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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9317308 No.9317308 [Reply] [Original]

Would you take care of a cute autistic hikikomori girl?

>How cute? How old?
Very cute. Around 11~12 years old.

>How autistic?
Very autistic. Not at the non-verbal level, but not far off either. She would be very shy and would speak very rarely, at least until she gets used to you, which may take a long time. She would also be very picky about such things as the food she eats and might get very upset if confronted with things she is not used to.

>How hikki?
Very hikki. Just barely can go to the bathroom on her own. You would have to prepare food, clothes etc. for her. Due to her severe autism it would be hard to get her to do any housework.

>So what can she do?
Not much. Maybe play video games and watch japanese cartoons with you.

Because she is very autistic, she might also have some savant ability. Maybe she could learn to program or something and you could possible make money off that. Or maybe she would be able to learn Japanese very easily and help you with that. Savant abilities are however NOT guaranteed.

Would you take her or not?

>> No.9317339

If she's japanese yes

>> No.9317349

Only if we're like-minded and she doesn't want sex with me (or grows up to want it). It would be nice to have some companionship and something to do.

>> No.9317346


>> No.9317347

> cute
> autistic

There's no such thing.

>> No.9317358

Assuming she's 2D and money isn't really an issue, why not?

>> No.9317359


This girl is cute, in an atypical way. Though she's older and higher-functioning.

Most children are cute. They don't turn ugly until their teens.

>> No.9317365
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nigga what

>> No.9317374

I actually keep coming across job listings like this. There's a high demand for carers in my area, particularly for disabled children.

I mentioned the other day I found a job for a live-in nanny/housekeeper to a 9-year-old girl. In the end I didn't apply, because 3DPD and I'd probably be put on some sort of list.

>> No.9317380

>grown up


>> No.9317382

Maybe. I pretty autistic too, but I think I'd be able to cope. Some companionship may be nice.

>> No.9317387


>> No.9317395

>that face

That's perfectly acceptable and I could see that.

>> No.9317400

I'd do it if only to have a 24/7 friend to watch cartoons and play games with. But that is assuming money isn't an issue.

>> No.9317404

Does she grow up?

>> No.9317408
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No I wouldn't, because outside of your animes, taking care of a child is much harder than you imagine if you don't want that the child ends up like a retard in future.

I know we are are throwing the word "autism" often on this board, but to actually have a child with autism isn't that funny or nice and takes actually skill as a parent to do the right decisions with the child.

>> No.9317415
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>> No.9317426
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>> No.9317428


You're right QUEEN of /jp/

>> No.9317436

``I come to /jp/ to discuss idols and parenting.''
                     -KING OF /jp/, expert on child rearing, 2012

>> No.9317449

my... how do you call a cousin's kid? anyway, he is autistic and he's the cutest kid i've ever seen. i wish he was a girl. i can confirm at least a single case like that exists.
though i've med quite a few adult aspies/autists and none of them were particulary cute. i hope he at least doesn't grow out of it.

>> No.9317451

I can barely take care of myself, so I would be a terrible role model but I don't want to be alone forever, so yeah, I'd take her in.

>> No.9317457

>cousin's kid

>> No.9317483

isn't nephew reserved for sibling's kid though? i don't know, this is confusing.

>> No.9317491

I'm 18. What if she turns 16-17 and wants to have sex with me? I'd be 22-23 by then and it would be hard for me to refuse.

I couldn't dare say no to her if she went into my room at night--naked with a blanket in hand--and woke me up saying Onii-chan, can I lay down next to you?" (I would be like a brother to her)
I would blush and reply "You're delusional from waking up in the middle of the night. It's okay, I know you don't really want that...go back to your room"
To which she replies "Nooo Onii-chan, I'm not delusional! All these years you took care of me, now it's my turn. I want to make you feel good."
She would then force herself on to me and we would have sex.
The next morning I'll awake to her (wearing my school dress shirt) making me breakfast (she normally only does this on special occasions, such as my birthday, etc)
I'll act as if nothing happened, and try to bring up a formal conversation. "Don't you have school today?"
"No, I stayed home to be with you, silly Onii-chan...I want to feel your warmth..forever"

What would I do /jp/, what would I do?

>> No.9317492

2nd cousin

>> No.9317495

google claims it's a cultural thing. "Cousin once removed" seems to be the correct term in English countries

>> No.9317498

Stop complaining about children when you are one, kid.

>> No.9317534

All it takes to learn to program or to learn a language is an IQ above 90. Wouldn't take.

>> No.9317526

Who's complaining?

>> No.9317529

I'd do it, no buts.

>> No.9317547

If she cuddles sometimes, definitely. Otherwise, it's a more difficult decision that I haven't made up my mind about.

>> No.9317564

I grew up around autistic children. No thanks. Asperger's is fine, but full-blown near-mute autism where the flip out if they don't get what they want? No.

>> No.9317566

I guess I have an IQ below 90 because I don't know how to speak a different language nor do I know how to program yet amazingly I managed to get a degree in Quantum Mechanics before going full-force NEET.

>> No.9317578

But I'm already a little hikikomori girl, who wants to take care of me?

>> No.9317596

>If she cuddles sometimes, definitely

Autists tend to be uncomfortable about getting touched.

>> No.9317603


Are you autistic?

>> No.9317609

Did you forget which board you're on again?

>> No.9317614

Are you 2D?

>> No.9317613

Only if she stays 11~12 years old for the rest of her life.

>> No.9317618


This video is so sexist

>> No.9317633

Of course, why the hell you think I'm on /jp/?
I'm afraid I'm 1D right now.

>> No.9317660

Sure, she sounds like a pet.
She better not shit or piss on the carpet though.

>> No.9317675


Please go out with me.

>> No.9317705

so basically, she would sit there and stare at me
listen to me
look at me fapping
play games with me
and not say a word of her own?


>> No.9317723

If I had the resources, absolutely.

>> No.9317728

later she might become your
you know

>> No.9317803

>look at me fapping

You can't fap in front of her. That would be a crime you know?
Do it when she sleeps at least.

>> No.9317811
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>I'm afraid I'm 1D right now.

Master race.

>> No.9317809

She doesn't know its a crime, and she wont tell anyone. She's going to watch me fap.

>> No.9318386
File: 65 KB, 237x370, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there a japanese animation about cute autistic girls doing cute autistic things?

>> No.9318394

In before a dozen zany replies about YuruYuri or K-On! or some other bullshit.

>> No.9318401

... Damn, I was totally going to say Yuru Yuri


>> No.9318415

K-on!, Clannad and Kanon

>> No.9318455
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>> No.9318483

Clannad has a genuinely autistic girl.

>> No.9319413

Stop being a passive aggressive little shit like that means anything, you obviously didn't do anything with it if you're a NEET. And even though you have infinite free time you still can't even write basic programs? Yeah, there's a good chance your IQ is below 90.

>> No.9319421

Who are you quoting, tripfriend?

>> No.9319424

So you judge grown and educated people off of a test to measure retardation in small children? I think there is a term for this.

>> No.9319440

Exactly, it's called above average IQ :)

>> No.9319445

So long as you recognize your failure. Idiot.

>> No.9319497

lmao what?

>> No.9319695

...There is only one choice here. Do what must be done.

>> No.9321570


>> No.9323367
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 1329196192908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9323376


Is this like a "thing" /jp/ has now? Posting brown girls? No, that's disgusting.

>> No.9323397

Lil B is for the children


>> No.9323400

>Brown girl

>> No.9323401

Autism is appalling.
This thread reeks of it.

>> No.9323422

>Would you take care of a cute autistic hikikomori girl?
>Very cute. Around 11~12 years old. Very autistic.
Though this is very appealing, let's consider the arc available, meaning, the 3D arc. We've got 3 routes :

1) She will eventually grow up, and feminism will force you to send her to school, where she'll eventually befriends some 3D little girls which would make her start acting like any "modern" real female. You'll be able to see the bad ending coming, yet unable to stop it.

2) You somewhat succeeded in hiding her existence, from there she'll be more curious about how "life outside" is, and as we already know, the more you'll warned her about the "danger of going outside", the more you'll pick up her interest. She'll eventually start to see your house as a jail and broke free when you're not around. Bad end.

3) You got what seems to be the perfect route. She's not interested in going out and gives her soul/body/life to you. From there, when you'll realize that your existence is worthless, you'll start to drink, be mean to her and eventually beat her to death in a moment of anger. Bad end, again.

4) You got what seems to be the perfect route. She's not interested in going out and gives her soul/body/life to you. You've got your own life, and even work. But then you realize something : This route is impossible since you'll never find that autistic girl anyway.

>> No.9323426


Autism cannot be moe?

>> No.9323443

I used to know a girl that would never talk to other people. I somehow ended up as her only friend, so she'd never say a word in public, but when it was just us she would not shut the fuck up.

>> No.9325782

>your existence is worthless
Every time you make posts like these it makes me laugh, just a little bit.

>> No.9326041

>where she'll eventually befriends some 3D little girls which would make her start acting like any "modern" real female.
>very autistic
>befriends some 3D little girls
2/10, nice try there.
