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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9356212 No.9356212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The time has come. It's been six months since our new janitors arrived. How do you rate them?

Me? 7/10

>> No.9356224

7/10 sounds good

>> No.9356226

Zero out of ten. Shitposting is out of control. There are posters obviously from /v/ everywhere, and yet their posts are allowed.

I think we need a mod who can just check everyone's IP and make sure they aren't posting on subhuman boards. A janitor is not enough.

>> No.9356227

Their biggest problem: Failing how to realize how shitposting grows over short periods of time and how to deal with it. Take for example the whatever world spammer and the Zunbar quote spammer.

>> No.9356229

That Reisen looks homu as HELL

>> No.9356238

They were trained to deal with old shitposting habits and it shows. They have recently adapted to the new kind but it's far too late the damage has already been done.

>> No.9356243

That dude was hella asspained. I like how he spent 16 hours spamming.

>> No.9356247

Our local Nameless Youkai no doubt

>> No.9356251

>whatever world spammer

>> No.9356252

some times they controll the Shitposting, but another times, Shitposting in shitposting out of control.
They have better their job!

>> No.9356255

It's hard to give him a name since he seems to be responsible for an awful lot of shit.

>> No.9356257

There's only a few general style threads on topic, even the image dumps are getting worse as people with smaller, booru sourced collections take over.

>> No.9356260

The anime. You know the one that Sion likes now.

>> No.9356265

That guy isn't Sion you twit.

>> No.9356269

Sure it is.

>> No.9356268

Oh, accel world. I see. That guy is pretty bad.

>> No.9356270

Off the top of my head
"I'm a girl b.t.w."
"Please respond" before the macros
ZUN!bar quotes
Doubles advocate
>Alice threads
He's also apparently a navy seal

>> No.9356281

That one guy is responsible for absolutely all of that? Jesus christ.

>> No.9356288

That's the guy with the biology degree, isn't it?

>> No.9356295

Yeah, from FSU

>> No.9356296

I'm assuming since they all have a similar style and have picked up during the same general timeframe. They spam the shit out of them until they get filtered for a few hours every time.

>> No.9356303
File: 259 KB, 838x1234, Heath_Ledger_as_the_Joker[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then it's simple.

We kill the world spammer

>> No.9356313


It's called "Accel World", you geek.

And that guy was always posting Kuroyukihime, he has good taste.
If anything, the more she is posted, the more /jp/ becomes a better place.

Both Zun and Sion approve of her; how rare is this ?

>> No.9356316

I heard he lives in some place starting with T. Probably American, their places all have really gay sounding names like Connecticut.

>> No.9356319

Shitposter timeline
>Something vaguely negative happens
>That guy gets analdevestated about it
>Spams something like that for a day or two in every single thread
>That kind of post is marked as spam
>A different guy makes a shitty macro to get around it and spams it for months

It's different from daily doses because they usually make enough threads/posts that it's visible on every part of the front page until the janitor wakes up.

>> No.9356322

>He's also apparently a navy seal
Where did you hear this?

>> No.9356331

The eagle said so

>> No.9356336

He also the guy who always posted the bald eagle America pictures.

>> No.9356341

I assume he's alluding to the guy who always posts those ironic GOD BLESS AMERICA things with bald eagles and rants about liberals.

>> No.9356345


Have you started watching Accel World yet, Zun ?

>> No.9356359

I think that is reasonable. Janitors are trained to deal with pre-existing shitposting and don't know what to do when new shitposting arises. Bette training is needed for them and they still belong on /jp/.

They have saved this board. Despite the problems that still exist.

>> No.9356361

I always thought that poster was female.

>> No.9356368
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I give him a 2.5/10

>> No.9356381

There you are.

>> No.9356382


>> No.9356388

Don't know, just got that kind of vibe. Perhaps he's just an overly feminine person, which would explain being a navy seal.

>> No.9356394

5/10. That's actually a much more favorable score than I would give most mods on other websites.

>> No.9356396


> I'm a strong, independent white woman who don't need no man to protect me.

>> No.9356397

What can they do to improve? They can only delete and request bans, going up against a board infested with mentally unstable spammers.

They can try picking up new shitposting spam faster, but it will only trigger them further like the ZUNBAR signature guy that just won't let go.

We need mods. And clear rules. And a strong userbase that manages to fill the voids left by deleted shitposts. Maybe then we'll be able to regain a bit of the past.

>> No.9356409


I'm not the guy, dude.

>> No.9356412

Isn't this the same poster that also samefagged having a "stalker" and also "quit /jp/" ?

>> No.9356421
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>> No.9356424

Let's have some sexy time honey-bun

>> No.9356427


Back-off, nerd.

She's mine.

>> No.9356430


<&yinyin> has anyone seen or watched accel world?
<+allthedrpepper> nupe
<~second_rarfag> ^
<+allthedrpepper> currently viewing Misfortune: The Anime
<+allthedrpepper> xD
<+allthedrpepper> whats it about anyway
*** NrgSpoon is now known as NrgSleep
<+allthedrpepper> so a bizarro South park

>> No.9356429
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>> No.9356437

You shouldn't use that word, it's not nice.

>> No.9356434


>> No.9356440

>Being a literal liberal/nigger

>> No.9356449

American eagle guy is a different person from Navy Seal/Gorilla warfare guy. Please don't ask how I know this.

>> No.9356444

What the fuck is this

>> No.9356452

Just because she's flat chested doesn't mean she's a male, moron.

>> No.9356457

Some IRC autistic kid, or some shit.

>> No.9356453


Proof that Accel World is shit and the shitposter has shit taste.

Come at me.

>> No.9356455

How do you know this?

>> No.9356458

There are two eagle posters.
Please don't ask how I know this.

>> No.9356460

All it shows is that you're in some kind of terrible IRC channel.

>> No.9356462

I posted >Alice and Corndog Tenshi threads for ages and didn't do any of the others. The asspained bandit did post s massive spam of vomitingmadotsuki.jpg images accompanied by random NEET thread OPs once though.

>> No.9356463

Ok nerd, just for that remark I'll come over and punch you straight in face.

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.9356467

How do you know this?
Please respond.

>> No.9356468

>caring about another persons taste/opinions
You're on the far end of the spectrum buddy.

>> No.9356469

This guy needs to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.9356472


>Spammer defense force

>> No.9356476

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9356477

I love it when you speak to me like that, it really turns me on.
Call me some dirty names please.
Will you really come other if I tell you where I live?

>> No.9356479


Your mom nerd XD

South Park the anime still sucks

>> No.9356483

But south park is an anime

>> No.9356486

You bet your ass I will. You'll be eating my fists tonight.

Now give me the fucking address.

>> No.9356492

accel world is nothing like south park
people are only saying that because sudo reminds them of cartman in appearance

>> No.9356487
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>> No.9356490


Just like you get fisted every night from Cartman, nerd

>> No.9356493

God damn, you're one kinky little minx. I best make sure my butthole is clean for you.

>> No.9356497

Oh now I remember that one guy who used to reply to other post of Sudo's with "fat"

>> No.9356498

Captions here >>>/b/

>> No.9356501
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>> No.9356502
File: 178 KB, 500x368, 425745747y3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock dude

>> No.9356505

<hibiki`> More stuff:
<hibiki`> I am a gaylord who likes pens
<hibiki`> I love to suck pens
<hibiki`> When I suck pens I make this noise
<hibiki`> and then ink shoots out

>> No.9356509

*sucks your dick*

>> No.9356511

I can tell this is fake because Sion is a massive beta and too shy to talk directly to anyone.

>> No.9356512

Stop posting IRC shit, gaylord.

IRC faggots do not reflect the mindset of truuNEET /jp/ posters.

>> No.9356513

<hibiki`> i have gay fantasies about jones

>> No.9356521
File: 42 KB, 550x279, 65u56ur5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9356529

I'm being serious here, do people actually watch Accel World? it's a shitty show that was only made because Japan is adapting every series they can find.

>> No.9356538
File: 104 KB, 400x600, 684684864586468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a silly question.

>> No.9356539

Yeah, it's alright. I like RPG type shows.

>> No.9356536

Sion says he does but you have no right to insult him. Respect your superior officers kid.

>> No.9356547

it's literally the worst anime ever made

>> No.9356555

non on oenpro

>> No.9356561

