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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9004399 No.9004399 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between lolicon and pedophilia?
Is it just that lolicon is 2d while pedo is for 3d?
or is it just the same thing?

>> No.9004404

>one is legal, the other one isn't.
>One is 2D and girls are intelligent and interesting, the other one are dumb fuck underage kidddos.

2D > 3D
as always

>> No.9004406

Lolicon is about young 2D girls, and not always pornographic. Pedophilia is a general fetish for young people of either gender that exists beyond simple imagination.

>> No.9004407
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that image actually send fear straight to my core....


>> No.9004409

I dunno, I like both 2D and 3D

>> No.9004405

To a blind person? None.

>> No.9004412

Burn the heretic!

>> No.9004410

None 2d just looks better

>> No.9004439

Lolicon means pedophilia. There is no difference.

>> No.9004440
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Pedophiles only like prepubescent children(by definition)
Lolicons don't mind secondary sex characteristics (e.g. oppai loli)

>> No.9004443

No fuck you

>> No.9004448

TL note: lolicon means "pedophilia" in Japanese.

>> No.9004457

So it's basically the same thing but lolicon is in japanese?

>> No.9004463

If you like development then you aren't a true pedo. Turn in your card and cross you name off the sex offender list.

>> No.9004468

There really isn't a difference, although in my mind I like to think of lolicons as somewhat less interested in sex. Maybe they just like the company of little girls. Sex isn't what drives them although it's not out of the picture. What's wrong with that?

>> No.9004470

I like 3D girls between the ages of 5 and 11 and 2D girls of all ages

>> No.9004478

Lolicons do things like collect and wear school uniforms and panties and swimsuits and backpacks. I don't think pedophiles do all that. It seems like some kind of youth fetish. They'd be happy to fap to little girl's socks.

Would a pedophile be satisfied with a 25 year old that looked 11 but otherwise acted like a normal adult woman? Would roleplaying with school uniforms and cheerleader outfits and pigtails turn them on?

If that's not lolicon, then what is it for someone to be attracted to someone pretending to be young?

>> No.9004535

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children. You're not a true 2D-con if you think you aren't a pedophile. I don't have a "2D pictures of stockings" fetish, I have a stockings fetish. Fuck hypocrites who try to deny what they are. I'm a pedo and damn proud.

>> No.9004542


Yes. ロリコン is the colloquial Japanese term for paedophilia.
Pay no attention to nerds who claim lolicon is 2D only.

Fuck off, pedo nerds

>> No.9005519

Actually word lolicon translated into english means pedophile, check it out on google translate write pedophile in english translate to japanee and click voice icon

>> No.9005532

anime means cartoon. there's also no difference.

>> No.9005544

Cartoon means animation (the universal word)

Cartoon is an ugly word

>> No.9005549

It depends on the person, but generally lolicons are mentally-stunted manchildren who dream of relationships with pure and innocent little girls.

Pedophiles are just monsters. A pedophile doesn't care about the children he uses to gratify his sexual urges. Pedophiles never have, nor want, romantic relationships with children. Things like kissing are looked down upon amongst them because they're seen not as something as naturally feels good but an artificial construct, and a potential liability if the child decides to do it in public.

>> No.9005553

There are... better sources than google translate


Here pretty much says that Lolicon and Shotacon are pretty much synonims of pedofilies (apart from the sex restriction).

But yeah this is how it is in Japan. The english speaking community has a long history of using japanese borrowed terms with different meanings.

See for example "Yaoi".

>> No.9005555

How about you read Lolita, ignorant fuck.

>> No.9005562

We can argue over which definition to use, though. For example, we all use "anime" to mean Japanese cartoons because it's convenient, even though in Japan it refers to all cartoons. On the other hand, we bitch and whine whether NEET means "Not in Education, Employment and Training" (and only that), or whether it's a euphemism for lesser hikikomori.

>> No.9005567

you must be from the US or Canada

>> No.9005565

What the fuck does Lolita have to do with anything?

>> No.9005571

No, eastern Europe, why?

>> No.9005573

But the whole point was that Humbert Humbert was a nice fellow and you'd relate to him so it would BLOW YOUR MIND by making you question your views. Just like how Lolita was a slut and you wanted her to die. Seriously, fuck that whore with a rake.

>> No.9005581
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>> No.9005586

You seem to be thinking somewhere more along the lines of child abuse, which could include molestation, and not even close to pedophile.

>> No.9005582

Humbert wasn't really a typical pedophile. In the story he had no history of pedophilia and other than Lolita did not find other children attractive.

>> No.9005590

I'm not against applying different definition than from the source the words comes from. Just making a point to avoid useless discussions.

I believe "loli" has gained a different meaning from "lolita" in the english speaking world. And for the same reasons "lolicon" is rarely used as a synonim of pedophile. Whether it's "right" or not I don't really care. Just be aware that in japan it doesn't like in the rest in the world.

>> No.9005587


>> No.9005599

No, I'm going by a couple years reading anonymous accounts and interacting with actual pedophiles, mostly on frost over freenet.

If you seriously think pedophiles "love" children in any way whatsoever then you're just deluded.

>> No.9005607

>"lolicon" is rarely used as a synonim of pedophile.
As has been discussed though, if you are a lolicon, it follows that you are a pedophile. If you like white bread, you are a bread-liker.

Is there a name for this? Like "subonym" or something.

>> No.9005608

Pedophile literally means lover of children, I do believe. Of course I've also used this same argument on people who work around children, because they've got to like them to take the job right?

>> No.9005624

>If you seriously think pedophiles "love" children in any way whatsoever then you're just deluded.

Some do though. Keep in mind that some people love inanimate objects. Hell, people here love cartoon characters. And I don't doubt that they do. Children are even more real, so I don't see why not.

Though of course it's largely one-way, and such pedophiles are probably deluded themselves.

>> No.9005621

I knew there's a trend of romanticizing pedophilia present on 4chan for years, but I didn't know people where so deluded.

>> No.9005643

Lolicon is used to mean pedo all the time in those weird weeaboo cartoons that some of you watch. In fact I've been told that anime makes pedo jokes more and more these days for some unknown reason...

>> No.9005644

In what sense?

Nobody's romanticizing it. Most of us just accept that people have certain tastes and that's fine. I have hardcore, edgy fetishes nobody understands, so I certainly don't care if someone else gets their rocks off with pictures of 3D children. Good for you, have a biscuit.

>> No.9005651

>weeaboo cartoons

Thread is now about arguing about this.
Is this valid? Things can be described by their fanbase or people who like it (e.g. negrofolk who make wigger music).

>> No.9005672

Is it really so? Because I hear all the time that "loli" should only be applied to 2D for the same reason "anime" should only be applied to "japanese cartoons". And by consequence a lolicon is only interested on 2D loli not real ones.

Now I suppose you can say "that definition is wrong". Well yeah? And who decided that?

>> No.9005676

You're a pedo if you like 2D lolis.
Does this mean you're a child abuser? Of course not.

Anyone who thinks that drawings equate to child abuse has trouble discerning fiction from reality.

>> No.9005688

>Is it just that lolicon is 2d while pedo is for 3d?
Pretty much.

>> No.9005691

I'm agreeing, you silly. I mean it's narrower in scope, but you're still attracted to children. Just a specific type of them.

>> No.9005826

>Is there a name for this? Like "subonym" or something.
Hypernym. Subordinate words are hyponyms.

And no, it's a flawed argument. I may like white bread but absolutely detest rye bread. Am I a "bread-liker"?

>> No.9006012

Yes. Now you're a specific bread-liker, but still a bread-liker, because you like bread.

>> No.9006047

Sounds backwards to me. What if I hated all bread except one very specific type? Would it really still be reasonable to say that I like bread? Or if I liked only one band in the entire world, would anyone believe if I called myself a music lover?

>> No.9006310

Lolita complex (lolicon) is a fascination with young girls that doesn't have to be sexual, but sadly usually is. Pedophilia is a sexual obsession with young girls.

They can and quite often do overlap, but are not the same thing.


>> No.9006409

>Pedophilia is a sexual obsession with young kids.

fixed. it's not only about girls.

>> No.9007721


Except it's not sad. You are all just influenced by the pre-established standards of society.

>> No.9007735

They are the same don't trust the pedophiles that respond

one is a gateway to the other
both a sick
both will get you a van trip to jail
both encourage the worst scum on the planet
both take advantage of innocent children

>> No.9007750

>Humbert wasn't really a typical pedophile. In the story he had no history of pedophilia and other than Lolita did not find other children attractive.

What the fuck? That is not true at all.

Did you actually read lolita?

>> No.9007758

Not him, but I don't recall anything to the contrary.

Didn't his (of age) wife/girlfriend die or leave him?

I read the book when I was about 15, so I can barely remember it.

Something about a summer camp, maybe?

>> No.9007816

There was several chapters of Humbert obsessing over nymphets before he even met Lolita.

>> No.9009879

a pedo wants to fuck children
a lolicon typically is disgusted with the thought of a real world loli.

>> No.9009890

I will only accept this if 3d rape porn watchers also get jailed and all people who like dominating girls during sex

>> No.9009919

>a lolicon typically is disgusted with the thought of a real world loli.
That's nonsense. "Lolicon" does not mean attraction to 2D children.
It's simply the colloquial Japanese word for pedophile.

>> No.9009997

lolicon = lolita complex: a complex which holds similarities to the feelings the man have in the book "lolita".

Pedophile ~ Love for children: any kind of love towards children - usually meaning sexual attraction.

And we all know that the man in Lolita was a pedophile.

>> No.9010002

You're not in Japan. The Japanese definition is irrelevant.

>> No.9010008

Dont use words if you dont want to follow the meaning it means pedophile plain and simple.

>> No.9010011

Troll thread. Move along, people.

>> No.9010015

2D little girls and 3D little girls look completely different.

Have you ever seen a real child before? They look very ugly and they have that weird out of proportion appearance that midgets have.

>> No.9010021

1)That's completely subjective

2)Not all 2D and 3D kids look the same

3)What does this have to do with the topic?

>> No.9010032
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Hi, what's going on in here ?

>> No.9010049

I don't agree with it... must be troll!! xd

>> No.9010068
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>> No.9010073
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>> No.9010090
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You damned pedophiles.
