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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9377265 No.9377265 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't it be nice to have a dedicated meido again? Not some shitty janitor that comes to delete half the board once a day.
I'm getting pretty fed up with this baloney. I might just have to send moot a stern email.

Picture is obviously unrelated.

>> No.9377283

I always love when someone posts with that picture, OP. Thank you.

>> No.9377295

I'd prefer if we got a userbase that actually liked their hobbies.

>> No.9377299

You're welcome. I quite like this picture.

>> No.9377308

I sent that cunt moot an email, but he never answered. After that, I didn't have the confidence to try again.

>> No.9377338

I guess being more strict upon the way people post would be necessary but I can't imagine a person who would actually want to clean the trash of /jp/ throughout his day.

>> No.9377351

These hobbies by nature creates self-loathing

>> No.9377363
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I just now took a look at the front page and died a little more inside. I'm going back to sleep.

>> No.9377368

I let out some gurgling noise that could have been a laugh once. Great job OP.

>> No.9377370

I'm glad he deleted that fart thread while leaving everything else.

>> No.9377372

Most of /jp/ hates VNs and doesn't play touhou.

>> No.9377381

Japanese media? I thought this was the board for random blogging.

>> No.9377385

moot is a Jew why would he care

>> No.9377386

I literally have nothing better to do and would love the job.

>> No.9377403

I still have faith in him.

>> No.9377429

no i want 2008- early 2010 /jp/ to come back. over-moderation is a bad thng.

>> No.9377432

You should know better than have faith in a greedy jew

>> No.9377434

moot is gone

>> No.9377435
File: 164 KB, 739x734, homuhomuripsone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go fuck yourself. It's closest thing to OC that this board will ever see again.

>> No.9377443

we can't have those times back. Easy going moderation was only possible because the userbase wasn't completely retarded and dedicated to shitposting like it is now.

Look at the pages when the moderation decides to take it easy. Nothing but shitposting, dozens of threads with nothing to say or add. They're not even fun.

I would like those times back too, but it's just not possible. It was attempted in 2011 with the lazy janitor and all we got was a stronger shitposter culture.

>> No.9377463


>I wish we could just have 2hu and VN shit non-stop, that would be so much fun

Fuck off. You're like the MLP homos that needed their own board.

>> No.9377471

I never said I wanted over-moderation. I just want a competent, friendly meido who will quietly clean up the board, delete shitposts, and know when to delete an off-topic thread.
Not all off-topic threads are bad threads, you can tell by the discussions going on in them. Unfortunately, the new janitor just deletes everything.

>> No.9377477
File: 81 KB, 500x329, 1339739695574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitposting is a disease

you need to get help from a doctor

>> No.9377484

>I just want a competent, friendly meido who will quietly clean up the board, delete shitposts, and know when to delete an off-topic thread.

But we already have one.

>> No.9377483

I was being sarcastic you nerd.

>> No.9377482

Ironic as hell.

>> No.9377502
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1339827941422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there, and I'm not amused

>> No.9377498

I wish we could have fun off topic without it being run into the ground by a handful of kids whose idea of fun is posting the same shit every day for hours.

We used to have decent anime threads. But now it's all just textless screencap shit, you people took that away from us

>> No.9377503
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That is *MY* image you're using there. Please delete it immediately.

>> No.9377507

Eh, there was a decent Dog Days thread last night.

>> No.9379892


>> No.9379906

Stop saying this shit.

You're obviously not the guy who first said it.

>> No.9379910

You're just jelly because FishHead is a strong, independent shitposter who don't need no Steam group.

>> No.9379914
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>> No.9379915

This. But honestly I preferred overmoderation to no moderation. At the least the shit-to-!shit was drastically lower.

>> No.9379918

how autistic can one bee

>> No.9379928

Knew the punchline before I hovered over the spoiler, peed a little when I did.

Nice one, man. But you owe me some shorts!

>> No.9379931

Moot still doesn't even have mods for half of the boards at peak times, let alone a janitor for a slow board. Shame you have to jerk the mods off in IRC to get a chance at improving the site.

>> No.9379934

peeing yourself at such an age? You're beeyond help

>> No.9379938
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>> No.9379952

Please don't bully my friends nsj

>> No.9380017

Where the fuck is the janitor?

>> No.9382641


>> No.9382672
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>> No.9382675

We should just get rid of everything that isn't Touhou/Doujin/VN/Idol otherwise this is just a weeaboo version of /b/.

Especially the NEET/hikki shit. Go to /r9k/ if you want to be a whiny faggot.

>> No.9382795

So the janitor quit?

>> No.9382812

Yes. There was an announcement last night.

>> No.9382835

Ah, I missed it.
