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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9067688 No.9067688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you NEET it up today, /jp/?

>> No.9067694

Went to work and when I got home I drank some beer and smoked up some weed with my GF.

>> No.9067699
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>> No.9067695

I got fired.

>> No.9067703

I vacuumed my floors, then watched some Akibaranger and slept for a few hours.

>> No.9067701

Sorry to hear that, it sounds like it was terrible.

>> No.9067705

i slept in, checked my two empty email boxes, played some untranslated VN and then went looking for new blankets because i got drunk and threw up on the old ones and now they look gross and smell funny.

>> No.9067712
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You actually watched western animation?

>> No.9067713

I went to the club with my bros and busted a nut all over a bitch's face

>> No.9067715

Watched movies, got tipsy, napped, watched more movies

>> No.9067721

>Went to work

>> No.9067726
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didnt go to sleep..
sat on /jp/

>> No.9067727

Well, I'm being a tourist on all the boards on 4chan, for one. I'm a cgl regular but this is kind of fun.

Otherwise: Woke up, went to Starbucks, dicked around on the internet, mailed letters, deposited checks, read, washed dishes, washed TV, snuggled with boyfriend. Keep in mind that being on the internet took up approximately 60% of this time.


>> No.9067728

change quote to

>> No.9067732
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>> No.9067734

I guess subtlety doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.9067735

You won't get favorable reception in most boards; just a warning.

>> No.9067737

did not much but eat, drink and play games all day, it's now 4am.

>> No.9067739
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>> No.9067742

Played Tera and posted in metathreads. I'm going to watch Game Center CX now.

>> No.9067746

What does snuggling even mean?

>> No.9067752

Went to class, then the gym after. Going to the movies with some bros in a bit.

>> No.9067757

You should go clubbing afterwards and fuck some bitches.

>> No.9067766

want to go with me brah?
i know some sweet clubs full of hot bitches, we could even hit the hot tub in my house after it(no homo)

>> No.9067776

I wish, I am only 14 though :(

>> No.9067777

>(no homo)
fuck that then

>> No.9067784

Let's see
Worked my crappy job
Helped my grandmother set up her cable, again
Picked up a 2 terrabyte harddrive and a 16 GB flash drive

Got into a fight with my mom about the layout of the living room ( I don't care what you plan, if you have a fireplace and an accent wall [which are both the same wall]; Congratulations that's the focus of your room! Also in what universe is 3 pieces of furniture in a 24 ft by 12 ft room too many pieces of furniture? ONE MORE THING, 5 ft book case with 4 stacks of DVDs on top of it, plus 2 more stacks of DVDs on the mantle, they will not fit in a 4 foot media center, no matter how much you frown at me. One last thing, IKEA furniture isn't made to last that long, you'll get probably 5 years out of it, why not pick up the Lay-Z-Boy furniture, you know the one told me about for hours on end when you visited the store?)

I'm so tired of everyone acting like because I have a penis my opinion isn't valid. Hell I don't even know why she asked me in the first place, she'll do whatever she wants anyway regardless of how bad it looks. I should have just stayed in my room and transferred files.

>> No.9067792


Sorry for intruding, I didn't realize it was... impolite, I suppose?... to post on other boards. I'll keep to lurking, as you were.

>> No.9067802

Second sentence down and you already failed to be a NEET.

>> No.9067807

Masturbated to drowning and then tried to learned some touhou music

>> No.9067810
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>> No.9067813

Dressed up as Tenshi, Youmu, and /jp/-tan. NEET as fuck.

>> No.9067817

Woke up, fapped, watched anime, read some manga, ordered a BRS fig with my parents money, they bitched at me later and told me to get a job, I told them to fuck off and now I am here browsing /jp/ and also fapping.

>> No.9067825

You better be learning some ZUN trumpets

>> No.9067839

It's more that the rest of us dislike /cgl/ especially.

>> No.9067844


They were right to get angry, what a waste of money.

>> No.9067854

But that is all it has.

>> No.9067848

I like the design you faggot.

>> No.9067855

jakked my dick off w/ a tire iron

>> No.9067857

And it's good.

>> No.9067884

A figure doesn't need anything else.

>> No.9067890

It's impolite to be a slut.

>> No.9067894

Sorry, I'll leave when I reply.
But I can definitely understand that. /cgl is sort of a clusterfuck of catty drama and excessive personal information. I know that, but somehow I still end up staying. Probably because I'm bored. I probably shouldn't have mentioned being from there, given it's rep, but I sort of felt I should be honest when entering foreign territory.

>> No.9067897

But... but... figures and limited editions don't come cheap! I have to figure out some way to pay for them and I can't beg my mother for money, that's what my sister does! And she's a normal fag so they can feel like it's a better investment to have her throw it down the drain having fun with friends than me playing games by myself in my room.

Wait hold on a minute, I just realized almost 3/4 of my family members near my age leech of their parents massively yet aren't looked down upon. Yet I don't and I'm treated like a pariah. Ugh, I wish I didn't realized that.

>> No.9067898

You're anymous. Be anything you want.

>> No.9067936
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I woke up at 9 in the morning and was happy, but I went to my room door and heard my sister was visiting. I didn't feel like talking to her so I lay back down until 11 AM when she left. I got up and ate some shredded wheat.

But then my brother came over to do laundry. I couldn't just go back to bed, you know? I went to my computer but I couldn't really do anything fun, because he likes to walk in randomly and he'd yell at me for not being buff like he is, and not getting girls pregnant like he does, or not working at a fast food joint like he does.

I just flipped between random articles until 1 PM when he left. Then I played Touhou and talked with all you nice people until now. I also ate a slice of cake and drank a cup of coffee. One of them was bad because it made me feel sick.

It was an eventful day.

>> No.9068049

Actually funny story like that, I was dragged to a family get together where my cousin just berated me about not going out to the club, having sex with girls and how I was a loser for living my life exactly like his. This went on for hours.

Then 2 weeks later he caught Chlamydia.

That was a good week, I did nothing but say "Man I'm going to bathroom without screaming in horrible pain" or "Geez I'm so sleepy, better lie on my stomach without a horrible burning sensation ravaging my crotch".

Sometimes I just smile while thinking of it.

>> No.9068052

* for not living

I should probably get off of /jp/ and sleep.

>> No.9068096

I'm not crazy enough to get autism dollars, so I can't be a NEET, at least not right now. My family is also extremely right wing so I even if I was crazy, they would probably stop supporting me if I ever get government aid.

My best bet is to work a couple of years at a decent job, save as much as I can, retire, and invest.

Who am I kidding, I'll be working at a dead end job all my life.

>> No.9068112


it's ok you're still a NEET at heart.

>> No.9068131

It's 2:30pm, saturday, and there's no food in the house. I don't want to see people outside though, so I'm staying put. Wonder what my limit is.

>> No.9068137

Can't you find someone to deliver groceries for you and leave them at your doorstep? I'm sure there must be something if you live in an urban area.

>> No.9068143


No. Nobody's around.

>> No.9068159

The same happened to me recently, he gave me the same speech, then dragged me to a club, and a girl who was drugged up with who knows what grabbed me, pinned me against a wall and kissed for half an hour grabbing my crotch. I had no idea what was going on. 2 days later I found out I got some sort of infection inside my mouth, there's this huge blister-thing growing under my lip and it hurts to lie on my face while sleeping. How do I get rid of it? wtf is it anyway?

>> No.9068161

You could always make an ad on craigslist in the future. I don't know how reliable that would be but at least it beats having to interact with idiots on a weekly basis.

>> No.9068189

I realized I'm stagnating by passivity, I decided to find myself a job and move away from my parents.
Wait, that's actually NEETing it down.

oh whatever, now I just have to find myself a nice flat and a job that I'd like
that I'd like
that I'd


>> No.9068195

I got first place in a super smash bros. Brawl tournament at a local game store today. It was a lot of fun.
Took home 100 dollars, i am probably going to buy a nice touhou figure with it.

>> No.9068201

Sounds like you've got herpes.

>> No.9068222

Well, I have no experience with anything sexual like that. It might be what >>9068201 said, though it also sounds like a mouth ulcer. I get them all the time. I wash my mouth with warm salt water and just wait it out for a couple of days.

>> No.9068227


if you have the skills thats an easy way to get figures, I'd stick with it.

>> No.9068234

is it normal to get this kind of thing from your first kiss? I hope it's just a mouth ulcer like the other anon said

>> No.9068239

I hope it doesn't kill you :(

>> No.9068247

It's so wonderful to see scum like you whining.

>> No.9068280

Fuck off with your spoilers.
