream right after.

>> No.9524094

approximately how long is owaru sekai to birthday?
I'm reading Dracu-riot right now, but it's not particularly grabbing my attention.

>> No.9524109
File: 217 KB, 850x1102, sample_fed287b870e8b2cda55d6c5cd5a74764[1].jpg_153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel like the Faris ending is one of the happier ones. Yeah, everyone forgets Okabe except Faris, but it's not like he can't become friends with them again. Mayuri is safe, and so is Kurisu. Plus I just really like Faris so...I get what you're saying though.

>> No.9524127

There is a fandisc for Steins;Gate, if you just want to romance the girls (and boy) without worrying about who dies or anything.

>> No.9524135

I like Faris, too. Plus, I think she and Okabe are perfect for each other.

>> No.9524474
File: 1.81 MB, 4800x1692, flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK am I supposed to get to the area circled in red? No matter what I do, Makato ends up taking a break from Kotonoha out of fear that he'll hurt her.

I've tried 9 times now, using various different walkthroughs and ideas of my own, and it always leads to the same outcome. I'm starting think that it's broken or something.

>> No.9525623

Yeah, I liked Faris too. Hers and Suzuha's endings were the most interesting and heartfelt in my opinion.
>when I'm sacrificing a character I love for a character I hate, it ruins it for me
I know what you mean. In my case I outright hated Mayuri and couldn't care less about Kurisu and Okabe, so needless to say for me the second half of S;G ended up being a rather boring and unpleasant experience overall.

>> No.9526729 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 1023x574, owaseka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking LOVING Naruko's route in owaru sekai. And it's not even the true route.

>> No.9527280
File: 39 KB, 800x600, Two lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't get there? Oh man, then you'll have it hard later on. I don't remember exactly what I did, but keep Kotonoha and Sekai balanced. Hmm now that you mention it I think there were some counter-intuitive choice somewhere.
Mine wasn't broken, bro, keep trying.

>> No.9528063

The monthly new releases video.

>> No.9528070

I only watch these videos for the comments, they never disappoint

>> No.9528139

What does the "otsu" Jap meme mean?

>> No.9528184


>> No.9528198

The opening song of さくら、咲きました is fucking terrible

>> No.9528292

I'm looking forward to the VN but yeah, that song is so bad.

>> No.9528362

Oh god Aoyama during that Zero Infinity PV.
Why the fuck is she so bad?

>> No.9528371

I don't know if you can really call that a meme.

>> No.9528380

Anybody tried the Pandora demo? How hard is the japanese?

>> No.9528392

I didn't especially like how the virus was presented in her route. I snorted when Naruko lampshaded it when she spoke of the whole situation being like a B-movie. But I wasn't expecting the route name to be so literal either. If that's the case I still don't quite understand why Ili's was called Cassandra Syndrome.

>true route
I've only finished Ili and Mika's route myself, but is the true route Cassandra's?.

>> No.9528503

Since both post are to me and I just finished it
About Mika's route teh developments are supposed tlo be like taht, don't worry, if they read like something from a B movie, better. Hiragi's route has a similar thing and the developments are similar, though the fucking tornado in Ili's route was more of the same, but I have a thing for diseases like that. The reasons as to why they are like this will be revealed in Naruko's real route Reverse End.

And the true route is obviously focused on the main heroine Ili, but it's hard to explain why without Naruko's route. Cassandra and the buttmonkey Orizuka get roles in it too.

And I hope you used your real birthday at the beginning, they wernt through the effort of recording every month and day so Ili could say the date properly and it really adds.

Most definetly good stuff, loved the ending, teared up a bit but the execution in general was solid in the whole game and the twists well done.

>> No.9528734

God, why are Lilith games so hilarious.

"Piss orgasm! My cunt has a piss orgasm!"

I can't fat to this shit.

>> No.9528785

Augment looks really nic in the preview (particularly the song), I think I'll give it a shot no matter how it depresses me.

>> No.9528896

This is a bit of a specific and strange request, but could anyone recommend me a VN that mostly takes place during the night and has a relaxing atmosphere?

I don't mean taking place at a whorehouse or necessarily stargazing. I'm looking for something relaxing and possibly with vast amounts of scenery porn. Something that has situations like the protagonist finding a night walk pleasing or similar.

>> No.9529187
File: 61 KB, 500x281, Strawberry.Nauts.563886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man do I love generic VN's.
Pretty Generic, Vanilla, love story VN. It was enjoyable nonetheless.

>> No.9529257

Is time travel considered generic now?

>> No.9529351
File: 76 KB, 806x628, RahuRahuV“°C“ñ_2012-08-07_01-48-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I fix this? I guess I'm missing some fonts or something? All my other eroge are working flawless, never encountered such an issue before.

Tried re-installing and a other few things, can anyone help out?

>> No.9529371

Tried changing your date format to the japanese one?

>> No.9529376

I suppose ひまわり would sort of fit that description. That's really all that comes to mind.

>> No.9529387

Is your locale etc set to Japan?

>> No.9529394

That was an interesting idea, actually didn't try it so far and read a couple of times that it could help. Sadly it didn't, gonna reboot another time, maybe then.


>> No.9529419

Didn't even need to reboot, it's working now. I didn't go deep enough in the settings at first, I only changed the timezone. I messed around in the settings again and noticed that you could also change the "format", now my calendar is japanese too for example and it's actually working.

So, thanks, >>9529371 you're a god amongst men.

>> No.9530671

Mugen Yakou, IIRC, is mostly at night. There's also Kikokugai, but that isn't relaxed, obviously.

>> No.9531880


>> No.9531959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9531977
File: 547 KB, 800x600, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Katawa Shoujo, and it's my first VN.
It's difficult to find games to play/download, since I'm stuck with a mac.

>> No.9532276

Dammit just finished Rikako's true route in Parfait and now I have no drive to play the other routes.

Routes like this should only be unlockable after completing all the other routes imho, I can't see how you can pick other heroines besides her after finding out the truth.

>> No.9532283

Reason people ALWAYS tell you to play her last, there's really no point in playing other routes after hers.

>> No.9532312
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>> No.9532313
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>> No.9532470

Finished 終わる世界とバースデイ. That was good, it's one of those VNs that provide catharsis and a nicely done ending so I feel kind of satisfied and exhausted. And "Happy Birthday to" is such a nice song, it's probably one of the main reasons why I liked the ending so much.
Also, the "I am Legend" -chapter should have been longer, I wanted some Orizuka time...

>> No.9532474

>I wanted some Orizuka time
There's her additional scenario which is more of an excuse of a sex scene, but it exists.
> And "Happy Birthday to" is such a nice song
Agreed, I want a link for that. It doesn't hit much in the normal routes but damn at the end just fits great.

>> No.9532480

Why the fuck did you not play it last in the first place?

>> No.9532491

Oh shit, forgot to check for after stories.
>but damn at the end just fits great.
It made all the difference between "well that was nice" and me starting to tear up slightly.

>> No.9532532

Anyone read Harvest Festa? Is it good fanservice?

>> No.9532545
File: 174 KB, 1366x768, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the same when you start a new VN, you are forced to go to the settings to adjust the obnoxiously loud BGM and the text speed which for some reason is never on the fastest setting by default. Who the fuck prefers to wait for the text?

>> No.9532563

Exactly, it's one of those instances where they just nailed an ending song.

>> No.9532569

>Who the fuck prefers to wait for the text?
I do, but I agree on the BGM part, it's always louder thann the vioces, that for some reason in teh ones with individual character settings they are never in the highest volume available.

>> No.9532600

Harvest Festa is pretty great.
The overall scenarios are all short but basically all of them (if you exclude the Tonogawa shit in Chihaya/Shizuru's routes) are great.
I especially liked Kotori after which was level better than her route in the main game, the whole chase scene was god tier.

Also it has a rpg minigame you can unlock after reading all the routes and that is surprisingly solid, it has a scenario too.

>> No.9532640
File: 1.84 MB, 1294x754, akane6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, man. I recieved the game today. Sadly, I can't into japanese, I've only read what the team Amaterasu has translated from Rewrite so far, and to be honest I think the common route is pretty nice.

Now, I'm just going to pray that Ixrec decides to translate Harvest Festa as well, someday.

>rpg minigame
They make so much jokes about how Kotarou uses mana or regains HP, that it doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.9532738

I didn't know. I didn't have a net connection at the time so I didn't have a walkthrough at hand.

I started with Kasuri first, then played Ema route's next to get her out of the way (I didn't really like her). While trying to figure out how to get to Ema's true route it also unlocked Rikako's true route so I went with her next.

Also I played Chocolat just beforehand so I was expecting her route to be something like Kanako's. And speaking of Chocolat, Kanako/Midori's route kinda reminds me of WA2 for some reason.

>> No.9532747

Shame, it's kinda a fuck up not to do her last because of the content in her route.
Asuka and Yui still have nice routes, my favourites after Rikako's.

>> No.9532769


>> No.9532778

I love you.

>> No.9532994


I can't believe this was actually added to EGS.

>> No.9533014

It is an eroge after all...

>> No.9533025

>Kanako/Midori's route kinda reminds me of WA2 for some reason
未練 is a fixture in Maruto games. WA2's the first one that was comprised almost entirely of that, though.

>> No.9533061

I only got through a few scenes (before realizing it was fantastic and deciding to save it for later, since there's still no release date set), but I'd say intermediate. There are some funny kanji, but readings are usually given for them.

>> No.9533068

> adjust the obnoxiously loud BGM

Yeah, that and turn on the "don't skip voices on click" setting.
Seriously, I thought I was the only one, and that it meant I was starting to go deaf or something.

>> No.9533111

>Yeah, that and turn on the "don't skip voices on click" setting.
I always turn it off, it creeps me out hearing voices while reading narration about what was said.

>> No.9533575

It hardly made a difference, forced attempted drama. It would've made no difference if they just removed it and and Tompopo was just adopted

>> No.9533670
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So atled runs on the same engine as Monobeno, that's nice.

>> No.9533688 [DELETED] 

but VN threads go on /vg/ now

Why does this board even exist?

>> No.9533700

You missed the Touhou threads? This board is solely to contain those after all.

>> No.9533701

Responding to a troll, but these VN threads are actually against the rules on /vg/.

>> No.9533710

7/10 I honestly believed you were that stupid for about 30 seconds

>> No.9533713


The site has grown enough that all 20 2hu neckbeards will just get drowned out anyway.

>> No.9533716

/jp/ is going to stay whether you like it or not, fagmaster. moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.9533721


no they're not


>> No.9533727 [DELETED] 


>doesn't have a legitimate reason for this board's existence

god damn

>> No.9533741

Yes they are. Untranslated VNs explicitly belong in /jp/. Only Western and translated VNs are allowed in /vg/ according to the board rules.

>> No.9533754

>doesn't have a legitimate reason for this board's existence
So, "Otaku Culture" means nothing to you now?

Also, quoting /jp/'s rules section:

>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

>> No.9533756 [DELETED] 


ok so /jp/ exists because of untranslated visual novels and 2hu

and moot actually think this shit deserves its own board?

>> No.9533759


>> No.9533764

Exactly, he loves us.

>> No.9533773

And light novels and, you know it is actually rather hard to define exactly what belongs here and what does not. Anyway OELVNs belong on /vg/ because of KS and translated ones go on either board. Translation projects should be in /jp/ VN threads and not /vg/ VN threads.

>> No.9533777

>but VN threads go on /vg/ now
Screw the distinction between translated and untranslated.
All VN discussion should be fine on /jp/. And it should not have to be contained in a general thread when NEET threads, Touhou shitposting threads and off topic threads run rampant.

>> No.9533786


>5 posts per hour
>running rampant


>> No.9533797

Have you checked the topics of the threads on here, now?

>> No.9533820

I started to read Ushinawareta Mirai, mainly because I wanted something light with a dash of scifi/fantasy my eyes could orgasm at.

After that I'll think I'll read I/O in preparation of next month's root double.

>> No.9533969
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 0db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katawa Shoujo.
no shame
Lily is my waifu forever

>> No.9533981

There is plenty of drama in Ushimirai, dunno if that qualifies as "light".

>> No.9534148

Serioulsy? It looked bright and cheerful from the CGs and info. Changing to I/O then. Seems gripping.

>> No.9534175

Wait, is there a recommended route order that will make i/o more interesting or just whatever?

>> No.9536046
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>> No.9536086

Yeah, I was wondering if there was a true end. Glad to hear that there is because I was thinking that no way would CS leave Ili's route the way it ended earlier on.

Just finished Fujishirou's route myself, and it definitely was more of the same B-movie stuff. Even worse this time around, actually, with the ice spreading so quickly. They weren't even trying to make it believable, but going from your post and the overall feeling I got that was definitely intentional. Going to start Naruko's route tomorrow, and am looking forward to finding out what the hell is going on.

>> No.9537723

How le randum.

>> No.9537738
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>> No.9538440

furuiro sure starts out pretty slow, and the stale writing isn't making it any better.

>> No.9538567

any yandere heroine?

>> No.9538631

No. Its quite obvious.

>> No.9538728

Just stick with it, focus on Saki's awesomeness.
It does get more interesting in the second half

>> No.9538740
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Starting the trial of Sinclient

>> No.9538769 [DELETED] 

A friend mailed out a copy of the Railgun VN. Doing that right now and Kira Kira since I am bored.

>> No.9538782 [DELETED] 

Got a copy of that railgun VN in the mail from a friend the other day. Going to star that. Also I found a copy of Ever 17 for the PS2 at a local import shop the other day and I never finished it so I am looking forward to that.

Finally finishing off Kira-Kira which is decent i guess.

>> No.9539082

Sinclient is pretty interesting, though it's basically Bourne in Japan

>> No.9539151
File: 782 KB, 801x600, nanaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading D.C. II Plus Communication lately.
All the heroines are really cute and I'm stuck between Nanaka, Koko, and Akane.
The only one I don't like Amekaze or whatever her name was. I can't stand characters that are hostile just for the sake of being hostile.

I'm pleasantly surprised with how the whole band thing is going down. Koko, Wataru, Nanaka, and Yoshiyuki's antics are entertaining and I hope it continues.

>> No.9539179

>stuck between Nanaka, Koko, and Akane.
Solution: ignore those and go for superior Anzu.

>> No.9539212

Sounds good enough at least. 4 things to read in september sounds great after these couple of months.

>> No.9539508
File: 681 KB, 798x602, anzu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Anzu to feed me like a dog. Is this normal?

>> No.9539531


>> No.9539677

Finished the trial.
Yeah it's BournexSeven

Most of the trial is made of the protagonist running around trying to find lead about his memories, this part is pretty interesting and well done. The protagonist also kills/destroys like 20 people in the span of a few in-game hours so it should make people who want some real deal happy.

Though once the heroine, Mina, appeared the writing kind of took a hit in my opinion.
I'm hoping there will some twist about her the "romance" part with her was ridiculously cliché.
Anyways it's a wait and see for me, if the main game is more like the first part of the trial it's going to be good.

>> No.9539685

Plus Communication? And you're not going for Aisia?

Are you a faggot? Aisia doesn't get enough love.

>> No.9539864
File: 240 KB, 850x1190, sample-33afc0f0a44715512ba9f97c9e190c25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear they're pushing it back so they can take their time instead of trying to rush it out in time for winter 2012.

>> No.9539869
File: 304 KB, 1366x768, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Lost Christmas, the TWEEST at the end was kind of fucked up. Those were very entertaining 5 hours, it's pretty much well presented non-stop action so there is not much to complain about.

>> No.9539898

>Those were very entertaining 5 hours
Wut, is the game only 5 hours long

>> No.9539925

I've been running into a problem while using ATLAS. Whenever there's a section where there's more than a single line of text in the text box, ATLAS translates them all, but skips all the lines other than the last one. I figured if all the translations are kept into one clipboard instead of closing and opening a new one for every translation would fix the problem, but I don't know how to do it. Help would be appreciated.

>> No.9539937

What's so surprising about that? It's an half-priced Nitroplus game like Saya, Kikokugai or Hanachirasu. They all have less than 500kb of text.

>> No.9539997

The clipboard doesn't really work like that. Just use chiitrans2.

>> No.9540030

Can't say I'm glad, disappointed is probably more appropriate.
It's true that they should take as much time as they need, though, I don't want this series to end half assed.

>> No.9540095

Who's that? Was it that blonde girl?

>> No.9540195

So Kio Nachi won't work on this.
I guess that mean Yumiko won't get much screentime

>> No.9540363
File: 79 KB, 1041x614, Hallelujah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Kanae's route in Muramasa.
Thought it was really good, generally more solid and consistent than Ichijou's, but the ending was a bit of a letdown as you could see both of them dying like that after the attack on the Ootori mansion. Strongest scene was in the middle of the route when Kageaki was in the GHQ prison.
I like Kanae as a heroine, awesome troll and absolutely batshit insane. Young Sayo is pretty damn hot too.

The other characters introduced were pretty good too. I found it a tad disappointing that Hanae didn't have more screentime, she was fun. And the german pervert was pretty fun, pretty astounding to see that he could out-idiot Chachamaru (though, Kageaki's ripostes are the best)..
There were a few questions left about what those two are up to, which I suppose will be answered in the next route.

Fights themselves were pretty awesome. And I liked the Barrows design, looks almost like a menacing Dark Knight.

>> No.9540373

>Strongest scene was in the middle of the route when Kageaki was in the GHQ prison.

Agreed. And yeah, don't worry about pantsu guy, he gets actual screentime in the next route which is pretty different from the others.

>> No.9540375

>What's so surprising about that?
Your mom

>> No.9540384 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 1023x574, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strongest scene was in the middle of the route when
You mean this? Agreed.. one of the most defining moments in muramasa.

>> No.9540390

Indeed that one. That pretty much defined the route in itself. Everything in the end revolved entirely around that scene.

>> No.9540404

>Thought it was really good, generally more solid and consistent than Ichijou's, but the ending was a bit of a letdown

Although I think the ending only feels like a let down when you're coming off the high of Ichijou's end. I kind of wish I had played Kanae's route first for that reason.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the true route. I thought it was amazing, and the climax is one of my favorite moments in eroge. Be prepared for Itou Kanako music and tears.

>> No.9540459

I'm kind of tired of OwaSekai.
Think it's time to start Hiragumo-chan

>> No.9540596
File: 10 KB, 220x287, 220px-Wolfram_Sievers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did a pretty good job with his portrait

>> No.9540597

I was feeling tired of OwaSekai too until I reached the latter part of Naruko's route. Once you get to there things start improving considerably.

>> No.9540725
File: 337 KB, 1024x576, capture_006_08082012_211948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggernet service provider has forced me to stay offline for over a week now and I don't know when I will get my connection back (currently borrowing my little brother's friend's wireless).
Having all the time in my hands, I decided to venture and try out Caucasus so I won't be able to cheat with FAQs. Big mistake.

I have a hard time even calling this a visual novel since you spend most of the time free roaming and searching places for clues and arbitary flags. Lots of backtracking and text skipping is involved when not using a walkthrough. I ended up getting the 事件解決 once and 詩音逮捕 ending about a gorillion times before caving in and asking a friend to bring me a guide on his USB stick.

I had no idea you actually had to let Ai die as a requirement for the true ending. Finally with the guide I was able to get the true end requirements, BUT for some reason the game didn't let me present the evidence that would nail the culprit. I ran around in circles for a while before noticing I had missed one arbitary flag (that had nothing to do with the case) from the game's first free roam segment, thus ending up in more backtracking and completely painting the last few scenes with my frustration.

>> No.9540730
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But yes, the story. I don't know how the hell the invisible "like points" are supposed to work and it seems to be very random with how you get H scenes so there hardly is any real character development and it just ends up with "oh, let's have sex then". The most hilarious example was how I ended up impregnating Shion without ever having sex with her.

The mystery itself is rather interesting and twisty but I hated how about 90% of everything is solved with ONE diary you find during the last day. And I presume the developers couldn't properly handle their flags since they mention nothing of the skeletons in the hidden torture room ever again unless you're on your way to true end.

mad / 10, would rage again. The game looks fucking pretty though.

>> No.9540753

>The game looks fucking pretty though.
Right? IThe OST looks pretty good. And yeah, the execution is quite poor in general and barely has redeeming features.

>> No.9541221
File: 92 KB, 1364x768, 45565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand Aoba, she's a stupid genki girl with an annoying voice. And she uses "uchi" to refer to herself. Ugh.

I like the songs though, by far the best thing about this so far.

>> No.9541232

You hate uchi? It's one of the better pronouns.

>> No.9541238

>with an annoying voice
She is voiced by Tamiyasu, it's pretty much the one redeeming thing about her character

>> No.9541247

>I ended up impregnating Shion without ever having sex with her.

You're just that much of a man. Or she's cheating on you.

>> No.9541279

Makes her sound even more like a retarded hillbilly.
I don't know who that is but I don't like her as Aoba that's for sure.

>> No.9541278

Genki girls are best, and uchi is great.

>> No.9541430
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White Album 2 on PS3

>> No.9541452

I hope for fixed sprites, Kazusa's is coda just looked bad, mainly the bustline.

>> No.9541455

How the fuck will Chiaki and Kazusa's normal routes work without ero though?

>> No.9541461

I liked Mari's first 'sex scene', it portrayed Haruki really well.

>> No.9541486

The ero in WA2 adds a lot more than an oppurtunity for the reader to fap, so this will actually be the much inferior version.

>> No.9541549

Without showing nudity?

>> No.9541574

I hate OP's picture and I hate seeing it every day I open /jp/ even more.

>> No.9541589

How can you hate Hello, World?
I admit the art is kind of odd at first, but it really grows on you after a bit.

>> No.9541600

Hello world with a more drakoi art would look great.

>> No.9541603

For me it's the hair ends.

>> No.9541912

Is this how all-ages versions work? I can't imagine them leaving the sex scenes (minus the lewd pictures) intact for the PS3 release.

>> No.9542063

For me it's the eyebrows.

>> No.9543239
File: 72 KB, 374x465, kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ero

Though honestly, I don't think I got a single boner reading WA2

>> No.9543397

They say all ages, but it's not like the game is cero rating A. Oretsuba R is the 'all ages' version of Oretsuba, but it still has a sex scene. Heck, there is an all ages version of School Days.

>> No.9543820
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Currently playing Muv-Luv Extra.

Anyone knows why the disc images I downloaded contain this weird files?

>Pic Related

What are the .ccd, .sub and .mds files for? And why isn't the the Extra disc a .iso file like the Unlimited disc?

Just curious. I want to make sure I got the right thing so I don't need to get other copies to install the game again.

>> No.9543868

>I want to make sure I got the right thing
you've got the right thing

>> No.9544366

> Oretsuba R is the 'all ages' version of Oretsuba, but it still has a sex scene.

Seriously? Which one?

>> No.9544963
File: 200 KB, 820x642, oretsubar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have remembered it wrong. Looks like they just changed it into a weird scene instead.

In any case in an all ages version of White Album 2, they could just say the characters had sex. Or show a scene after the fact, where they are in bed talking to each other, and it is apparent what they were doing.

>> No.9545206

What's the most overrated eroge of all time?

>> No.9545209


>> No.9545219

'Overrated' has got to be one of the most pointless words in the English dictionary due to how it's all opinion, but I'd say that it's MLA.

>> No.9545244

Describing something as "overrated" is overrated.

>> No.9545246

For me it would be something like Fate/Stay Night or Kazoku Keikaku or something. While MLA may be somewhat overrated, if both MLA and FSN had average scores of 90, I would say MLA is more deserving of that score.

>> No.9545291

At least F/Sn was entertaining.

>> No.9545525

>In any case in an all ages version of White Album 2, they could just say the characters had sex
But that doesn't work very well with WA2. The first scene with Setsuna is them ravaging each other in a sex marathon to show the release of several years worth of pent up frustration, feelings and desire. Reducing this into a "and then they had rough sex" -message doesn't bring this point across very well. WA2 would be undoubtedly worse without the H.

>> No.9545531
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 12697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start Kusari. Will this guy torment me in eternal rage?

>> No.9545534

Most of the time it was really boring and far too long winded for what it was.

>> No.9545846

He's infinitely cooler and more interesting than the shitty bland protagonist, so probably not. Frankly he's the one more deserving of getting to fuck the girls.

>> No.9545941

Finished Parfait just now. You guys weren't kidding about Rikako's route, easily the best out of all the character routes, though, I didn't particularly enjoy any of the character routes (outside of Rikako's). The common route and rikako's route were the real gems in the end.

>> No.9546241

Poor Garuda.

>> No.9546278

poor nerd

>> No.9546287

I still wanted a route starring Garuda, that would have been crazy.

>> No.9546353 [DELETED] 



>> No.9546363 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9547111

After completing the 0.1 endings from route A and B, I/O is great and really interesting and fun to read, loved Ishtar as a MC, especially because of her VA.

>> No.9547463

>The first scene with Setsuna is them ravaging each other in a sex marathon to show the release of several years worth of pent up frustration, feelings and desire. Reducing this into a "and then they had rough sex" -message doesn't bring this point across very well.
I don't think removing it would make much of an impact on the overall story though. If you hadn't already played the ero version, would it really matter that much? You probably wouldn't notice. And who knows how they will actually go about handling it anyway.

>> No.9548566

創世奇譚アエリアル, what a disappointing game.

>> No.9549339

The shit writing was already obvious in the trial, I don't know why people were surprised

>> No.9549983
File: 141 KB, 800x600, io-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my brain you fucking route C. I didn't know what was going on half the time and at the end they just throw you a twist and I still can't make sense out of this fucking route.
I suppose this is why I'm liking it a lot, but I probably need to re read this route from the beginning the second time.

>> No.9550053

Just finished Remember11, I still can't believe "true ending" is THE end. I got mindfucked hard reading it. I still don't understand WHY did Satoru climb clock tower at the beginning. Maybe he was trying to lose memory on purpose in order to go against "that man"?

>> No.9550101

So, are these thing like picture books for children? I honestly don't see the appeal in these literary abominations.

>> No.9550228
File: 326 KB, 650x950, tsuki_chara00_asahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CV: なし

How could you have a trap protag and not voice him?

>> No.9550243

Think about the self inserting retards, why does no one think about them?

>> No.9550714

maybe they can't find an actually guy that is good at voicing trap? I always find it stupid that its always female that voice trap most of the time

>> No.9551167

Whelp. I got my first ending in R;N. I guess it's supposed to be a Nae end, but in reality it seems like more of a bad end. Thankfully there are guides for the game now, so I can restart and do things properly without having to guess my way through the twitterverse.

>> No.9551745


>> No.9551764

Got to say, those new clothes are rocking.
But why is Sachi the only one without a new outfit?

>> No.9551832

Come on, dude. The coroner is a total skank and IIRC, has to practically force the semen out of MC.

Don't get hung up on that shit KnS is really good.

>> No.9552152
File: 233 KB, 1043x866, 04_makina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makina looks so fucking cute

>> No.9552204
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Has anybody found the download for that scene in Monobeno yet? If nobody does, it seems like I'll have to get the game from dlsite to get that scene. Also in a previous thread someone mentioned they got a special wallpaper for answering to questions. If you are still around it would be nice to post it if you still have it.

>> No.9552432
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I don't mind, but it's nothing big. Or good, even.
Came in multiple resolutions in an archive, I'll just put the biggest one here.

>> No.9552438

You just don't put Sachi in new clothes, there's a build up for that.
That said, Michiru is best.

>> No.9552453
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>> No.9552459

>Amane driving
Poor, poor souls. The Makina pic lookds great though, I love afternoon shadowing.

>> No.9552475

That look so fucking good, I can't wait

>> No.9552484

I wonder if Rakuen is going to be mostly linear.

>> No.9552491

I'd suppose linear+heroine exclusive segments and end.

>> No.9552500

Will this going to have Kazuki hscene?

>> No.9552549

Pretty sure that's going happen, isn't she the most popular character in grisaia?

>> No.9553162

Thanks, it's still cute. And it's Natsuha too, so can't go wrong with it.
Which remind me I came upon scans from the Natsuha dakimakura here:

>> No.9553322
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Got my connection back a few minutes ago. Going along with more Innocent Grey and decided to start Cartagra. Currently proceeding through chapter 3 and so far I'm liking it more than Caucasus. Tohzi is pretty awesome.

She will become one of the main heroines or get raped by Oslo's henchmen to make him look even more evil. Either way, someone has to break that 処女膜.

>> No.9553333

Cartagra is really neat. Reading KnS may have spoiled a couple of things about who dies/lives but that's about it.

>> No.9553337
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The Sinclient trial was interesting enough. I hope the full game will continue with the hard boiled action and not drift into High School SoL and bento eating with childhood friends.

>> No.9553545

Is Rakuen a sequel?

I'm currently playing Kajitsu and while the jokes and dialogue are great there's no "main plot" in sight. It feels like I've been reading an extended prologue. When does the shit hit the fan so to speak?

>> No.9553552

>When does the shit hit the fan so to speak?
The very end of Meikyuu.

>> No.9553555

Those new outfits in Rakuen looks good and Michiru is living upto expectation with that face. Sachi don't get anything?

>> No.9553561

Kajitsu and for the most part Meikyuu are pretty much charage, you read it for the awesome characters and the humor.
Rakuen is probably (hopefully) going to take these and get a good story going that binds them together.

>> No.9553593

Has anyone played the trial of HOTOTOGISU yet? Does the game actively make use of the political revenge plot or do they just throw it out of the window as a poor excuse for the rape scenes?

>> No.9553604

Kajitsus "main plot" could be said to be the dealing with the drama of heroines pasts and hinting that there might be something bigger going behind the scenes. Meikyuu is Yuujis past and setting the ball rolling finally at the end. And then Rakuen will be the "main plot" of the series now that all the setting up is done.

>> No.9553908

Another way to look at Kajitsu is what would happen if Yuuji's past didn't come back to haunt him and left him in his merry ways. Meikyuu, as many already said here, is the introduction/backdrop (horrible cliffhanger). Rakuen is the main.

>> No.9554075

There's actually a few more:

Seems like they're selling them this weekend, I wish I could go and get the alice one.

>> No.9554155

Ya I saw that as well, I'd love to get the Sumi one to be honest.

>> No.9554183

Also, they released yet another additional hscene last month, this time with natsuha and loli-takijorou.
I really need to keep my eyes open there.
Maybe they'll even put this dlsite extra scenario up for all, given enough time.

>> No.9554388
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Can't fucking wait.
I'll definitely buy it when it will be uploaded on a DL site but I still want to read it quickly

>> No.9554654

New thread: >>9554649
