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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9126278 No.9126278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any formal procedure for removing a janitor? It's all well and good to show our indignation by reporting valid threads that were deleted, but it doesn't really address the root of the problem.

>> No.9126285
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>But... moot, you said I could be /jp/'s new janitor! Don't take it away from me!

>> No.9126284

Start a massive shitstorm were the Janitor is in fault. 10,000 people send hate mail to moot.

However /jp/ doesnt have 10,000 people so we have to stick with it.

This place kinda sucks with out the fun posters. /jp/ becomes stagnate so fast when its just otaku culture.

>> No.9126293
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We riot.

>> No.9126306

Things would be different if AoC was here.

>> No.9126314

Things would be different if OP and people like him were wiped off the planet.

>> No.9126318

Things would be different if people like you were wiped off the planet.

>> No.9126320

Janitor drones literally condone the murder of anyone who speaks out against him.

>> No.9126325

I personally prefer janitors that delete off topic content with in reason. For example.

Lets say theres a Saten thread going. Its a good Saten thread. Then 10 more Saten threads pop up. The janitor just cleans up the extra and takes his time getting around to deleting the primary saten thread, after its getting old, like page 2.

>> No.9126330
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You don't start a spam campaign complaining about moderation for starters. That only gives them the excuse to get you under global rule 8. There's been threadbans over it before.

Send an email to moot, which is the only feedback channel for moderation. Don't spam his inbox, make your point in a polite and concise manner. Point to threads showing the abuse of power. Argue your position properly.

Spamming "fuck the NSJ" only legitimizes deletion rampages and gives the janitor carte blanche to target you and everything you hold dear. Plus staff never sides with the rioting side unless moderation abuse was objectively breaking every guideline they have. Doesn't work for borderline topics since it lowers the image and they're more inclined to just silence dissent than accommodate for crying children.

Before you complain about moot never replying, he does read everything and adjust policies according to a board's wishes. This is not the first time I've recommended proper mails to admin and it has worked pretty well in the past.

Good luck.

>> No.9126329


Amazing tales of shit that never happened, by Anonymous.

>> No.9126334

I want to say one thing about NSJ.

Since he's come in, shitposting has been up and discussion has been down. There's no point in investing effort in a thread because it might be deleted by the time you get there. He's creating the problem he's been told to solve.

>> No.9126346

Anime and manga belong on /a/.

>> No.9126342

>delete any anime/manga thread/light novel
I know it's /a/ territory but otakus watch that shit.

>> No.9126343

Spam all the other boards and make them unreadable until we get our way

>> No.9126344

Yeah, I have that problem a lot. Dont you hate it when you see a good thread, and lts deleted soon as you hit submit?

>> No.9126354
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How about you post some links to these so-called "valid" threads that are being deleted? Because I think you're just rectum-ravaged that your shitposts got deleted.

>> No.9126357

What he is saying went entirely over your head.

>> No.9126359
File: 163 KB, 782x956, What the fuck NSJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9126361

What are you nerds talking about?

The new janitor is the best janitor /jp/ ever had. grow up or kill yourself.

>> No.9126365
File: 446 KB, 1244x2771, Where in the hell did moot get this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9126367

There goes the Touhou abuse thread. It was fun while it lasted.


>> No.9126368
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If this area is so stale, then taking the shitposting out of the picture makes for a very dull board.

Whatever's going on with the janitor, (s)he can't fix other peoples' problems; they can't get us to start talking in a constructive manner.

There's my two cents, and now I'll ram them straight up my own ass and jump out of this thread. You're welcome.
