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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 500x422, fumofumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9516766 No.9516766 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder if we can just learn how to make these ourselves.

>> No.9516771

I'm learning how to sew

Get a teacher

I'm serious

There's too much shit to learn.

>> No.9516776


>> No.9516783

I wonder if I can sew a fleshlight into it

>> No.9516786

This shit is so overpriced. yeah, we might as well make our own.

>> No.9516791

you might be able to fit one in one of the bigger ones

>> No.9516794

I'm having a guy make me a Tenshi plushie. Not exactly in the fumo style, but not super dissimilar I think.


>> No.9516812

I haven't played with my Marisa and Alice fumos in a while. I put them by my bed every night, and on the shelf near my computer when I wake up, but that's it. I feel like I'm neglecting them.

>> No.9516867

How do you "play" with them?

>> No.9516871

How much do they go for?

>> No.9516878

I wish there was an actual Tenshi fumo. Or an Eirin.

>> No.9516889

The most expensive I've seen is $85. But it depends on where you buy them, I guess.
There's a TooCool in the mall by my house that sells Reimu and Marisa fumos for #21.

>> No.9516893
File: 8 KB, 399x219, xxx420xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_object

>> No.9516902

Epic reaction image, br/a/h'.

>> No.9516907


Thanks, but I saved it off /jp/ and ``renamed" it epic/a/lly.

I don't even go to /a/, i'm the cancer killing your board from the inside.

>> No.9516917

Why hasn't /jp/ gotten a fumo thread in months?

What happened to Fumosenpai?

>> No.9516923

Nobody likes them since they're ``roleplaying" threads.
They weren't any worse than the doll threads, and some pleasing photography too.

>> No.9516924
File: 74 KB, 463x293, 1343437739103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're killing a dead carcass, this place might be infested by parasites, but the silly animals do not realize that the place feeds on them, everything this board ever spawned was borne from shitposts, all the actual otaku discussion was inspired by shitposting, this place is one organic material, ever-changing in its' ubiquosness'.

God, i'm deep.

>> No.9516933


B-but they were cute and nice...

And if it wasn't for Fumosenpai and his threads, many of us including me wouldn't of bought a fumo...

>> No.9516947


Stop that, please.

I agree with you though, they were very cute and fun to browse, but such is the nature of things.

>> No.9516943

Almost as much as Evangelion

I feel dirty inside now but I just had to do it, sorry everyone

>> No.9516944


Fumosenpai doesn't really exist. Fumosenpai wasn't even a real person. It was all a viral marketing campaign to get lonely otakus to buy their product.

>> No.9516951

Last I heard he was stockpiling pictures and trying to space the threads out further apart so people would stop getting so upset. But there should have been one up by this point.

>> No.9516957


epic rustle face dood

>> No.9516971


>> No.9516989



>> No.9517000


>> No.9517014



>> No.9517067

>Nobody likes them
not true, they were well loved and very successful.

i want him and them back

>> No.9517128

>35 percent of British adults still sleep with a teddy bear

why am i not surprised?

>> No.9517151

>not surprised


>> No.9517154

Who qutng

>> No.9517161


>> No.9517167

Look at this loser trying to fit in
Both of the lines he quoted were in the original post

>> No.9517235

loser trying to fit in with losers?
this is /jp/ after all

>> No.9517623


Can you pls stop shitposting.


I'll suck your cock if you stop.

>> No.9517648

Fumos are awesome.

I've got my four that keep me company all the time when I browse. Shame there's no Reisen fumo yet.

I do have Kaguya, Hong Meiling, Alice, and Mokou though. What an odd combination!

>> No.9517727

I'd pay for someone to make me a decent Yuugi one since there is 0 chance of her ever getting an official one.

>> No.9517735


Holy shity seriously? Touhou merchandise in a mall?

>> No.9517744
File: 418 KB, 1100x1034, 64d68aa5de077028287cdba125881d4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that poster, but I'd expect for there to be Touhou merchandise anywhere, as long as the city is sizeable enough.

Theres nothing Touhou in my city, but if I were to go down to Toronto, I bet you I'd find tonnes of Touhou stuff!

>> No.9517791
File: 266 KB, 912x684, Who Is That Shadowy Character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9517798
File: 363 KB, 960x1280, marisa shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst 2hu obviously.

>> No.9517800

Thats an easy one! That's akuya!

>> No.9517803

Shit, that thing is huge!

>> No.9517819

>Touhou merchandise anywhere


Touhou is Japan-only.

>> No.9517820

I was thinking the same thing about Vancouver or something.

>> No.9517823

Outside of Japan, Touhou merchandise has no restriction.
Frankly speaking you can only find them in huge shopping mall outside of japan.

>> No.9517827

and it was surprisingly hard to find even in Japan. Every place I went to seemed to be getting wet over that Madoka stuff.

>> No.9517851

On a more serious note, I'll try to get some more pictures soon. It's not easy to get good pictures of scenery in Juneau in the summer because this town of 30,000 can get 24,000 tourists some days, and that's a lot of people getting in the way of the fumos. We'll try to get enough material for a thread soon.

>> No.9517862

excuses excuses

>> No.9517867

Vancouver would most likely have some stuff.

When in doubt, check the big malls or look for comic/hobby shops.

>> No.9517874

I bet if you go to pacific mall, it will be just like nakano broadway.

>> No.9517881

Most likely, yeah!

Though I haven't been over that way, my little city doesn't have much in the way of such shops, but my local hobby shop (Sir Games A Lot) has a tonne of manga and dvd's, along-side other things such as Warhammer and collectible figures.

I sure wish he stocked some Touhou stuff, sure would save me some shipping.

>> No.9518413
File: 139 KB, 640x480, 1334171698826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A normal fumo = 3k yen at Amiami
A normal fumo = 800-4000k yen at Mandarake (Reimu costs 800 yen only!)
A deka fumo: 30k yen at Amiami.

Please remember that this does not include shipping. (The deka fumo shipping will rape your wallet.)
Please remember that this does not include customs incase you get caught. (The deka fumo custom fee will rape your wallet even more.)

>> No.9518782

I have a Ran fumo on the way very soon! what kind of photos should I take?

>> No.9518838

Only mildly rapey in Australia.

>> No.9519170

i miss the fumo threads

>> No.9519180


> A normal fumo = 800-4000k yen at Mandarake

What the fuck? 4 million yen? That can't be right.

>> No.9519195

>no furniture
>buys giant doll

>> No.9519203

I think he was just thinking of 4000 or 4k when he wrote it out, and basically combined them.

>> No.9519213

Who are you quoting, loser?
Are you actually insulting my danboard?

>> No.9519259
File: 169 KB, 774x1032, plush2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft patchy

>> No.9519262
File: 107 KB, 768x1024, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft good girl

>> No.9519271
File: 518 KB, 760x1200, MIMA!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soft ghost

>> No.9519277

If you're going to make a fumo you might as well make a real sized Touhou; you can probably give it your unused girl clothing you bought online but never wore.

>> No.9519314
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1324749396914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes seems made of a paper-like material that will eventually wrinkle and wear down.

Would steal nevertheless.

>> No.9519325

Like I said before that looks DISGUSTING learn to sew and stop being a cheap ass and get some real fabric!BURN IT TO THE GROUND AND START OVER!

>> No.9519445

So much plushie viralling

>> No.9519598

The eyes bother me for some reason but otherwise that looks nice.

>> No.9519661


I think that's pretty cute

>> No.9519870

So adorable. <3

>> No.9520228

i'm traveling to japan soon, where can i find dem fumos?

>> No.9520238

I wouldn't get my hopes up. They were surprisingly hard to find, even in Akihabara.

>> No.9520277

oh, that's unfortunate

thank you, anon

>> No.9524521

>i'm traveling to japan soon, where can i find dem fumos?
Can't you just buy them online?

>> No.9525511
File: 216 KB, 1024x768, Picture 415x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, a fumo thread in need of original content. I suppose I can dump some garden photos I haven't posted before.

>> No.9525524
File: 194 KB, 1024x768, Picture 417x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9525546
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, Picture 418x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9525572
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, Picture 419x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9525597
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, Picture 423x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9525611
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, Picture 354x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure lewd things will be said about this image but it is simply Meiling proudly displaying my first cucumber of the season. Luckily she is an easygoing girl so she will laugh off such jokes.

>> No.9525634
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Picture 355x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is Chen proudly(?) displaying the first cherry tomato. Sorry Chen, I know it isn't that impressive. I need to get a more recent picture of Ran and my pile of yellow tomatoes.

>> No.9525983

someone pls gift me one of these

>> No.9526155

sent (:

>> No.9526165

Now post the one where Meiling uses her cucumber to pop Chen's cherry tomato.

>> No.9526190

I want a Yuugi fumo so I can marinate it in my favorite alcohol and suckle on her to keep myself hydrated on those cold lonely nights.

Life isn't fair, at least I can buy a Kaguya fumo and ride my bucking bull with her.

>> No.9526197

holy shit, that face from the image in that wikipedia link

I will never sleep again

>> No.9526204

>marinate it in my favorite alcohol
>suckle on her to keep myself hydrated
that's not how alcohol works

>> No.9526212

alcohol doesn't hydrate, bro. it's a diuretic that increases renal activity (read: you piss more), meaning that your body fluid level decreases even more in the long run.

>> No.9526218

i could but that it's not the point, i would like to see many fumos together in some store.

>> No.9526263

I'd take fun photos like that those too but the only one I've got is Mokou and it looks like it would get dirty real fast being mostly white and all.

>> No.9526293

When you are an alcoholic, alcohol is the only liquid for you.
I didn't mean hydrated as in water hydrated, I meant influenced 24/7.

>> No.9526298

thank you

>> No.9526299
File: 184 KB, 600x958, 1337031153863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semen is white.

>> No.9526357

It turns kind of yellowish when it dries though

>> No.9526533

It turns black if you leave it in a container for a few weeks.

>> No.9526829


>> No.9526947 [DELETED] 


Reported. Take your pathetic roleplaying back to /a/, where you subhuman pieces of shit can lap it up together.

"Meiling" is a fucking inanimate plush toy. She has no feelings about a goddamn cucumber, nor would she feel anything were we to make jokes about it.

"Chen," likewise, is also a goddamn toy. She can not "proudly" display anything, since she lacks the proper qualities necessary to feel that emotion; such as a functional brain.

Fumo threads went to the dogs the moment you attention whores showed up and made up these idiotic stories (I use this term loosely, since it's obviously just another method for you shitstains to crap up a legitimate thread.) I thought you learned your goddamn lesson the last time these kusothreads were in full swing.

Reported. Reported until you leave. Reported until you retarded faggots stop blogging during good threads.

Your garden is trash, and nobody here gives a single shit about it.

>> No.9526948

Where do you purchase your fumos?

>> No.9526965


>> No.9526966


>> No.9526982
File: 76 KB, 683x109, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9527002
File: 12 KB, 90x90, chibicirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they only took YEN. Thanks

>> No.9527049

Oh damn, dissed and dismissed!

>> No.9527077

What do you mean?

A few years ago I decided to start storing my semen in a hermetic box with a plastic lid which was previously filled with candy. A few weeks later it had incurred a distinct smell (although I can't quite remember what it smelled like). I tried pointing a flashlight in it and the liquid was all black. I had to walk far into the forest to dump it into the ground.

>> No.9527119
File: 634 KB, 800x800, 25747862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9527130
File: 85 KB, 713x701, f45494ae249c63308bab140c35de1d78 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hair

>> No.9527142

No snake eyes, would not buy

>> No.9527185


Almost wanted it before I noticed the lack of snake eyes.

>> No.9527452

I imagined a /jp/sie who doesn't know how to sew try to make a fumo and ending up with a lumpy, disfigured Reimu. Instead of the normal flat, slightly bored expression she looks more like she's sadly smiling at the /jp/sie's attempt to make himself a friend

>> No.9527454

Fuck off

>> No.9528431
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, Picture 414x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I promised, here it is, but it seems the climate hasn't changed. Oh well, maybe next month.

>> No.9528492

your tomatoes look sick

>> No.9528510 [DELETED] 

Your transparent attempts to make your attention whoring board related by sticking a fumo in every picture is disgusting.

Still reported.

>> No.9528555

Forgot to stutter.

>> No.9532917

I don't understand, please explain.

>> No.9534331 [DELETED] 


>> No.9534451 [DELETED] 

Thank you!

Who cares about this, seriously...

>> No.9534503

People who enjoy snake eyes.

>> No.9534508

Where did you find such smooth oranges?

>> No.9535019


Reported for encouraging attention whores.
