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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9311100 No.9311100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your high school friends

What happened to them?

>> No.9311109

We play baseball everyday.

>> No.9311113

They all went to college like me and graduated. I miss drinking bud lights with them on top of my roof.

I feel old.

>> No.9311116

I have no clue.

They're better off without me anyway.

Thank god I don't use facebook so I wouldn't live in the past and try to appeal to the people I used to know.

>> No.9311118

didn't have any LEL

>> No.9311151
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>animes? what? you still watch this? come one man, say a day and let's go drink together


>> No.9311153

Btw, im a girl

>> No.9311161

One's going to the military
One's working at a Nike factory or something
One's doing I don't know what
The rest I don't really care too much about.

>> No.9311163

He went to a shitty community college.

>> No.9311171

Whats wrong with having a drink with your friend?

>> No.9311179

i didn't have any friends in high school.
there was only this creepy otaku master who would talk to me. i have no clue what happened to him. his life goal was to watch every anime ever aired. unless he got time control skills i can only assume he didn't succeed yet.

>> No.9311183


>> No.9311187

How would I know?

>> No.9311193

I still keep in touch with them, even if we didn't have things in common besides the past.

>> No.9311194

I just stopped talking to them one day

>> No.9311200

He's normal!

>> No.9311202
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How the fuck should I know?

>> No.9311219
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Didn't have any

>> No.9311228

They mostly work in dead-end retail jobs. It's a different kind of worthlessness from my worthlessness, but they're still worthless.

>> No.9311232

During high school they all moved and transferred schools and I never saw them again.

>> No.9311241

Didn't have any, though I was friends with this one guy in middleschool.

>> No.9311246
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FRIDEY F*CKIN NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9311252

omg sorry im posted in wrong thread..........(=゚ω゚=;)lol so embarass... sorry sorry sorry orz

>> No.9311257

Still friends with them. Well, most.
Others turned in to complete scrubs, some moved away, but the best ones stayed.

We hang out every so often, play games, watch hilariously awful / great films, sometimes we have BBQs, well, not had one for a while now that I think about it.

But timing recently has resulted in very very fucking little time to hang out.
And one of them just got a hellishly busy job in a town about 2 hours away.
4 hours daily.
He doesn't know if he wants to keep it or quit.
The pay is really good, the job is everything he wanted to do, co-workers are fantastic from what I hear, but being so far away is such a drain.

Balls to that.

>> No.9311277


>> No.9311267

They live a half a minute walk away. Haven't seen them since.

>> No.9311269

Normalfag pls go

>> No.9311273

What would /jp/ be like if it were a high school?

>> No.9311280

Still hang with them.

They all (well all except one) have jobs.

We still find time to get together and do stupid stuff.

>> No.9311286

I never went to high school.

>> No.9311292

I also went only one

>> No.9311301
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Fuck if I care. They were super-normal though, so they probably all have families and shit.

>> No.9311332



It's been only two years since I finished high schoold though

>> No.9311340

Pffthaha, no.

We are as deranged and abnormal as it gets.
It is basically /jp/-like people as friends. Yes. With all that awkwardness too.
But that awkwardness gets expressed as weird noises, humor and fucking around.

>> No.9311347

Do you get it in the ass, or are you the one who pounds?

>> No.9311353

I got them into touhou and vn and other silly crap.
I'm still the biggest failure among us, but it seems I'm a charismatic failure at least.

>> No.9311369

If you are charismatic you could earn a lot of money.

At the very least by selling drugs.

>> No.9311375 [DELETED] 
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uh i blocked most of them so at least they're not talking to me

>> No.9311381

Couple are married.
One turned into a hipster.
I still see a few of them from time to time.

The most disarming thing, though- pretty much all of them have a degree and are either pursuing postgrad education or getting nice jobs. Feels bad, man.

>> No.9311387
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Some people would sometimes talk to me during recess, but I would read a book most of the time. I never really liked reading, I only did it because staring at the wall all the time made me feel like a weirdo.

Here's a cool picture of a cool chair.

>> No.9311432

Both baby. Fugging my assss so hard.

Can't forget the love dolls filled with fluff.

>> No.9311433

I had no friends prior to high school, and then made tons during freshman/sophmore year. In senior year they all became stoners and I became a trap. Then we all went our seperate ways by the time we graduated. That was years ago though, now I'm a loser on /jp/ and my friends are either dead or in prison.

>> No.9311458

There were a few guys I'd talk to just to not look like I was always by myself, but only one real friend.

I talk to him on aim about once a month, haven't seen him in over 3 years though even though he lives 10 minutes away. He got big on WoW and just wasn't the same.

>> No.9311537
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They all went to Yale and Georgetown and such but one buddy went to shitty FSU with me. We're both superseniors,

He works at Gamestop and drops by my place to smoke weed and drink vodka. We're currently re-watching Breaking Bad in anticipation for the season 5.

Feels bothersome man.

>> No.9311540

I guess, he is my cousin though so I don't know if it counts as friend or not. Pretty much why I have skype.

>> No.9311544

I never went to a high school. I was far too busy attending a Gymnasium. (we Germans are proud of our naked pupils)

My friends?
Huh. Good question.
I've got a couple of them added in my instant messenger friend lists, and from time to time there are notifications if a cell phone number has changed or if there is a new address to which the other one would send no letters. The only exceptions to this are 2 guys.
The first has been my friend since I've been 8 years old, and while I don't have more regular contact with him than to others, we still mean a lot to each other (even if I can't show it), and from time to time he actually sends me letters.
The second dude lives relatively close, and once every month or so he comes around and we watch a few anime.

>> No.9311559

Quiet. It'd be a high school with 10% attendance and anybody who was in class would never ever say a word.

>> No.9311566

I hated them or didn't care. I hope they're all dead

>> No.9311577

Working their shitty minimum wage jobs. I honestly don't see what you people see in having friends. When I did it wasn't much fun.

>> No.9311585

That sounds far too accurate.

>> No.9311599

Most of mine were probably /jp/ material too. But I only really hang out with one or two people from school anyway, so i dunno.

>> No.9311595

Freshman year:
Started off great, I knew most of them from middle school. Then I turned into one of those "lol weed so kool dawg xD" kids and they haed me, so I straightened out and everything was fine at the end.

Then I moved

Sophmore year: had a little less friends since I moved about 200 miles and three states away, but they were all pretty nice and really smart. Good study group, I liked them.

Then I moved

Junior year: I didn't talk to anyone

Senior year: had about two or three people that I talked too regularly.

I haven't contacted anyone since high school graduation, the most I do is check facebook about three or four times a year and see that a lot of them had kids. That fucking sucks to be 20 and already tied down for 18+ years.

>> No.9311604

My one actual "friend" from high school is a mile away. We sometimes type over Skype but he tends to ignore me nowadays.

I had a few people I would talk to in high school. They all went to be normal people. One of them kept saying he wanted to go "get a video game degree" or something. One of them said he was going to be a neurologist or something. About three others said they were going to be engineers and one other wanted to be a software developer.

For the past few years I've seen them working at Walmart and Pizza Hut. During school they constantly talked about how they were getting all these scholarships for top tier universities and they were constantly trying to overachieve. I don't know what happened to them. Some of them are now married, some alone. Only one is going to college, he just does a community college's online classes.

>> No.9311612

I still keep contact with them, and I visit them once a year.
They're a bunch of normalfags but I still love them.

>> No.9311621

underage pls go

>> No.9311630

That sounds really sad.

Is that how the real world is?

>> No.9311650

Fortunately I'm not going to make this mistake.

>> No.9311652

Our year was pretty close, I was on good terms with pretty much everyone. Had this close inner circle of friends.

We grew up, went to college, now I see them about once or twice a year, and the only things they have to discuss is gossip or soccer. One of them is like an old /b/tard, but he was alright. He seems to hate me now for no reason and avoids me.

I'm basically counting this lot of friendship as lost and will eventually cut them off.

>> No.9311656

>wake up late
>realize I'm late
>say "fuck it" and not go to school

I missed a lot of high school, probably half a term every year. I only really talked to one kid seriously, the rest of them I ignored. Can't say I'm remembered by any even though I just graduated because I barely showed up.

>> No.9311661

I stopped talking to them entirely a while back.

I got tired of having to put up a false, meek persona when being around them. I have at least one true friend and that's all that I need.

I also have /jp/~

>> No.9311671

I went to school everyday because my parents would beat me if I skipped. I even got perfect attendance junior year.

>> No.9311678

High school was like 10 years ago and I was 10x more crazy/autistic back then. So didn't really have any friends.

Hopefully all those guys are still alive and living a good life though.

>> No.9311685

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9311690

All my high school friends were into anime and manga stuff. I don't know what happened to them since i dropped school and i don't give a shit.

>> No.9311773

If I cared I never would have stopped associating with them.

>> No.9311787

Most of them went on to live normal, semi-successful lives.

My best friend from high school barely managed to graduate from college after failing and dropping countless classes. He also managed to get an arrest for marijuana possession and he failed 2-3 drug tests when applying to jobs. He still manages to find decent paying jobs while my pathetic self can't even get one decent job despite good grades and no drug issues.

All in all, like most people in this thread, I'm glad I don't talk to my high school friends anymore. I feel much more free without having to deal with all of that bullshit.

>> No.9311794

My friends was an tsundere girl, she was tiny as fuck, I can remember her enjoyed yuri stuff, like sono hanabira and seikon no qwaser.
An shy girl with big boobs, she was the normal one, I tried show her things like k-on and newfag stuff
An tomboy girl, she loved things like volley, football, shounen animes and fighting games
And an fat faggot who was the only one with good grades,but even he been a annoying person, I liked him

>> No.9311818

I wish I could do that here, only show up at exams and the like. Sadly it doesn't work like that here. I got kicked out of high school a few months after first year begun due to low attendance.

>> No.9311814
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I would loved tell what happened to them now

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again

But seems the 4chan doesn't let me to

>> No.9311828

You got kicked out of high school as a freshman?

Here they force you to go to school until you're 16 by law

>> No.9311848

I never made it to high school.

>> No.9311870

>Is that how the real world is?

>> No.9311896


This is why /jp/ chooses the path of happiness.

>> No.9311913

How is the real world is then?

>> No.9311915


>> No.9311926

either hard working successful normalfags
or not hard working unsuccessful normalfags

with girlfriends and parties and shit

there is that one fat midget girl who used to sit at the back of the classroom and draw manga
she probably isn't a normalfag but I couldn't give a fuck since she refers to herself as "nati-chan" on facebook

we used to be sorta friends all these years ago, now I can't even have a honest conversation with them
not that I want to

>> No.9311937

I dropped out because school is for nerds

>> No.9311949

I should have too but I was very traumatized, by my environment, by my family and by my own stupidity
hopefully, soon after graduating high school I pulled myself together and now I boss

>> No.9311964

They have jobs

>> No.9311967

I got out of high school in 1987, how the fuck should I know what happened to any of them?

>> No.9311970

call them

>> No.9311975

Dad you're embarrassing me

>> No.9311990

You should, one of them is the father of his children

>> No.9312012

My only friend moved out of state and became a normalfag. Haven't talked to him a few years.

Feels okay man.

>> No.9312014

I had a diverse group of friends. the token black guy, the quiet asian, the loudmouth, the pervert, the one who criticizes everything, the jokester, the fool and the leader of the club. The club was our place, it was a room in the corner of the library that no one used.
We would always pull stupid shenanigans like putting books in people's bags so the alarm would activate when people exited the library, and prank calling teachers in the school (there was a working in-line phone in the club).
I have no idea where most of them are now, and I don't really care.

>> No.9312187
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Sometimes I wonder if my old friends think about me.

>> No.9312210

Successfully working toward a career/higher education.

I'm sure they think I'm dead or something.

>> No.9312238
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If you haven't created any method for them to contact you (facebook, twitter, email etc), to them you really are dead.

>> No.9312254

Years ago, I made a Facebook for that exact purpose, but I'm no good with social networking. It also let me realize that Facebook isn't actually used for things like that.

>> No.9312288
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There was the people that I pretended to be friends with so that no one would approach me about not having friends.
But we never really had anything in common. Don't care.

>> No.9312296

They moved on. I stayed still.

>> No.9312300

it's funny XD

>> No.9312302

mad cause he has no artistic talent

>> No.9312298

why do you fags keep posting that horrible image?

>> No.9312313

I am too ungly to have friends

>> No.9312304

It's cute

>> No.9312305
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How dare you bump this thread.
You are dead to me.

>> No.9312407

I talked to one guy my senior year. He had good grades and social skills, wanted to go to college and make lots of money. I have no idea what happened to him since we didn't exchange contact information.

>> No.9312533

I had a group of friends. As weird as it sounds I was the leader of that group. It was a rather good time. No-one really bothered to stay in touch after high school. I guess they were moving on with their lives. I haven't done anything with my life since, so when I made a facebook acc to check on them, I was pretty amazed by what they had become. Some successfull, some not so much but all molded into perfect normals. Not the people I once knew. It was pretty horrifying so quickly deleted my acc and haven't thought about it since.

>> No.9312545

He comes over every day and we watch chinese cartoons and play vidya.

>> No.9312551 [DELETED] 

my one ``friend'' probably is in jail by now for dealing weed on school grounds

that or dead, probably homeless if not one of the other two

>> No.9312610
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I stopped talking to them after my bank account hit 2 mil

>> No.9312633

I had no friends except for this clinically depressed guy who had a mental breakdown. I don't know what he's up to, and I kinda doubt he's even alive.

>> No.9312647

They're all married and some have kids

We're all 21...
