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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 640x480, headphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9545998 No.9545998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you invested your autismbux in recently, /jp/?

>> No.9546011

5D Mk2, a camera.

>> No.9546012

It's funny OP
because people who are genuinely autistic don't actually get autismbux

>> No.9546013
File: 42 KB, 791x531, akgk514mII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're fine

>> No.9546054

>not getting a soundbar

>> No.9546216
File: 372 KB, 1019x1019, 1337452429826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9546757



I am autistic.

I get the autismbux.

Approx. $900 per month.

>> No.9546769

What are the best headphones around $30? I'm poor as fuck, and even that means two months of saving up.

>> No.9546798

HD 201's I hear are good for the price.

>> No.9546807


I have no idea if they are good or not since they are the first ones I've bought. 4/5 eggs, though.

>> No.9546816
File: 180 KB, 710x550, accurateheadphonemockuprepresentation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9546821

I'm about to buy some MEE M6s so I can run with them

>> No.9546828

HD650s and the E7/E9 combo.

Pretty huge step up from my previous crappy headphones.

>> No.9546847


Why don't you get a real dac/amp?

>> No.9546843

I mostly hang out on /mu/, but sometimes will stop by /g/ for the headphone threads. I didn't realize /jp/ was the correct place for this topic. I'll try and direct anyone who mentions headphones here from now on.

>> No.9546844
File: 28 KB, 389x500, Beyerdynamic-DT770-Pro-600-Ohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure wasting this much money on headphones isn't right, but the sound is awesome.

>> No.9546854

I fucking hope you burn in hell. Thank you mods for killing /jp/.

>> No.9546851


Because the negligible increase in sound quality wouldn't even begin to be worth the money.

>> No.9546855

dt 880s with an audinst hud mx-1

>> No.9546858

Koss PRO4AAT Platinum here

>> No.9546867

But you spent $500 on 650's, you should at least get something nice to power it with.

>> No.9546870

Note the sage, and the inflammatory post. These are the signs of a /jp/ troll.

>> No.9546883

It doesn't matter if it's a troll because that is actually the mindset people will have. They will redirect from all the boards here to /jp/.

Keep up the good work mods, you're doing an excellent job.

>> No.9546897


>They will redirect from all the boards here to /jp/.

Why the fuck would anyone do that? You're being paranoid.

If you're an outsider wanting to talk about or be recommended headphones, your choices are /g/, /mu/ or /jp/.

Do you really think anyone will pick the small, slow Japanese board they know nothing about?

>> No.9546903

I just don't get how headphones are related to /jp/ in the slightest.

>> No.9546933

They aren't, really. It was probably an error to put it in the sticky. Nobody really cares, though.

>> No.9546938

That's simple. You wear headphones -> you're sitting in front of your PC -> you're at home in your basement room -> you're NEETing the shit out of that room -> 100% related to /jp/

>> No.9546947

Because there are headphone otaku, it's part of the culture bro

>> No.9546955

Why duct tape?

>> No.9546970

I still have to apply for federal funding through scholarships for my disabilities.

I did buy an Ultra Man Monster figurine, a new pare of Tom Curse Sunglasses, a few books on the original inhabitants of Sicily, two Official Sonny Chiba DVDs titled The Eight Samurai and Ninja Wars.

>> No.9546987
File: 399 KB, 1006x1500, seiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Japanese wristwatch.

>> No.9546998

There are cock otaku too but they aren't allowed to post for some reasons.

>> No.9547009

This is a SFW board.

Gay stuff belongs on >>>/hm/.

>> No.9547023

You can discuss dicks without posting NSFW images.

>> No.9547037

NSFW text is just as bad.
The topic itself is even NSFW.

>> No.9547057

Cute anime girls use them.

>> No.9547103

Nothing on /jp/ is "safe for work".

>> No.9547099

>Now then. /jp/ is not your blog,

>> No.9547109


>> No.9547124

(n)sfw is just a shitty term. It should be (non-)sexual instead because almost everything on 4chan is something that a normal human would not look at at "owkr".

>> No.9547126

A wristwatch in this day and age?

>> No.9547192

Why not? Though they are mostly accessories these days.

>> No.9547197

Not to mention, we're not really the type of people who have phones, so it doesn't hurt to carry around a clock.

>> No.9547221

What, are you admitting that you have a cellphone?
