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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9310525 No.9310525 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn Japanese, or at least a rudimentary understanding of it. Any tips or ways to go about it? I've chosen it as a summer project and am virtually starting with no prior experiance in Japanese. I know a lot of spanish, but I'm an english speaker so if you guys could give any good sites/tips/ways to learn it I would appreciate it!

Pick somewhat related: Random character I found on google

>> No.9310536


Go to the catalog, go to /a/ tonight and finds the daily japanese thread, and read the copy pasta at the OP. It gives you all the sites you should want to look at.

>> No.9310558

ohayo box guy kun

o genki desu ka

chinchin taberu

>> No.9310587

Okay, so from my slight slight sligh powers of google you just asked me if I"m well, right?

I'm not sure what "chinchin taberu" means

>> No.9310595


Found one! Thanks

>> No.9310597

From the looks of it, a lot of people will still get trolled hard in this thread tonight.

>> No.9310600


>> No.9310621 [DELETED] 


it means it dick,nerd.

>> No.9310622


alright i feel kinda guilty now for saying it

it means 'eat my dick'

chin chin = dick
taberu = eat my

there's your first lesson

>> No.9310639
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Use the archive! Archive is your friend! All your questions have already been answered in the archive!

>> No.9310646

Sorry, I'm still new. I found the archive and am doing the steps in the /a/ thread. I haven't visited /a/ too much since I'm more into culture as a whole then just anime

>> No.9310649

Oh...I'm sorry I offended you enough to make you say that

>> No.9310684
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for kanji

>> No.9310744


Except in Japanese, it would be gibberish. Considering that it's fairly literal. And dicks are not for eating. Besides, taberu carries this connotation of "do you want to eat" or "can I eat" As in りんごは食べる depending on the context it can mean "do you want to eat this apple?" or "can I eat this apple?"

If you want to tell someone to do something, as in a order, you need imperative form. like 食べれ, but telling someone "Eat my dick" would either be interpreted as gaijin gonna gaijin, or, that you're gay.

>> No.9310758

Eat my dick nerd.

>> No.9310787
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You couldn't be insulting in japanese even if you wanted to.

>> No.9310816


>> No.9310824


ah i see
well i don't really know japanese
i only use what i overhear people are saying

i can't read katakana, haragana, kanji or whatever it is that you wrote in either

quick question; shouldn't there be a 'ka' at the end of the sentence for it to be a question? or does that depend?

>> No.9310829


>> No.9310899


Again, it's a sexual come on, not an insult. And 男 is man in the sense that "I am a man" Japanese don't really have a word for "dude"

>> No.9310901

Check the archives, OP.

>> No.9310925


It can, it can't. There's context involved, and you can also ask a question by raising your inflection just like in english. And in Japanese today, they use ! and ? just like we do. Sometimes with yo and ka. Instead these words carry an emotional feeling to them. Yo is very energetic and it can make a word more powerful, and there are varying levels of this. Ka, is more like a firm question and not like an implied question. like "What did you do today?" kind of thing.

You can't translate words 1:1 in japanese, because every word has a feeling attached to it, and a certain way it's used. And you can't make any sentence an insult unless you know "rude japanese"

>> No.9310964

Get a load of this weeb

>> No.9310966

Watch every episode of Nama-sensei from youtube.
Watch anime. Concentrate on the subtitles and don't worry about the spoken stuff, that will automatical seep into your brain.
Don't bother with kanji, only higher literature is written in kanji nowadays. They will most likely ditch it in the next 5 years.

>> No.9310974

>only higher literature is written in kanji nowadays

Yeah, no.

>> No.9310980

>raising your inflection


>> No.9310981


Most of japanese is written in kanji, and you need to know about 2000 of them to really be able to read your average VN or LN, and understand it. Do you need to know all some 8,000 or whatever? No you don't, you don't really need to know how to write them. But you do need to know them.

You should start on Kanji the moment you can read Kana, and you should use Kanjidamage, which makes the Kanji learning process retardedly easy.

>> No.9310991

Get a load of this autists.

>> No.9311005

>you need to know about 2000 of them to really be able to read your average VN or LN, and understand it

No you don't. You just need to learn a little about the shitty japanese grammar rules (who are really easy) and read VN with JParser. You can read an entire moege and understand it with just 6 months of japanese studying.

>> No.9311007

Not being retarded ≠ autistic

>> No.9311020 [DELETED] 

Do you like fishsticks? In your mouth?

>> No.9311022

Do you like fishsticks? In your mouth?

>> No.9311068

127 bits not enough for you, huh? Why do you hate efficiency?

>> No.9311074

I thought retards wouldn't understand !=.

>> No.9311095
File: 298 KB, 800x1130, 1296861414471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9311096

Says the retard who can't understand a basic human concept like sarcasm.

>> No.9311138

Why did you post then if you didn't want an answer?
It's not like it was funny.

>> No.9311157

Is this some shitty trolling or are you really that brain damaged?

>> No.9311182

No, it's not trolling. I guess I'm just an idiot, leave me alone.

>> No.9313789

Japanese is such an easy language, I'm already at native fluency.

>> No.9313814


>> No.9313815

