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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9455816 No.9455816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hi there /jp/
I've been conducting a survey, on you're waifu, and I'd like you to help me. This is just a quick two-question quiz.

1: Do you have a waifu/husbando? Y/N
2: How seriously do people here (on this board )take 'waifuism':
a)Most people take it seriously
b)some do, some don't
c)very few/no people take it seriously


>> No.9455824

1: NO
2: C


>> No.9455837

You have the wrong broad. This is Touhous and shitposting. Waifu are >>>/a/.

>> No.9455838

1) nah
2) C

>> No.9455840

I wonder if this is that person from /a/.
eh, probably not. It's more likely that it's someone who saw that image in another thread here and decided to be ``funny''.

>> No.9455846

the survey guy?
that's me

>> No.9455866
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>> No.9455875
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>> No.9456374


>> No.9456390

How about you go back to /a/.
Don't forget to delete this thread on your way out!

>> No.9456419

we already had a thread about what a terrible person you are and hoped you would leave us alone.

>> No.9456464

We saw your shitty thread in /a/ and had our own thread laughing at how retarded you are.


Go back to your retarded anime board of ignorance, teenager.

>> No.9456479

I bet the guy on the right doesn't even know the character on that dakimakura and hasn't even played the game she's from.

I bet none of the entry level fags on /a/ even knows who she is.

>> No.9456490

1: Y
2: does not apply

>> No.9456494

What's the difference between knowing a character and knowing who she is? Does the former mean you've met her?

>> No.9456506

wait, i misunderstood the second one. i thought you meant my own waifu, which i don't talk about, not waifus in general.
in this case:
1: Y
2: i guess A, but most of us hate the name and the people who use it.

>> No.9456507


Yeah I've met her and I know her.

>> No.9456512

Almost every waifu comes from popular anime, that's why you should ask /a/

>> No.9456517

Nobody who actually has a 'waifu' (As in, is actually in love with a 2D character) will mention it on /jp/ because all the kids on /a/ use it to describe characters of the season they like and nobody wants to be associated with them.

There's your answer, OP. Now go be cancerous in your own board and stop inflicting yourself on the rest of 4chan, we don't want to be a part of your school project.

>> No.9456522

Why do you guys keep regurgitating the same lines while bumping the thread?

>> No.9456530

1. Y
2. c

>> No.9456531

Why do you guys keep regurgitating the same lines while bumping the thread?

>> No.9456534

People highly value their own opinions, believing them to be original and insightful, and think everybody should know what they are.

>> No.9456535

I have a favorite 2hu, does that count?

>> No.9456532

How large is the shut-in and NEET population of /a/?

>> No.9456543

no, unless you made a tulpa of her and are enganged in a romantic relationship with said tulpa.

>> No.9456548


Most of them go to school or college and stuff, they're all pretty young there, anything from 15 (No joke) to early 20s

>> No.9456549

It's OP bumping.

>> No.9456551

That sounds like /a/ shit to me.

>> No.9456562

1: There are a few 2D girls that I like a lot. I like looking at pictures of them and hearing their voices. It really makes me happy. But it's not like one of them is above all others, and that's what a waifu is supposed to be, so no, no waifu.

2: c)

>> No.9456569

welp, that's what waifu is.

>> No.9456577

Highly relevant to this thread.


>> No.9456580

oh god i looked at the survey from the /a/ thread.
>I am...
>In employment
>In education/training
way to treat us NEETs.

>> No.9456586
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>> No.9456582

Why are the anime kids so passive and tame nowadays? Even just a few years ago that Singaporean guy broke through security barricades at a con just so he could steal the waterbottle off the table of where his favorite seiyuu was sitting and get an indirect kiss.

He was crazy, creepy and probably mentally unstable. Take note, /a/.

>> No.9456592

909 people is hardly a sample from /a/, their population is in the thousands.

>> No.9456595

1: Wouldn't go as far as to say she's my "waifu". Sure, I get attached to fictional characters easily and of course wish they were real so we could hang out, but haven't gone far enough to truly love one. I don't see the point in aiming for unrealistic goals related to things like this.
2: Somewhere between B and C, closer to C to be honest.

>> No.9456605


>/a/ demographics

What the fuck? The funny part is that you just know someone created this because there was probably some ongoing internet argument about 'what /a/ is like' or something. They do so much board masturbation it's unreal, every few words you see '/a/'. "What does /a/ think of this?" "What's an /a/ accepted anime?" "What girl does /a/ like?". It's like /b/ shit all over again, I'm surprised they don't have their own manifesto or something.

>> No.9456611

As if there aren't tons of stupid surveys here every day. Get real.

>> No.9456616


The difference is that they actually take these seriously.

>> No.9456626

>87% male
No wonder we're so much better.

>> No.9456633

/jp/ only responds to survey threads ironically.

ESTP. Bathrobe and sliippers. Wheaties and milk.

>> No.9456640

>Do people think you're a creeper, /jp/?

>> No.9456642


So what you're trying to say is that you're one of those right wing nazi cunts who has milk and THEN cereal?

>> No.9456644
File: 25 KB, 221x221, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9456668

>heterosexual 71%
And there we have the main problem...

>> No.9456681



And this pretty much sums up the kinds of faggots you'll find on /a/

>> No.9456692
File: 42 KB, 278x214, he cant be serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ demographics

Why I never.

>> No.9456690
File: 238 KB, 667x800, riruka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9456704

What I like is the five people with children.

>> No.9456731


They're the people who pretend to be in their 50s and talk about 'how things used to be in the 70s' being careful not to go into too much detail lest they get called out.

One of these types of posts was screenshotted and passed around as proof of something or other, I dunno...some kind of internet argument shit.

>> No.9456763

I wouldn't be surprised if there really were some, though.

Middle-aged people get into all kinds of weird shit.

>> No.9456789


It's /a/ so the chances are that it's just someone trying to get the final word in, I've caught a few people out on there talking about the 80s and 90s and getting some very obvious stuff wrong. They don't realize how much they give themselves away.

>> No.9456800

We're talking about an anonymous survey thread not your stupid arguments.

>> No.9456807

Indeed. It's easier to get away with lying on anonymous surveys.

>> No.9456811

People lie in anonymous surveys all the time, too.

I was reading about it in a psychology textbook and I have no idea why the fuck they would, but they do.

>> No.9456817


People always lie on these things, even I would just to fuck around with the results.

>> No.9456838

There are very likely people of much older ages around here. As a general statement from my own experiences, the younger you are, the harder time you have understanding that someone substantially older can have the same hobbies you do.

When I was 11 or 12, I remember seeing a guy come onto a YTV special thing about video games, and he was talking about how he still played video games at 17 years old.

My thoughts were "Oh wow, what a loser." as I waited for DBZ or Reboot or something to come on.

>> No.9456897


There are plenty of older people on stuff like ANN and Animesuki, but I very much doubt you'll find them on /a/. I'm 28 and I find /a/ too young for me, just from their conversations you can tell some of them are probably too young to be on there. Talking about random boners and 'omg you had sex with someone/have a girlfriend/took drugs, you must be a jock/normal/stoner'.

>> No.9456936

Well, yeah you are probably right in that regard--I can't remember the last time I posted on /a/. I do still open it fairly often though to look for cute pictures or see what's going on in shows.

>> No.9456945

I spoke with someone from /a/, he said I wasn't a real hikki because I was once in the military. Even though I haven't left the house except to get groceries in 3 years.

>> No.9456946

Use the catalog? I can usually find decent on-topic threads without random discussion fine.

Though the more popular shows tend to be swamped with that Frodo question shit which makes them annoying to browse.

>> No.9457513


I do use the catalogue, to be honest there really isn't good discussion there at all. Maybe my standards are higher but I don't think constant meme spouting and 'which ____ wuld u fuk?' (which are one and the same nowadays) constitutes good discussion. Most of them have been educated on anime by /a/ so they don't actually know much at all because so much bullshit gets spread around and accepted as true, I love anime but I wouldn't discuss it on /a/ even if you paid me, it's a painful experience. I'd rather lurk threads in 2ch

>> No.9459441

1: Y
2: b
