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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9279888 No.9279888 [Reply] [Original]

Do you NEETs eat healthily? Are you concerned with your fitness and weight? What will you do if -- heaven forbid -- you're forced to go and get a job and you're not fit enough for manual labour?

>> No.9279913


>> No.9279918
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I eat whatever tastes good.

>> No.9279928

please no more /fit/
please no more

>> No.9279922

Post the "do you even lift" one

>> No.9279926

I'm not very fit and my health in diet fluctuates a lot.

I only want to get fit so if I get attacked by some crazy black guy like I see in those youtube videos I can kick his ass.

I still don't have motivation to work out.

>> No.9279940
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I do two days on, one day off of 30-60 minute routines, avoid soda and try to satisfy my sweet tooth with fruits. Occasionally I'll have some candy but I try to practice moderation.

>> No.9279941

Fitness is the new furries.

>> No.9279942



>> No.9279949


furries are american otaku culture

fitness is body-obsessed facism

>> No.9279957

Who gives a shit about manual labor, I just want to like what I see in the mirror.

>> No.9279995

I would sooner fucking kill myself than do a job involving manual labour

Fuck off /fit/ with these stupid threads you think are suddenly relevant because you put the word "NEET" in the OP

>> No.9280009

haha what a faggot
u know it wont get deleted cuz as long as the thread contains 2hu or truneet janitor wont delete it faglord lel

>> No.9280016

Brosef here is right, we need to start using 2hu pics.

>> No.9280019

Yeah I know

I just felt like saying that

I'm going to hide the thread now and pretend it doesn't exist

>> No.9280027

look at this fuckin beta afc LOL

>> No.9280052

How bad is soda really? I drink a shit load. Also, no I do not. My diet mainly consists of convenience store food. Oh, and I have a really fast metabolism

>> No.9280057

No. No. Suicide.

>> No.9280062 [DELETED] 

Instant ramen erryday

>> No.9280071


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.9280078

Metaposting is always shitposting, nerd.

>> No.9280082

I barely eat. I only start to grab some food when my stomach demands for it, otherwise I couldn't care less. If humans could live without eating then that would save me a lot of time and money.

>> No.9280091

Bad for your mind, bad for your weight, bad for your teeth. Really one shouldn't bother with soda.

>> No.9280098

How exactly is it bad for your mind? The other two I can understand.

>> No.9280117

I tell myself everyday I'm going to stop. But it's usually all that's in my house.

>> No.9280115

>"But Cracked, I'm not a kid," you might be saying. "My brain is fully developed by now, I don't have to worry about food making me dumber. Screw kids!" Well, it turns out that's not true, and poor choice of words there, buddy. Researchers, in their constant effort to ruin everything you love, have found in another study that sugar is also making us stupid, whether we're kids or not.

>This time they taught rats how to go through a maze, and then put those rats on a diet of either a sugary drink or water. Six weeks later, the rats who had been drinking sugar had much more difficulty completing the maze, and not just because it was harder for their fat asses to fit through the corridors. They were slower, their memories had been affected and their cognitive abilities had been pretty much shattered, simply because the prolonged sugar overdose had made their bodies more resistant to insulin (which doesn't just affect your blood sugar level, but also the way your brain cells work).

>> No.9280128

Opposite worry for me, all I can do IS manual labor because I'm probably too stupid for any other type of job.

>> No.9280129
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>Oh, and I have a really fast metabolism

>> No.9280131

im losing weight, im 155 down from 210 or so. 35 more pounds to go ;_;

>> No.9280147

How can I get more flexible?

>> No.9280149

Woah, how tall are you?

>> No.9280157

Stretch, I would recommend light cardio warmups and cooldowns as well.

>> No.9280158


>118 lbs

>> No.9280161

I eat just enough for not die. Depend to the job and the conditions but i'm probably going to prefer a homeless situation than become a drone slave of wage-earning.

>> No.9280162

But they were fed absurd amounts of sugar. Having soda would be a problem if you had too much sugar from other sources to go with it, but our bodies are made to handle some quantity of sugar without adverse effects. Have there been any studies on what quantity of sugar is required in humans before those effects occur?

>> No.9280168

It's just a cracked.com article, take it with a grain of salt. But I'm sure it goes without saying that water would be better to drink all day than soda.

>> No.9280169

I'm not saying he's fat. It just seems I don't have a /fit/ related reaction image, that's all I have.

>> No.9280170

Sure, it's nothing.

>> No.9280239

I eat rice everyday.

>> No.9280269

any NEETSs losing their sense of smell/taste?
i only drink water these days because everything else tastes... dull

me too, easy and cheap.

>> No.9280288


Rice masterice. I'm eating egg and rice as I post this.
No, I still have my smelling and tasting sense intact. Maybe you have tonsillitis?

>> No.9280442

I am a picky eater .I only eat trash food and carbohydrates and things like that and I am very skinny. I'm trying to gain some wight but is not working.
I would like to gain some muscles but I have no money or the will to go to the gym and work out.

>> No.9280480


>> No.9280513

I'm trying to eat more, because I don't feel manly enough as I am right now.
But somehow, no matter what I do, I end up getting lighter.

>> No.9281190

Stop fapping for like 2 weeks and you will notice that everything tastes/smells more vivid. srs

...but are you willing to give that up for better food? probably not.

>> No.9281251
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>> No.9281254

other things-no

although I try to not drink to much coke or else I suffer dehydration and it's not pleasant

>> No.9281267

It burns when I pee. What should I do? I'm scared of going to the doctor, but if there's no other way than I'll have to go.

Poor hygiene and overweight a few months ago, stopped doing that now.

>> No.9281276

No, no, I don't think about that. Yesterday I had a couple packets of chips, today I'm not sure, I don't think I'll eat. Also I'm chubby because when I do have a meal, it's usually takeaway, I seem to only be chubby in my stomach area though.

>> No.9281278


go to a doctor right now

>> No.9281283

it's just infection
shower few times and don't fap
try not to piss too mcuh either
and it will go away

>> No.9281298

How do you get an infection in your dick? I never wash, I've even sounded with stuff like my 3DS stylus and I fap loads, yet I don't ever seem to have a pain in my dick or anything. Is it luck based? I'm just wondering in case I should change my habits to avoid getting an infection.

>> No.9281318

Stop shoving dirty object into your urethra for masturbation.

>> No.9281330

or maybe you don't try hard enough

cum only inside your pants, like I do

you'll get a pimple, or infection, or bruises in no time!

>> No.9281342

I've been cumming in my boxers ever since I was 11. I don't actually know another way of masturbating or where I'm meant to dispose of cum. I feel sorry for my mother.

>> No.9281352

It was a period of time where all I did was game, eat like trash, and sleep.

I don't stick things in my penis dude.

>> No.9281357
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Are you by chance uncircumsized?

>> No.9281372

I cannibalize my half-humans. Restores some Vitamin B, too.

>> No.9281382

I frequent /ck/. They know their stuff and will give you healthy recipes if you ask. For instance, eating ramen can be healthy if you add a bunch of fresh or frozen vegetables like kale or stir fry veggies respectively. Tuna and mayo sandwhiches with lettuce and tomato are healthy too. Or how about salmon with steamed broccoli? Good stuff if you ask me.

>> No.9281393

It can also be healthy if you leave out the copious amounts of salt, regardless of what other healthy ingredients you add.

>> No.9281416

Guys, I'm so hungry, what can I eat when there isn't anything in the house?

;_; I don't want to die.

>> No.9281421

Yourself. Start by nibbling on your fingertips, they're usually pretty tasty.

>> No.9281431
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I make most of my meals. Mostly just simple stuff like stir fry on plain rice (vary fish, chicken and tofu for my protein portion) and spaghetti. I ended up with a load of flour recently, probably gonna make some dope as bread with it.

Pic semi related, I honestly haven't gotten around to reading it but it might be interesting.

I haven't eaten ramen in years, but isn't the salt content mostly from the broth shit they give with it?

>> No.9281437

I've been doing that ever since I woke up, it's not helping. I don't want to die anon, I don't want to ;_;

>> No.9281444

The kind of ramen I eat comes in plastic packages and has the noodles and broth flavoring separate.

>> No.9281446

I don't know much about salt intake, but I do know that it doesn't make you fat. And that is what really matters to me.

>> No.9281452

It doesn't directly, but it makes you want to eat more food, which could make you fat indirectly.

>> No.9281466

I primarily survive off cereal, ramen, and frozen pizzas

>> No.9281603
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I eat whatever tastes good and in big amounts

I'm a huge glutton and I rarely ever chew food till the end so I can really stuff tons of food inside me before I get full

I'll just hope I'll never have to do physical labor in my (probably short) life

>> No.9281836

Guys I just ordered a takeaway, it was two bottles of coke and a 12 inch pizza with BBQ sauce, pepperoni, onions, mushrooms and donner kebab meat on it. Did I do well?

>> No.9282324

I used to eat 2400 Kcal/day, weight 251 lbs and just roll in and out of bed every 12 hours (barring shit and piss)

Now I walk an hour a day (5km), eat 1350kcal, lost 60 lbs, lift weights every second day, edge for 5 hour sessions (used to be 7) with a 5 min break every 45 min and cum like a fire hose.

I traded hot pockets, soda, cake and processed shit for:

Cottage Cheese
Mixed beans
Ancient Grain bread
Skinless boneless chicken breast
I eat EVERY single vegtable except for butternut squash which is fucking disgusting... eat kale like a boss.
apple / banana / orange / etc

Look fuckers in the eye, flex in the mirror -- shit's great.

I also saved around 200% off the cost of my food bills by eating vegetables and lower calories.

>> No.9282331

Go back to /fit/ fatso

>> No.9282333

>I also saved around 200% off the cost of my food bills
So now they pay you to take their food?

>> No.9282343

I'll fucking ageru this/

>> No.9282356

Yes. Even though I am confined to my room without exercise, I'm a very concious eater.

I try to eat very little cooked food. No processed food. I don't consume meat for ethical and dietary reasons. No dairy either. Recently, I've been looking at cutting out grains as well. Quinoa is probably the least harmful offender, so it might stay as a once-a-week type thing.

For me, it's just fruits, vegetables, nuts, and mushrooms right now.

>> No.9282357
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>> No.9282363

Oh and, I also eat very little and fast often. Calorie restriction has a lot of benefits.

>> No.9282365

eating 500 kcal over maintenance because bulking now.

Some lettuce, cucumber, and tomato with olive oil, salt and pepper as a salad, chicken breast, baked potatoes, and whole milk as my last meal

>> No.9282376

I don't think it's healthy to not eat anything every other day so no.

I'm not drinking fizzy drinks anymore though but I have no idea if cordial is any better.

>> No.9282381

3 meals, 2 snacks a day.

You aren't a fucking snake

The occasional fast is good for you but most people here are snaking it up.

>> No.9282386

What does being a snake mean?

>> No.9282387

Suit yourself. Just going to let you know that everybody that has ever done research on calorie restriction says it is a very good thing for the body and increases lifespan.

>> No.9282388

People who restrict their caloric intake have been shown to live longer.

>> No.9282391

eating once a month (not literally obviously)

>> No.9282393

Not all of us get up early enough to eat 3 meals.

>> No.9282397

I make an effort to not consume so much sugar or saturated fats. I drink through a 24 pack of 0 calorie soda in like 3-4 days, usually.

I live off of lunch meat based sandwiches, cheap bag cereal and the occasional apple or banana.

>> No.9282399

calories and meal frequency are not the same thing.

I am on a calorie restricted diet currently but eat regular meals. Caloric restriction has only been shown beneficial in animal studies and the few that showed promise in humans were significant enough to induce lethargy.

Lemme guess you are a Kaku listener.

>> No.9282405

all dem caffines, all dem aspartames.

>> No.9282414

Humans are animals, sperglord. Did you fail third grade science or something?

>> No.9282420


I really hope you don't actually believe what you're implying.

>> No.9282423

I eat almost nothing but frozen pizzas. In fact, I'm eating one right now.

>> No.9282425

Here we go

>> No.9282422


I don't know about caffeine, but aspartame has yet to be linked to any negative health effects.

>> No.9282430

You make sure you degrease them first, right?

>> No.9282436
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No, but Uli might be onto something with that one. I'll keep it in mind if I ever need to lose weight.

>> No.9282438

Deli meat is full of shit including nitrites/salt, sat/trans fat. and other gross shit.

Cereal is never a good idea except unsweetened nut mixes with lots of poly/mono fats and some starch + lots of fibre.

Humans are not rats.
The diets they used for the studies turned people into walking brainfog zombies.

how many cures for shit have they found promising in rats to figure out they kill humans, give cancer or shut down your organs.

headaches, i drink the stuff too but prefer to avoid it even disregarding the propaganda.

did you know the reptilians cum fluoride in your toothpaste?

Caffeine is a stimulant and a shitty one at that with lots of side effects. People are already unstable as it is.

>> No.9282444


>> No.9282466


uli is my waifu <3

>> No.9282467


Yeah. I've heard from many a source that cutting caffeine from your diet will do wonders for you. But I'm pretty addicted considering the pleasure involved of having an oral fixation while sitting at your computer all day. Plus, it won't make me fat.

>> No.9282473
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>> No.9282479

>Humans are not rats.
I can definitely see that.

>The diets they used for the studies turned people into walking brainfog zombies.
[citation needed]

>how many cures for shit have they found promising in rats to figure out they kill humans, give cancer or shut down your organs.
I haven't read about this, but I will look into it. It's definitely plausible.

When you are a child, it seems like the world has a perfect and stable structure with lots of absolutes, including diet. This is healthy, that is not. You grow up and you realize that everyone is contradicting each other, including scientists. How are you supposed to decide what to believe regarding food?

I just look for consistencies mixed with my personal experience. Out of any advice about food, the one that came up constantly was to eat less. Not saying that there haven't been people against it, but deginitely very few compared to anything else that was suggested.

Looking at supercentenarians and their diets also gives good insight.

>> No.9282488

>Deli meat is full of shit including nitrites/salt
Okay, but only nitrites is really bad. Have you ever actually done research on how little putting someone on a low sodium diet changes their blood pressure? It's insignificant, but because it is an observable effect, people freaked out and decided salt will kill you.
No, meat period is the number one source of saturated fat. And saturated fat isn't bad for you. >>>/correlationequalscausation/
>trans fat
No, that would be the vegetables oils with manufacturing processes that are pure nightmare fuel, which they only did in the first place because of the hysteria over saturated fat being bad. Nothing is going to be pumped full of BOTH saturated fat and trans, because one is natural but demonized, and the other only occurs naturally in small amounts, but is used as a saturated fat substitute.
>and other gross shit.
In deli meat? As in bought from a deli? Not really. But in processed packaged sandwich meat, you might something that for some reason has ridiculous amounts of carbs. Now, I'm not trying to say carbs are bad, but meat just doesn't have carbs. You'll get maybe 2 grams per 100g if you're lucky, from free range meat. If there's more than that, something is wrong. It means they pumped it full of glucose derived from corn or some shit, for which I can imagine no reason other than driving the production costs down because meat is expensive. You can always check the ingredients list for that.

>> No.9282505


I just had one of the red baron pan pizzas. I love them because they aren't sloppy and stringy like most, they're more like cheesy breadsticks in a pizza shape. Also you cook it with an included pan so cleanup is super-easy and you don't have to dirty up anything if you eat it like a big cookie.

>> No.9282547
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I went out to eat with a nearby nerd that went on /jp/ and /a/

It was all you can eat shrimp and he hardly had any, which kind of bugged me since it was like $15 for each of us. Of course in true poorfag fashion I made a pig of myself so I could last a couple of days on the meal until the waitress started joking about how much I was eating. Meanwhile he just kept pecking at shrimps.

Don't be a pecker, /jp/

>> No.9282554

Why did you you not suck his cock?

>> No.9282558

Eating healthy is for the rich and privileged.

>> No.9282559

Maybe he just liked seeing you eat?

>> No.9282563

He was just tainted by /a/.

True /jp/er would have eaten until he passed out and pooped on the floor.

>> No.9282576


I was too full for dessert

>> No.9282581

This is true. The cheapest food by cost:calories ratio is pretty much all cereal, fruit and vegetables. You may as well just stuff yourself with sugar and paper, because that's what you're doing really. Of course, the rich want you to think this is good for you.

Meanwhile even the cheapest sources of protein without the unnecessary starches (non-vegetable protein, basically) are much more expensive.

>> No.9282589

I haven't felt the need to take a dump in 4 days. So no, I don't think I eat healthily.

>> No.9282604

Just eat less nerd stop making excuses

>> No.9282607


>Of course, the rich want you to think this is good for you.

Conspiracy theorist detected. Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.9282610

That has nothing to do with how healthy you're eating.

>> No.9282617


You do realize you can be thin and still unhealthy, right? The problem isn't not being fat, it's getting proper nutrition when it's really only available to the rich or hippies.

>> No.9282626

I don't eat healthy. I'm not concerned about my fitness but I obviously don't want to be fat. Out of what I consume, it's mostly chocolate and other dessert-like foods. After that comes meat. Lots of beef, pork, and chicken prepared in a variety of ways. I get excited when fruits come into season so I usually eat a few now and then before I go back to my regular diet. I honestly can't remember the last time I ate any vegetables. Bagged snacks like chips and Cheetos, fast foods, and pop are rarely consumed. I drink mostly tea, water, juice, and beer.

Seasons play the biggest role in what I eat. I love ice cream, cold pudding, chilled cream puffs, chocolate bar from the fridge, cold pie, and cold cakes in the summer. There's nothing quite like a nice chilled slice of chocolate cake. During the winter it's mostly warm brownies, warm cookies, warm pudding, pancakes, warm quick breads ect.

I don't know how I haven't gotten diabetes, had a heart attack, or become obese yet. All I do is eat and sit here every single day. I'm 6'1, 160lbs.

>> No.9282648


> I'm 6'1, 160lbs

Nice genes, bro. I'm jelly as fuck.

>> No.9282664

>>I don't know how I haven't gotten diabetes, had a heart attack, or become obese yet.

Patience, friend. Some things take time.

>> No.9282668

I'm sure you could've made room for him, you can deal with a little stomachache

>> No.9282704

It will get worse. Your metabolism will eventually slow down no matter how good your genes are. Nobody has immunity from a shit diet. It's worse for you than smoking. Much worse. Lots of smokers are born with better protection against their addiction that only affects the respiratory system, but food impacts all areas of the body.

Give it time, friend. Alternatively, free yourself of the addiction while you still can.

>> No.9282735

Nice kneejerk reaction. I should say it's more the producers of this stuff that want you to think it's good for you. Look at how the corn farmers association has tried to have "high glucose corn syrup" name changed into "corn sugar", and how they have created ads about how natural and good for you HFCS is. Look at how much it costs to make cereal, then at how much a box of it branded and slapped with various health claims costs you. By the way, the vitamins and nutrients present in brand cereals are actually the result of being artificially added to the product, because cereals are mostly micronutritionally void. For instance, iron shavings to be able to claim UP TO TWENTY FIVE PERCENT OF YOUR DAILY IRON REQUIREMENTS PER SERVING!

You are essentially paying for sugar coupled with an incomplete, overpriced multivitamin.

Okay, eat paper, sugar, and no protein. Get back to me in a year.

>> No.9282753

I meant that you could just eat less and thus have to use the bathroom less.

>> No.9282769

I've been eating pretty bad lately and I've put on about ~80 pounds

I'm nearly 400lbs these days ;_;

>> No.9282780

American? Better start doing something about that before it's too late, I'm guessing you're still mobile enough to take walks, so start doing that and stop eating to much.

>> No.9282775

>Your metabolism will eventually slow down no matter how good your genes are.
Yes, that's called aging. Your metabolic rate slows down as you age. It has nothing to do with diet, and it isn't actually that significant an effect. Metabolism is probably the most abused word in the nutritional health sphere.

People who think they have a "fast metabolism" (and don't really exercise) have never sat down and accurately counted the amount of calories they take in per day, for any decent period of time. They just eat less habitually but like to think they're massive pigs who are always eating 200% the junk their fat friend is, but never seem to put on weight. Things just don't work that way. It's similar for people who think they have a slow metabolism. They just eat more, on a calorie basis, than they're assuming they're do.

That or they're forgetting that how tall you are is obviously going to have an impact on how much energy you do or do not need.

>> No.9282791

I really don't think there's any addiction there. Not like I'll go into withdrawal if I don't get a brownie.

>> No.9282797

It's never too late, unless you're dead. If you are massively fat, you will lose a lot of weight just by reeling that shit in and not eating so much in excess. Even if you can no longer walk, you can get someone to feed you amounts that are appropriate for losing weight. Once you can walk again you can go for walks if you really want to, but walking really is not a strenuous activity, it doesn't take much energy.

>> No.9282800

It feels like I'm about to fucking die of high blood pressure, but I can't seem to do anything about it.

>> No.9282806

Then why do you keep eating brownies?

>> No.9282836

Pretty sure you would go into withdrawal, just not on any level that's seen with actual addictions.

You'd definitely start to break down after a few days and desperately want brownies. You wouldn't suffer any physical ailments if you didn't get them, but you'd still really want them psychologically. If that isn't the case, I don't see why you aren't fat.

>> No.9282837

I can't believe that someone would actually write this. If he got too fat to walk then he doesn't deserve to live. He should have tried to fix himself when he noticed that he was ballooning into a blob. Disgusting.

>> No.9282855

Stop eating so much sodium.

>> No.9282866

I'm not commenting on what kind of human being that kind of person would be and whether or not they deserve to live. I'm just pointing out the facts that there's no "too late" in regards to losing weight (before death)

Of course, you can still fuck yourself up with complications that won't go away once you lose your weight, and it that sense it can be too late.

>> No.9282879

Because they taste good and I'm hungry. Why does anybody eat anything?

>> No.9282908

To stay alive. You don't need brownies to stay alive.

Tell me, if any food keeps you alive, why do you still choose the unhealthy option? If you are going to stick with the argument that it tastes good, surely you can see why people you would assume you might have an addiction.

Try to go without all that gross food for 30 days. Just 30 days. You can keep indulging as much as you want after that time period, but just do a test. Why not? It's like like you're addicted or anything, right? I mean, do it for yourself of course. Just to observe how your mind reacts to the absence of such foods.

>> No.9282918

>You don't need brownies to stay alive.

He didn't say he ate brownies to stay alive though, he said he ate them because they taste good and he's hungry.

>> No.9282930

If he eats them because they taste good, even though he knows they're harmful, then he's addicted to things that taste good.

>> No.9282939

He asked why anybody eats anything, though. The rest is just implications for the sake of easier communication. I just want to see if he's certain that he doesn't have an addiction.

That's what I'm trying to highlight. It wouldn't make any sense that a person would purposefully ingest harmful substances if they can just as easily abstain.

>> No.9282949

Wait, what the hell? How are brownies harmful? They're flour, sugar, cocoa powder, eggs and oil.

>> No.9282955

are you squidding me

>> No.9282972

Now I feel like eating a brownie.

>> No.9282981
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>> No.9282995

Opinion disregarded.

Let's have some brownies, guys.

>> No.9282999

You should try the Ghirardelli brownie mix. The double chocolate ones are my favorite. They're great.

>> No.9283006

>intentionally killing yourselves

>> No.9283008

My mum makes brownies regularly.

>> No.9283013

If you're going to do something as stupid as putting eating brownies, you might as well lace them with marijuana and get at least some beneficial return.

>> No.9283026

If a man doesn't drink water for a day because he has other things on his mind and feels better if he doesn't, it doesn't mean he's addicted to dehydration.

>> No.9283033

I'd rather live 1 day as a touhou then 100 years as..a not touhou..anyway, fuck this
golden quotes aside, gonna eat a brownie like NAO

but no, seriously
only jews eat "healthy food" and that's only because time is money and they want to extend their work time as much as they can

>> No.9283049

No, because inaction requires no intent. If you often eat brownies without intending to, that's an entirely different problem from addiction.

>> No.9283050

The only thing I ever do to try to make brownies more fancy is top them with cream cheese frosting.

>> No.9283053

It really isn't. But nice inferiority complex you have there.

>> No.9283057
File: 18 KB, 519x519, diabeetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you doing son

>> No.9283065

Tru-/jp/ doesn't plan on living that long anyways.

>> No.9283075

You should try some. It's just cream cheese, unsalted butter, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and a touch of salt to make it more flavorful. Make sure everything's at room temperature and mix the ingredients to your liking. You can't go wrong.

Make sure the brownies aren't hot when you try to frost them though. That'll just make the frosting melt.

>> No.9283076

If a man eats a brownie because he feels better if he does, it doesn't mean he's addicted. He might be, but he might not be. Besides he could consider the risk negligible, and whether or not he's correct is irrelevant to his reasons. Even if he believes that it's a grave long-term risk, it doesn't mean that he can feel it as dangerous emotionally. You can do something stupid without being addicted simply because you want to. Your view is quite shallow.

>> No.9283137

I never knew so many people felt so strongly about brownies.

>> No.9283173


>You can do something stupid without being addicted simply because you want to.

>I want to get fat and destroy my body!
>What?! I just wanted to do that for no reason!

It's just really funny to me, I'm sorry. You're right about being able to completely disregard the effects and nullify any worries, but the illnesses will come after you no matter what your attitude is. You'll be safe until it manifests physically.

>> No.9283195

if I were to worry about every stupid little thing I'd die far sooner due to stress
but hey! at least I'd have no regrets
.....since there wouldn't be a life to regret losing anyway

>> No.9283209

So? Should people force themselves to research immortality because they're going to die at one point or the other? Sure you can disregard the problem until it catches up to you, but attitude won't save you...

Simply put, it's not about the problem at all. The fact that you'll eventually cause yourself pain isn't what's important here. They just want their brownies, whatever happens isn't relevant to the matter at hand.

>> No.9283234

eat whatever the fuck you want
when did /jp/ become such nannies

>> No.9283236

So essentially, just do what you want to do right this minute without caring about tomorrow? I might as well go rob a bank because it'd feel good in the moment. Prison? It'll happen later.

Exaggeration for the sake of proving a point.

>> No.9283241


>> No.9283273

I think it's just one guy (from /fit/) being mad that somebody eats brownies which are supposedly more dangerous than driving into oncoming traffic without wearing a seatbelt.

>> No.9283276

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion.

>> No.9283282

I'm saying that what they're doing isn't necessarily illogical. People do stupid things all the time. Sometimes it just boils down to being addicted to being yourself. You must have done at least something that wasn't beneficial to you because you didn't like the alternative. If you're alive you should be able to understand that.

>> No.9283291

> If you're alive
That's where you're mistaken.

>> No.9283296

Why do you think I've been going on with this? The reason I started giving my input is because that one nerd said all he ate was junk food, but then he said he wasn't addicted.

My point is that he most likely is. Still an assumption, but it's the best I could do based on the information given.

>> No.9283304

I think people who limit everything in their life based on fear of a possible outcome are not really living their life. If your mouth is watering for a slice of cheesecake, just eat it instead of being scare you'll die from a heart attack.

>> No.9283307

He probably is. I'm just arguing because I can't agree with harmful = addicted.

>> No.9283321

that's actually right
if you go to prison then you go to prison. then what. so what.

>> No.9283352


>> No.9283362

then no more sucking cock and shitposting on /jp/

>> No.9283365

The thing is, because of how we evolved, people are heavily biased toward immediate pleasure and will often make irrational decisions that slightly increase their immediate pleasure but vastly reduce their future pleasure.

>> No.9283374

holy shit dude your autism if FUKKEN showing lol

>> No.9283389

Most likely you're exaggerating the issue. A significant number of people, sure, but people are still learning and growing daily. There's just no way to see it because they're living in their own private worlds.

>> No.9283443

I am a fat fuck who drinks a lot of soda. You guys are still more likely to die before me; in fact you are guaranteed to, but that is not quite the point. I am fine with my life and smarter than most people.

>> No.9283578

I usually eat what I want, but I'm pretty strict on the calorie count, and have been for a while now. I know counting calories alone isn't really the most effective diet, but its been working for me at about 5lbs/month, so I'm pretty content. I was 250 lbs at my heaviest, and I am currently 225.

If I really want something I just have it. Portion control was always my issue, and keeping track of calories helps me keep that in check.

>> No.9283687
File: 275 KB, 1023x826, hinawinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life sucks, eat all you want, whatever you want, whenever you want.

>> No.9283776

I have no sense of taste, so I just eat whatever's healthy for me even if it's sometimes something that a lot of people say "tastes bad." Fresh meat 2-3 times a week, vegetables, proper cooked meals, that sort of stuff. Instant noodles is only for the weekends, or when I'm too poor to afford fresh meat.

>> No.9283788

Literally no sense of taste or just not a refined sense of taste?

>> No.9284054

Literally no sense of taste. About the only way I'm able to tell most foods apart is by their texture, so I'll eat pretty much anything as long as it's healthy and not slimy.

>> No.9284471
File: 29 KB, 908x204, Screenshot_from_2012-07-03 02:13:05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift?" one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one." one.

>> No.9284669

I'll fucking ageru this/

>> No.9284676
File: 114 KB, 814x517, eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't want to sit at a table and watch a /jp/sie gorge themselves to bursting on shrimp and brownies

>> No.9284685


>> No.9284698

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9284705

FACT: If you give a shit about your health or safety you are well uncool.
Don't be a nerd, /jp/.

>> No.9284723

is shitting on the floor healthy?

>> No.9284827

Good luck finding one of those here.

>> No.9284915

Bullshit, pretty damn sure we have some pedophiles. So not everyone here is a cocksucker.

>> No.9285641


>> No.9285661

they're just people attracted to little girls. might as well be female themselves.
i'm pretty sure /jp/ has plenty of girls hiding their gender or even pretending to be dudes. might as well be the same guys who fap to lolis.

>> No.9285669
File: 206 KB, 500x567, Le Nekomimi Louise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adieu Camille, retourne à ton couvent, et lorsqu'on te fera de ces récits hideux qui t'on empoisonnée, réponds ce que je vais te dire : Tous les hommes sont menteurs, inconstants, faux, bavards, hypocrites, orgueilleux et lâches méprisables et sensuels ; toutes les femmes sont perfides, artificieuses, vaniteuses, curieuses et dépravées ; le monde n'est qu'un égout sans fond où les phoques les plus informes rampent et se tordent sur des montagnes de fange ; mais il y a au monde une chose sainte et sublime, c'est l'union de ces deux êtres si imparfaits et si affreux. On est souvent trompé en amour souvent blessé et souvent malheureux ; mais on aime, et quand on est sur le bord de sa tombe, on se retourne pour regarder en arrière, et on se dit : J'ai souffert souvent, je me suis trompé quelques fois : mais j'ai aimé. C'est moi qui ai vécu et non pas un être factice créé par mon orgueil et mon ennui.

>> No.9285672

I'm a programmer. My talents are all in technology, most specifically computer science.

I can't imagine that I would ever get a job which demanded physical labor. I'm glad that's the case, too, because I lifted for 6 years and saw very little gains. I didn't and don't eat enough to support hypertrophy.

My estimated diet consists of 70% of eggs, 30% oats.

>> No.9285673


Camille farewell, return to your monastery, and when you will make these hideous stories you are poisoned, answer what I'll say: All men are liars, fickle, false, chatterers, hypocritical, arrogant and cowardly despicable and sensual, all women are perfidious, artful, vain, inquisitive and depraved; the world is a bottomless sewer where seals most shapeless crawl and writhe on the mountains of mud, but there is a world holy and sublime, it is the union of these two people so imperfect and so horrible. We are often deceived in love often hurt and often unhappy, but we love, and when you're on the brink of the grave, one turns to look back and say: I have often suffered, I was wrong sometimes: but I liked. It is I who have lived and not be a fake created by my pride and boredom.

>> No.9285675

Kill myself.

>> No.9285682
File: 134 KB, 900x651, 13323705_cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a flap and FUCK IT

>> No.9285692


>le monde


>> No.9285701

it's real french you fucktard. it's only reddit if you randomly insert it in le english sentences.

>> No.9285713


>> No.9285714

>le english


>> No.9286010

I fucking love nuts, but now I can't eat them anymore. I ate mixed nuts for some months. That included cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds, some more. Suddenly I started getting stomach aches, and even a very small amounts can cause this. I guess I developed an allergy.

>> No.9286068

if you can't eat nuts, you can suck on mine
lol _pwned5lyfe_

>> No.9286099

Suck on these nuts nigga suck on these nuts
I tell em bow wow wow yippie yo yeppie yea
Suck on these nuts nigga suck on these nuts
Ain't nuthin but Eazy baby

>> No.9286130

u guys better be careful we have a black gangsta sperglord here
if i ever see u ur dead mane

>> No.9286174

I absolutely love vegetables and fruit and try to use them as often as I can in my food (when I can afford them, they're expensive as hell here). Gotta start working out a little bit and going for walks though, I'm starting to get pretty weak.

>> No.9286209

Today I ate:

Cocoa Puffs for breakfast
A sandwhich with two slices of ham, one slice of swiss cheese, and pepperoni for lunch + a can of coke
Some pistachios
A piece of chicken breast and salad slathered in french dressing

Is this healthy y/n

>> No.9286371


That's terrible.

1. Cocoa Puffs are sugery processed garbage.
2. You're likely eating cheap packaged mass produced meat. Coke is like 45g of sugar alone and ruins the meal even if the meat was good meat.
3. French dressing = fat

Overall = average nutritional value and a fuckton of sugar and fat and cheap chemicals.


>> No.9286388


I drink over 2L of soft drink a day and there's nothing wronasopdghipfasdfiuhasdgpoiuahgraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.9286403



>> No.9287177 [DELETED] 

Exercise provides a wide range of benefits. These benefits are not limited to helping just the physical laborer.

Since beginning to exercise, I find myself less lethargic, and in a better mood. I have a much more acute thought process and am more alert overall. This allows me to play games in a much more enjoyable way and with a more fun attitude.

If you exercise to the extent that you are in good shape, then the random time you venture outside you will either be ignored or receive positive feedback from others. This would not be the case if you were obese. Knowing that you may receive little to know negative feedback from others may assist in helping manage social anxiety depending on the person.

>> No.9287182

Exercise provides a wide range of benefits. These benefits are not limited to helping just the physical laborer.

Since beginning to exercise, I find myself less lethargic, and in a better mood. I have a much more acute thought process and am more alert overall. This allows me to play games in a much more enjoyable way and with a more fun attitude.

If you exercise to the extent that you are in good shape, then the random time you venture outside you will either be ignored or receive positive feedback from others. This would not be the case if you were obese. Knowing that you may receive little to no negative feedback from others may assist in helping manage social anxiety depending on the person.

>> No.9287195

>caring about nutrition

Fuck off nerds

>> No.9287585


What exercises do you personally do?

>> No.9287844

/jp/ - Health & Fitness

>> No.9288238

I focus more on powerlifting, so my common exercises are military presses, squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. I supplement on occasion with rows and bodyweight exercises. I'm following a 3-day 5-3-1 routine, and usually do cardio (stationary bicycle) for 30-60 minutes on the days in which i am not weight lifting. It's rare that I spend more than 60 minutes in a day on exercise, and I always have one or two days a week in which I do not do any exercises at all.

I have equipment in my apartment to do all of the exercises listed above. I usually play touhou in between sets as the adrenaline and testosterone boost from weight lifting improves the reflexes. During the cardio days, I will watch streams of people playing games (starcraft usually), or just watch episodes of anime I have downloaded.

Fortunately, my routine could be done easily enough in most gyms. Wear headphones if you want to avoid interaction with others in the gym; most people mind their own business regardless, though.
