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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9244347 No.9244347 [Reply] [Original]

How do you justify to yourself and your family having a foreign popular culture as your main hobby/area of interest?

>> No.9244353

What's there to justify?

>> No.9244365

I'm not some pointlessly patriotic turbonerd who only likes things my own country produced.

That said, I do like classic British comedy. But when it comes to cartoons and porn games, Japan have that shit down to a T.

>> No.9244357

i don't have a persecution complex so i don't really need to do that

>> No.9244361

i justified ur mom with my cock

>> No.9244363

It isn't my main hobby

>> No.9244376

This is what patriotic turbonurds actually believe.

>> No.9244370


American cartooners innovate ore

>> No.9244378


I'm Swedish

>> No.9244380

>But dad I don't really like Japan, I just like their products
>Dads boker face when

>> No.9244381

No family.

>> No.9244382

I justify myself when I redirect people to /a/, see:


>> No.9244390

I don't have to. I don't like weeaboo shit.

>> No.9244385


I don't have to justify it... I'm an adult and I make my own decisions.

I also don't believe it's popular culture... Maybe a fringe segment of a foreign popular culture.

>> No.9244395

No one in my family gives a shit about what I like

>> No.9244392


Why are you here?

>> No.9244397

For the autism.

>> No.9244405

Why should we have to justify it, its not like we are watching a children's show

If you get who I'm talking about....

>> No.9244407

Dude that OP question must tear /a/ apart like HELL.

>> No.9244409

Mixed parents means I can like whatever the hell I want to like without getting shit about it.

>> No.9244411

Well you're pretty much /a/ embodied in a single poster.

How did it make YOU feel, ZUN!bar?

>> No.9244420

go watch code ceass, buttlicker.

>> No.9244423
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>> No.9244426

I don't do that because I don't share my interests with anyone to avoid judgement in the first place.

>> No.9244439

Like nothing because I've always liked games and anime since I learned how to walk. My parents always knew about this stuff.

I'd imagine that younger people who are newer to all this would have a persecution complex though.

>> No.9244436

This is what multiculturalism is doing to Europe.

>> No.9244437

Why does the Comic Sans text have anti-aliasing but the Impact text doesn't? Except for on the sign, where for some reason it does.

>> No.9244438
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I like children's shows.

>> No.9244445

That's a bad show.
But cute.

>> No.9244440
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>> No.9244443

>My parents always knew about this stuff.

Then why did they send you to Afghanistan?

>> No.9244450

I have never met a European online who had anything positive to say about the US. You are not from Sweden. You are a liar.

>> No.9244457


That show sucked balls dude. I'm gonna go watch something better.

>> No.9244460

I'm English and I like how laid back Americans are. I also like that the stereotypes are pretty spot-on. It's just convenient.

>> No.9244475

If people on /jp/ regularly insisted Code Geass was a terrible show, you'd be singing its praise right now.

>> No.9244485

How about you sing some praise to this!

*grabs dick*

>> No.9244489

It's not my main hobby or interest area, ``faggot''.

>> No.9244493

As if we needed any more proof that you came here just to complain about things.

>> No.9244496

Where the fuck have you been? I haven't seen you in like a year or so.

>> No.9244511

Less than that.

>> No.9244515

You mean a few hours.

>> No.9244519
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>> No.9244525

I always said I disliked it though since 2008 or whatever. It's nothing new.

>> No.9244528

It synced up well with their humming in the show.

Doctor Who Confidential is actually better than new Doctor Who.
