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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 959 KB, 945x828, imaru%20celestia%20Cirno%20derpy_hooves%20fluttershy%20hisoutensoku%20Hong_Meiling%20pinkie_pie%20rainbow_dash%20rarity%20recolored%20Reimu_Hakurei%20sakuya_iz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9261786 No.9261786 [Reply] [Original]

Post your IP if you are hosting followed by world location (with continent and area is ok, I.E Western europe) and your own "tier" if you feel like to.

About the game:
(shamelessly copied from the wiki)
Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

Download link:

Hisoutensoku + 1.10 patch + english patch:

For playing online it's recommended to have the latest version, 1.10a which you can find the patches for here:


SWR + English patch:

Optionally there is also a Voice mod found here:

Before playing online please close any process that uses bandwith to avoid lag, also try to play with people close to your area if possible.

Also vote on this if you want.

>> No.9261808
File: 86 KB, 420x248, 1313627598539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
I have barely won a single match tier

>> No.9261834

Game crashed, hosting again

>> No.9261850
Canada Ontario
2nd worst player on /jp/ tier

>> No.9261917

GGs, had lots of fun, we were pretty even

>> No.9261946

Let's do it again some day.

>> No.9262134


>> No.9262151

GGs, glad I at least beat you once.

>> No.9262233

Who's the worst player on /jp/?

>> No.9262457
West EU

I'll host for 20 minutes or so.

>> No.9262463 [DELETED]

South America, Brazil.

>> No.9264884

all right lets try rhis again. Whos hosting?

>> No.9265552

Without bumping either thread, why are there two different threads for the same thing?

>> No.9265686

The other one wasn't bumping anymore, so I thought a new one would be appropriate. Tell me if I should have waited for it to die though

>> No.9266080
File: 525 KB, 755x1067, 407eb55bcc67d9782adf835a018ed991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
EC Canada
Mid tier

>> No.9266213


Holy flying fuck get your connection under control.

>> No.9266237
File: 267 KB, 408x353, 1341000560658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met lag worse than that

>> No.9266242


That's not very warm kos-mos, I am disappoint.

>> No.9266343

That's not like you, woke up on the wrong side of bed?

>> No.9266446
File: 370 KB, 845x825, 1339306557774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not very warm kos-mos, I am disappoint.

>> No.9266506
File: 18 KB, 250x507, 1206721611_al_Rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I'm going to get this game again and brush up on it. Back when I was playing these, I was playing 7.5 more than the rest, but maybe if I actually took the time to learn the more complex systems, I could get something out of it.

>> No.9266519

Are there any complex systems in this game? Other than regular fightan strategies, I can't think of anything that requires extra thought

>> No.9266543

7.5 simply had meter and spell cards were used as desparation. The two that comes after it deal with card decks, don't they? The way it works makes it more unique than most fighters.

>> No.9266560

Oh yeah, I'm officially retarded. The decks aren't that serious though, just throw together what you want and see how it works with your playstyle

>> No.9266616

...and I thought it was the only one who was still playing 7.5...

>> No.9266637

I'd rather you have bumped an extant thread rather than start a new one with ponyfaggotry, yes.

>> No.9266730
File: 33 KB, 346x346, bc681225d5f07267992bac8401b1c63e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9266730 EST NA

Derp-tier. Let's have at it. Just another day, right?

>> No.9266788


>> No.9266792

Whoever that was that just played me... Orochi, was it? Delay was unplayable. GGs though, I guess. Out of 2/3.

>> No.9266799


>> No.9266855

Connection failed.. you still hosting?

>> No.9266885
West EU

Another 30 minutes of hosting

>> No.9266887

I didn't notice the ponyshit until it was already up

>> No.9266917

Not many others noticed it either. In other words it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.9266972

Going shopping heh

>> No.9267010
File: 915 KB, 1200x1400, 1340312215363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spectated one of your games when i tried to connect, now i'm kinda scared of playing.
Then again, it's not like i'll make any progress by browsing this thread, will i, so here goes., Poland
Meh tier Okuu, don't expect fireworks.

>> No.9267133

GGs, we should play more often, since we have practically the same level.

And Sakuya, these games were also good, I really love when there is a low delay.

>> No.9267161

South America, Brazil.

>> No.9267203


Connection failed

>> No.9267299


Went out for lunch, sorry. Anyways, now I am back. EST NA Derp-tier Sakuya 101 stuff

>> No.9267361

Maybe I'll start hosting with "EDT preferred". Ugh. 8+ delay is unplayable. I don't know why some of you guys do that.

>> No.9267355

Yeah, my defense still sucks


>> No.9267377

Oh, andnot hosting anymore, at least for now. Need a break

>> No.9267383 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 200x150, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs dude. You should forget about mashing on wake-up, even with Okuu. It can work sometimes, but you'll get punished a lot, and aven more against better players. I played exactly like you when I started, with Suika, and I started improving when I started playing alt chars. That's mainly because mashing A with Suika or Okuu can be very tempting, but it's far less tempting less with any other girl. You should try Marisa or Reimu.

See you around.

>> No.9267392
File: 6 KB, 200x150, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs dude. You should forget about mashing on wake-up, even with Okuu. It can work sometimes, but you'll get punished a lot, and aven more against better players. I played exactly like you when I started, with Suika, and I started improving when I started playing alt chars. That's mainly because mashing A with Suika or Okuu can be very tempting, but it's far less tempting with any other girl. You should try Marisa or Reimu.

See you around.

>> No.9267517

Damn 4chan, going down as i write my post.

I know about the wakeup mashing thing, Sitha already pointed that out after mercilessly slapping my shit yesterday. Most of the times it's just a bad habit that i developed, and of which i can't get rid of. (i'm still doing it less than i used to), though sometimes i did indeed give in to temptation

>I started improving when I started playing alt chars. That's mainly because mashing A with Suika or Okuu can be very tempting, but it's far less tempting less with any other girl. You should try Marisa or Reimu.

Nah, not a fan of either, i try to only play characters i like.
Anyway, while i do know (more or less, with the emphasis on less) how to play Reisen and Iku, i'm not going to practice them properly until i get a pad that isn't half broken (noticed the 2A i did a few times when you jumped over me with Suika? Or the blocking low for no reason? Yeah, that's the pad refusing to cooperate) Don't get me wrong though, i'm not using this as an excuse.

GGs again, and hope to play with you again sometime.

>> No.9267521

Aw damn, i was supposed to link to >>9267392

>> No.9267950

SO whos hosting?

>> No.9267990
File: 548 KB, 609x609, 83e9c34a1ef66ac277abf9611531aeb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico
I used to be lunatic now im all rusty tier

>> No.9269023
File: 73 KB, 449x434, 1341046449507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269025

>> No.9269604

ggs ganon

>> No.9269735

Just got outta work and now im ready to play. Whos hosting

>> No.9270707

/jp/ is a very slow board, so you'll either have to host yourself or be very patient. I might host for a bit later today though (EU timezone)

>> No.9270786

I don't think he wants to play anymore,
considering that was posted four hours ago.

>> No.9270820

Well yeah, I understand that, but I wasn't asking him to play

>> No.9272023


>> No.9272162
File: 438 B, 61x26, I'm coming for you, Denko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty bad at this, yeah

>> No.9272321


>> No.9273305
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, 20026362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US west/central. Doesn't matter since there will always be a lot of input latency anyway tier.

>> No.9273457
File: 197 KB, 850x850, sample-694f84551874bf9e6dce9ded12525f12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9273457 EST NA

I strongly prefer only EST people, but CST is okay too. Anything beyond these two = donotwant. Thanks.

>> No.9273624

GGs, Almsivi. Sorry I had to cut it short, gotta do stuff for now. I enjoyed playing against all of your characters, they all seem evenly solid.

>> No.9274391

What a familiar feeling in my butt.

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9274783

okguys help me out here. I suck compared to you guys and i know it. but i know im not entirely bad. So if my internet allows it, i wanna fight someone with a crazy amount of skill that would fight me and tell me where i need to work on. Such as offence or defence.

>> No.9274794

I suck as well, wanna play anyways?

>> No.9274807

yea sure if my internet doesnt take a shit on me

>> No.9274836

>>9274807 Quite bad tier on wireless Western Canada

>> No.9274856

connection failed

>> No.9274861

Weird, I followed all the instructions on the wiki. Can you host?

>> No.9274881

well i got problems with the whole ports thing but ill try

>> No.9274914

Try mine again, I'm sure that I did it right

>> No.9274943

connection failed. Is that your hamachi ip?

>> No.9274960 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 589x165, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I used tcp instead of udp

>> No.9274976

ok so try hosting

>> No.9274994 [DELETED] 

I give up, I'll try tomorrow.

>> No.9275003

I give up, I'll try tomorrow. It doesn't seem to be letting me change it.

>> No.9275807 EST NA


>> No.9275826

Don't say that unless you're actually shit tier, ya dig?

>> No.9275831

What if I think I'm actually shit tier?

>> No.9275836

Then ya don't dig.

Can't stand bitches who don't dig.

>> No.9275850

>What if I think I'm actually shit tier
Your not that ganonfaggot

>> No.9276092
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 19bf32e588d9e0eea25c825582a31f0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG, Amen. You've gotten better since last time. I'm seeing Border Escapes and really good reads from you. You blocked correctly against my charged attacks when I tried to orb-crush you several times. To be honest, I was rather impressed. You're getting better. Hang in there, man.

>> No.9276102

GGs once again! I think I stood much more of a chance this time compared to last, though I'm on defence three quarters the time. You're still shit-tier amazing as always, but at least I could block a lot more this time.

>> No.9276110
File: 308 KB, 800x851, 1325545732637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent tier i suppose

>> No.9276117

Definitely did. Just keep watching your opponent. Watch how they're approaching you, as well as the cards in their hand. Weather-controlling and etc comes later on once you understand basics imo. The more you play, the more experience you'll get later on. Keep it up, dawg.

And thanks for the complement !

>> No.9276194

Thanks, I'll be sure to keep that in mind! I'll be looking forward to our next few matches after I take the time to improve.

>> No.9276201

ggs, Fenarth.

>> No.9276211


watching some huge umvc3 tourny put me in the mood for a fighter

hisou so hard

>> No.9276270

Whos hostin?

>> No.9276510

<beatsstayflowin> On Friday July 6, there will be a Soku station in the BYOC section at evo. The plan is to have this running from 6am to 6pm on Friday July 6. Please join us for some offline Soku.

>> No.9277307
File: 47 KB, 366x473, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
North EU host
"Thanks to /jp/ has finally reached 50% overall winratio"- tier

>> No.9277342

What are ya tryin to say?

>> No.9277550

Well I have to go to sleep
goodnight Sitha person

>> No.9277584



>> No.9277705


ggs to the fella I played with, I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to your name

will host more another time

>> No.9278291

In hopes of fixing up my badness, I was looking for some tips regarding border escape on youtube today (i'm not really sure what i was expecting to find, but nevermind that). I found this http://youtu.be/RUe8EbNTsyk
The video being useless and their screaming aside - how the fuck did he Okuu's colors?

>> No.9278301

He probably used a sprite editor.

>> No.9278305

>how the fuck did he change Okuu's colors?

>> No.9279985
US West
Lunatic Tier.

>> No.9280258
File: 73 KB, 300x364, Sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Canada , Ontario / Beginner Tier

>> No.9280396


>> No.9280457

South America, Brazil.

>> No.9280530

I apologize for my bad playing, long range moves are difficult to use.

>> No.9280533


>> No.9280571
File: 466 KB, 849x1000, 1340649613067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any West coast hosting?
I-I'll try my best... but i'm not good.

>> No.9280589 [DELETED] 

>tfw noone from south america.

>> No.9280618

GG's, Mr.Youkai2. I'm not sure if sometimes we were desynced because you just stood there on wakeup taking my blows.

Nevertheless, rehosting.

>> No.9280625


>> No.9280637

stop being a horsefucker, OP.

Reported you for sonic recolors

>> No.9280648


>> No.9280691
File: 55 KB, 251x251, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really . . . Get out.

>> No.9280708
File: 413 KB, 1000x750, 1339213049577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mid tier

>> No.9281061


>> No.9281104

guys when I open this images I see ron paul its really scary anyone else seeing this is or something messed up with my computer?

>> No.9281119
File: 523 KB, 720x1038, 98177182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281152


Stop using IE.

>> No.9281230

wish I knew how to do this kind of thing

>> No.9281248

using furryfox

>> No.9282247

Can someone try connecting to me? I want to know if I've finally got this to work.

>> No.9282267

Connection failed.

>> No.9282339

Not sure if this will work..
Sleepy european tier

>> No.9282483


>> No.9282487

GG's and good night!

>> No.9282519
West EU

Will host for 25 minutes

>> No.9282550
Central USA
I-don't-even-use-combos-cause-I'm-bad tier.

dunno how long i'll host for, i'll post again if i get tired of waiting

>> No.9282672

Can you please tell me what are you doing ?

Still hosting

>> No.9282692
File: 691 KB, 798x799, 1340744082157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you please tell me what are you doing ?
I'm taking it easy

>> No.9282795


done hosting. ggs whoever i played

>> No.9283024
West/Central US

Lunatic Tier

>> No.9283187

Hostin, no lunatics plz

>> No.9283513
File: 295 KB, 850x1202, sample-d5c4b176de8ff5f241cbb0db2e4ebdec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9283519

That was a nice Alice you had there, whoever you were.

>> No.9283520
EC low tier

>> No.9283523

want a few games? i should be off to bed but i havent played you in a while

>> No.9283524


>> No.9283536

Eh, I should be going to bed too but there's always more time, I guess. Please host again.

I actually posted the comment about the Alice because I wanted you to notice me on the slight off-chance you still wanted to play. Because I wanted to play with you.

I'm sorry. ;_;

>> No.9283742

ggs OSad i hope i have more time to play next time

>> No.9283752

GG's. You might be getting too good for me if you can afford to toy with me some before the match ends. Nevertheless, it's bed time.

>> No.9284200

Oh God,I think I've become tsundere for another player here on /jp/, and I have no idea what to think or do about this.

>> No.9284209

oh god tell us tell us anon
so who it is
i'll promise to make fun of you

>> No.9284252
File: 51 KB, 297x243, STARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you brony

>> No.9284301

Im not a fucking retarded brony. Those faggots can die.

>> No.9284337

But if I say who, he might be able to guess who I am!

>> No.9284344

I bet he wont
if can and doesnt say that means he's tsundere for you too

>> No.9284403

I-It's not like I want him to know or anything!

>> No.9284412

Just say who it is, homolord.

>> No.9284418

What the hell are you two talking about

>> No.9284423

but you love him
shout out the one that you're tsundere for or just with >>9284412


>> No.9284438

What does tsundere mean?

>> No.9284441

It's you, anon.

>> No.9284469

Well shit
I don't know what to say
but I'm not a good choice

>> No.9284548

Didn't I get promised to be made fun of?

>> No.9284565

So are you guys going to host?

>> No.9284577

ah you're right

I guess only people with no lives can love another
I bet you have a body-pillow of that faggot
I am sorry this is the best I can do right now

Can't host

>> No.9284584

No, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, /jp/!

>> No.9285846

West EU

Will host for an hour

>> No.9286255

ggs, completely no idea how to play against tenshi
this hitstun shit is too long

>> No.9286292 [DELETED] 

You simply can't, if you guard, you'll end in the corner, if you're in the corner, you'll end eating a combo.

Plus, she has 2nd fastest j.5A and fastest j.6A.

But you have to be very agressive when you play Tenshi, so maybe you can take advantage of that.

>> No.9286303 Northern Europe
Scared tier

>> No.9286304

You simply can't, if you guard, you'll end in the corner, if you're in the corner, you'll end eating a combo.

Plus, she has 2nd fastest j.5A and fastest j.6A.

But you have to be very offensive when you play Tenshi, so maybe you can take advantage of that.

>> No.9286384
File: 307 KB, 834x662, 4a412289980c979aaeae5fe5f0304de2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan' EST NA


>> No.9286453

Come on, guys. I don't bite. Unless you're actually a little girl. :<

>> No.9286612

BE is the key to beating Tenshi.
If you just guard, you'll get GC'd and lose after a couple of her blockstrings, a somewhat valid tactic is to BE1/3 whenever you block a drill.

>> No.9287732

3BE doesnt exist. There's only hj8BE(2BE) and hj7BE(1BE).

And no, you can escape tenko when she goes on the aggro with you. There's something called a border escape ya know.

Regardless, BEing is probably one of the best ways to handle to tenko because she doesn't really have an avid BE catch method, except her quake isn't as effective as those like sakuya 623 default and suwako j.623. Good tenko's can catch hj BEs and force you to block in the air, which it's also good to mix up via 6BE. (US West)
Bored Tier

>> No.9288528
EC low tier

>> No.9288586

Sorry about the short time, had to go.

>> No.9288588 [DELETED] 

way too spiky, rehosting

>> No.9288595

ggs, were you on wireless?


>> No.9288902 (US West)
Bored Tier

>> No.9289008

>because she doesn't really have an avid BE catch method

Of course she does, her alt 623 (Sword of Scarlet Perception) can deal with any BE in the corner, as long as you know when your opponent will BE, it deals ~1500/2000 damages, so you're pretty sure that your opponent won't take the risk ever again.

>> No.9289022

And it's also safe

Hosting at
for 30 minutes

>> No.9289203

Laggy, but GGs ~

>> No.9289215

Good games. I got my butt handed to me again.

>> No.9289232
File: 28 KB, 365x470, d8173741ca76ba9c69217b3212c6a830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9289232 US East

81% win rate tier

>> No.9289756

Why aren't you guys playing IAMP?

>> No.9289819
File: 69 KB, 600x750, fb069e52645c3de5c8dab6221ffd9768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico
Extra tier

>> No.9291087 [DELETED]

>> No.9291364

Compared to the others such as trollwheel and sakuya 623 default, you can't really hope to catch a BE with that, and if any so case happens, you need to have read them 2 steps ahead. If you go by that logic, her hj9 j.A catch is a lot more effective than trying to 623 BE catch. Besides, her default 623 is a lot more superior anyways. (US West)
Lunatic Tier
West/Central only please.

>> No.9291378

cuz IaMP is shit,

get out if you're not gonna post about soku and start promoting dumb pieces of iamp into the thread.

>> No.9293254
North EU host
Practicing my least understood characters
Todays flavour, Seven-Coloured Puppeteer

>> No.9294198

Are there any decent Youtube channels with recorded games you guys would recommend?

>> No.9295077

http://www.youtube.com/user/chefmkt (you'll have to search through a few on this, since he has a lot of other videos)
http://www.youtube.com/user/DangoBFC (My channel + Shameless self promotion)

That's probably the peak of what you'll find on YT. (US West)
Boredom Tier
West/Central only please.

>> No.9295133

GG thanks for the games whoever that was.

Sorry, i wasn't very fond of you running trickster devil and vamp kiss in 8 delay. That's just pure disrespect to run delaytic cards in such high delay. Didnt want to use my autopilot string, but the lagtics made me annoyed. :V

>> No.9295168

Needs more practice tier :1080

>> No.9295171

my port is 10800

>> No.9295204

What the hell is a border escape, and how do you do it?

>> No.9295243

Press 6 and a direction while in blockstun, you crush your own orb but refill the rest and start grazing in whichever direction.

yeah but then you're stuck with alt 623 (Sword of Scarlet Perception)

>> No.9295287

I'm bored and I'm from South America - tier

>> No.9295302

That's wrong, to border escape you hold a direction and press D (fly) twice while in blockstun to crush one orb, fill the rest and start grazing in that direction
To border escape forward, hold 6
Backwards, hold 4
Upwards, hold 2
Up and forwards, hold 3
Up and backwards, hold 1

You can also border escape forwards or backwards in the air

>> No.9295317

Sorry, Mr.Kuji, my connection's a little unstable right now.

>> No.9295326

No problem
Rehosting >>9295302

>> No.9295351

Press a direction and double tap D (dash) while in blockstun. You will get some red effect and slowly graze to the direction you put in.

Pressing down BEs upwards, down-backward will BE backwards in a jump. Forward and backward just get you a regular backdash or forward dash.

Out of the corner, it's a relatively safe way to get out of blockstrings. Inside the corner, the opponent can usually react to it and punish or at least start a new string.
BE also only works on melee moves if you block them correctly.

>> No.9295459

Anyone from Europe? I need to get in shape.

>> No.9295520

I can play with you

>> No.9295694
File: 441 KB, 800x945, 9060485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for hosting, and GGs. A shame we started to get that annoying input lag in the last few matches. Also, I'm kinda sad that I couldn't train with the character I actually wanted to train with...

See you around.

>> No.9295720

Yeah GG's

>> No.9295896
File: 586 KB, 900x900, 1340988186831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, buddies

>> No.9295942

Also, hosting
Low tier

Not a lot though, have a couple of friends on the way

>> No.9295952

North EU

>> No.9295979

I 0:36-0:50 i know i heard in a touhou song/remix before, and it feels like a straight up steal.

>> No.9295998

It's just Cirno's theme.

>> No.9296011

holy fuck i'm fucking retarded. I was going through my head and playlists of evreything and had a total blank.

>> No.9296073

Thanks for the matches Judgearth, very even skill level on us

>> No.9296169

Yes! let's do it again some day.

>> No.9296179


bwahaha, you're ok

>> No.9296204

Better videos here:

>> No.9296356
File: 47 KB, 465x379, Marisa Hip Remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Southern Ontario
Garbage Tier

>> No.9296394

Why aren't you guys playing IAMP?

>> No.9296405

Because thats a shit game.

>> No.9296401

Sorry Soul, looks like it was not meant to be. Well I'm still hosting, sucks when a connection doesn't work out.

>> No.9296436

Well sorry Soul, but our connection isn't working out.

Still hosting at for other people.

>> No.9296439


Sorry i had to go do something. Great games we were pretty even. We got to do this again.

>> No.9296519

Why can't you read what we said before?
IAMPs a shit game.

>> No.9296542

Except it's not. Soku is considered garbage-tier as a fighting game, but at least IaMP is playable.

>> No.9296579
File: 247 KB, 640x908, 1341159738829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, while playing Okuu is plenty fun, there's a limit as to how much i can play one character over and over again.
So i started playing Iku too. I know that i should abuse j2a, and that 5C is better than it looks (or at least better than it looked to me before i started adding it to my 'rotations'). 6C is ridiculously good too, it's speed is retarded.

Anything else i should know? Tips maybe?

>> No.9296586

Drillz dude... drillz

>> No.9296591

Well, gg whoever I just fought. Sorry I was a little on the slow side.

Still hosting for the next half hour or so.

>> No.9296597

GG's most of our matches were pretty laggy, but it was nice playing with you

>> No.9296617

Huh, I wasn't feeling too much lag, but then again I've gotten half used to playing this one guy who lags a lot, so maybe I'm just filtering it out completely when it's not too bad.

I meant slow as in just poor reaction times and/or not thinking ahead/walking into things. Actually that's pretty much me when I play most of the time.

>> No.9296619

I know man, the drills are part of why i like this character so much.

>> No.9296621

is anyone that is NOT good host for once
i'm tired of losing 70% of my health to some combo that even a cheating ai would have issues getting out of

>> No.9296628

I would like to play with you, can we set a match for tomorrow?
I'm from South America too.

>> No.9296630


I'm not good.

>> No.9296631


>> No.9296653

There are no 70% combos without some control rods. Also, the soku AI is terribly bad. If you can't easily beat it, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.9296697
File: 374 KB, 640x480, th123 2012-07-04 16-46-27-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about this?

>> No.9296715

It's an impractical glitch and doesn't count as a combo either. It's more of a reset.

>> No.9296743
File: 1.03 MB, 640x929, th123 2012-07-04 16-54-09-68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then, what about Yukari's Train setup combo?

>> No.9296757

GG it was fun. I had run out and do something

>> No.9296792

Anybody hosting?

>> No.9296894


I'd hate to be the guy on the receiving end of a 5-card spellcard during Drizzle.

>> No.9296896

I am

>> No.9296986

??? ggs

>> No.9296999
EC low tier

>> No.9297014


Funny. If you're that anal about fightans, you should just drop IaMP and play a real fighter like Melty or KoF. IAMP is a shit game compared to that. Now get out of this thread because it's clear that all you're doing is shit posting.

>> No.9297031
File: 206 KB, 405x498, howtobottom_bookcover_3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9297075 EU

>> No.9297090


>> No.9297134

Sorry, I had some connection problems.

GGs, even if the 5-6 delay was painful for some combos.

And the rock is blockable, Ahah.

>> No.9297147


Except I prefer IaMP's gameplay compared to Soku's. ;_;

Only reason I like Soku more is because Reisen.

Anyway, it's a better idea to just ignore haters completely. It's funny because the trend I notice is that the people who so advocate for IaMP in tehse types of threads also like to plug in the IaMP IRC. That, to me; however, doesn't give it a good image. What with the blatant elitism and whatnot.

>> No.9297181

Good games. I'm surprised it lagged so much, considering we're both EC.

>> No.9297182

Well, I wouldn't mind if they just hated it and just moved on. But when they come over here with that elitist attitude, acting as if the IAMP they play is like the top notch fightan or something, it really gets on my nerve. Honestly speaking, if you put the fightans into the global perspective, IaMP and soku is one of the worst fightans out there. They're both easy tier, put bluntly. Easy execution, not as involved mindgames, etc.

Thats besides the point though, it just gets annoying that the IaMP players come over here with that attitude and try to talk as if it's such a highly regarded game. That thing is outdated as hell, and most of the time, those IaMP players can't soku for crap in which makes them want to hate it so much. Ironically, most of them can't play anything else but IaMP either. (US West)
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9297185

ggs kojima, shame about the random huge spikes

>> No.9297332

Your Komachi is very scary

>> No.9297337

GGs, had fun.

>> No.9297590


>> No.9297679


>> No.9297694

Hosting again for another hour or so.

>> No.9297833

Is anyone hosting?

>> No.9297877
File: 151 KB, 500x375, 2291921834_e005e65838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US west/central.

>> No.9297990

Sorry had to go do something. GGs

>> No.9297997

Thanks for the games. I'll figure out how to use coin properly some day, maybe.

Thanks for the games. What is your location. That was some heavy latency.

>> No.9298171

ggs kleenestar, my hour (and then some) is up.

First time playing so much against an Alice. Learned a lot. I also learned that I need to redo half of my Iku deck because I never use those cards.

>> No.9298914 (US West)
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9299093
US East Coast
Shit Tier

>> No.9299145

Spectating this
I was going to play
But I think I need to practice more.

>> No.9299182

ggs, Ganondorf.

>> No.9299185

heh was using keyboard instead of pink ps3 controller

>> No.9299191

Any particular reason USB pads don't work as 2P? That's why I disconnected, sorry.

>> No.9299192

woops, forgot to mention I was still hosting.

>> No.9299224
File: 251 KB, 592x688, osvec6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for asking but ive tryed useing a PS3 remote, but with no avail. Can you please tell me how to use a ps3 remote, like which programs do u use or where to download it? Thanks in advance

>> No.9299240

please respond

>> No.9299476
File: 294 KB, 708x819, 2df72fd8b24cc40ea68c244db93ecda0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this http://www.motioninjoy.com/

>> No.9299480

google is your friend

I'm not sure if this will solve it but I think you might need to set your p2 profile to the same as your p1 profile. As far as I know, key config is profile-dependent.

>> No.9301145

Shameless bump.

>> No.9302746

Bump for a host from Europe.

>> No.9303040

How the fuck do i counter Suika as Okuu ;_;
She's been my nightmare ever since i started playing this game.

>> No.9303311

4a her on her air approaches or loliball

>> No.9304321

I get the feeling you meant 3A.

>> No.9304482


similar skill level plz

>> No.9304789


>> No.9304799

ggs, warp setups are confusing

>> No.9304820
File: 402 KB, 500x283, 1339023519158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warp setups are confusing
with KOS-MOS they're not

>> No.9304821

Hosting at >>9299093

>> No.9304881

going back to training

>> No.9304887


>> No.9304954
File: 148 KB, 800x600, c9aef02dc6e3b7a0c09a48099628ee2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico
Extra tier

>> No.9304980
West Coast USA.
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9305175


>> No.9305381
Southern Ontario
Slightly better than terrible tier

>> No.9305415


>> No.9306139

GGs, sorry about getting worse during the last half hour/hour. It's been a long day.

>> No.9306135


>> No.9306215
File: 59 KB, 318x470, Despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, thinking again that post seems really whiny/like I'm trying to make excuses.

I have brought shame to my family.

>> No.9307747

>get my shit wrecked all day erry day
>Vs friend via Hamachi
>Masterwork combos and rushdown
what the hell, am I subconsciously scared of the computer?
No lag oddly enough, even though me n friend live on opposite coasts.

>> No.9307763


go back to /v/

>> No.9307897

make me

>> No.9309036

The computer is shit. Your friend probably just sucks even more than you.

>> No.9309223

>Not perfecting
>Actually having trouble vs COM

US West
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9309240

someone host
i'm shit cant even beat normal mode tier

>> No.9309282


>> No.9309734

GGs, but that one "Vampire's Kiss" attack is OP as hell I swear.

>> No.9309745

ggs, Amen.
I noticed a few times though that your fireball went right through my parasol, and other times it was blocked. What was up with that?

>> No.9309758

I think it hit you while it wasn't fully started up yet or something.

>> No.9309835
US West
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9310057

qq gg wp no re

>> No.9310061

GG vocal.
Sorry, but Singapore is just too far. I'm cutting it short.

>> No.9310072

woah, what dark magicks did you use to find out

>> No.9310097

ipmon + IP tracking site.
Showed your IS was at SG. Do you go to HisoutenSEA by any chance? Check it out sometime. It might be relevant to your interests.


>> No.9310430
Southern Ontario
Low tier on a good day tier

>> No.9310446

Evo stream:

Evo brackets:

Side Stream:

>> No.9310627

I don't see any 2hu there

>> No.9310772

not even poverty

>> No.9311035

Anyone able to host?

>> No.9311857

I tried getting my Hori RAP 3 to work on this, but I just kept running into problems. Tried JoytoKey and that did nothing. Also tried Xpadder but still had problems. for some reason the movements aren't allowed to be put in the key config menu.

>> No.9311986

For anyone with ps2 controllers I've found http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000F6BGXY/ to work perfectly, even for two players.

>> No.9312006
File: 117 KB, 595x842, de5e39fcd89100432d2767df82e2b112db58928b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9312006 US Central.

>> No.9312021

It has a USB cable, and I am able to use it perfectly in Ougon Musou Kyoku.

>> No.9312028
File: 540 KB, 640x480, th123 2012-07-06 03-51-37-69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
North Mexico
Not a Okuu player tier.

>> No.9312069

Oh yeah, I know. it would have been more appropriate for me to quote the people talking earlier about the ps3 controllers. I wasn't thinking.

>> No.9312719


>> No.9313347

hostin for a bit

>> No.9313601 [DELETED]

South America, Brazil.

>> No.9313629


>> No.9313642



>> No.9313830
File: 549 KB, 999x706, a95a303cccbfbcba74f2fa07d33e026b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super Noob Tier and out of Practice yay!

>> No.9314036
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1336580992757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, I come on and no one is around... I am sad face... I haven't been on for a while but it looks like Kos-Mos has ascended to mid tier players? I would definitely like to see. ^^

>> No.9314059

>Mid tier
He's still at easy tier at best :V Maybe border to normal.
US West
Lunatic Tier

>> No.9314075


I would play you but I am almost assuridly going to explode if I do. *Waits to watch lol*

>> No.9314137
File: 763 KB, 1280x960, 6108f9a6136c65d92d897ae10d53539f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice is shit.

>> No.9314144


SUre is fun to play as though.

>> No.9314150
File: 111 KB, 190x454, 1341033248360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice is shit.

>> No.9314249

i hope you enjoyed watching him destroy me

>> No.9314257
EC low tier

>> No.9314321
US West
Lunatic Tier


>> No.9314423

Well thanks to those brutal ass kickings, im finally getting a hold of border escapes. GGs

>> No.9314432

GG thanks for the games Cracked.

On a site note, were you downloading or something? Please make sure stuff that consumes your bandwidth is off when you play, because that was a REALLY high delay for California to Nevada connection..

Anyways, you might wanna work on your defense a bit. As you saw, against good players, you cant really hope to get easy escapes/mash-outs.

Don't use 4BE too much though. You should try using hj8 or hj7 BE. (via DD2 or DD1, NOT DD8 or DD7, which is a common misconceptions) Keep working on it, and try not to be obvious. Your rushdowns, all i needed to do was place something in front and you'd run into them.

ggs nevertheless

>> No.9314444

Yea thanks for the advice. The more i get beaten the better i get. Thanks for showing me where i need work. Ill get better soon.

>> No.9314481

ggs Desuwa. I'd play more but I should really get some sleep.

>> No.9314485

GGs, dude, you are not low tier. Maybe not all the way to middle but certainly not low. The only reason I did relatively well against Reisen is because I have more experience against her. Although I used to main Okuu (and still know better combos/blockstrings as her than I do as Iku) I have next to no experience playing against her.

>> No.9314492
Southern Ontario
Low Tier

Hosting for another hour or so.

>> No.9314506

is it me, or does this thread not bump anymore?

Mind helping me out with Okuu's blockstrings? I'm actually having a hard time coming up with good non-predictable ones.

>> No.9314527

Yep, doesn't bump after all
Made a new one


>> No.9315266
File: 24 KB, 450x306, Flatline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's enough for me, over two hours without one win. Augh, I've never actually done that bad even against other people who were way out of my league, I always managed one lucky win. At least I only got perfected once or twice.

I think I might have stood a chance at a single win, even if just a lucky one, if not for the fact that you were too unpredictable with the switching characters. What hurt more was probably me sticking to one character, and not being very good with her anyway. Perhaps next time I'll ask people that far above me to stick with one character or cycle through their weaker characters. Well it was valuable experience anyway.

I hope that didn't come across as too whiny, but whatever.
