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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.41 MB, 3072x2304, kusatsu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9340791 No.9340791 [Reply] [Original]

Which japanese city would u live in?

>> No.9340803

you're mom

>> No.9340812

chiba city

my dad grew up there

>> No.9340817

fukushima, of course.

>> No.9340822 [DELETED] 

Shizuoka maybe.

>> No.9340823

Kyoto. It's chill as fuck.

>> No.9340824


>> No.9340826

Video related, tall black negro picking up japanese women/getting picked up in Wakayama.

>> No.9340831

Kyoto, or maybe Osaka.

>> No.9340834

Kyoto or somewhere in the Hokkaido region.

>> No.9340841


>> No.9340842

This guy is stealing all the women, I better book a flight quickly.

>> No.9340859

>Which japanese city would u live in [*]?
If given the choice?
If being forced to live in Japan?
If suddenly becoming wealthy enough to never care about financial issues ever again?
If suddenly waking up in Japan and trying to find out in which city precisely?

If given the choice, I'd pick a city that'd allow me to not interact with humans anymore than I do now, while maintaining (or improving) my current living standard.

>> No.9340862

Why are japanese girls so slutty?

>> No.9340863

I would most likely still be a loser even if I lived in Japan

It would just mean lower shipping costs

>> No.9340871


>> No.9340874

I think it has something to do with the majority of women being surrounded by non-virile men with a chip on their shoulders from the age of 15 and up. This has made them short, unattentative to emotional needs and soul-less. The human female wants some passion and a hot spermbath in her uterus, the japanese are no different.

>> No.9340880

Tokyo. I'm not a poorfag or a farmer.

>> No.9340882

Academy City.

I'd hang out with Saten-san all day.

>> No.9340886

Living in a city with that population density... It would be a nightmare to me. I haven't been to a city with more than forty thousand inhabitants and even that felt constrictive.

>> No.9340889

It's definitely the most beautiful and livable city of Asia.

>> No.9340897

Personally I find it comforting. The more people there are around you, the less likely you are to stand out and be noticed.

>> No.9340907


>> No.9340912


>> No.9340919

What are you, some kind of normal?

>> No.9340926

This. I love walking around Manhattan, it's really comforting.

>> No.9341182
File: 1.11 MB, 1632x1224, eientei bamboo forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo a shit.
Eientei is where it is at.

>> No.9341223

if anywhere it'll be yoshihara in okinawa.

>> No.9341236


>> No.9341239
File: 115 KB, 644x357, 1298659906959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm not here to stay. I just want a coffee.

>> No.9341248
File: 374 KB, 568x826, 95594a37c2d67883033d7d94620689a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding it.
No, seriously, with all the traps Tewi's probably planted in the bamboo forest, good luck.

>> No.9341348

Okinawa shouldn`t even be considered japan.

>> No.9341381

Thats probably arashiyama

>> No.9341401

whatever has the best sushi

>> No.9341444


>> No.9341451
File: 23 KB, 444x336, 53251235611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo, but only because of that one game.

>> No.9341505

Sapporo. I love their beer.

>> No.9341518
File: 33 KB, 256x243, 256px-Ageha-cho.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobe, the greatest city in all of Nippon wwwwww

>> No.9341600

The one with 2hus

>> No.9342324

Tokyo, but only because it's so Gaijin-friendly.

I've really enjoyed Osaka when I've been there with local friends but your Japanese fluency has to be much higher, not to mention the dialect.

>> No.9342336

Meguro, maybe?

>> No.9342349

Tokyo, because I wouldn't have to pay for any shipping for all my weeaboo crap. And I could actually buy all the music I listen to. I'd hate it being so crowded though, I can feel claustraphobic in the city I live in now and it has maybe 200,000 in it.

Or that one place up north with the hot springs and mountains for skiing. That would be enjoyable.

>> No.9342363

You worry about shipping costs but not about living costs in Tokyo?

>> No.9342366


Given the circumstance I assumed money wasn't an issue in terms of where we lived, just where we would want to live.

>> No.9342367

Tochigi City or Saitama City.

I wouldn't want to live near all the hustle and bustle of the major cities, and a place like Hokkaido would be too rural and desolate. Suburbs please.

>> No.9342370

what would be the easiest job to get there?

>> No.9342404

> black negro
Way to be redundant, hypernerd.

>> No.9342416


There's a larger mix of old and new.

>> No.9342435

Kyoto or Wakayma; I've been to both places. I like Kyoto for shopping and Wakayama for the people.

>> No.9342439


I'm a huge sucker for giant cities. I just love the hustle and bustle of cities, and the skyline would be lovely to see. I would feel networked and connected with everythin. It'd be awesome.

>> No.9342454


I never feel connected when in a big city.
On the contrary-I feel anonymous and truly free.

>> No.9342464

Maybe some rural city in Okinawa if I could. Other than that I think I live in a nice enough US city for my needs.

>> No.9342496

I love the metropolitan feeling of Tokyo. Where I come from, 6 story apartment blocks are about as tall as it gets. But in Tokyo, if you go to the bar in Park Hyatt Hotel or something and look out the window, the 30 story buildings you see scattered around will seem tiny. Of course, it's amazing at night, seeing all those lights and knowing that so much is going on below you.

Personally I'd never want to be a part of the big city life, but I like witnessing it from a safe distance.

>> No.9342508
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I simply feel networked because of all of the people, and how everything appears to be in its own harmony.

But yes, I do feel free and alone as well. Cities are wonderous things. To be part of one of the biggest hubs of human life, it would feel great.

>> No.9342526

I can say the same when I was at Hong Kong. Hell, Asian metropolis all seem to carry this atmosphere that most American and European cities lack.

>> No.9342551
File: 1.68 MB, 1680x1050, 1334259537972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncle's been to Tokyo and Hong Kong. He really likes those cities. His wife taught English in Tokyo.

I wish I tagged along.

>> No.9342611

I'm not fond of living in the countryside, but for some reason I'd like to live in a Japanese small town, at least for the experience. I guess this is largely because of all those anime I've seen.

>> No.9342627

European cites are old, really old. Some may see them as classy, but in my opinion it is backwardness. The second season of GitS demonstrated this really well: Japan was an ultra modern cyberpunk heaven but London and Berlin were pretty much the same as ever.

>> No.9342814

I don't know what exactly you mean by that.
Bound by the old buildings, which nobody wants to tear down?
The majority of the houses in Berlin have been built after 1945, for obvious reasons. That's not old.
Bound by tradition?
I don't know, that sounds sort of stupid to me. Maybe explain this better?

>> No.9344774

Not my fault I'm popular.

>> No.9344778


>> No.9344799

After that video, if someone doesn't pick Kyoto, they're turbonewfags,

>> No.9344826

Cities are fine, but I'd really like to live out in the countryside.
Mostly just for that sound cicadas make in the summer. I can't get enough of that.

>> No.9344896

That would drive me insane. If I lived on the countryside I want it to be quiet.

>> No.9344923

There's nothing more quiet and peaceful than the cry of cicadas.

>> No.9344962

But it's so calming!
Every time I hear it, it makes me imagine lying under a clear blue sky without any cares or worries. Just listening to that endless, lazy drone and waiting for the next cool breeze to come.

It's basically the perfect soundtrack for the NEET life.

>> No.9345090

So I am a turbonerd?

>> No.9345192

Moving there for 2+ years (hopefully longer) soon. I never get bored of it.

>> No.9345428

>i love japan ... the culture, the language, its history and evrything about it. its so interesting to me^_^ maybe in my previous life, i was born japanese...but i've never been there:(


>> No.9345632
File: 2.03 MB, 1680x1392, 1336409126784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.

I enjoyed Tokyo the most due to how easy it was to navigate around and had everything. It wasn't even that expensive if you where to look.
The second was Kyoto. It's really a good place to take it easy, so calming, altough it was very hot.
Osaka however felt like a mix between the two previously mentioned but a grade lower. Good shopping city however.

>> No.9345723


>> No.9345724

I've only been in tokyo, kamakura, nikko, nara, osaka and kyoto.

I guess I enjoyed Kamakura best out of all those.

>> No.9345737


>> No.9345759
File: 87 KB, 720x404, 20120710 Journeys in Japan - Sapporo.mkv_snapshot_09.29_[2012.07.11_15.15.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching NHK World every week, and there are certain places I would love to visit:

Sapporo is their latest episode, never knew this clock tower was donated by Murricans.
Kyoto, for obvious reasons, its grid-patterned streets with its glorious temples and shit
Azumino if I would like for a nature trip. It's empty as no people around, but I'm sure I will have a great time.
Okinawa if I wanted on a seashore and go swimming
Yanagawa is a cross-hybrid of Old Japan and Venice, but the river is quite dirty though.
As much as I hate snow, Hokkaido has good atmosphere and architecture, and I wanted to see their monkeys.
Nakasendo is like time-traveling back to the old days, calming and refreshing
Hiking on Oze will feel like an accomplishment. Beautiful greens and shit
Fucking Tokyo, I do hope I wouldn't get lost on those skyscrapers and lights
Hakone has burning LAVA hotspring and seaside
Jj visited Nikko. I fucking love the mountains, bridges, and forestry. Definitely will go.
Onomichi, Yamagata, and Izakaya are pretty fucking great too.
Shit, I just listed some of my favorite JnJ episodes.

>> No.9345810
File: 8 KB, 197x260, 755156766434fefd938489_auteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any interesting places in Osaka?

I will go there next week.

>> No.9346521

I want to go to Osaka, Tokyo and Hokkaido.

I don't know where to live yet.

>> No.9346680
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>> No.9346725

Any small city near Kyoto.

>> No.9347212
File: 974 KB, 1280x857, Small Japanese Village..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I would be happy in here, as long as I was well financed with certain objects and goods at my side.

I would do work, talk with the villagers, make the round trips to the big cities for everyone's orders, explore nature, possibly inherit the local Kendo Dojo.

I would want a white wife who meets my criteria though....one I would fall in love with....

Alas only my inner fantasy, thee only live life once

>> No.9351474 [DELETED] 


( ^ω^) Support ZUNBAR! Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9351515

Sapporo, or somewhere in Hokkaido.

>> No.9352026

The non-xenophobic, ass-backwards one.

inb4: there are none.

>> No.9352101

Don't black people have a bad reputation in Japan? I don't mean the ordinary racism that Japs have for all foreigners, I mean they have a particularly bad reputation for something, gangs or drugs or prostitution or something?

>> No.9352150

Black people have the same bad reputation all over the world.

>> No.9352163

Let's room together in a small two story shack out in the woods there. We can pretend we're Rika and Satako and I can stay up late getting drunk and talking to myself.

>> No.9352176

Not in Africa

>> No.9352192

No, I'm pretty sure it is for something specific in Japan. I think it is for prostitution.

>> No.9352198

Are you guys from USA?

>> No.9352208

No, I'm UK

>> No.9352211

How did you find out?
*clap* *clap* *clap*

>> No.9352280

u gay or smthn?

>> No.9352295

Somewhere in the northern countryside where I can go full on hermit and get in touch with my spirituality.

>> No.9352320

By jerking off all day? Ha!

>> No.9352333
File: 26 KB, 315x300, minge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.9352399

I wouldn't like to live in the countryside, especially among rice paddies, because I hear they stink at a certain time of year. But I would like to live on the suburbs of Toyko with quick access to the city centre.

>> No.9352988


>> No.9353043

Japan is a large country.

>> No.9354799
File: 194 KB, 1000x726, The Sword - By Yukio Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you don't try anything on me.

Last week an anon made tried sniffing his best friends

crotch while he slept, so don't do anything like that.
Come to think of it I'll have to say no to the first anon.

How could I room with /jp/ if I was to inherit the local Kendo or kenjutsu dojos, after all I would have to marry his eldest dauster to take the dojo......

Hey guys........
I am finally signed up for Kendo next semester.
Finally my word and flesh can become even more synchronized with this warrior hope of mine.

>> No.9356696

I'm thinking of going to Shirakawa in the mid-term future. I can't drive, so I hope it will be okay going by bus and just walking around town.

I managed in Shin Hodaka in Gifu without a car before, so I imagine it should be okay.

>> No.9356704

I didn't think you were serious when you said I had convinced you to sign up.

Good for you dude.

>> No.9356739

somewhere in Nagano.

>> No.9360253
File: 11 KB, 250x295, mishima Samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already train everyday, so I might be alright at it.
All I know is that I will be a good swordsmen one day.
I just hope I have a real Japanese teacher.
Please post pics with your story afterword.
Look for treasure in the mountains and woods if you can, just don't let the locals catch you.

>> No.9360414

Probably some place in Hokkaido, maybe spend some time in Tokyo to be around others but I like nature and my current hometown

>> No.9360451

Howaito piggu stay home

>> No.9360502

Are you talking about Nigerians who hang around in Roppongi? Yeah, I've heard of them trying to talk to gaijins hawking their whores.

>> No.9360531
File: 20 KB, 530x536, mio4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo is where the magic happens and by magic I mean

>> No.9360607

what do you mean for the people? Whats so different about them from Kyoto?

>> No.9360639

The only people that seem to be friendly in kyoto are grandmas
Everyone else will not likely make eye contact

>> No.9360668

>Japan is a large country.
Japan is as big as a state in the US.

>> No.9360709
File: 648 KB, 1536x1152, 1342195632545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to backpack in Japan.
It'd be loads of fun.
Too bad it'll never happen.

>> No.9360720

It'll if you really want it.

>> No.9360724

Is it bacause you are a poorfag?
Or because you fear a non-neet life?

Waste of flesh...

>> No.9360758

No >>9360720 is right; it can happen, just really plan and be motivated for it.

>> No.9361001


What about fukuoka? I hear lots of hotties in fukuoka. Plus it's one of the most liveable city in the world?

>> No.9361043


Actually I think >>9360639 is right.
Kyoto is the Cultural heritage capital of Japan.
They most likely are pretty anti-western in Kyoto for this reason.
That place is crawling with Yakuza

>> No.9361103


I was going with you until you said crawling with Yakuza... Yakuza is everywhere.

>> No.9361124

Two years ago it would have been Sendai.
Now, I'm not so sure.

>> No.9361179
File: 38 KB, 186x132, poepdop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the majority of Geisha customers are primary Yakuza.
Yakuza go there for full scale meetings for the year or what not.
I'm just saying that the Yakuza have a lot invested in Kyoto, because they claim to be so tradition based.

Here is a link to a mini documentary on the Yakuza.
There is leaked footage of the Kyoto Geisha serving them.


Yes Yakuza are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that my points before I said anything about yakuza is wrong or invalid

>Actually I think >>9360639 is right.
Kyoto is the Cultural heritage capital of Japan.
They most likely are pretty anti-western in Kyoto for this reason.

>> No.9361205

If you had moved to there you would probably be in gensokyo now.

>> No.9361213

Asakusa would be nice.

>> No.9361217

What are the chances of lightning hitting the same place twice?

>> No.9361248
File: 113 KB, 464x290, He's Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probs won't be another tsunami/earthquake/mass land sinking for awhile.

I think it might be safe for you now anon.
Just always have back pack and life jacket ready for emergency and try to get the highest room in the building you're living in.

>> No.9361251

I might try hitting up Akita. They're famous for apples, I heard. Don't know much else about that city.

>> No.9361393

Kyoto isnt anti western per-se but even amongst japanese kyoto is known for being reserved and cold.

>> No.9361464

Tokyo. Akihabara to be more specific.

It's quite a generic answer, but it's the best answer.

>> No.9361510

You could at least say Nakano or Nipponbashi to sound like an otaku hipstar.

>> No.9361563

None of them, preferably.

>> No.9361598

Kyoto is actually pretty good for Otaku stuff if you live near Sanjou. There's a generic manga shop, a Melonbooks, a Gamers, an Animate, a figure store, and one or two related other stores all on Teramachi-doori. I don't think there's much in the way of video game stores except for Book Off, though, and the nearest Tsutaya I know of is in Yamashina. Does anyone happen to know a nearer one?

Nipponbashi is fun too. Only about an hour away.

>> No.9361624
File: 2.62 MB, 4000x3000, DSCN0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently live in Yufu, and I love it. I don't think I could handle living in a big city like Tokyo. Maybe nice to visit, but not to live in.

>> No.9361639
File: 76 KB, 538x720, WAT UP DOOOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is living there like my first post in this thread, this one....

..... >>9347212

What do you do out there?

>> No.9361679
File: 2.71 MB, 4000x3000, DSCN0946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's similar, although maybe not quite as rural. It's actually a tourist town, but about half of it is all farmland. If you want to buy anything big (as in not groceries or trinkets), you have to take a train to Oita city or a bus to Beppu. If you stay off the main road, it's generally very quiet. And if you stay here long enough, people will genuinely befriend you and invite you for drinks and whatnot (if you don't stay here long, they'll just assume you're a tourist).

On the weekends, it's nice to just walk around and enjoy the scenery or try local restaurants. My boyfriend is from Beppu, so he can take me around to places he knows from there. There's also a mountain that you can go to and hang out with monkeys. That's about it, though. It's a really nice, quiet town that's a train ride away from some really nice big cities.

>> No.9361717

Let's pretend I'm a non-japanese NEET that absolutely hates work but has somehow enough money to keep a house and food. Is there a way I'd be allowed to move there or will they kick you out if you don't work?

>> No.9361726

>My boyfriend
Are you a troll or are you homosexual.
Pick one.

Anyway that is a very nice town.
If I go to Japan all Japanese residents from /jp/ should meetup.
Go explore more man.
Find artifacts and take them for yourself.

>> No.9361732

It will be fine if you marry a japanese woman.

>> No.9361830
File: 992 KB, 1632x1224, jav_pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pulled twice by those fucking niggers while I am just minding my own business.
Once in shibuya and once in shinjuku.
Taken from the tallest building in Roppongi and that pool look awfully like that pool used for all the JAV video.
Hokkaido and Kansai is where you want to stay in it. Tokyo a shit. You cannot take it easy.

>> No.9362160

Isn't that where Marty McFry went back to the future?

>> No.9362188

Best places in Hokkaido?

>> No.9362196

>Are you a troll or are you homosexual.
Fuck off.

>> No.9362202

Sapporo or Dead Icy Wasteland.
You choose.

>> No.9364247
File: 6 KB, 200x200, nou-57914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on. Take a joke

>> No.9365437

H-Hei gaijin, r-remeber ur place!

>> No.9368683

Tokyo or Osaka, but preferably Tokyo, because of the dialect.
