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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 112 KB, 782x485, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9533432 No.9533432[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9533441

I've actually emailed moot before asking him why he doesn't hire autistic staff members. All the mods I've spoken to were clearly neurotypical. Which is fine, but I think 4chan could benefit from some autistic people who actually care about order and organized walls of text and so on.

>> No.9533445

You were surprised NSJ was autistic when he always deletes to Page 5 every day? Regardless of how much the remaining content is shitposts he wont go past 5.

>> No.9533448

autist of the highest order is going on my janitor application

>> No.9533455

I agree.

>> No.9533456

If there's too few pages people decide that they need to fill them up with trash.

>> No.9533460

I agree.

>> No.9533462

I concur.

>> No.9533466


Is it really this d00d?

>> No.9533477


Did the other janitor(s) get fired?

>> No.9533480

He's a railgun fan. Probably not.

>> No.9533483

For all the complaining about NSJ, he really is leagues, and I mean leagues ahead of any other board janitor. There is NO other board that I know of where there is a daily cleansing of shit threads that spans half the board sometimes. We don't know how good we have it.

>> No.9533491


Go away.

>> No.9533493

He's AHO now.

>> No.9533495

Nice try.
Purposely leaving the pony thread while wiping out please respond, cis privilege, tripfag tier list and etc.
Are you telling me he missed the pony thread by chance?

>> No.9533497

Oh no, he left up a shitty thread. Worst janitor ever.

>> No.9533498
File: 29 KB, 325x355, 1342584064574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9533499

i never said he was bad i said he wqs autistic

>> No.9533501


I fully agree with the janitor(s) sometimes, but other times, not at all.

When you need him to delete threads he doesn't care, then when he does come around, he thrashes through all 11 pages deleting everything recklessly, while leaving shit that really should have been deleted untouched, and killing good threads.

>> No.9533512
File: 43 KB, 232x272, KefkaUWotM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse.

You guys could have it like we do on /v/ with basically no moderation at all and the mods stickying Feels threads.

In all honesty I'd kill for heavy handed crap over there instead of the lawlessness.

>> No.9533554

well, the pony thread DOES directly violate global rules. what excuses ignoring a direct rule?

>> No.9533552

I don't know, but I'd say that getting rid of 90% of the trash is good enough for me. Next time, do your job and report threads you find offensive too.
...Unless you're being ironic and stating that please respond, cis privilege, tripfag tier list and etc are good threads.

>> No.9533566 [DELETED] 

Maybe the janitor of /jp/ doesn't actually browse the board and just deletes everything that was reported.

>> No.9533574

Fuck off.

>> No.9533595

It violates two rules. Check it, yo:
> 14. All pony/brony threads belong on /mlp/.

> 1. This is the destination for _all_ My Little Pony related content on 4chan.

Why /mlp/ has such thorough rules is beyond me.

>> No.9533605

Report it more times next time you see something as horrible as it, then.

>> No.9533618

rule 1, for /mlp/ though was to go with global 14, because moot still gives them a place to go, and the other boards don't want them there.

and each board has a number of the global rules in effect, everything but /mlp/ has 14 in effect i beleive.

>> No.9533621

moot hates them and wants them off the rest of the site. Kind of wish he'd just ban them but he needs mods for that.

>> No.9533629

there was a big stink about it before, and that's why they were given /mlp/. when they don't stay there they risk bans, unless they are posting to the nature of the other boards.

>> No.9533635

When you're writing your application, tell moot that /jp/ is your life and you literally spend all of your day on here. After all, it's 1) true, and 2) it makes you a perfect candidate for janitorship. IF you can make a clear distinction between good and bad threads.

>> No.9533640

>good threads
everything I like
>bad threads
everything I dislike

Completely clear. Now stop shitposting everybody.

>> No.9533657

I think you're being ironic. /jp/'s rules are not as rigid as most other boards, true, but they still exist. Stuff that clearly fits another board much more than /jp/ should go there, material not related to Japanese Culture should stay away. Borderline material is more complicated, but I don't think you would be allowed to, say, keep a porn thread because you "like it".

>> No.9533659

He keeps purging the report queue for my off topic fishing thread.
As long as you write at least 2 legit lines, your thread will be fine.

>> No.9533665
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1622, saten_smirk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moot values autism in a janitor? I'll keep that in mind for my application.

"On the average day 50,396.48561 threads are created on /jp/, and on average 40,952.19889 of them violate the rules. That's 81.26003% of them. Assuming the average janitor works 6 hours a day, he has to delete 6825.36648 threads/hour, which equates to 1.89594 threads per second. That is too much for one person."

Shit, I better get Ulillillia to help with this.

>> No.9533679

Saten for janitor!

>> No.9533675

...how do you create a fraction of a thread?

>> No.9533687

I do not believe you could find a worse pick if you tried.

>> No.9533692

Averages. I still say he's pulling the numbers out of his ass though, and moot is going to verify this.

>> No.9533691

I'm not him, but I can try!
Sparky for Janitor!
Yama for Janitor!
KoG for Janitor!
/jp/ is saved!

>> No.9533695

Tough call, but I think Saten can do a worse job than them. Maybe not all three at once, that could go either way.

>> No.9533705

It's proof she's bald and wearing a cheap wig.

>> No.9533699
File: 67 KB, 778x599, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bothering me.

>> No.9533706

Good luck, I'll be rooting for you!

>> No.9533722

Hairline. At the back, hair doesn't just end in a straight line. Go grab a mirror and check.

>> No.9533725

What board was this even on?

>> No.9533726

Gills. But no seriously thanks, that picture is ruined for me too.

>> No.9533729

I assumed it was the Q&A on /b/?

>> No.9533730


>> No.9533732

That would make moot the true autist.

>> No.9533742

Vote Moetron for janitor!

>> No.9533743

Hairline goes the other way.

>> No.9533745

That post number is about 1/3 of the current count on /jp/

>> No.9533748

/r9k/. I guess if he thinks so highly of our NSJ then we won't be getting a new one.

>> No.9533755
File: 11 KB, 600x317, maxmimum irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSJ is autistic

>> No.9533760

9533752 threads /1630.25 days
That's approximately 5848.030670142616 threads per day. Learn how to count, please.

>> No.9533766


Maybe you don't know what irony means.

But if you said "NSJ is autistic", and were being ironic, it would literally mean you believe NSJ is the exact opposite of autistic.

>> No.9533771

Fuck, not threads. I meant posts, POSTS

>> No.9533775

Janitor haters would browse /r9k/ when their facebook threads are being deleted.

/jp/ - My Friends are Here

>> No.9533780

If the application says there are 50 396 point something threads per day, then a simple look into his statistics will prove this wrong. And he has the statistics at the ready.

>> No.9533785

That's not threads, that's total posts. I would still venture to say that 70-80% are shit quality and/or rule-breaking.

>> No.9533789

He's not quite autistic enough to get real facts and figures for his hypothetical example. Alas, he's fallen short of the highest order.

>> No.9533792
File: 41 KB, 778x599, waht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what, like this?

How the HELL would that even work?

>> No.9533793

>incorrectly explaining the definition of irony in an ironic thread
Even my captcha partly agrees with how ironic this is. I can't handle all of this irony.

>> No.9533796

It surprises me that he manages to find janitors that disappear off the radar. I mean so many people here spend hours daily just lurking and posting regularly.

This is why I think moot LOOKS for normalfags to moderate so he has less chance of them defecting and going mad with power or something.

>> No.9533803

Assuming a random percentage of the posts are rule-breaking just because you think they are is stupid. If you had kept an archive mirror that you moderated frequently cataloged whether a post was rule-breaking or not, along with the deletion status of those threads, then maybe you could assume OP never deletes his threads and assume all deleted threads are rule-breaking, generalize that your subset of /jp/ is representative of the entire history of the board, compare those with your solid data and argue with the Admin. However, doing things the way you say, just senselessly assuming that a certain number is true, is completely retarded.

>> No.9533807

moot thinks normals are immune to going mad with power?

>> No.9533822

They're much less likely to let something like moderating an anime board go to their heads. It happens, but not as often as it would for a shutin with nothing else going on in his life.

>> No.9533819
File: 123 KB, 400x425, 1342236199141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit's system would work well on 4chan. By active participation of self-moderation, all of /jp/ could delete the shitposts and keep the good threads up. There would be no need for a mod or janitor.

If someone makes an /a/ screencap thread, instead of a small handful of shitty posters bumping it like ZUN!bar and Sudo, /jp/ could decide to just downvote it and when it reaches a certain negative value, it gets automatically deleted. A bit like reporting for illegal content but much easier to do, and more effective.

>> No.9533824

Try it yourself. Take a small sample size of random recent threads and see which ones break the rules. Last time I tried it came out to about 70%.

>> No.9533825

Do you have any idea how easily that could be exploited with proxies?

>> No.9533836


1. Most things Japanese popular culture welcome!
2. Anime and manga threads belong in /a/.
3. Non-doujin video game threads belong in /v/.
4. Threads about the Japanese language belong in /int/ or /lang/.
5. Replying to trolling and/or shitposting will result in a ban. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.

>> No.9533829

Is this okay?

>> No.9533834

He should stop hiring his 4chan girlfriends as mods.
There was a fiasco on /a/ about a year ago? Their female moderator was deleting loli threads.

>> No.9533840
File: 987 KB, 2000x1622, 1 hour in paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry misplaced my picture.

>> No.9533841

>a small sample size
That's the problem. At least one month would be required. And also, some Global Rules are hard to enforce. 6 is highly subjective, 7 needs access to the report queue, etc.

>> No.9533845

Can we talk about host clubs?

>> No.9533848

" A bit like reporting for illegal content but much easier to do, and more effective."
We used to have something similar, but one guy with tons of proxies wiped out few boards.

>> No.9533850

That /jp/ sounds really boring.

>> No.9533852

Oh my god do you have a github or something? You need to let people contribute to this awesome draft!

>> No.9533861
File: 46 KB, 589x375, 1342237176963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't proxies being caught more often these days? Maybe if you kept resetting your IP every few minutes, but would it really be worth that effort?

Would a shitposter reset his IP 20 times just to delete a VN thread?

>> No.9533862

And she banned one guy for a "Daily Yotsuba dump"

>> No.9533868

I think you should be a little more lenient with Japanese Language and Japanese Video Games, and rule 5 needs to be clearer (meaning, define Trolling and Shitposting). Other than that, I like it. I'd also include things about /soc/, /adv/, /g/, /prog/, or just generalize and say "Things that belong on other boards don't belong here, except for Visual Novels, Touhou and Doujin Games".

>> No.9533878

>There was a fiasco on /a/ about a year ago? Their female moderator was deleting loli threads.
Actually that was all wild speculation. There was one slip-up of a SFW loli thread getting deleted (/a/ is a SFW board so mods are meant to delete nsfw including loli). And, of course, as expected of 4channers, /a/ went wild and started spamming nsfw loli.
Not just new threads but they hijacked others as well, more staff stepped in to try and fix it. And of course, people began speculating about the mod who deleted it and they came to a conclusion (based on no actual information at all) that the offending mod must have been a fat female /soc/ mod who had sex with moot.

>> No.9533879

>reset IP
...Do you even have any idea about what you're talking about? Serious question, here.

>> No.9533880

People spam tanasinn, aikido, and rap lyrics hundreds of times over the course of an hour or more.

Yes, they would.

>> No.9533881


Just go back to reddit.

That's a fucking horrible idea. There would be good threads being deleted left and right even if no one abused the system.

>> No.9533882

I'm pretty sure moot was just opening up janitor applications for every board, not revising the rules for us.

>> No.9533888

no pls don't bully me

>> No.9533897


I think he specifically differentiated between using proxies and actually "resetting" your IP. Maybe you need to read his post again.

>> No.9533899
File: 41 KB, 418x563, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9533902

thanks. btw im a girl

>> No.9533910


>Would a shitposter reset his IP 20 times just to delete a VN thread?

Thinking back to the spam before captcha and even after the captcha, the sad answer to that is "Probably".

>> No.9533912

If even 1,000,000 threads were created this year, you would only need a sample size of 384 to have a 95% ± 5% confidence. You would only need a few days worth.

I'm not Saten Anon but I would suck your dick all the same.

>> No.9533913

That is true, actually. I guess I got carried away. Still, it's not that hard to spam if you know what you are doing and have enough captchas. The best solution would be to scan every single computer posting here for open proxies in common ports, but I guess that it would be too hardware and network intensive for 4chan. Whatever.

>> No.9533916

I don't think moot "hires" staff that waste all their time here to save face, so the staff is "cooler" than the userbase

Honestly I wouldn't mind cleaning shit up while doing my thing all day, so it doesn't make sense to entrust someone who isn't completely committed to this site with that sort of responsibility.

>> No.9533918

The Cornelia spam was a scripted botnet, and was repeated once every couple months or so. It was actually pretty cleverly written, well polished code, not autism.

>> No.9533933

Can someone provide actual text citation of OP's post? Like, an archived version?

Need to check if it's really real or not.

>> No.9533944


>> No.9533945

The /b/ Q&A is still linked in the announcement:

Warning: huge thread.

>> No.9533946

It's on the sticky on /r9k/

>> No.9533959

Oh, wrongly assumed it would be the /b/ Q&A.
Damn moot, contain your Q&A.

>> No.9533961

Ok, thanks, I went through all the Q&As already for my own research and I didn't see this anywhere else.


I don't think it's there, no matter how hard I look.

>> No.9533962

I like it.

>> No.9533963

Why do you browse /r9k/?
Why do you browse /b/?

And why did the two of you not commit suicide yet?

>> No.9533972

Why can’t you read and comprehend a simple sentence?
>still linked in the announcement
That means the red text at the top of the page.

>> No.9533967

Always remember when submitting your janitor application.


>> No.9533980

>Why do you browse /b/?

You probably didn't notice, but there were links to the Q&A threads on top of the board page all week. I guess you're one of those morons who prefers a slaughtered, web2.0. version of 4chan and uses a style script. As that is most likely, I'd like to ask you the same question you made those anons.

>> No.9533973


why havn't the two of you*

you mean.

>> No.9533976

There's a huge announcement at the top of the page with a link to the Q&A threads.

>> No.9533985

With a little common sense, you could deduce that it was from /r9k/ given the relatively low post number in the OP image.

>> No.9533992

Why, I don't give a fuck about announcements - there hasn't been a single useful or interesting one in the past seven years.

>> No.9533998

That doesn't answer the question of why you haven't rid the world of your disgusting presence.

>> No.9534000
File: 442 KB, 849x1201, 1318088105797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot is a visionary. If only he could find people that shared his dream. He has to give administrator rights to people that he actually knows quite well. He can't just let another 100 people join 'Team 4chan', because there is no way to vet them and make sure that they don't just shit all over the board by deleting everything and abusing their power.

But if you consider the type of bans that get thrown around anyway, it doesn't seem like they are any better. For example, that 'German mod' who says 'inane trolling garbage' with all of his bans for anything that he doesn't agree with. Is he sharing Moot's vision?

There will never be enough moderation for an imageboard that is Anonymous like this. You have to trade off the freedom of speech for the things that you don't like being posted.

Only Adolf Hitler & Moot know the burden of this. Just as Adolf Hilter's vision of a united white progressive European Utopia was halted by the inadequacies of his henchmen, so too, does 4chan suffer from a lack of visionaries.

>> No.9534001

We do have a lot of shit/other board threads lately.

>> No.9534007 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I brain was too preoccupied with coming up with a witty answer to your post's other part, so I completely missed that!

>> No.9534016

I went to that /r9k/ sticky and everyone is talking about some /a/ tripfriend named Komeiji, even moot.

It's weird.
I thought /r9k/ was /soc/ and facebook, not /a/ users.

>> No.9534022

Now you know where all the blogging posts that shit up /jp/ are from.

>> No.9534029

I'd like to have a moderator who completely destroys this board.

>> No.9534033

/jp/ meetup threads to /hm/
anime to /a/
asian culture to /int/
bawson to /q/
blogs to /r9k/
comiket uploads to /r/
cons to /cgl/
dolls to /toy/
figures to /toy/
fumos to /gaia/
game threads to /v/
idols to /s/
Japanese language to /lang/
kigurumi to /cgl/
mahjong to /tg/
manga to /a/
music threads to /mu/
NEET misery to /r9k/
NEET wellbeing to /fit/
OC to /i/ or /ic/
shitposting to /b/
roleplaying to /cgl/
rooms to /g/
tea threads to /ck/
VNs to /vg/
Touhou, Melty, Neptunia and GUST generals to /vg/
Touhou picture dumps to /c/ or /e/

I just thought this should be here.

>> No.9534036

But then what would remain in /jp/?

>> No.9534037

so /q/ will basically be meta and staff q:a? that's nice, no more meta anywhere else

>> No.9534041

I see no "meta to /img/", so threads ABOUT what remains in /jp/.

>> No.9534048

Same goes for /mlp/. But /mlp/ is a containment board, and so is /jp/

>> No.9534049

>mahjong to /tg/
>VNs to /vg/
>fumos to /gaia/
>Touhou, Melty generals to /vg/

Please leave. You do not belong in here and if this were correct this board wouldn't serve any point at all without this.

>> No.9534057

But you are one of the worse offenders.

>> No.9534058

He's probably implying these belong in /q/.
Anyway. I still think /jp/ should have less threads. Halve the pages and half of our problems are solved. Either that or bring deletion by time back. Oh, and forced anon would be nice too.

>> No.9534064

Gay threads are shitposts, plain and simple. Comiket includes lots of things relevant to many boards. /tg/ died years ago, so nothing can go there. I don't feel the need to nitpick your post right now.

>> No.9534065

Who the fuck let you in? Seriously, do parents not teach their kids to lurk anymore?

>> No.9534066

Additionally, games like Yume Nikki, Corpse Party and other REAL adventure/VNs are too good for /a/, /v/ and /vg/. They should remain.

Everything else needs to go to their individual boards.

>> No.9534067

I bet moot will never actually open that board.

I do think it would be smart to make one thread per board (no bump limit) and not allow any other threads to be made on /q/, because I think it will be just pointless thread shitposting made mostly by /a//b//v/

>> No.9534068

Are you autistic?

>> No.9534069

You're missing the point. It's a joke, really. It--along with all the other kopipe like it--is arguing that all /jp/ content can be considered cross-board, perhaps even more appropriate in some boards. It's not saying /jp/ isn't for X, Y, Z, or that /jp/ has no reason to exist (though some people post it to support this argument).

>> No.9534073

Oh my god, tell me he is not going to make that retard into a janitor.

>> No.9534082

So then why would fumos belong to Gaia?

That doesn't even make sense as a joke. That's just complete and imbecilic trolling and I don't condone that.

>> No.9534081

Does the name axxel spammer ring a bell?

Some time last year all of /a/ had been banned in the hunt for him - all of /a/ - except for him and a very lonely anon.

>> No.9534085


Why would you put anything in /vg/? We don't want circlejerking. Whenever I look over Melty threads its just people posting ips and playing together. Whenever I look at threads of any game on /vg/, its tons of tripfaggots posting they're waifus and not doing anything related to video games. One could argue that for some games, /jp/ is more on topic than /vg/ or /v/.

Also, telling fumo content to leave is downright stupid simply because you're buying into the argument that people were role playing. Posting cute pictures of touhou dolls!= ropleplaying. Yes, there were some questionable posters. That doesn't make the entire thread illegal.

>> No.9534087

>I think it will be just pointless thread shitposting made mostly by /a//b//v/
The problem with this is that it will create very long threads. If moot enabled the "Last 50 posts" option for the threads I wouldn't mind but 1000 post threads are browser rape.

>> No.9534090

He ended up fighting some mod and they killed each other around Christmas, I think.

>> No.9534091
File: 24 KB, 635x148, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing he is normal and not one of those disgusting weirdos who never had a girlfriend!

>> No.9534093

Don't worry, if you have ever thought fumofriends belonged here you would never understand anyways.

>> No.9534096

And I bet you support con threads, too.

>> No.9534100

Don't worry, trash people like you who think being nazi and trying to berate everything is cool are on my auto-ignore and report list.

>> No.9534107


The problem with secondary or tertiary fandom is not that it exists, but that there are fans of it exclusively.


Given how most of them feature nothing more than blogging about ones' activities at a con and attention whoring from /cgl/, no, I do not support con threads. If they were more like Comiket threads and people uploaded content, maybe things like interviews with VAs or other potentially related /jp/ content, maybe they would be okay.

>> No.9534108

Abusing the report function is breaking the rules and directly impacts the staff's ability to properly clean the board. GJ, go suck some more cocks dude

>> No.9534112

/jp/ is meant to keep us out of other boards

>> No.9534120

He has lost his virginity and dated 4chan staff in the past. He is pretty pathetic in my eyes.

>> No.9534121

Oh look, it's that retarded spurdo who spams that shit every time he's on drugs.

Why aren't you banned yet?

>> No.9534130

I love how the faggots are always indignant ESLers, moot should rangeban anyone outside the US.

>> No.9534132

Flaming is against the rules.

It's a stupid rule, but it's there.

>> No.9534140

nsj-kun autistic? shocking.

don't bully. he's doing a great job. sometimes he's on 12-14 hours per day.

>> No.9534142

Rightfully so. 4chan shouldn't be all hugs and rainbows, but "FUCK YOU FAGGOT I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE" can stay in /b/.

>> No.9534145

/jp/ is probably the most international board of 4chan. It's not only Asians, too.

>> No.9534149

There was no flaming happening until he called me trash you retarded sack of shit.

>> No.9534150

I like how you tried to keep that in alphabetical order, but on the other hand that makes it only harder for me that you did not do it perfectly.

>> No.9534154

That's the most unfunny and retarded "jokes" I've heard in a while, and probably in here.

Right next to dumb posts like "LOL ARC IS BLACK".

>> No.9534156

>/jp/ is probably the most international board of 4chan

What about.. /int/?

>> No.9534157

That's great, but it doesn't say in the rules that you can break them just because other people broke them first.

>> No.9534162

>until he called me trash
Oh no!

>> No.9534167

Why are you so fucking high on drugs and rabid?

Why can't you chill down and try to ignore people?

>> No.9534169

>gay threads are shitposts
don't bully pls
don't u know that there are ppl behind these posts. your words can hurt someone i hope you know that

>> No.9534173

Oh yeah, there's that board, too. It's full of Americans, but maybe it beats /jp/. Still, I'm pretty sure at least 70% of /jp/ isn't American, although I obviously don't have any hard data on this.

>> No.9534183

It doesn't say it doesn't. Autismic checkmate, threadwin, have fun at >>>/hm/ nerd

>> No.9534185

>GJ, go suck some more cocks dude

Having read these last lines of yours I conclude you're the worst kind of people we could have in this thread, not like it wasn't easy to figure out by your tremendous quality posts. Please, abandon.

>> No.9534199

>Having read these last lines of yours I conclude you're the worst kind of people
Stopped reading there, this is an English-only board faglord. Want to try that again?

>> No.9534205
File: 191 KB, 700x834, 1328746755622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>> PLEASE WATCH <<<<


Anyone remember this?


>> No.9534208

How about you go back to your shitposting groups and stop whining in /jp/ with incredibly dumb posts?

Did Tokiko feel like you could compete with him in level of autism?

>> No.9534214

Yeah, of course everyone does. Unfortunately, he created them again. I don't like it, but what can I do.

>> No.9534220

So please take it easy! This is /jp/, the home of easy~

>> No.9534238

Are you 16 or 30? Kill yourself or grow up.

>> No.9534243

Why are all these supposed long-time regulars getting frustrated over the usual crap? It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.9534246
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because I ˋˋliterally" can't understand what you're trying to say

>> No.9534254

Are you implying you're 12?

>> No.9534258

>/jp/ meetup threads to /hm/
Does anyone actually do this?
>anime to /a/
>asian culture to /int/
Eh, either or.
>bawson to /q/
I always felt that question was rhetorical...
>blogs to /r9k/
I don't mind this stuff too much, but agreed.
>comiket uploads to /r/
This one's retarded.
>cons to /cgl/
>dolls to /toy/
They're not quite the same thing.
>figures to /toy/
See above.
>fumos to /gaia/
I have no idea where these roleplaying faggots belong.
>game threads to /v/
But what about the 2hu's?
>idols to /s/
As much as you hate 3D, idols don't belong on a porn board.
>Japanese language to /lang/
>kigurumi to /cgl/
Would this weird shit really fit in there?
>mahjong to /tg/
There's only handful of 'em, stop bullying!
>manga to /a/
>music threads to /mu/
>NEET misery to /r9k/
Sure, why not.
>NEET wellbeing to /fit/
See above.
>OC to /i/ or /ic/
Now you're just splitting hairs.
>shitposting to /b/
Technically, everything can go to >>>/b/
>roleplaying to /cgl/
Roleplaying has no place on the site at all.
>rooms to /g/
They're more "Battlestation" oriented.
>tea threads to /ck/
Eh, I guess.
>VNs to /vg/
Shut up.
>Touhou, Melty, Neptunia and GUST generals to /vg/
See above.
>Touhou picture dumps to /c/ or /e/
Stop wasting Moot's bandwidth and just share Booru/Pixiv tags.

>> No.9534259

/jp/ - Newfags

don't bully pls

>> No.9534260

Are you high?

>> No.9534261

Please, no need to pretend to be more dumb than you actually are.

>> No.9534265

long-time regulars don't reply to threads like this.

>> No.9534271

Are you autistic too?

>> No.9534272

then what are you and if ur not a long time regular how u know what they do LOL

>> No.9534279

The easy explanation is that they're not long-time regulars at all.

The difficult and implausible explanation is that most regulars gave up, stopped posting meta shit, and resigned themselves to the idea of wading in shit forever, but now that moot has given them some hope, they stopped ignoring all the shit and started responding again.

The first explanation is a lot more likely though.

>> No.9534282

Aren't we all?

>> No.9534287

Only e-autistic. Actual autists don't belong here.

>> No.9534288

Way to miss the point.

>> No.9534294

Hope for what? We've had janitor(s) for long enough that ``regulars" wouldn't blink an eye at the recent posts. Compare it to the last one and see what happened

>> No.9534300

Last what?

>> No.9534296
File: 68 KB, 730x1050, 105014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9534303

Hope that they'll get a janitor so autistic he won't sleep for more than three hours at a time, so he can bravely defend /jp/ from bad men around the clock, forever.

>> No.9534306
File: 105 KB, 1595x520, jpashitttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9534313

Actually, I'm pretty sure that /jp/ has the highest amount of autistic people from all the boards

>> No.9534318

What about /mlp/?

>> No.9534321

He will not delete us. He will not do anything. He does not care about us. We are just this odd, awkward, self-contained corner for the most extravagant of weeaboo bullshit still on the site.

>> No.9534332

>long-time regulars
Define "long-time". I've been browsing /jp/ since late 2009/early 2010, if that interests you.

>> No.9534328
File: 218 KB, 492x600, 1301170022361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' accel anon.

She was truly autismal as fuck.

>> No.9534345

I really hope you're not one of those oversensitive posters who believe in impossible things.

>> No.9534360

What do you mean by that? I'm pretty hopeful about this next Janitor recruitment, if that's what you're talking about. I didn't apply to the previous one, but I'm even considering applying to this one, right now.

>> No.9534363

Well you might have a hard time with pre-split people like me around.

I say just let us take care of it.

>> No.9534369

Janitor is not a proper noun.

>> No.9534386

I'm sure there are lots of people here who have browsed this board for more time than me. That was part of the reason I didn't apply last time. But now I'm pretty confident that I would at least be decent, in the off-chance I really apply, that /jp/ really needs more janitors, and that I end up being somehow selected. Applying won't hurt, I suppose.
Sorry, as you might have noticed I'm struggling with English, since it isn't my first language.

>> No.9534407

I understand, in the end, having more diverse Janitor applicants is a good idea and will probably separate us better than 20 dudes from pre-split fighting.

What's more important is to write a good profile summary.

>> No.9534411

Oh hey, this guy uses steam.


>> No.9534421

Might be a bit difficult, modding a board if you aren't completely confident about your language skills.
You might not pick up on the nuances of a post and consider something offensive shitposting and then unjustly ban an innocent little girl.

>> No.9534424

Kill yourself seriously.

>> No.9534429

Who would kill himself unseriously?

>> No.9534431

/jp/ has fucking FOUR janitors. That's common knowledge.

I'm staggered so many people still think the problem is "janitor is a retard" or "we need better/more janitors", and not that complaining about the janitors is just the reaction people that shitpost expect. No one is ignoring the shit if later someone makes a meta-thread and it gets 250 replies, that will just make them shitpost more.

>> No.9534433

Oh boy, a /v/ kiddo. It makes a lot of sense now.

>> No.9534441

I don't like how /q/ is way off in the corner near status and the twitter page.

>> No.9534456


>> No.9534473

They did not kill themselves though.

>> No.9534491

You're right.

>> No.9534501

Cool kids come hang out in >>>/q/ once it opens, we can leave this rotten shell and let the nerds fellate each other in our old home

>> No.9534514

Yes, finally I'll have a board for Bawson threads.

>> No.9534518

are you literally retarded?

>> No.9534522

So far, I only know one request for /q/. I can pre-ask it here, to verify if it's not just a stupid idea:
Would it be possible to have a counter in the threads that shows how close they are to deletion (how much they need a bump)?

>> No.9534531

Some things are forgotten so quickly.

>> No.9534557

Sorry, I don't quite understand that in the context. Are you saying this had already been planned once? Or that it was already implemented and that I just don't know about it?

>> No.9534600

Do people actually believe that we have 4 janitors?

How fucking retarded are you people? Only shitty posters like squidy, ZUNbar and shitposter group crew actually said that, and you should know by now how crazy that kind of people is.

>> No.9534635

It's always the same names. It's amazing. Incidently, those same people destroyed the only good japanophile team fortress 2 server in the game by working their way into the community itself.

>> No.9534663

>destroyed the only good japanophile team fortress 2 server
Please, tell us more.

>> No.9534668
File: 85 KB, 987x598, nendo_sherlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that the Janitor goes to sleep during NA night time and the fact that most of the rampant shitposting and spamming going on happens during late morning EU time and the fact that moot actually calls him autistic, thus, denoting not much respect for him except for his work as Janitor plus a lack of apparent interest in what he ever contributed besides autismbux, this Janitor we have could even be some random dude from post-split /jp/ that probably spammed us around.

I say it's Sudo, I've been monitoring his timing in IRC and Steam and he always wakes and goes online in time for Janitor to clean up this board.

>> No.9534676

He doesn't delete the daily roleplaying threads, so no.

>> No.9534677

Exactly this. As long as /jp/ keeps touhou out of /a/, it won't get deleted. And this is the only thing that matters.

>> No.9534687

If it were me, I'd be deleting shit all day, not just 5-6 pages once a day. I check on /jp/ pretty often, though admittedly not as much as I used to.

>> No.9534690
File: 400 KB, 2560x1440, 10_1224milky_holmes0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needless to mention, one of the requirements for Janitor position is to contact people from 4chan a lot. Sudo has been doing that for quite a long time and he has all the time for the position due to his IRC time so he would have free entrance by now.

>> No.9534694

No, just the lines need to be flipped, not the colors.

>> No.9534699
File: 684 KB, 905x1032, autism_yukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you will keep every /a/v/b/ crap on /jp/ because it's "Otaku Culture".

>> No.9534704

>and he has all the time for the position
You think that's rare?

>> No.9534705

Please don't make me consider a reality where he becomes a janitor.

>> No.9534708

One of the janitors is the VNTS guy. I have almost no doubt about it.

>> No.9534713

No, I would delete /b/ shit and 2hu shitposts.

>> No.9534712

This also reinforces my theory due to the way Sudo always posts, with /a/ tier posts and other stuff that we all know and "love" from him.

Yeah, that's my second theory.

>> No.9534720

Looik, he admitted it.

>> No.9534722

Why? The VNTS guy does a valuable job anyway, not sure why you would hold a grudge against him. He only uses a trip for a specific purpose and adds value to the board.

Nothing wrong here.

>> No.9534728

It's not a grudge.

It's the fact that, strangely, when Janitor wakes up and cleans a whole bunch of shit, one of the frontpage threads is always the VN thread.

This theory might be more correct and accurate than the Sudo one and I hope so.

>> No.9534730 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 498x510, i+love+it+how+everybody+got+mad+_3be257880a746cc5dd56e5f079ed5878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rustle rustle rustle

>> No.9534731

You can believe I'm a janitor if you want, I can't really stop you. I'll be applying when the applications are up, though I very much doubt that I or anyone else who has been on /jp/ a long time will get picked.

>> No.9534737

I'm just rustling your jimmies anyway.

You MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be a Janitor already, it doesn't matter because new ones are coming.

>> No.9534740

Of course you won't get picked. Just a glance at the archives perfectly shows what kind of poster you are.

>> No.9534745
File: 274 KB, 966x1200, 1326625676594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly the problem. The janitor is autistic.

In the end he's only deleting things due to his autism, and not due to those things breaking any official 4chan rules.

In the minds of the autisic it goes "the more things I delete, the better janitor I am" but that kind of mentality does no one any favors. It actually makes the board worse due to the other remaining autists like >>9533456 says.

>> No.9534746

Oh wow, I've been playing with Sony on the teek since before /jp/ even existed.

Is Sony actually accel anon?

>> No.9534756

Regardless of my post history, I know what sort of threads belong on the board. I may like the anime discussion threads, but I'd delete ones that are just textless without any merit. I'd get rid of all the cocksucking and cis privilege shit as well.

>> No.9534758

he does a good job, moot agreed don't bother him nerdlord

>> No.9534760

ZUNbar is also a potential Janitor, or he might become one this time.

Either way, I fear for health of /jp/ if one of these trip users gets in.

>> No.9534765

Anyone who is participating in this meta garbage won't get picked. They will probably only pick people who have made posts in on-topic threads.
So sucks for you

>> No.9534762

> Incidently, those same people destroyed the only good japanophile team fortress 2 server in the game

but I've never seen any of those guys on Touhou Fortress..

I guess because Remnic is involved, it's an FA related server. Well, I hope you don't mean the Teek, HSR or even some totally unknown super secret server because they are all total shit. Teek is double shit.

>> No.9534766

Why do you even bother to post knowing that people are here just to bully or troll you?

It's interesting that you went silent with your friends in IRC too, are you actually a Janitor trying to defend yourself? That would be very sad and funny.

>> No.9534767

"The janitor deletes my anime, video games and other brainless 2D imagedumps! What a faggot!"

>> No.9534769

Picked for what?

What the fuck is your nerd ass babbling about?

>> No.9534771

Typical grunt attitude: "It's no one's business and doesn't matter until it breaks the rules".

>> No.9534775

If the current Janitor is known to be autistic, he's either a serious case of top poster in numbers and probably posted in metas or a real autist who doesn't give a fuck about any threads whatsoever.

>> No.9534782

So is this another version of greentext the subhuman /a/b/v/ scum use to get the point across? It's the same as greentext, fuck off.

>> No.9534783

> a real autist who doesn't give a fuck about any threads whatsoever.

What does this even mean?

You know one of the commonest symptoms of autism is intense and stereotyped interests, right?

>> No.9534778


"The janitor deleted 15 pages in the last 3 minutes. What a swell guy!" - you and moot

>> No.9534779

>Why do you even bother to post knowing that people are here just to bully or troll you?
That's not always the case.
>It's interesting that you went silent with your friends in IRC too
I just said something a minute ago, and I'm playing a game at the moment.

>> No.9534781

Watching /jp/ spiral into the abyss from afar is over. I wonder how this will progress.

>> No.9534785

We're also not ruling out yet another /bun/ user actually getting the Janitor status in 4chan's /jp/, like AoC.

>> No.9534787

You've got my vote.

I remember a time way back when when you weren't as insufferable as you came to be after you picked up that spamming gimmick.

>> No.9534788

There's absolutely no problem with deleting garbage. The fact that there's a page limit doesn't mean all pages must be filled at all times. /jp/ is a slow board.

>> No.9534800

That would also be relevant to 2hu, video game, anime obssession etc. If he was really autistic he would ignore a thread or two and be obsessed with others.

Just like Sudo and ZUNbar.

>> No.9534794

No, it's a perfectly valid form of proper English that goes back centuries (probably millennia).

>> No.9534795

Are you actually retarded or something? It's called putting words in someone's mouth and it wasn't invented by 4chan.

>> No.9534803

>I am a retard
"I am a retard"

You can fuck off now you subhuman crossboarder.

>> No.9534818

All the better then.
So what do you do these days anyway?

>> No.9534807

I don't even do that anymore, most of the people I participated in meta-discussion with don't even post anymore so I talk to them elsewhere.

>> No.9534809

I love how people equate "number of pages" to "history we'll never get back!"

Nobody ever think those 5 pages are fucking awful trash threads that have no reason to be around? Its not "the last five pages" either. Its two or three threads per page, front to back.

Common sense, people. Seriously.

>> No.9534811

``who are you quoting''?

>> No.9534812

You're just going to upset yourself.

>> No.9534814

AoC aka "meido" was an constant participant in meta threads.

>> No.9534815

But threads contain interest for such threads. Thus one depression thread one page 4 might stop a new one from popping up.

>> No.9534822

Except everyone here can't tell the difference between garbage and non-garbage. Nice try though.

Pretty sure moot said something to this effect in the other thread too.

>> No.9534820

I can say, sir, you will not have much chances for the position, regardless.

>> No.9534825

Fuck off of my board you subhuman, false quoting/greentexting isn't allowed. It may be in your homeboard though, so stay the fuck there.
You too, fuck off with your falsequotes.

>> No.9534827

Hello everyone I know the board really lots please vote for me for janitor I haven't actually read the page but I'm assuming there's voting involved and you should vote for me because I'll do the same things everyone else says they will die but I have a pre-2001 regdate so I'm better.

>> No.9534829

Even gloryhole threads get plenty of replies and "interest", it doesn't mean it's /jp/ related.
/jp/ isn't a random board.

And the depression thread is still there by the way.

>> No.9534833

>/jp/ is a slow board.
/jp/ was a slow board. With all the shitposting, stuff gets spammed off the back end so much faster than it used to.

>> No.9534834

By the way, someone needs to tell moot the fact that boards like /bun/ exist to compete with /jp/.

We should have less of that trash and actually get real /jp/ users who are far more tolerant, sane and can ignore bad threads and posters easier for Janitor position unless a really good individual shows up for it.

>> No.9534835

>Fuck off of my board
>my board

are you moot?

>> No.9534845

It was an example. I did not even try to advocate that depression threads should be on /jp/. I only tried to explain that sometimes deleting things can result in new shitposting.

>> No.9534838 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting? Fuck off.

>> No.9534839

Nobody ever think those 5 pages are great threads that deserve every reason to be around? Its not "the last five pages" either. Its two or three threads per page, front to back.

Common sense, people. Seriously.

Also why are you guys so negative 24/7 anyways.

>> No.9534840

So you should welcome deletion of shitpost threads then.

>> No.9534841

Uh, I'm sure moot is well acquainted with dead spin-off boards.

>> No.9534855

Let me try.


Holy shit each one of these was just on the first page.

>> No.9534857

Because I come here not for otaku culture, but to complain about there being no otaku culture. Aren't I such a great poster worthy of janitor position?

>> No.9534847

Moot has admitted admitted to similar posts as anon in the past. It's not as impossible as you might think.

>> No.9534848

Chat on IRC/AIM/Steam, answer Formspring questions, play video games, watch animes, browse the web, etc.

>> No.9534852


I was quoting you.

"Fuck off of my board you subhuman, false quoting/greentexting isn't allowed. It may be in your homeboard though, so stay the fuck there."
">Fuck off of my board"

>> No.9534858


These aren't words. Maybe invented portmanteaus are fine wherever you're from, but we don't tolerate that kind of thing here. But don't worry: you'll have plenty of time to lurk during your ban after I finish emailing the moderator (who is also my brother and my dad's son).

>> No.9534860

Still on those pills that killed your sex drive?

>> No.9534870

Everybody can tell that textless anime screencaps and other random 2D, /b/ and /v/ tier threads are garbage.

Only 2D/Random posters like you can't tell the difference, because you don't considerer /jp/ as topic board.

>> No.9534874

I hope Sudo or ZUN!bar get the position because then they'll have to stop posting (pseudonymously).

>> No.9534876

Stop misusing the quote function and go back to /a/v/. So many subhumans trying to get away with their alternative greentext.

>> No.9534867

What happened
when did he say that?

>> No.9534887

No they won't. AoC posted with his trip all the time.

>> No.9534889

Notice how this superior anon says this in a thread with over 200 replies which has nothing to do with this boards topic.
/jp/- definitely not hypocrites

>> No.9534891

Someone please respond
I'm very curious

>> No.9534893

>So many subhumans trying to get away with their alternative greentext.

would you rephrase that, please? i don't understand this slang term `` get away''.

kind regards,


>> No.9534898

You can still post with your trip. You just can't come out and say that you're a janitor for whatever goofy reason.

I'm not applying regardless though.

>> No.9534900

I really wish /jp/ was forced anonymous.

>> No.9534902

Since greentexting is looked down now, subhumans are using an alternative to greentext. But it's the same fucking thing. Go back to your own board you shitposters.

>> No.9534905

Meta is immovable and eternal and you know it.

>> No.9534909

The Janitor isn't that bad. I think he doesn't really know what he's supposed to be deleting a lot of the time, but /jp/ can normally pick itself off the floor pretty quickly. We don't have to wait ages for a good thread to start, they normally get back up and running quickly.

I think the bigger problem with /jp/ is the posters themselves, not the actual /jp/ers who contribute but the people looking for a little online community to immerse themselves in without being interested in the subject matter to begin with.

Kanji captcha, all the way forward.

>> No.9534911

I just wish people would read this:

>> No.9534912

My opinion is invalid because I posted it in a meta thread?

Stay classy.

>> No.9534913

>implying janny isnt the annoying fucktard kind of autist that just pisses everybody off
also have some nice serbian folk music

>> No.9534914

I'm not on any anti-depressants right now, I stopped going to my therapist and psychiatrist in December or something because it was a waste of time. The only pills I'm on right now are Xanax and I don't take it often.

>> No.9534927

Oh, good to hear you got better then.
Out of curiosity, were there any lingering side effects?

>> No.9534928


I don't own any boards, nor am I shitposter.

Good night anon, you should really try to calm down or ``take it easy''.


why are all amerifats on some form of medication why can't you just get a grip on life jesus christ are first world problems really that hard?

>> No.9534929

So it comes down to my off-topic is better then your off-topic. Someone please give this guy a janitor position.
It's not invalid, but you are a off-topic poster too so please stop acting like you are on high ground.

>> No.9534930

>Also why are you guys so negative 24/7 anyways.
Mental illnesses are mental illnesses for a reason.

>> No.9534931

That guy's always a hypocrite.

It's easy to be one under the safety of Anon posting anyways. >>9534900

>> No.9534936

I don't think a fucking captcha option will fix anything. Why do people keep suggesting this.

Or do you actually want a single kind of captcha in /jp/ to stop shitposters, Kanji Romaji, whatever?

>> No.9534949

He clearly wants to stop posting all together.

>> No.9534954

ZUN !bar calling other people hypocrites? That's pretty funny.

>> No.9534957

dosent matter what you do, im sure after time people would still develop a way of detecting who you are regardless if you are anon or not, such as the method of finding if samefag or not provides a unique number and how /b/ provides you with an ID #
anonymity is simply an illusion

>> No.9534961

I still think you guys are just trying to slow down the board to a crawl so you can shitpost frontpage harder if that were the case.

Do you actually think that will fix the board and not fuck it up harder?

Yeah I don't know man. This sounds too shady and dumb.

>> No.9534963

>stop acting like you are on high ground.
I'm just giving my opinion on the subject.

>That guy's always a hypocrite.
Do we know each other? Where does this paranoia come from?

Well at least you aren't an hypocrite, right? Since you admit that you only come to /jp/ to discuss off-topic material.

>> No.9534966



1) Shitposting becomes in-joke on /jp/
2) Idiot meme kids from other boards want to be a part of the /jp/ cool club for some reason
3) Can't identify because there aren't enough memes and hivemind mentality to get behind.
4) "Everyone's talking about shitposting! It must be acceptable here like a meme!! :D"

These are the idiot shitposters we could really do without. There will always be shitposters, but most of these people don't know any Japanese, so a kanji captcha will at least filter them out and make /jp/ much more bearable than it has been for a while.

>> No.9534967

Kanji captcha would cut out like 80% of posters, good and bad.

Kana would still filter out a lot of tards, but keep a majority of core /jp/ posters in.

>> No.9534968

Not really, I'm pretty apathetic all the time and have hardly any motivation to do anything productive. I'm going to try seeing a new psychiatrist in October but I doubt it'll help.
>why are all amerifats on some form of medication
It's not just Americans, there are plenty of people here from other countries who get disability/are on meds. It's even easier to get disability in European countries than it is here.

>> No.9534969
File: 3 KB, 420x300, jp-otaku culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9534977
File: 17 KB, 600x300, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9534979

These people don't exist.
