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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 331 KB, 660x600, 1337235362825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9300589 No.9300589 [Reply] [Original]

Today will be a lonesome day da-ze...

>> No.9300592

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9300595

This will never be a meme, so stop it already, fuckface.

>> No.9300598

FUG U OP >:------D le "she doesn't say da ze" face T__________________T

>> No.9300596

After you start scraping madness you will feel comfortable.

>> No.9300599

But Marisa is a boy...

>> No.9300611
File: 126 KB, 986x591, Raisins_Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9300616

Me on the left with the ribbon.

>> No.9300618


>> No.9300621

Maybe she's looking out a window?

>> No.9300625

How do you explain the chickens then daze

>> No.9300640

It's a fucking drawing, faggot. She doesn't exist

>> No.9300643
File: 443 KB, 790x708, marisass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys dont have asses like this

>> No.9300646

Shhh.... Maybe picture from setting doesn't exist. But girl inside it does.

>> No.9300649

But Marisa is a boy...

>> No.9300652
File: 243 KB, 1393x2000, 1292862073224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying they dont

>> No.9300653

But I do...

>> No.9300658

then you must have hormonal problems, go see a doctor

>> No.9300659
File: 101 KB, 800x800, 1312230200271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would fugg jpsie bubblebutt

>> No.9300666

I have ass like that too. Don't judge hormone monsters.

>> No.9300674


Those are drawings.

>> No.9300685
File: 162 KB, 614x800, brush10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9300696
File: 138 KB, 445x475, 26035958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through some effort and exercises like step-ups, squats and so on everyday and lucky genetics even males can have great butts, all it takes a little effort~

>> No.9300700

My back is so fucking crooked my ass sticks out, it's annoying. It makes me look like I have a big ass, on top of me actually having a big ass. I hate it.

>> No.9300703

I'd pay a cute femboy from /jp/ to be my girlfriend.

>> No.9300721

It's all shit, bro. I was a NEET for one year before I got my current job, which is stressful and shitty. Most of my shifts are between 3 - 10 AM, my coworkers are mostly all faggots and the pay isn't even that good. Despite being surrounded by people and actively initiating conversations, it's still lonesome as fuck.

So cheer up, it's better to be lonesome at home than at work or some shit. The fact I bothered checking 4chan, and /jp/ out of everything, is an indicator to how shitty my job is.

>> No.9300725

What do you work as, is it easy, would you prefer to be a NEET again?

>> No.9300729

I might not be cute or a femboy, but I'd be your girlfriend for money, dude.

>> No.9300739

I'm working at a duty free sports shop at the airport. My job consists mainly of putting shoes back in place (harder than it sounds because their storage rooms are fucking huge), unloading new merchandise and other similar shit. It's a menial and physical job, and as expected of someone like me who used to be a /jp/ regular, it wasn't really sown for me.

I wouldn't go back to being a NEET because I didn't get money from my government, but it's better to be stuck at home without a job than to suffer at a shitty one where the amount of effort you need to put is bigger than what you get paid.

>> No.9300742

Thanks, if I may ask, how much are you earning per month? I'd like to just see if it was worth it.

>> No.9300745

What do you have to offer if you're not a cute femboy then?

>> No.9300750

Well shit, I fucked up.

This was meant for >>9300739.

>> No.9300753



>> No.9300754

I could suck your cock, dude. I could also dress up in various outfits and take pictures without my face in them so it looks like I'm a much better trap than I actually am.

>> No.9300767

>I could also dress up in various outfits and take pictures without my face in them so it looks like I'm a much better trap than I actually am.
You should do this and post it on /jp/.

>> No.9300772
File: 139 KB, 800x683, brush7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9300775

My country has a minimum wage which is approx $5.6 per hour. I usually work 4 shifts per week which are either 7 or 9 hours long, so I'm supposed to get around $1000 per month.

Still haven't gotten my first paycheck, but it will probably be half of it given that I've been working for just 2 weeks.

Whether it's worth it or not depends on how much you need the money. I wouldn't recommend this job to anyone. I came there mainly because I thought working at the airport would be fun, but you're stuck inside the storage room most of the time and only get a glimpse of airplanes and shit when you go on a break so you might as well work at your local mall. Doesn't make you feel any better when you see people waiting to board their flights while you need to go dirty your hands again.

>> No.9300791

Thanks again, if I was in any state to work I think I'd miss out on a minimum wage job, I get around $850 per month now and the extra $150 doesn't seem like it's worth it.

>> No.9300792

pictures where?

>> No.9300804

Money where?

>> No.9300814

You don't get any sort of money until you're confirmed to be worth something, so you'd actually need to show what's on offer before anything is confirmed.

>> No.9300810

It really isn't. Then again, it depends on where you live. In some countries the minimum wage is way higher than what we have here, so it might be worth it.

At the very least, sitting at home and getting $850 doesn't sound even half bad to me. In that case the only thing you need to worry about is maintaining your sanity. I've come across some horrific NEET cases on the internet...

>> No.9300819

Directed at >>9300791

>> No.9300831

Perhaps later then. I need to shave again.
