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File: 34 KB, 400x300, 1_1331704024_m_BawCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9257730 No.9257730 [Reply] [Original]

How well did the controller work in the end? Was it worth it or kind of gimmicky?

>> No.9257735

bump for interest

>> No.9257745

Does it shoot rainbows like the cover art?

>> No.9257755

I would actually like to know also.

One of us has to have it. Come on.

>> No.9257763

can you create your own characters and custom animations, and how good is the onahole itself is what i want to know

>> No.9257770

I want someone to play StepMania with it.

>> No.9257778

I believe that comes with a version of 3D Custom Girl or something very similar...

I know you can make 2.5D girls and fuck 'em with it.


>> No.9257783

What is this supposed to be?

>> No.9257801

It's a cup-holder. Buy one and give it to your mom for Christmas or Hanukkah.

>> No.9257808

It's an onahole controller for 3D Custom Girl.
The male in the game will mimic your thrusts through use of sensors in the onahole.

>> No.9257812

Who would make a cup holder with that small of a hole? I question the sincerity of your words.

>> No.9257822

You misunderstand.
The cup is meant to hold, not to be held.

>> No.9257824

Maybe you can take the vagina part out.

>> No.9257849

That's just protection it's meant to be removed. What kind of sick fuck would see a vagina in it?

>> No.9257860

So basically

Nobody owns one of these things eh?

>> No.9257867

At this point I want to. I wonder how much they cost?

>> No.9257870


Do they actually exist?

Do you get a refund if you can't fit?

>> No.9257877

Yes and not sure.

>> No.9257925


200 bucks.


inb4 J-List a shit

>> No.9257942

Wow. I'm gonna.......just keep that link.... for future reference purposes when I come up with the money...... Which will never be, due to the fact that I'm 19 and living with my mother

>> No.9257963

hey dont feel bad, im 18 and living with my parents but i do occasional work on peoples PCs and earn around $350 a month and i still can afford guns and sex toys and other hobbies

>> No.9257971

Not quite:

>> No.9257978

Eh, I have no job yet. I would work in computers, but my tech knowledge isn't high enough. That and I don't have all the tools. Can you possibly recommend me a good book on computer maintenance and parts? I'm going for a degree in applied sciences, but I'm off for now. I need to keep learning. Anyway, sage because I don't want this thread to turn into a personal blog.
Where do you hide the sex toys?

>> No.9257990

you should start out working on old pcs, and learn from various guides, both online and books, there is no definitve book imo, but buy several pcs for no more than $50 each from a thrift store or yardsale and learn to swap parts and repair
in an old motherboard box in the middle of a stack of similar looking boxes

>> No.9257997


Thanks for saving me $100.

I really appreciate it.

>> No.9258009

Wish I could. I have an old one here, but I don't have the type of wrench to open the circular screws on the back. Without that, I can't open it. If I did manage to open it, I'd be subject to hundreds of dead cockroaches in the casing.

>> No.9258017

Fuck my brain. I meant screwdriver.

>> No.9258027

screwdrivers with removable and swappable tips are like $5 at a fleamarket and typically come with 25 tips for diff uses, or like $15 at a hardware store

>> No.9258035

Good point. I'll buy a set tommorow if I can. I have just enough money for that. Anyway, thanks.

>> No.9258045

no problem, but to un-derail this thread didnt tenga or fleshlight make a similar product that also used a usb port?

>> No.9258056
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>> No.9258079

like i said, i thought there was a similar device, the "realtouch" device looks to be somewhat more advanced but the videos are 3dpd and offer less customizability


>> No.9258089

The last time I bought an onahole I got it all wrong.

It was too tight and short. By the way, my penis is 15cm long.

>> No.9258126

Well because I'm here and not in the other sex toy topic I'll ask.

I've never used an onahole before. People with experience, which is your favorite? Provide a link, if possible, please. As well, I know there are younger models such as 7 and the like. Are those actually legal to import, here in the US? What are the repercussions of doing so?

You have my penis's gratitude.

>> No.9258131
File: 484 KB, 590x620, 1_1293016512_m_sfdWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Secret Twin Tales about a month ago. I'm pretty happy with it, but it's kind of getting wrecked. Can anyone recommend something a little sturdier?

>> No.9258134

yes they are all legal to import, i dont really have a favorite and its pretty hard to describe by much better than using hand

>> No.9258151

Are you 100% positive on the legality of it? Obviously this isn't something I would want to risk. I've heard people say (whether jokingly or not, I'm not sure) "don't even try to import the younger models if you live in the US or the UK".

I'm not specifically interested in those models, but I want to know all of my options.

>> No.9258183

So far I've used the R20, 15, 17Evo, and Transfer Student.
The R20 is by far the best buy imo. Thing ran strong for close to 7 months, had the most varied and perhaps even versatile stimulation of all of them. Also, long length, which was one of my criteria (I seriously wanted the Twin Tales, but I can't imagine it fitting). I'm just now rebuying it in anticipation of the next installment of Bishoujo Mangekyou, but the old one still works to date, just a bit loos.

The Evo17 is my favorite of the ribbed ones, the interior is well defined, and whether using it fast or slow, you can feel every rib, they're well spaced out. The cervix portion in particular set me off many a time playing eroge, and offered the tightest stimulation of either hole. This one showed signs of breaking after two and a half months, and I snapped through it during penetration after about 4 months.

R15 felt like sandpaper, and the little urethra thing at the end made me have to piss in the middle of a session. I highly recommend you don't bother.

Transfer student wasn't bad by any means, but it was a bit small, and it broke after a month and a half.

Regardless of what you get, I recommend that you get an R20 as well as whatever you pick.

>> No.9258189
File: 102 KB, 255x303, 1294556987189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now all it needs is a interactive dating element game with a online netorare function.
The onacon uploads your "stats" as in size and how long you last before finishing and then compares it to others.

If you perform worse than others then the girl in said game will call you out on it and leave you.

"Gomen ne Anon-kun~ But XxXSephirotSNIPER007XxX is just much better in bed than you..My docking ports have been shaped after his data..I can no longer go back"

>> No.9258191

for kanojotoys they say all of their products are legal and they offer them http://www.kanojotoys.com/loli-stick-onahole-p-1218.html

>> No.9258204

Take all my money.jpg
I actually want this. GOTY all years forever.

>> No.9258230

Thank you for the reviews, it's hard to find specifics on these things. I'll probably get an R20 and, if I enjoy it, might try out a 17 later down the line.

Thank you for the information.

If I had any ambition I would learn programming and shit just to make this. But I don't.

>> No.9258272
File: 201 KB, 1238x555, 1276909056935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always wanted a online NTR game. And with something like this it would be perfect.
Come on nippon make it happen.

>> No.9258275

Be more creative. What it really needs is a "build her up to orgasm by listening/watching/judging her reactions" mechanic like AG3 did instead of just pressing a button. With that, it would actually be a stamina game too. Then you could go online and fuck your girl in the same room with somebody else fucking their girl, and basically see who can make their girl cum first/last the longest. And give an option to trade girls with another person for a session. And they could even work in the NTR stuff too by having an NTR mode where you compete with somebody else and the girl will pick somebody.

>> No.9258287

This needs to happen.

>> No.9258297

Needs a multiplayer play with a dildo attachment so players can have some fun with each other.

>> No.9258345
File: 194 KB, 600x478, SatenTrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swapping could be fun i suppose.
So the onacon transfers motion data to the dildo that in turn vibrates at the same rate as the onacon user is pumping?

Who needs AI NTR when we can have real humans doing the NTR.
"Sorry Anon1, but Anon-2 is just so much better! I..I dont want to play with you anymore! sorry!"

>> No.9258355
File: 182 KB, 639x479, 1323204913916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be amazing

>> No.9258358


Why would it do vibe instead of just give it a pump action like device so you like sit on it and it thrusts in at the pace the user is?

>> No.9258367

That would obviously be even better, but in turn the device would be bigger and more expensive to create.

>> No.9258372

Sounds dangerous

>> No.9258397

I think multiplayer might be prone to cheating, though. What if a jerk decided to use something like a jack hammer into his onahole so he would satisfy his woman in a few seconds? We need top of the line penis-recognition technology.

I can see a "gamble" NTR mode. The player who loses cannot play again until he has spectated 20 games, as punishment for being unable to satisfy. If you win the gamble... I don't know, have another avatar you can fuck? Maybe build a harem? You basically steal the girl from the loser, so you could amass an army if you have the stamina.

>> No.9258418

>Spectator mode
That would be awsome if it let you join in and watch others without them knowing, maybe even let you do "drop ins" and take over the female spot by connecting the male user to your dildo so you can feel him pounding your boypussy as you watch.

Why has japan not made this game yet.

>> No.9258434

Do any of these models give size definitions? I'm terrified about shelling out that much cash and not being able to fit.

>> No.9258427

Perhaps the assgoblin market isn't big in japan. Yet

>> No.9258440

If somebody with that username beat me, I might go into severe depression.

>> No.9258464

That was more or less the point i think, not only are you getting NTR'd but its by a complete spastic 12 year old muppet

>> No.9258474

Oh god. So a real human being, not just an AI, is taking on the girl role and she picks some retard prepubescent child over you. I can't tell if this is the best thing ever or the worst.

>> No.9258742
File: 626 KB, 961x720, 1340226405558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a new novelty onahole from Japan for stress relief and parody. It is intended for use as a joke gift item only.

Fuck you j-list, don't get all insecure about the kind of business you deal in all of a sudden.
